Harry Potter and the Way of Reason
Chapter 38 The Big Taboo [1]
The sun was shining brightly, the air was fresh, cheerful students and happy parents, and the pavement of platform 9.75 was spotless; it was 9:45 in the morning on January [-], [-], and the winter sun hung low in the sky.Some of the younger students wore hats and scarves, but most wore only robes; after all, they were wizards.
After leaving the platform entrance area, Harry took off his scarf and overcoat, opened a drawer in the suitcase, and put his winter clothes back.
For a while, he just stood, letting the cold January air sting his body, just to feel what it felt like.
Harry took out the wizard's robes and put them on.
Finally, Harry drew his wand; he couldn't help thinking of his parents who had just kissed goodbye, and the problems of the world he had left behind...
With a strange sense of guilt about what was bound to happen, Harry said, "It's warm as spring".
Warmth flowed through his body.
The Boy Who Lived is back.
Harry yawned and stretched, feeling just sleepy at the end of the holiday.He didn't want to read textbooks this morning, not even serious science fiction; he needed something completely trivial to occupy his attention...
Well, that's easy enough, if he'll spend four knuts.
Besides, if the Daily Prophet was rotten and the Quibbler was the only newspaper competing with it, there might be some real news in it that was blocked.
Harry walked back to the newsstand from last time, to see if The Quibbler could top the headlines he'd read last time.
The stall owner started to smile as Harry approached, then his expression changed suddenly when he saw the scar.
"Harry Potter?" The stall owner gasped.
"No, Mr. Dryan," said Harry, with a quick glance at the man's name tag, "just a good imitation—"
Then Harry saw the front page of The Quibbler, and his voice caught in his throat.
The drunken prophet reveals the secret:
The Dark Lord is coming back,
For a moment, Harry tried to control the expression on his face, then realized that not looking shocked was in a way giving away as well—
"Excuse me," said Harry.His voice sounded a little alarmed, and he didn't know if it would reveal too much, or it was a normal reaction without knowing it.He had been around Slytherin for so long that he had forgotten how to keep his secrets from ordinary people.Four copper nats were tapped on the counter. "Give me a copy of The Quibbler, please."
"Oh, don't bother, Mr. Potter!" The stall owner quickly shook his hand and said, "It's—no, it's just—"
A newspaper flew into the air and fell into Harry's hands, which he opened.
The drunken prophet reveals the secret:
The Dark Lord is coming back,
marry draco malfoy
"It's free," said the stall owner, "I mean, if it was you—"
"No," said Harry, "I would have bought it too."
The stallholder took the coins, and Harry read on.
"My God," said Harry after half a minute, "you pour a six-shot Scotch down a seer and she'll give away all kinds of secrets. I mean, who would have thought Sirius Black The same person as Peter Pettigrew?"
"I can't think of it." The stall owner said.
"They even posted a picture of the two standing next to each other so we can see who it is."
"Yeah," said the stall owner, "it's quite a fake, isn't it?"
"And I'm actually 65 years old."
"You don't look half that old," the stall owner kindly comforted.
"And I'm engaged to Hermione Granger, and I'm engaged to Bellatrix Black, and Luna Lovegood, oh yes, and Draco Mar blessing……"
"Weddings must be fun," said the stall owner.
Harry looked up from the newspaper and said in a cheerful voice, "You know, when I first heard that Luna Lovegood was crazy, I wondered if she was really crazy or if she was always on the sidelines." Making it up, giggling to myself. When I read the title of the second "quibbler," I thought she couldn't be crazy, I mean, it's not easy to make stuff like that, you can't be in Did it by accident. You know what I'm thinking now? I think she's crazy after all. Ordinary people can't make this up when they make it up. If anyone makes it up, it's this Fuck, your brain is absolutely abnormal!"
The stall owner glared at Harry.
"Honestly," said Harry, "who's going to read this?"
"You." The stall owner said.
Harry walked away to read his paper.
He wasn't sitting at the table he'd sat at when he'd met Draco when he'd first gotten ready to board the train.That seemed to be tempting history to repeat itself.
And not just because, according to The Quibbler, his first week at Hogwarts was 54 years long.It was because, in Harry's humble opinion, there was really no need for new complications in his life.
So Harry found a small iron chair elsewhere, away from the crowd and the occasional muffled popping sound of parents and children Apparating, and sat down to read The Quibbler, and look inside There is no blocked news.
Besides the obvious madness (God help them all if any of it is true), there was a lot of gossip that wasn't true; but none of it was news that would have mattered if it were true.
Harry was reading the Marriage Proposal from the Ministry of Magic, which banned all marriages, when—
"Harry Potter," said a silky voice, sending a rush of adrenaline rushing through Harry's blood.
Harry looked up.
"Lucius Malfoy," said Harry, tired in his voice.Next time he'd be smarter and wait on the Muggle platform at King's Cross until 10:55.
Lucius bowed his head politely, his long white hair fluttering over his shoulders as he moved.The man still carries the cane, with its black painted body and silver snake-headed handle; the way he holds it silently says 'it's a deadly weapon' rather than 'I'm weak and need to lean on it' .His face was expressionless.
Beside him stood two men, eyes constantly on the lookout, wands held low in their hands.The two acted like a four-armed and four-legged creature, old Crabbe and Goyle combined, and Harry thought he could guess who was who, but it didn't really matter.They were just appendages to Lucius, as if they were the two rightmost toes on his left foot.
"Sorry to bother you, Mr. Potter," said the silky smooth voice, "but you haven't responded to any of my owl mail; I think this may be my only chance of seeing you."
"I haven't received your email," Harry said calmly, "I guess Dumbledore intercepted it. But even if I did, I will not reply unless it is through Draco. For me, Contacting you directly without Draco's knowledge is trampling on our friendship."
Please go away, please go away...
Gray eyes stared intently at him. "So, is this your disguise..." Old Malfoy said, "Okay. I'll just play along with you for a while. It's out of the question for you to manipulate your good friend, my son, into an open alliance with that girl." For what purpose?"
"Oh," Harry said lightly, "that's obvious, isn't it? Putting Draco and Granger together will teach him that Muggle-borns are human too. Poof. Ha. Ha."
A faint smile flitted across Lucius' lips. "Yes, it does look a lot like one of Dumbledore's plans. But it's not."
"That's right," said Harry, "it was part of my game with Draco, not Dumbledore's, and that's all I can say."
"Let's not talk about games," Old Malfoy said, his gray eyes suddenly hardened. "If my guess is correct, you will never accept Dumbledore's command anyway, Mr. Potter."
A slight pause.
"So you know," said Harry coldly, "tell me. When exactly did you find out?"
"In reading your response to Professor Quirrell's little speech," said the white-haired man with a sneer, "I was surprised at first, because it did not seem to be in your own interest; Whose interests were being served, and then it finally became clear. It was also clear that you were weak in at least some respects."
"You're very clever," said Harry still coldly, "but you may have miscalculated my interests."
"Maybe so." There was steely hardness in the silky smooth voice, "in fact, that's what I'm worried about. You're playing strange games with my son, and I can't figure out what's going on." For what purpose. This is not a friendly gesture, and you cannot expect me not to be concerned!"
Lucius leaned on the cane with both hands, his knuckles turned white, and his bodyguards suddenly tensed up.
Something in Harry asserted that it was a terrible idea to show his fear, that Lucius must not be shown that he could be intimidated.Anyway, they were at a public train station—
"I find it interesting," said Harry, bringing steely hardness to his voice, "that you think I could benefit by hurting Draco. But it doesn't matter, Lucius. He's my friend, I will not betray my friends."
"What?" Lucius whispered, complete shock on his face.
"Someone's coming," said a footman, and judging by the sound of his voice, Harry took it to be old Mr. Crabbe.
Lucius stood up straight, turned around, and snorted displeasedly.
Neville was walking towards them, looking scared and determined, and with him was a tall woman who didn't look scared at all.
"Ms. Longbottom," Lucius said coldly.
"Mr. Malfoy," the woman's voice was equally cold, "are you annoying our Harry Potter?"
Lucius' laugh was oddly bitter. "Oh, I don't think so. You came to protect him, didn't you?" The white-haired head turned to Neville, "And this is Mr. Potter's loyal lieutenant, the last blood of the Longbottom family, the order of the Chaos Legion Neville alone. How strange the world has become. I sometimes think it must be crazy."
Harry didn't know what to say to that, and Neville looked confused and terrified.
"I'm afraid it's not the world that's gone mad," said Ms. Longbottom triumphantly. "You don't look in a good mood, Mr. Malfoy. Did dear Professor Quirrell's speech cost you some allies?"
"That's a clever insult to my abilities," Lucius said coldly, "but only against fools who believe I'm really a Death Eater."
"What?" Neville blurted out.
"I've been cast with the Imperius Curse, young man," said Lucius, sounding weary. "Without the support of the Malfoys, the Dark Lord would not have found support among the pure-bloods. I object." and he took control of me. His Death Eaters only found out about it after the fact, so I had a fake Dark Mark on me; but I didn't really give my consent, so it had no restraint on me. Some Eaters The Dead Apostles still believe that I am their leader, and for the sake of the peace of the country, I let them believe that so I can keep them in check. But I'm not that stupid to support that hapless opportunist of my own volition— —”
"Leave him alone," Madam Longbottom instructed both Harry and Neville, "he's going to have to lie like this all his life to avoid testifying under Veritaserum." There was malicious contentment in her voice.
Lucius turned his back on her, facing Harry again. "Can you make this shrew go away, Mr Potter?"
"I don't think so," said Harry dryly, "I'd rather deal with a member of the Malfoy family my age."
A long pause followed.Gray eyes studied him.
"Of course..." Lucius said slowly, "I do feel like I'm being silly right now. You've been pretending the whole time that you don't know what we're talking about."
Harry met his gaze, but said nothing.
Lucius raised his stick a few centimeters and paused on the ground.
The whole world disappeared into a faint mist, all voices were silent, and only Harry, Lucius Malfoy and his snake-headed cane were left in the universe.
"My son is my heart," said old Malfoy, "the last precious thing I have left in this world. I give you a word of friendship: if he is hurt, I will take revenge at all costs." .But as long as my son doesn't get hurt, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours. Because you asked nothing of me, and I won't ask you for more."
The thin mist cleared to reveal the outraged Lady Longbottom, who was trying to make her way, but was blocked by old Crabbe; her hand was already on her wand.
"How dare you!" she whispered angrily.
Lucius turned around, his black robe and white hair flying with his movements.He said to Old Goyle, "Let's go back to Malfoy Manor."
Three Apparating pops, and they were gone.
A silence followed.
"My God," said Miss Longbottom, "what was that all about?"
Harry shrugged helplessly.Then he looked at Neville.
Sweat stood on Neville's forehead.
"Thank you very much, Neville," said Harry. "I really appreciate your help, Neville. Now, Neville, I think you should sit down."
"Yes, General," Neville said, and instead of coming over to sit on the other chair next to Harry, he sank down on the ground in a semi-collapsed motion.
"You've changed my grandson a lot," Ms Longbottom said. "Some of it I admire, but there are others I don't agree with."
"Please give me a list and tell me which ones are which," said Harry, "and I'll figure it out."
Neville groaned, but said nothing.
Miss Longbottom laughed. "I will, young man, thank you." She lowered her voice. "Mr. Porter...Professor Quirrell's speech is what our country has needed for a long time. I can't speak highly of your comments."
"I'll take your opinion seriously," Harry said mildly.
"I would very much like you to think about it," said Lady Longbottom, turning to her grandson, "do I still need to—"
"You can go, Granny," said Neville, "I'll be fine this time alone."
"That's the part I appreciate," she said, before bursting like a soap bubble and disappearing.
The two boys sat in silence for a while.
Neville spoke first, tired in his voice. "You'll undo all the changes she appreciates, won't you?"
"Not all of it," Harry said innocently, "I just want to make sure I haven't screwed you over."
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Draco looked very anxious.His head kept turning, despite the fact that at Draco's insistence, they were talking in Harry's suitcase, and using a real silencing spell, not just a muffled barrier spell.
"What did you tell father?" Draco blurted out as soon as the silence spell took effect, and the sound of platform nine and three-quarters disappeared.
"I... Speaking of which, can you tell me what he said to you when he saw you off?" Harry asked.
"He said if you seemed to be threatening me, I would tell him right away," said Draco, "and if I did anything that might threaten you, tell him right away too! Father thinks you're dangerous , Harry, what you said to him today frightened him! It's not a good idea to scare father!"
oh damn...
"What did you say?" Draco asked.
Harry leaned back wearily in the small folding chair in the basement of his suitcase. "You know, Draco, just as the basic question of rationality is 'what do I think I know and how do I think I know', there is also a taboo, a way of thinking that is the exact opposite of it ...Like the ancient Greek philosophers. They had no idea what was going on, they just made up things like 'everything is water' or 'everything is fire'. They never asked themselves, 'Wait a minute, even if everything is really It's water, how could I possibly know that?' They don't ask themselves if they have evidence that would single out this possibility among all the other possibilities you can think of, where their hypothesis isn't true Evidence that would be hard to come across—”[2]
"Harry," Draco asked nervously, "what did you tell your father?"
"Actually, I don't know," said Harry, "so it's important that I don't make this up—"
Harry had never heard Draco utter such a piercing, horrifying scream.
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[1] Taboo: The original text is cardinalsin, which has multiple meanings, and is generally used to refer to the seven deadly sins in the Bible: zh.wikipedia/wiki/Seven deadly sins; in Catholic doctrine, these are considered major sins, because these Evil deeds lead to other crimes.This seems to be an extended meaning, which means that making up random words is the root of many mistakes and pseudoscience, and it is also a taboo in rational thinking methods.
[2] The theory of the origin of water/allisfire (alliswater/allisfire): The former was proposed by Thales, an ancient Greek philosopher. He believed that "all things are born of water, and all things return to water", and water is the origin of all things. For details, see baike.baidu /view/9514480.htm; the latter was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Heracles. He believed that the origin of all things is fire, and the universe is an eternal fire. For details, see baike.baidu/view/9517333.htm?fr= aladdin.In addition, there are four elements and so on.
After leaving the platform entrance area, Harry took off his scarf and overcoat, opened a drawer in the suitcase, and put his winter clothes back.
For a while, he just stood, letting the cold January air sting his body, just to feel what it felt like.
Harry took out the wizard's robes and put them on.
Finally, Harry drew his wand; he couldn't help thinking of his parents who had just kissed goodbye, and the problems of the world he had left behind...
With a strange sense of guilt about what was bound to happen, Harry said, "It's warm as spring".
Warmth flowed through his body.
The Boy Who Lived is back.
Harry yawned and stretched, feeling just sleepy at the end of the holiday.He didn't want to read textbooks this morning, not even serious science fiction; he needed something completely trivial to occupy his attention...
Well, that's easy enough, if he'll spend four knuts.
Besides, if the Daily Prophet was rotten and the Quibbler was the only newspaper competing with it, there might be some real news in it that was blocked.
Harry walked back to the newsstand from last time, to see if The Quibbler could top the headlines he'd read last time.
The stall owner started to smile as Harry approached, then his expression changed suddenly when he saw the scar.
"Harry Potter?" The stall owner gasped.
"No, Mr. Dryan," said Harry, with a quick glance at the man's name tag, "just a good imitation—"
Then Harry saw the front page of The Quibbler, and his voice caught in his throat.
The drunken prophet reveals the secret:
The Dark Lord is coming back,
For a moment, Harry tried to control the expression on his face, then realized that not looking shocked was in a way giving away as well—
"Excuse me," said Harry.His voice sounded a little alarmed, and he didn't know if it would reveal too much, or it was a normal reaction without knowing it.He had been around Slytherin for so long that he had forgotten how to keep his secrets from ordinary people.Four copper nats were tapped on the counter. "Give me a copy of The Quibbler, please."
"Oh, don't bother, Mr. Potter!" The stall owner quickly shook his hand and said, "It's—no, it's just—"
A newspaper flew into the air and fell into Harry's hands, which he opened.
The drunken prophet reveals the secret:
The Dark Lord is coming back,
marry draco malfoy
"It's free," said the stall owner, "I mean, if it was you—"
"No," said Harry, "I would have bought it too."
The stallholder took the coins, and Harry read on.
"My God," said Harry after half a minute, "you pour a six-shot Scotch down a seer and she'll give away all kinds of secrets. I mean, who would have thought Sirius Black The same person as Peter Pettigrew?"
"I can't think of it." The stall owner said.
"They even posted a picture of the two standing next to each other so we can see who it is."
"Yeah," said the stall owner, "it's quite a fake, isn't it?"
"And I'm actually 65 years old."
"You don't look half that old," the stall owner kindly comforted.
"And I'm engaged to Hermione Granger, and I'm engaged to Bellatrix Black, and Luna Lovegood, oh yes, and Draco Mar blessing……"
"Weddings must be fun," said the stall owner.
Harry looked up from the newspaper and said in a cheerful voice, "You know, when I first heard that Luna Lovegood was crazy, I wondered if she was really crazy or if she was always on the sidelines." Making it up, giggling to myself. When I read the title of the second "quibbler," I thought she couldn't be crazy, I mean, it's not easy to make stuff like that, you can't be in Did it by accident. You know what I'm thinking now? I think she's crazy after all. Ordinary people can't make this up when they make it up. If anyone makes it up, it's this Fuck, your brain is absolutely abnormal!"
The stall owner glared at Harry.
"Honestly," said Harry, "who's going to read this?"
"You." The stall owner said.
Harry walked away to read his paper.
He wasn't sitting at the table he'd sat at when he'd met Draco when he'd first gotten ready to board the train.That seemed to be tempting history to repeat itself.
And not just because, according to The Quibbler, his first week at Hogwarts was 54 years long.It was because, in Harry's humble opinion, there was really no need for new complications in his life.
So Harry found a small iron chair elsewhere, away from the crowd and the occasional muffled popping sound of parents and children Apparating, and sat down to read The Quibbler, and look inside There is no blocked news.
Besides the obvious madness (God help them all if any of it is true), there was a lot of gossip that wasn't true; but none of it was news that would have mattered if it were true.
Harry was reading the Marriage Proposal from the Ministry of Magic, which banned all marriages, when—
"Harry Potter," said a silky voice, sending a rush of adrenaline rushing through Harry's blood.
Harry looked up.
"Lucius Malfoy," said Harry, tired in his voice.Next time he'd be smarter and wait on the Muggle platform at King's Cross until 10:55.
Lucius bowed his head politely, his long white hair fluttering over his shoulders as he moved.The man still carries the cane, with its black painted body and silver snake-headed handle; the way he holds it silently says 'it's a deadly weapon' rather than 'I'm weak and need to lean on it' .His face was expressionless.
Beside him stood two men, eyes constantly on the lookout, wands held low in their hands.The two acted like a four-armed and four-legged creature, old Crabbe and Goyle combined, and Harry thought he could guess who was who, but it didn't really matter.They were just appendages to Lucius, as if they were the two rightmost toes on his left foot.
"Sorry to bother you, Mr. Potter," said the silky smooth voice, "but you haven't responded to any of my owl mail; I think this may be my only chance of seeing you."
"I haven't received your email," Harry said calmly, "I guess Dumbledore intercepted it. But even if I did, I will not reply unless it is through Draco. For me, Contacting you directly without Draco's knowledge is trampling on our friendship."
Please go away, please go away...
Gray eyes stared intently at him. "So, is this your disguise..." Old Malfoy said, "Okay. I'll just play along with you for a while. It's out of the question for you to manipulate your good friend, my son, into an open alliance with that girl." For what purpose?"
"Oh," Harry said lightly, "that's obvious, isn't it? Putting Draco and Granger together will teach him that Muggle-borns are human too. Poof. Ha. Ha."
A faint smile flitted across Lucius' lips. "Yes, it does look a lot like one of Dumbledore's plans. But it's not."
"That's right," said Harry, "it was part of my game with Draco, not Dumbledore's, and that's all I can say."
"Let's not talk about games," Old Malfoy said, his gray eyes suddenly hardened. "If my guess is correct, you will never accept Dumbledore's command anyway, Mr. Potter."
A slight pause.
"So you know," said Harry coldly, "tell me. When exactly did you find out?"
"In reading your response to Professor Quirrell's little speech," said the white-haired man with a sneer, "I was surprised at first, because it did not seem to be in your own interest; Whose interests were being served, and then it finally became clear. It was also clear that you were weak in at least some respects."
"You're very clever," said Harry still coldly, "but you may have miscalculated my interests."
"Maybe so." There was steely hardness in the silky smooth voice, "in fact, that's what I'm worried about. You're playing strange games with my son, and I can't figure out what's going on." For what purpose. This is not a friendly gesture, and you cannot expect me not to be concerned!"
Lucius leaned on the cane with both hands, his knuckles turned white, and his bodyguards suddenly tensed up.
Something in Harry asserted that it was a terrible idea to show his fear, that Lucius must not be shown that he could be intimidated.Anyway, they were at a public train station—
"I find it interesting," said Harry, bringing steely hardness to his voice, "that you think I could benefit by hurting Draco. But it doesn't matter, Lucius. He's my friend, I will not betray my friends."
"What?" Lucius whispered, complete shock on his face.
"Someone's coming," said a footman, and judging by the sound of his voice, Harry took it to be old Mr. Crabbe.
Lucius stood up straight, turned around, and snorted displeasedly.
Neville was walking towards them, looking scared and determined, and with him was a tall woman who didn't look scared at all.
"Ms. Longbottom," Lucius said coldly.
"Mr. Malfoy," the woman's voice was equally cold, "are you annoying our Harry Potter?"
Lucius' laugh was oddly bitter. "Oh, I don't think so. You came to protect him, didn't you?" The white-haired head turned to Neville, "And this is Mr. Potter's loyal lieutenant, the last blood of the Longbottom family, the order of the Chaos Legion Neville alone. How strange the world has become. I sometimes think it must be crazy."
Harry didn't know what to say to that, and Neville looked confused and terrified.
"I'm afraid it's not the world that's gone mad," said Ms. Longbottom triumphantly. "You don't look in a good mood, Mr. Malfoy. Did dear Professor Quirrell's speech cost you some allies?"
"That's a clever insult to my abilities," Lucius said coldly, "but only against fools who believe I'm really a Death Eater."
"What?" Neville blurted out.
"I've been cast with the Imperius Curse, young man," said Lucius, sounding weary. "Without the support of the Malfoys, the Dark Lord would not have found support among the pure-bloods. I object." and he took control of me. His Death Eaters only found out about it after the fact, so I had a fake Dark Mark on me; but I didn't really give my consent, so it had no restraint on me. Some Eaters The Dead Apostles still believe that I am their leader, and for the sake of the peace of the country, I let them believe that so I can keep them in check. But I'm not that stupid to support that hapless opportunist of my own volition— —”
"Leave him alone," Madam Longbottom instructed both Harry and Neville, "he's going to have to lie like this all his life to avoid testifying under Veritaserum." There was malicious contentment in her voice.
Lucius turned his back on her, facing Harry again. "Can you make this shrew go away, Mr Potter?"
"I don't think so," said Harry dryly, "I'd rather deal with a member of the Malfoy family my age."
A long pause followed.Gray eyes studied him.
"Of course..." Lucius said slowly, "I do feel like I'm being silly right now. You've been pretending the whole time that you don't know what we're talking about."
Harry met his gaze, but said nothing.
Lucius raised his stick a few centimeters and paused on the ground.
The whole world disappeared into a faint mist, all voices were silent, and only Harry, Lucius Malfoy and his snake-headed cane were left in the universe.
"My son is my heart," said old Malfoy, "the last precious thing I have left in this world. I give you a word of friendship: if he is hurt, I will take revenge at all costs." .But as long as my son doesn't get hurt, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours. Because you asked nothing of me, and I won't ask you for more."
The thin mist cleared to reveal the outraged Lady Longbottom, who was trying to make her way, but was blocked by old Crabbe; her hand was already on her wand.
"How dare you!" she whispered angrily.
Lucius turned around, his black robe and white hair flying with his movements.He said to Old Goyle, "Let's go back to Malfoy Manor."
Three Apparating pops, and they were gone.
A silence followed.
"My God," said Miss Longbottom, "what was that all about?"
Harry shrugged helplessly.Then he looked at Neville.
Sweat stood on Neville's forehead.
"Thank you very much, Neville," said Harry. "I really appreciate your help, Neville. Now, Neville, I think you should sit down."
"Yes, General," Neville said, and instead of coming over to sit on the other chair next to Harry, he sank down on the ground in a semi-collapsed motion.
"You've changed my grandson a lot," Ms Longbottom said. "Some of it I admire, but there are others I don't agree with."
"Please give me a list and tell me which ones are which," said Harry, "and I'll figure it out."
Neville groaned, but said nothing.
Miss Longbottom laughed. "I will, young man, thank you." She lowered her voice. "Mr. Porter...Professor Quirrell's speech is what our country has needed for a long time. I can't speak highly of your comments."
"I'll take your opinion seriously," Harry said mildly.
"I would very much like you to think about it," said Lady Longbottom, turning to her grandson, "do I still need to—"
"You can go, Granny," said Neville, "I'll be fine this time alone."
"That's the part I appreciate," she said, before bursting like a soap bubble and disappearing.
The two boys sat in silence for a while.
Neville spoke first, tired in his voice. "You'll undo all the changes she appreciates, won't you?"
"Not all of it," Harry said innocently, "I just want to make sure I haven't screwed you over."
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Draco looked very anxious.His head kept turning, despite the fact that at Draco's insistence, they were talking in Harry's suitcase, and using a real silencing spell, not just a muffled barrier spell.
"What did you tell father?" Draco blurted out as soon as the silence spell took effect, and the sound of platform nine and three-quarters disappeared.
"I... Speaking of which, can you tell me what he said to you when he saw you off?" Harry asked.
"He said if you seemed to be threatening me, I would tell him right away," said Draco, "and if I did anything that might threaten you, tell him right away too! Father thinks you're dangerous , Harry, what you said to him today frightened him! It's not a good idea to scare father!"
oh damn...
"What did you say?" Draco asked.
Harry leaned back wearily in the small folding chair in the basement of his suitcase. "You know, Draco, just as the basic question of rationality is 'what do I think I know and how do I think I know', there is also a taboo, a way of thinking that is the exact opposite of it ...Like the ancient Greek philosophers. They had no idea what was going on, they just made up things like 'everything is water' or 'everything is fire'. They never asked themselves, 'Wait a minute, even if everything is really It's water, how could I possibly know that?' They don't ask themselves if they have evidence that would single out this possibility among all the other possibilities you can think of, where their hypothesis isn't true Evidence that would be hard to come across—”[2]
"Harry," Draco asked nervously, "what did you tell your father?"
"Actually, I don't know," said Harry, "so it's important that I don't make this up—"
Harry had never heard Draco utter such a piercing, horrifying scream.
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[1] Taboo: The original text is cardinalsin, which has multiple meanings, and is generally used to refer to the seven deadly sins in the Bible: zh.wikipedia/wiki/Seven deadly sins; in Catholic doctrine, these are considered major sins, because these Evil deeds lead to other crimes.This seems to be an extended meaning, which means that making up random words is the root of many mistakes and pseudoscience, and it is also a taboo in rational thinking methods.
[2] The theory of the origin of water/allisfire (alliswater/allisfire): The former was proposed by Thales, an ancient Greek philosopher. He believed that "all things are born of water, and all things return to water", and water is the origin of all things. For details, see baike.baidu /view/9514480.htm; the latter was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Heracles. He believed that the origin of all things is fire, and the universe is an eternal fire. For details, see baike.baidu/view/9517333.htm?fr= aladdin.In addition, there are four elements and so on.
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