Manual activity manual

Chapter 58 Understanding

"Yokozaki Yukiya." The Fire Dragon who was being carried by him suddenly uttered words, the distant and near ethereal voices were like the aggregation of multiple human voices, which made people feel horrified involuntarily.

Yukiya Yokosaki lowered his head to look at it: "You are a port city, with a bit of contract spirit."

"It's because your progress is too slow." It said indifferently.

"I know I know, Fyodor, within ten days you will help you blow up all his strongholds." Yokosaki Yukiya said perfunctorily, "Trust me, I admire him and I want to beat him up There is no conflict at all when he is sent to the prison, although the prison should not be able to lock him up, but he can be allowed to write a book in the prison, I have already thought of the name and it will be called "The Mouse Brothers of the Dead House"..." Yokosaki Yukiya thought Nagging, "I want to get the 'book' by destroying Yokohama, heh, today the book will teach him how to behave, and let him know that we are not easy to mess with! Tomorrow, we will go to instigate Sigma!"

Yokohama: "There is no Sigma in your world, right? How do you know you can instigate him?"

"He is a creature of the 'book', so he should be my younger brother in another world," Yokozaki Yukiya retorted, "Brother or something, just hit him until he is obedient."

The little charmander in Yokohama yawned and spewed out a spark: "That's right, it makes sense. Tomorrow he will pass by Tokyo, and Tokyo can give you support. Speaking of which, has Koguri Kotaro from your world joined the Mouse of the Dead House? "

Yukiya Yokosaki: "Ah? Isn't that the person who is hiding in the seventh agency?"

"It seems that he didn't join. Indeed, if he changes his mind, he won't be able to use the opponent's ability."

"...Please wait a moment," Ango Sakaguchi couldn't help interjecting, "The 'seventh mechanism' you two talked about..."

Yukiya Yokosaki: "That's not important, you have as many messy organizations as there are stars in the sky. What's important is the ability of Koguri Kotaro, 'Perfect Crime' is a reality-like ability that can erase all clues of existence. Well, I can understand why he joined the Rat of the House of Death, whoever locked him up treated him badly?"

"What human beings are best at is persecuting the same kind, or persecuting each other after turning them into the same kind." Yokohama said sarcastically.

"Hey, can you give up persuading me?" He shook the little dragon in his hand.

"Why should I give up?" Yokohama sneered, "Saving human beings and other false ideas is up to you, but what about that guy? Didn't you break someone's disqualification in the world and know most of the things?"

"I still remember," the carried dragon showed an evil smile, "the scene when that person's blood mixed with that person's tears fell on me."

"The more you want to get it, the sooner you lose it. That guy Tsugaru once wanted to keep him in his footsteps, but unfortunately his ability is the biggest curse in itself."

Yukiya Yokosaki stretched out his hand calmly, and pinched the dragon's mouth: "If you do this again, I won't tell them about cleaning the sewer for you."

Mori Ogai, who was sweating silently, suddenly felt a little warmth.

The Central Plains cadres suddenly felt a chill behind them.

"If it wasn't for the singularity caused by the disqualification in the world and my contact, I might not be able to appear," Yokozaki Yukiya said quietly, "I have said that everyone is a good boy. What I want is just a person who can Greet the world of laughter and tears from the heart."

"Our world should not be overwhelmed by the Outer Gods. One day I will give Nyarlathotep a punch, that's all."

Yokohama fell silent suddenly.

Yukiya Yokosaki, who had firmed up his mind, felt relaxed at first, but suddenly felt the breath leaking out of it, but his hands couldn't help trembling.

"... Yoko... Hama?"

Yokozaki Yukiya's strangeness attracted everyone's attention, and Akutagawa Ryunosuke was the one who reacted the fastest. Rashomon shot quickly, trying to keep him and Yokohama away.

But what he held was nothing but an illusion fabricated by Yokohama.

"I was discovered by you." Yokohama seemed to sigh, but also seemed to be emotional.

The fire dragon who had broken free from his palm at some point said softly: "That's right, that lord has come to this plane before."

"We are what He created, new life on this planet."

A city with will seems to be an existence that is opposed to human beings naturally.

"...I should have thought of it..." He murmured, "I thought you should be... a collection of wills..."

But no.They are cities of thought, in which men are but worms to walk and bore.Eliminating humans will not have the slightest impact on them, but the external form will not change very much, and new life will always grow in it.

"We all want to kill most of the humans," it smiled, "only a few people have always been favored by us. But some cities don't agree, they like to take care of their patrons more carefully. It's like , if I kill Fukuzawa Yukichi... Ranpo will be sad."

"I saw it in your memory. His heartbroken appearance is really unbearable," Yokohama said slowly, "Even I want to change my mind a little bit."

"As expected of Mr. Ranpo-senpai." The two Atsushi Nakajima couldn't help but say.

"Hey, why do you call him senior?" The little tiger couldn't hide his surprise.

"Because senior Zhongyuan and I are planning to abandon XX to join the detective agency?"

Mori Ogai: "..."

I have lemons.

Tan Tian Shantouhuo: "..."

I want to retire.

Fukuzawa Yukichi: "..."

Thank you, I don't really want this kind of favor.

Yokosaki Yukiya sighed: "After all, it's Ranpo-san... Do you really want to kill humans that much?"

"I don't think so," Yokohama said indifferently. "It's just some small bugs. Even if you try to get rid of them, they will always appear again. If they didn't want to drop the white whale on me that day, I wouldn't bother them to do it." What."

For beings like them, human beings are simply too small, short, and insignificant.

Only Yukiya Yokozaki is an outlier.

Aliens raised by humans.

"It's like a child growing up in a pack of wolves," it commented.

Yukiya Yokosaki: "..."

He said coldly: "Next, you will meet your own death, social."

His tone was so vivid, not to mention that Ayatsuji pedestrian on the other end of the earphone almost dropped his pen, and even Ango Sakaguchi, who had only been in contact with the murder detective for a short time, showed a very subtle expression.

"Huh? The tone is loud," Yokohama said with a bit of disdain, "Apart from threatening me with those little devils next to you, how else would you kill me?"

"Why don't you start with a certain city who liked a certain gentleman at the beginning, but was cheated miserably?"

Yokohama: "..."

"I know my teacher very well...probably," Yokosaki Yukiya said pitifully, "Fyodor has been favored by you from the very beginning. In the end, he...can't say he lied to you, after all" ’ It was indeed the best choice to realize his ideal.”

Yokohama obviously fell into a state of incompetence and rage, and his body swelled indescribably. Yukina Yokozaki clasped his hands quickly, using illusion to hide its indescribable real body, leaving only Charmander.

"Okay, in order to vent your anger on Yokohama, let's discuss how to catch mice together!" Yokozaki Yukiya pretended nothing happened. "I didn't expect to be able to fulfill my dream here ahead of schedule. I'm really looking forward to it."

"...So you really plan to bring that guy to the new world, you know he won't give up uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu , a huge gap in consciousness between us. Now, you can suppress me with the power of the 'book', and when the pages of the book are returned, how can you prevent me from keeping you?"

"I don't even need to do anything," it said coldly, "I just need to destroy your supernatural power."

"Let the tens of billions of resentful souls in the whole world be liberated with you, what's wrong with it?"

"Looking down on the world from the sky is what you should do!"

Even though he was still a child, Yokozaki Yukiya couldn't help but swear: "Why the hell do you care about this?! You have so many of the same kind in this world, and every city is yours..."

"Do you think that such a superficial and human reason for seeking a sense of identity exists in us?" Yokohama sneered again and again, "You should know the habits of Master Naia. Walking in the world, enlightening new knowledge, encouraging human society to regenerate, Let them be destroyed when they are extremely bright—"

"He just wants to see what step you can make bigger, so he gave you the life at this time. Don't you know this?"

"If you really follow the contract, what awaits you is still destruction."

Atsushi Nakajima felt his mind was buzzing with too much information.But he, who seems to be related to the book, couldn't help looking at Yokozaki Yukiya, but found that his face was unexpectedly calm, as if...

"I knew it a long time ago," Yokosaki Yukiya said lightly, "I have read all the books related to them, and of course I know what kind of guy Nyarlathotep is."

"I made an agreement with such a god, how could I not hold back."

"I have my own way to avoid destruction, so you don't have to worry about it."

Yokohama was silent for a moment: "We don't believe it."

Yukiya Yokosaki became a little irritable again: "In the final analysis, this is my own business, and you don't need to intervene."

"Hasn't your life been manipulated and meddled by others?"


When Yokozaki Yukiya lowered his face, others would suddenly realize that it was not an ignorant child holding a jeweled marble, but an overview of supernatural powers and the incarnation of a god who had experienced many things and made many things.

"I thought we had reached an agreement for the time being, Yokohama," he said with heavy eyes, turning to avoid the worried gazes of others, "I'm just a passer-by in this world—"

We agreed to work together to scare human beings and let them treat the city well and then complete the deal, why did you suddenly change your mind?

"No, you're not," although Yokohama's voice came from the void, but Yukiya Yokozaki heard something different from it, "Master Naia branded you, you are naturally One of us."

"...You are not Yokohama," Yokozaki Yukiya's eyes were sharp, and his hands directly tore apart the illusion of the fire dragon, "Who are you? Why did you invade Yokohama's territory?"

"How can this kind of thing be called an invasion?" Another voice with a leisurely and ancient flavor rang out crisply, "I am just disciplining my disobedient disciples on behalf of Tokyo. I want to protect human beings, and I have privately communicated with you." You contact..."

Yukiya Yokosaki: "..."

Yokozaki Yukiya closed her eyes: "Kyoto?"

"You're such a smart kid," Kyoto laughed, "No wonder, everyone likes you."

"You don't look like you like me at all," Yukiya Yokozaki slowly lowered his hand, stopping Chuya Nakahara who wanted to get closer, "You have misunderstood me, I am not the same as you."

"You were created by Naia and are his dependents. And I just made a deal with him, and I have nothing to do with it other than that."

"It was the will of other gods that created me, and what awakened me was the singularity caused by the supernatural power."

"I'm not the same as you."

The person standing in the center of the living room clearly has a child's body, but his cobalt blue eyes are indifferent and clear.

He is no longer confused about his past and future.

"...Did you know," Kyoto said softly, "Yokohama's ability is 'manifestation'."

"And my ability is 'bonding'."

Yokozaki Yukiya seemed a little puzzled by its sudden change of subject, but in the next second——

It suddenly saw the colorful self wrapped in countless silk threads.



The author has something to say:

In this chapter, there are spoilers for "The City" next door, ahem.

After all, at that time, I really thought that I would not fill in this hole, so I simply used the useless case...

The city design I made draws more from Transformers, that is, the city itself in Transformers is a super-big Cybertronian, and it is also a kind of life; Naia awakens these brand-new lives, just waiting for them and humans Hit the ring and see who will win.

The purpose of helping Yokozaki Yukiya is actually to fight against his old enemy, which is very unpretentious.At the same time, he is also very curious about which step Yukina can achieve, whether it will be blackened halfway or something (thinking about it, I am looking forward to it (no

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