To tell the truth, when Li Jun moved back to 503, the buddies in the same dormitory warmly welcomed him, but at the same time he was very depressed.Because this brother named Li Xuan seems to be more serious and rigid than before, it is not an exaggeration not to dare to approach within ten meters.

The elite is amazing, what is the matter with the commanding tone of asking for my number.Speaking of us two old men, what do you want our number for?

The above is Su Jiaming's inner roar.He entered his mobile phone number tremblingly, a little afraid to look up at the tall man in front of him who seemed out of place with the university campus.

Really, I'm only a junior, why don't I be so stupid.

Li Jun probably felt the "murderous aura" released by his brother invisibly, so he called his brother over politely, and went to help him clean the closet.

Su Jiaming relaxed all over immediately, staring at Li Xuan solemnly putting his brother's clothes and tidying up the bookcase.It's a pity that Xindao Elite Brother didn't step into the showbiz. When facing Xiaojun, his transformation from icy face paralyzed to gentle like water completely defeated any well-known actor with a professional background in China.

Yin Yu is probably the calmest person in the dormitory.From beginning to end, he sat at his desk and watched the thick computer programming intently.Brother Jing turned around and greeted him before leaving, and Yin Yu smiled back.

Su Jiaming was dumbfounded.Three steps turned into one step and he jumped over, knocking him on the head unceremoniously, "I'm so stupid, Yin Yu, you boy, when did you establish such a deep revolutionary friendship with Brother Xiaojun. If the goddesses of T Knowing that his two male gods have been bent by you, maybe they will chop you into pieces and throw them away! Corpse! Wild! Wild!"

"Don't worry," Yin Yu adjusted his glasses calmly, turned his head, and replied slowly, "Even without me, they are already bent."

What? !Su Jiaming seemed to have discovered some new land, his eyes were as big as walnuts, " mean Xiaojun's brother?! Hey, are you kidding, he just dumped that department flower... oh--"

Su Jiaming's nose was accidentally punched by Yin Yu, and when he looked back, Li Jun had already come out of the bathroom, looking at the two of them curiously.

After a while, I took another towel and walked into the bathroom. After a while, there was the sound of running water inside.

Su Jiaming, who has never died of gossip, posted it again, holding up his mobile phone and asking anxiously: "Then why does he want my number?"

Yin Yu choked for a moment, does this kid have some kind of paranoia?

He closed the book, pushed Su Jiaming away, and said slowly, "Being passionate is also a disease, and it can be cured."

Yin Yu regretted accidentally exposing the sexuality of the two brothers.But now that the words have been spoken, if he explains it, it will become darker and darker.Furthermore, no normal person would think of the two brothers.

He touched his nose, secretly thinking that he should be careful when speaking in the future.


Li Jun didn't expect his brother to let him live in school, so he was relieved to let him do his own thing.Due to the abundance of time, he copied many courses from the business school. Of course, most of them were business administration, which he was cramming at the beginning, but slowly he found that he was not that interested in this major.What's more, every class is followed by a chattering Qin Zhou.

In the beginning, in order to express his apology, Li Jun greeted Qin Zhou very dearly.After all, he still remembered that this person was beaten twice for himself.

Who knew that this would turn out to be a wrong start, because Qin Zhou is the kind of person who can't get rid of him like a stalker.You want to apologize, right? Then show your sincerity.Alright, Qin Zhou said with a shy face, "Then you can treat me to dinner, little Junjun."

Li Jun casually agreed, and from then on, he lived a hard life where he would run ahead and Qin Zhou would definitely be chasing behind.

It's not that Yin Yu is always by his side, not to mention that his elder brother doesn't come to school on weekdays.

Li Jun wanted to cry but had no tears, "Qin Zhou, why am I interested in you, I will die if I don't cling."

Qin Zhou looked heartbroken, "Don't say that, Junjun. You clearly know that I can't eat or sleep without you. Although I didn't die, it was worse than death."

What else can Li Jun do, he can't compare to him in thick skin, he can't compare to him in scheming, and the most important thing is that he doesn't need to be strong.Fortunately, Li Jun soon discovered a new world, which brought new light to his school career.

After secretly seeing Yin Yu break a password once and sneak into the internal website of a well-known trademark.Li Jun suddenly felt that a door opened in his brain.The feeling was that after living for so long, he discovered that there was a door hidden in the back garden where he had lived for more than ten years, just like Alice in Wonderland, through which door he could enter another world Go on an adventure.

To be honest, Yin Yu has had a terrible headache recently.Because Li Jun is always hanging around him like a fart-no, strictly speaking, there are two.Because there will always be a monstrous Qin Zhou behind Mr. Li.While flattering Li Jun, she repeatedly warned him with fierce eyes.

"Xiao Jun, you are mistaken. I am not a 'hacking' technology at all. I will not do those illegal and criminal things." Yin Yu patiently explained to Li Jun for the [-]st time, and sighed again The child's brain circuit has undergone a qualitative change after the winter vacation.

"But it's very interesting, I want to learn." Li Jun followed him relentlessly, staring at Yin Yu expectantly with his bright black eyes.

"But I don't know how, so I can't do anything." Yin Yu quickly walked through the corridor, feeling that the whole afternoon's plan must be in vain again.

Li Jun followed behind him like a happy puppy, without slowing down.

He leaned close to Yin Yu's ear and whispered, "Yin Yu, I have discovered your secret. You teach me, I promise not to tell anyone."

Qin Zhou in the back has already pricked up his ears, with a look of scratching his heart.

At the same time, Yin Yu also saw that there were crowds of nymphomaniacs in twos and threes around to watch - thanks to the evildoer and the little guy behind him.

He sighed helplessly, and said in a low voice: "Go back to the dormitory and I'll tell you. Also, quickly get rid of the dead peacock behind you, I feel like vomiting when I see him now."

After speaking, he quickly walked towards the library.

Qin Zhou stuck to him with a puzzled face, a little surprised, "Aren't you going after him?"

Li Jun was rejoicing that he had taken a milestone step on the road to becoming a hacker, and he felt less annoying when he heard Qin Zhou's voice.He bent his eyes and explained with a smile, "Yin Yu promised me."

Really, Qin Zhou was too late to be happy.I heard Li Jun puffing up his cheeks as if he was talking to himself, "But he told me to get rid of you quickly—" Qin Zhou's face contorted, how dare this kid encourage Xiao Junjun to get rid of me? !

Li Jun looked at Qin Zhou sympathetically again, "And he said he felt sick when he saw you..."

I'm stupid!Qin Zhou was furious.

Nausea, nausea, nausea...

These two words circulated endlessly in his mind.

Having grown up so big, no one has ever been dissatisfied with his aspect.A four-eyed rooster, doesn't he just know how to program a few things?

Seeing Qin Zhou's furious expression, Li Jun wiped his face embarrassingly, wondering if he would cause Yin Yu any trouble.

Just as he was thinking of saying something to save him, he saw Qin Zhou take out his phone impatiently, stunned for a moment when he saw the screen, and put it next to his ear, "Hello....Yeah...Yeah...Okay...Okay. It just so happens that I have something to look for you too... um."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Zhou hugged Li Jun and kissed him, his complexion seemed to improve, "Little Junjun, I will come to see you tomorrow. Think about me."

After speaking, he ran away in a hurry, not forgetting to wink at the beauties on the road while running.It caused the little girls to scream frequently along the way.

Li Jun took a deep breath, and finally sent this great god away in his heart.

The original plan was to sit silently and wait for Yin Yu's return, and then Li Jun could explore the new world with ease.

But I didn't expect to wait for Yin Yu to come, but to wait for my brother's call.

It's still Friday, what's going on.

"Brother... what's wrong?"

"Baby, come down quickly, I'm downstairs in your dormitory."

Li Xuan poked his head out of the window, and sure enough, the familiar big Benz was parked downstairs. Li Xuan was wearing a dark gray suit and wearing sunglasses.

Uh, brother is not too high-profile.

This is a dormitory for boys, there are no beauties stopping by for you.

Also, do you want to choose this kind of meal?

No, no, these are not important.He came down and firmly said no to his brother.You must unswervingly implement your own principles and cannot succumb to the power of this man.

"Brother, I'm going to--" I have something to do tonight.

It's a pity that before the remaining two words were spoken, Li Xuan had already pushed him towards the co-pilot, fastened his seat belt, and said mysteriously, "Brother will take you to our company's dance".

With a "snap", the car door was closed, Li Xuan walked around and quickly sat down, then stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly and slowly turned out of the iron gate.

Li Jun was a little taken aback, his great career as a hacker.

"Brother, it's Friday, and I'm not going to any proms. I'm underage."

The last sentence was more lethal, but Li Xuan thought for a while and reminded him, "Yes, you can't drink."

That's not the point, the point is that I don't want to go.

Li Jun can already imagine that the scene must be a competition for splendor, a hundred flowers blooming, all types of female animals waiting for the opportunity, ready to catch a wealthy son-in-law at the ball.

He doesn't seem to be bothered by the hormones emanating from female animals, and he doesn't seem to have the right clothing either.

Keke, missed the point again.He squeezed out a cute smile, "Brother, look, you haven't reached the school gate yet. Just let me down here. I have an appointment with Yin Yu at night,... to discuss homework."

"Oh? When did you mess with other men again?" Li Xuan's tone suddenly rose.

Li Xuan's neck shrank suddenly, and he didn't dare to speak loudly, "Today is Friday..."

It's Black Friday.

"I know, so my brother didn't take you home and arrange your weekend life by the way." Li Xuan replied as a matter of course.

But now is my time.Brother you liar!

Li Xuan seemed to be able to read minds, and continued to fool around without changing his expression, "Strictly speaking, you belong to my brother on Friday night. Because you belong to me tomorrow and the next two days, I can't waste time on the pick-up bus. "

Li Jun pointed fingers silently, so is it really a man to sacrifice my time?

While Li Jun was struggling, the car had already arrived at the New World Department Store in the city center. Li Xuan took Li Jun to pick out a decent dark gray suit.Li Jun found out tragically that he seemed to be wearing the same style as his elder brother, and it seemed that the two of them walked together too much.

But he quickly put this behind him, because he found that he was actually very handsome in the mirror, right?

I thought that only a tall brother like my brother could support a square suit, but I didn't expect that Bai Zhanji would also have the opportunity to make his mark.

Haha——Li Jun immediately got carried away with pride, and without any shyness, he pushed his nose and face at Li Xuan who was on the phone, "Brother, am I handsome? Pretty handsome? How handsome?"

The expression of the salesperson next to him who kept a decent smile suddenly became a little stiff, but Li Xuan covered the microphone of the mobile phone, straightened his tie with his other hand, and raised the corners of his lips, "The baby is very handsome." Squeeze his face, "You deserve to be the beauty that my brother likes."

Li Jun's eyes were bent into crescent moons, and he couldn't help turning around in front of the mirror. Even his brother forgot to refute when he called him a baby outside again.

"Baby, don't talk to strangers at the dance later, obediently look for something to eat, brother will come back to find you soon."

As soon as he walked into the brightly lit hall, Li Jun was blinded by the well-dressed woman in front of him.Fortunately, my brother arranged a suit for him in advance, otherwise he would be so embarrassed standing among the gentlemen and ladies in formal suits and dresses.

Chewing the lotus paste cake in his mouth, holding two crab roe and meat floss rolls, Li Jun is very busy, very busy. ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿.

A male waiter with snacks came over, and Li Jun suddenly slowed down his mouth in embarrassment. The boy smiled politely at him, and then whispered to him when he passed by: "Eat slowly, there is more food in the back." Chicken legs and steak."

oh oh.Li Jun glanced at the little brother gratefully, he is really a good man.

Looking at the full European-style long table, Li Jun swallowed in pain. For the next big meal, he should save his stomach.Or just eat some more sushi, just a few.

Um, why are these sushi either peaches or apples, at least some eels and ham.

Li Jun was savoring it with relish, when suddenly the lights in the hall were dimmed, and the clear and pleasant piano sound suddenly sounded in the hall. Looking back, it turned out that in the center of the hall, the highlight of the dance had already begun.

In the center of the venue, pairs of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies followed the beautiful melody, stepped on dance steps, and cooperated tacitly.Almost everyone's eyes are fixed on the pair of "fairy couples" in the center. Even Li Jun, who doesn't understand the situation, can't help but stare at the center of the stage - just because he has never known that his brother actually knows This kind of ballroom dancing.

Although it was just a simple waltz, he was also very jealous, okay?

Probably his eyesight is not good, otherwise how could he find something wrong with that woman's eyes.

Hey, sister, you have to be reserved, don't wink at me.Reserved is a man, no, a woman.

Li Jun watched viciously, and at the same time fished it from behind casually, chewing popcorn.

Brother, you must hold on, that's right, it's this kind of cold eyes that freezes her to death! ︶︿︶

Li Jun was holding his breath and concentrating on giving praise to his brother, when he suddenly heard a few ladies next to him seem to be talking about his brother.

Li Jun, who was already bored, teleported over quickly. The three of them were wearing royal blue and fiery red evening dresses respectively, and the remaining one was in plain white.

"Lin Jiajia is really lucky. I didn't expect to be able to draw her tonight."

Oh, who is Lin Jiajia? Li Jun grabbed a handful of popcorn and put it in his mouth, puffing out his cheeks.

"Yeah, look at her arrogant look. She is just a newcomer who has been here for less than a year. What are you doing?"

Oh, newcomer.who is it.Li Jun took a few bites and swallowed everything in his mouth.

Probably because his banging voice was too frequent, Baolan girl looked back and seemed to glare at Li Jun.

Li Jun had no choice but to put down his right hand embarrassingly, and then grabbed a handful of his right hand, showing a harmless smile.

"Hey, let me ask you." The Fire Red Girl suddenly turned her head and lowered her voice.

Li Jun pricked up his ears.

"I heard that this new marketing manager is the illegitimate son of the chairman above. Is it true?"

Damn, illegitimate child.big news!

But who is the marketing manager?

Hey, it's better not to listen to people's corners.He didn't know him anyway.

Li Jun turned around with some lack of interest, but heard a familiar name.

"No way?!" The voice was probably the exclamation of the Baolan girl, "You mean that Li Xuan?! The one who is handsome and has a lot of courage in doing things?! You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Fuck!How is this going!Li Jun was so shocked that he could stuff a duck egg into his mouth.

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