Li Jun was ready to take credit for the fact that he would take the initiative to offer a part-time job.That's right, he was pampered and spoiled since he was a child, let alone serving dishes, he had never even touched a rag before.

Unexpectedly, Li Xuan's face darkened, and his words were full of sarcasm, "If you have such a thought, you might as well clear the table. I will pay you double the salary."

. . . . .

Li Jun was so choked that he couldn't speak, so he wouldn't foolishly say that he was actually going for the delicious mousse cake, Jiang Chen had already said it, he didn't need to do any work, not just chocolates Mousse, the black forest in the store, tiramisu, pudding, and even all kinds of desserts that he can't name, you can take them home after work.

Just thinking about it makes *saliva.Li Jun rubbed his nose, and was about to show his class consciousness against his conscience, but Li Xuan erupted before he could speak, "Don't even think about it! After thinking about it, I will eat broccoli every day." !"

Broccoli is Li Jun's most hated vegetable, bar none. --|||.

"! You..." Li Jun groaned for a long time, but he couldn't find any words to express his anger in his heart. Finally, he panicked and spouted, "You Wu Zetian!"

This has half a dime relationship with Wu Zetian!

Li Jun added, "You are dictatorial! You...yes, you are a tyrant!"

Oh, Li Xuan understood, and raised the corners of his mouth, even a tyrant should cite Emperor Qin Yingzheng as an example, right?What kind of association is this? It's a top student in the Chinese Department.Sure enough, when people are angry, their thinking is completely out of control.

"Okay, I'm a tyrant. Then you dare to rebel, you are really very courageous." Li Xuan leaned over with amused but helpless, lifted the child's chin, and bit the child's right earlobe.

"Well..." Li Jun softened at once, but he was still holding his breath in his heart, "You are a tyrant, you don't allow me to study a double degree, you don't allow me to go back to school early, and you don't allow me to... um... part-time job!"

Huh?The double degree was a few months ago, and this little guy still remembers it so clearly.

Li Xuan held down Li Jun's wobbly feet, the tip of his tongue was gentle*, Li Jun was as soft as a puddle of water, so soft that he couldn't straighten up.There was never an exception, not only Li Xuan, but even Li Jun found out slowly that he couldn't stand the kisses and hugs of his brother.No matter how many times it happened, every time he acted like a baby, his reaction was unusually sensitive and honest.

Brother is such a jerk!Do this trick every time.Although there was no strength in his whole body, but this time Li Jun's rationality was not broken.He still remembers his grievances, although his brother serves him with delicious food and drinks every day, and he doesn't have to do anything when he lives here, but because of this, he doesn't know how boring every day is.

Yan Yan, the guy who forgets his friends when he sees sex, dates Wen Minhao every day.It's a pain in the ass for him to be here alone.And he always felt that it was a bit strange to live with his brother like this now.Moreover, maybe the relationship between the two has changed slightly, and he always feels that he is getting further and further away from his brother.

Before my brother graduated, he was able to work in the central department of Huatian Group, which is well-known at home and abroad.For a small commoner like Li Jun, it is out of reach.He also wanted to do something, even if it was a little bit, it would be good to get closer to his brother.

However, at the dinner table the day before yesterday, I mentioned to my brother about pursuing another degree, but my brother ignored him!With that expression, he didn't take his proposal seriously at all.

Just like what Yan Yan said, if this continues, my brother will really make him a useless person.

"...Baby... why are you crying?" Li Xuan touched Li Jun's face, and the heat in his eyes dissipated a little.

Li Jun was also stunned for a moment, and touched his face, only to realize that he was crying unknowingly again.Damn it, why have you become more and more like a woman recently, crying every now and then.When did it start? !

He bit his lip, with an angry expression on his face, "It's you, I won't let you out at the door, I have to report to you when I make a call, I have to hide my pocket money, and I can't even say a few words with others. What! It’s my freedom to go wherever I want, and it’s my right to call whoever I want. The money is for me, so whoever you talk to is in your way. Do I still have human rights, do I still have freedom!”

After yelling in one breath, I realized that the man in front of me looked... so cruel!Li Jun himself was stunned, ahhhhhh, what did he just say!Why does Mao have a premonition of a big (ju) calamity (hua) coming (bu) head (bao)!

His intention was not like that, but he just wanted to be tough, because, really, he is also a man anyway, he always sheds tears in front of his brother, he is very embarrassing, okay?Don't look at him as young, he also wants face.Brother, you know me so well, you must understand me, right?right?

Li Jun looked at his brother embarrassingly, every cell was really clamoring "Hero, spare your life".

Li Xuan's face turned from blue to green, from green to blue again, and finally he slowly recovered his calm. The most frightening thing was that Li Jun saw his brother--the corner of his mouth curled up!Li Jun covered her chest with both hands, like a little daughter-in-law, she thought she was hiding well and slowly moved to the side of the chair.He had to seize the opportunity, as long as the enemy was even as short as a blink of an eye, Li Jun would immediately rush into the bedroom with oil on his feet and lock the door behind him.

"Ah, Yanyan! You... When did you come back?!" Li Jun suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked behind his brother in shock.

Li Xuan frowned, and was about to turn around when he suddenly felt something was wrong. At that moment of being stunned, there was no figure of a child under him.Looking up, the little guy ran towards the bedroom like a fox!A few bristling hairs on the head swayed in the gust of wind.

"Li Xiaojun!" Li Xuan gritted his teeth, this brat really dared to turn his back on him!

"Bang Dang", only heard the crisp sound of the chair knocking down on the ground, and Li Jun yelled "Oh my god".Brother Nima is flying with a sword, he can even feel the wind blowing from behind with force, half of his soul is scared away, okay?

Seeing that the door was only one step away, Li Jun's nerves were tense, and cold sweat broke out. With a "bang", due to inertia, his head hit the door before his body.Damn!Who locked the door? ! seems to be me. . .

Grass, even though his head was a little dizzy, Li Jun still put his hand on the doorknob and turned it persistently. With a sound of "Yi Ya", the sound of opening the door sounded like heaven to Li Jun. He almost staggered into it and was about to relax. breath--

Suddenly his feet flew into the air, and a pair of powerful arms picked him up at the waist. He didn't pay attention, and almost lost his balance and fell down.He jumped twice in mid-air, almost head down, and climbed up little by little while grabbing the man's trouser legs.His hands were still in shock around the man's neck, his chest was heaving and heaving, his face was red and he was panting heavily.

Li Xuan freed one hand to lock the door just now, so he didn't notice that he almost dropped the little guy.But this is also very good, now this little fox is obediently hugging his neck tightly, no matter what makes him want to stop.

Thinking of the words the little guy yelled at himself just now, he really wanted to take off his pants and lick his bare butt a few times.But he couldn't help laughing at the thought of the stupid little fox running away foolishly and bumping his head against the door first.How much people love and hate this little guy of his.

Li Xuan looked at it, and suddenly bit the little guy's nose badly.

The little fox immediately yelled like fury, his eyes were full of anger, but he just blushed and glared at Li Xuan a few times, but he didn't dare to really lose his temper again.

"Why, you yelled so loudly just now, my brother can't even bite you once?" The little guy's eyes were still steaming, and the way he bit his lips and dared not speak out completely aroused Li Xuan's teasing heart. Not as angry as before, with a lazy and playful expression on his face - if Li Jun still has the heart to look carefully, it is obviously the expression that a big bad wolf determined to win must have when facing a panicked little white rabbit .

Li Jun muttered in his heart, then why bite my nose, don't you know that nose is a sign of a man's masculinity?

Li Xuan seemed to understand what the little guy was thinking, and bit his lip lightly, with a suddenly realized expression, "I see, so the baby likes me biting here."

Scoundrel!Li Jun bit his lip, holding back forcefully not to let Li Xuan go any further.

How can my brother be such a hooligan, let me down.Li Jun twisted and twisted, even if he was dying, he would fight for it.

"It's awkward." Li Xuan froze for a moment, his voice changed, "If you twist again, I'll use you to put out the fire."

Forehead!Li Jun immediately remained motionless as if he had been clicked, and he felt 1 grass-mud horses running past his mind.He just twisted like that, that tyrant man, he was hard!

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