Brother, don't pinch your face!

Chapter 41 Belated Confession (1)

A limp head suddenly slipped into his arms, Zuo Mu was stunned for a moment, then chuckled again, lovingly stroking Li Jun's soft hair.

"Go, take you to find brother."

Zuo Mu soon brought Li Jun to a cafe, and the two sat by the window, looking at Zuo Mu's crumpled suit, Li Jun was a little embarrassed.

Zuo Mu has been on the phone with his mobile phone since he got off the car, and the tone of voice seems to be very important.Li Jun was a little bored drinking caramel macchiato.Take a sip, then look at Zuo Mu, look at Zuo Mu, and take another sip.

Li Jun is a little uncertain, does this handsome man really know where his brother is?However, he said that he is a colleague of his brother, so he should not be lying.

After Zuo Mu made the phone call, he saw the little guy staring at him with two shiny eyes, with a little whipped cream still on the corner of his mouth, so he stretched out his hand involuntarily, gently wiped off the creamy foam around Li Jun's mouth, and said with a smile: "It turns out that Junjun likes to eat sweet things..."

Li Jun's moist lips were slightly parted, with neat white teeth faintly visible, Zuo Mu's heart suddenly moved, his fingertips could not help but change direction, and slowly covered those cold lips.

Smelling the faint smell of butter on the tip of his nose, Li Jun opened his mouth and bit it reflexively, took the cream-smeared index finger in his mouth, and took a bite, his bright eyes smiled at Zuo Mu, like two crescent moons hang there.

Zuo Mu's fingers froze there, his eyes suddenly became dark, but the child on the opposite side giggled, as happy as if he had snatched some treasure.

Standing up abruptly, Zuo Mu swept across the table and leaned over to Li Jun. The tip of their nose was almost to the tip of their nose, and their lips were only two fingers apart. Li Jun was startled by Zuo Mu's sudden move and stopped laughing. , Cover your lips.

Damn!What kind of rhythm is this, don't you just steal a little cream!

Just as Zuo Mu was about to press his lips against him, he made a "goo"——

At this ambiguous moment, Li Jun's stomach growled!

The little guy's face was flushed red, he looked at Zuo Mu with some embarrassment, just as he lowered his head, his stomach growled again.

Li Jun was very depressed. In the morning, he obviously ate two pieces of cake, an egg, and big porridge, and secretly ate two pieces of chocolate in the car. Isn’t it only three o’clock now? Why did he get hungry so quickly?

Hahaha, Zuo Mu stared at him, but couldn't help but burst out laughing.

While Li Jun breathed a sigh of relief, he was still a little apprehensive.He obviously felt a sense of oppression from Zuo Mu's actions just now, and his eyes seemed to eat him alive.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Let's take you something to eat." After all, Zuo Mu let the little guy go, got up, straightened his suit, and walked out quickly.Li Jun hurriedly followed behind obediently.

It took two hours for a meal before Zuo Mu took Li Jun away.

In fact, the new address information after Li Xuan moved out had already been sent, Zuo Mu didn't know what he was thinking, and waited patiently until night fell, and then drove Li Jun to a quiet high-end residential area.

Just as Li Jun was looking at this strange environment curiously, Zuo Mu had already got off the car and walked into the security booth. He came back soon, leaned over the window and said to Li Jun in the car: "Your brother lives here, I will I won't go in." After speaking, he handed Li Jun a note.

Li Jun's heart is pounding, will he see his brother soon? is he now?

Thank you softly, Li Jun squeezed the note, and found Building 21 after a lot of effort. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, Li Jun rushed out.

"Brother..." This is the room. Li Jun stood at the door, not daring to ring the doorbell for a while.

I don't know what my brother thinks, so many things happened without telling him a word.

Maybe, my brother really felt that his self-esteem was hurt, so the real brother was dumped?

Looking hesitantly at the closed door, Li Jun was a little worried that his brother didn't want to see him now. After all, his brother didn't take the initiative to contact him now, which showed that he didn't want him to know about it in his heart.

Finally rang the doorbell, waited for a while, but there was no movement.Had to press it again.

This time Li Jun waited for a full 3 minutes, and then he seemed to hear slight footsteps coming from the house.

Li Jun stared at the door with bated breath, and there was a sound of "Kang Dang", which was the sound of the door opening.

It's a pity that the people in the room didn't poke their heads out, only a low and hoarse voice, "Who?"

Li Jun took a step forward and hesitated again when he heard the voice, ""

no answer.

Li Jun panicked, did Zuo Mu make a mistake?

He hurried over and opened the door, his voice was a little uncertain, "Is it brother?"

As soon as the words fell, Li Jun's pupils widened and he stared fixedly at the person in front of him.

I saw the man in front of me with messy fluffy hair, long-unmanaged hair covering his eyes, a thick circle of blue and black under his eyelids, and faint green spots on his chin, making him look like a decadent uncle.

Li Jun covered his mouth, the surprised words stuck in his throat, he didn't believe at all that the unshaven man in front of him was his brother who was always calm and calm.

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