Secondary disease of rebirth

Chapter 82 82.0 Star Fragment

Even though she knew it wasn't Lian Ye, she still slumped her shoulders and pursed her lower lip, feeling restless.

Seeing him like this, Qian Yu guessed more or less, and sarcastically said: "You can't live without him for a while? He just opened the lost magic circle of Qingxu Sect in Wuhua Mountain, so I'm afraid it will be exhausting for a while." It’s impossible to gather the shape.”

Although it was sarcasm, it was not difficult to hear the comforting meaning in Qian Yu's words, Lian Ye nodded slowly to show that he understood.This is also the first time he knew the name of Feng Yi's sect in his previous life, and it opened...

Did Feng Yi recover his memory?

While thinking wildly, Lian Ye saw the slightly concerned eyes of the two people beside him in vain, Lian Ye knew that now was not the time for him to feel lost.He stood up on his knees, with his usual leisurely smile on his lips, "The gate of the tomb? Then I have to go and have a look."

The tomb passage was not too long, and it came to the end in a short time, and what stood in front of them was the stone gate that Qian Yu had mentioned.The door is engraved with flowers, birds and animals, which are exquisite.

"This tomb gate is a little strange..." Lian Jue frowned after studying it for a while.

In fact, Lian Ye already felt a little unusual. Although he didn't rob many tombs, he had experienced a lot.Now that Lian Jue said something was different, he must be right.

Qian Yu caressed his chin, "This doesn't look like a tomb gate, but..."

"It's like the gate of a house." Lian Ye took the words, and said that he had encountered before, such as Gaoyang's tomb. The huge tomb door was engraved with cursed and terrifying inscriptions, presumably to scare off the tomb robbers.

But in front of this door, flowers, birds, fish and animals are full of vitality, what's the matter with a little refreshing feeling.

How can I manage these, I have never seen any strange things, I put down my backpack one after another, and dug out a series of equipment from it.First of all, I took a German engineer shovel and pried a few times in the crack of the door. The stone door was extremely heavy, and there was no reaction at all.

This kind of engineering shovel is a product of Germany during World War II. During the friendship between China and the Soviet Union, part of it flowed into China. Its quality and lightness are rare in the current craft.It can be folded and hung on the waist. The sharpness of the steel mouth is excellent, not to mention turning over the soil, and it can be used as a weapon to directly cut off the enemy's head.

Then look at him unhurriedly pinning the engineer shovel to his waist, and knocking on the stone door with his hands carefully, as if he was looking for some mechanism.

Lian Ye, who was familiar with Lian Jue's movements, was dumbfounded, but he had heard old black-skinned Liu that Lian Jue had robbed Faqiu's tomb, but it was the first time he had actually seen him in actual combat.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, and a black brocade gown suddenly appeared in front of the tomb door. The black silk with gold threads made his Juechen face more graceful.Feng Yi looked a little confused, and his complexion was also very bad.

"Feng Yi..." Lian Ye hurriedly took two steps forward and grabbed his wrist, his raised voice could not conceal his excitement.

Feng Yi let Lian Ye hold her, raised her eyes slightly to look at him, and Lian Ye couldn't help breathing heavily as she looked at him with empty eyes.

The slightly slanted phoenix eyes seemed unable to focus, she was clearly looking at herself, but her thoughts had already drifted far away.Lian Ye shook him in a panic, "Feng Yi, are you okay? Look at me, look at me!"

Lian Jue on the side also stopped looking for the mechanism, he could only watch Lian Ye shaking the air, he slightly turned his eyes to look at Qian Yu, in Qian Yu's eyes, there seemed to be a very unclear reflection of the figure .

Why can't even see his own yin and yang eyes, but he can see...

Feng Yi was shaken back and forth by Lian Ye, and his thoughts of not knowing where he was flying slowly came back to his senses. He grabbed Lian Ye with his backhand so that he would stop shaking, "I'm here, don't panic."

"Don't scare me..." Lian Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to show a smile, but unexpectedly showed an expression uglier than crying.

Something seemed to stab into Feng Yi's heart, the pain was thin but endless.How could he not be aware of Lian Ye's uneasiness, his current physical condition can be said to be changing in a blink of an eye, he still exists in this second, but he doesn't know if it will be gone in the next moment.

"It's nothing, I was a little messed up just now, don't worry." Feng Yi comforted Lian Ye by stroking the back of Lian Ye's cold hands.

Thinking back to the world is really wonderful, Feng Yi still vaguely remembers that when he first met Lian Ye, he was naked and holding a jade pendant, yelling at him with an exaggerated expression and muttering words.But now, he is calmly dealing with all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, without any hesitation, just finding a physical body for him.

As for himself, even if he no longer wanted to let him take risks, because of the continuous decline of his soul power, he could not back down, nor could he avoid it.

Lian Ye must have never imagined that there would be a situation like today. When he met Feng Yi at that time, he would come to where he is today, but his state of mind is like this. Even if he dies here now, he may not have the slightest regret.

"This door, I'll open it." Feng Yi smiled slightly, since he reached the bottom of the lake, he had a faint feeling of deja vu.Including this door, there is a subconscious voice telling me that he can open it.

Lian Ye backed away with a complicated expression, watching Feng Yi raise his white hand and place it on the stone gate.

There seemed to be something on the door that slowly overlapped with the things deposited deep in the memory, and with a click, the heavy door panel was slowly opened inward.

While being amazed, he was about to take out his flashlight to take a look inside, but suddenly there were dim lights in the tomb.The crystal glazed lamps embedded in the walls on both sides lit up one after another, winding all the way to the depths, as if welcoming visitors.

The scene inside the door couldn't help but make several people stunned. The scene inside the door was somewhat similar to Gao Yang's underground tomb, but not exactly the same.

The promenade buildings are surrounded by small ponds, Bitang, in which the water flowing slowly seems to have been uninterrupted for thousands of years.In front of it are the cornices and corners, the splendid Xieshan-style houses, not luxurious but very elegant.

If it weren't for the flickering lights of the lamps on the left and right walls, which gave the scene a sense of unreality, they would really have thought that what they opened was a gate through the past and the present, and returned to the ancient house thousands of years ago.

In fact, it is somewhat similar to Gao Yang's underground palace. They are all built underground to imitate their former residences.But this place is much more warm and harmonious than Gao Yang's cruel palace covered with bloody bones, and it is full of delicacy.Moreover, there are signs of wear and tear in the stone pillars and pavilions, as if someone had lived here.

Lian Ye was about to step in, but was stopped by Qian Yu, who pointed to his feet.

Looking along where his finger was, he found a wooden threshold close to the shield stone ridge.Qian Yu then pointed upwards.

Lian Ye looked over again, and saw another wooden door next to the stone door. There was a gold plaque embedded on the top of the door, with three words written in flying and flying shapes.

General's House.

There seemed to be something connected in his mind, and he was confused for a while, and couldn't figure it out. Looking at Qian Yu, he also had a complicated expression, as if he hesitated to speak.

"Hmm..." Seeing this scene, Feng Yi's heart trembled, and then his head felt as if it was about to burst. He held on to the door frame, almost unable to stand still.

Lian Ye hurriedly supported him, and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Feng Yi wanted to shake his head to show that he was fine, but he couldn't do it anyway, his body seemed to be completely drained of strength, his vision went dark instantly, and his consciousness was in chaos...

Winter in the third year of Qingli, January 25.Although the Song Dynasty won the battle, the main force of Xixia was defeated and the capital was burned.The army returned to the court triumphantly, but the sound of triumph did not resound in the capital, because the general was attacked and died.A good general has passed away, and the whole country mourns.

The general's mansion was beating and beating, the mourning suona was crying loudly among the white flags, and the white paper and copper coins were scattered all over the sky like snow petals.Only after the funeral guests had dispersed did he dare to walk through the long corridor paved with white silk and set foot on the mourning hall.

I saw the incense table for the spirit place placed on the high mourning hall, and the glass vase was filled with unknown bouquets.Under the white candlelight, the ebony coffin in front of the hall was on the ground, reflecting two desolate shadows with myself that could never overlap.He leaned against the side of the coffin, his dark eyes were empty and persistent, staring closely at the person in the coffin.

It was night, and the guests had already dispersed. There was only the Lone Moon Jackdaw in the sky, and they were the only ones left in the mourning hall of Nuo Da. One was alive and the other was dead.His pale handsome face was on top of the coffin, staring at the man inside who would never open his eyes from top to bottom.

The voice was extremely soft, floating in the night wind passing through the hall, scattered in the white candlelight: "Finally there are only two of us."

"Didn't we make an appointment? Why did you come back like this..." He didn't cry, but seemed to be speaking tenderly.His soft and soft voice, with a hint of coquettish reproach, was never seen in his usual indifference, swinging above the mourning hall.It's rare for a beautiful woman to complain softly, but the other party can't hear her.

The tall white flag was blown up by the night wind, blowing away his untied waist-length hair and messing up his ink-splashed satin shirt.Under the candlelight, his bewitching appearance is set off with a touch of sadness, which is even more sympathetic.

He bent down, and his black hair poured down, spreading on the body of the man in the coffin.They were very close to those cold thin lips, and the hot air they exhaled echoed between their cheeks, they opened their mouths slowly, and called out: "Ling Feng..."

"Feng Yi!" His thoughts were suddenly pulled back by another call, Feng Yi sat up in shock, already profuse in cold sweat.He gasped for breath, and it took him a while to focus his eyes, and he saw a handsome face full of anxiety.

"What's wrong with me?" Feng Yi leaned against Lian Ye's arms, his face was pale, and the broken hair on his forehead was wet with sweat, sticking to his forehead, looking a bit embarrassed.

Lian Ye hugged Feng Yi tightly in his arms, put his face on his neck and felt the other party's real existence before he said: "You just... lost consciousness..."

Feng Yi fainted suddenly, and Lian Ye was so anxious that he patted his cheek, held him in his arms and kept calling, like a broken music box, repeating those two words over and over again.

Feng also.

This person is like his own gear, without him, his world will never turn again.

Seeing him wake up, Qian Yu breathed a sigh of relief, folded his fists in front of his chest, and shrugged, "You're going to kill him in a hurry, can you hold on? Your body should be right in front of you."

Feng Yi nodded, and raised his hand to caress Lian Ye's cheek. Lian Ye looked at himself with a pitiful expression, as if he was a sinner who had abandoned him, and couldn't help but smile, "Don't be afraid, I'm fine, just now I..." Think He said something, but the segment that was so sad that it was almost suffocating made him silence, not knowing how to speak.

The author has something to say:

╮(╯▽╰)╭Ling Feng finally has a thick line

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