Secondary disease of rebirth

Chapter 66 66. Iron Armored Warrior

"Oh? Then what happened to them now? Gao Yin became a victim of politics, and his death must have been extremely tragic. What about Gao Shaode? Because you strangled your daughter and Gao Zhan to death, he retaliated in anger Gao Shaode, how tragic. Where are their ghosts now? You separated them from you and Gao Yang Yin and Yang, and suffered in the world. Is this what you call a loving mother? I think you are so cruel!" Lian Ye spoke louder and louder, and finally pointed at Li Zu'e, as if asking for a crime.

In fact, all sane people present could tell that Lian Ye was secretly changing the concept. It would be the worst if Li Zu'e's two sons really died here.The feng shui here has become extremely dangerous, and the souls of the dead cannot leave here. The endless darkness and emptiness must be the loneliest place.

Li Zu'e wandered here for a long time, because of boundless resentment and jealousy, her mind was not so clear, she was stunned on the spot when Lian Ye said her red lips were slightly parted.

Lian Ye took advantage of the victory to pursue, and continued to turn on the talk mode, lowered his voice, playing tricks, "Eh? Listen, is there a child crying?"

Li Zu'e really listened, but Lian Ye yelled in vain: "It's a baby girl who was strangled to death by you! She was buried in your hands when she first came to this world, what is your motherhood, what is your conscience!"

"No! She is a wicked child, she cannot be born!" Li Zu'e's tears burst down in an instant, holding her head while crying, and the black hair on her head was messed up by her.

"Even your son Gao Shaode looked down on you back then, saying that you were fattened up by your uncle, you are such a slut! Are you willing to pay for your humiliation but get his contempt?" Lian Ye continued as if suddenly enlightened: " By the way, do you still remember Concubine Xue?"

"Concubine Xue...that...slut..." Li Zu'e murmured, thinking of the woman she hated.

Concubine Xue was originally a famous prostitute in Yecheng. At that time Qinghe Wang Gaoyue fell in love with her and often asked her to accompany her for drinks.Once Gao Yang saw her at a banquet, and he was included in the harem as a concubine.At that time, he showed great favor to her, but he still couldn't mind that she was touched by other men.After being drunk all the time, he sawed off her head, made a pipa out of her bones, and wailed and played a song "How rare is a beautiful woman" in front of all the ministers.

This incident is also a well-known allusion now, from which it can be seen that Gao Yang couldn't bear his woman being touched by others, even in the past.

Seeing that Li Zu'e seemed to be thinking about it, he didn't give her time to breathe, "How can he know that you have been imprisoned by Gao Zhan for so long, and even gave birth to a baby with him? If he knows his nature, he will really know you." Would you like to wear a red vigil for him?"

Hearing this, Li Zu'e's already pale face became paler and paler, Li Zu'e's vermilion lips trembled slightly, " can't..." He said it as if he remembered Gao Yang's appearance of going crazy after drinking Come on, she also started to waver...

"Look at your there a baby girl..." Lian Ye pointed at Li Zu'e's feet and whispered ghostly.

Li Zu'e lowered her head in shock, but saw Qian Yu's dagger shining with dazzling silver light...

Li Zu'e, who was already restless, had no time to dodge, and was stabbed in the abdomen. She howled: "Ah..." Countless black mist gushed out from her wound and drifted into the hall.

The scarlet gown made a beautiful arc in the air, and Li Zue fell to the ground. The heavy wedding dress was spread on the suet warm jade brick floor, like a blood lotus in the lake.

Lian Ye stepped forward, still holding Feng Yi in his hands.Looking down at Li Zu'e, she is a sad woman, if she hadn't turned into a resentful soul, he really didn't want her to be so sad again.

A ray of tears slid down Qingcheng's cheeks, and the peach-like eyes no longer had the boundless resentment before, but the helplessness and regret that see through everything in the world.Her lips curled into a wry smile, she looked at the beams and beams on the top of the hall, and her thoughts drifted to nowhere, "Emotion is the deepest knot in my heart... It is so entangled, why I have tasted love and hate all over, but I have never been indifferent Then a little bit... Chang Gong, I will never be able to do it in this life, I am worthy of my heart..."

After saying those words, all the grievances supporting her dissipated, she turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared without a trace, leaving only the scarlet red robe that was so dazzlingly red...

"Hey..." Lian Ye let out a long sigh, bent down to pick up the wedding gown, stacked it layer by layer, and said softly: "There are thousands of tastes of love and hatred in this world. Someone has already tasted them all. How many warning words have you read?" , have seen so many joys and sorrows. But you still can't help but repeat the same mistakes, walk the path they walked, suffer the pain they suffered, and make the same mistakes... You have done a good job, there is no use regretting this life, because everything you have done , no matter whether it ends well for them or not, it is worth it for you."

Lian Ye didn't know who he was talking to, it might be to Li Zu'e, or it might be to himself.His voice is very low, which makes his magnetic voice even more seductive and hoarse, which can almost bewitch people's hearts.Everyone couldn't help being stunned, surprised that his attitude towards life was so clear...

"This thing must be very valuable, it's covered with gold thread, and the exquisite workmanship... Wang Zhi! Put it in your bag... oh..." Lian Ye was talking excitedly, when Feng He also squeezed his palm hard, and he screamed in pain.

"Superficial!" Feng Yi shook off his hand and disappeared into black mist.

"Pretentious!" Niu You couldn't help shouting, because what Lian Ye said earlier was all hypocrisy.

"Dirty!" Qian Yu also cursed.

"Eh? Why is this handsome so obscene? Don't take advantage of it..." Lian Ye was about to retort when he heard a scream not far away.

"Ah... help!"

It was obviously Li Deyou's voice, because Li Zu'e's sudden appearance just now made everyone forget that he had disappeared.This meeting is calling for help, is it in danger...

Looking around, they found that the sound came from the inner room behind Fan Jin's screen on the throne. Several people rushed up in two steps, and before they approached the door of the inner room, they heard a strange sound inside.

One sound after another, like something extremely heavy hitting the floor, coming towards the door.

Unlike the bright lights in the main hall, the inner room with only the door frame is pitch black, and it is impossible to see anything inside.

At this time, a figure flew out of it, with an extremely fast speed, it fell heavily on the screen, and then slid down.

Pfft, the man spat out a mouthful of blood, and the heavy pure gold screen was knocked crooked by him, which shows how hard it was thrown...

Looking closely, this person is actually Li Deyou.

"Boss..." Wang Zhi rushed up to check his condition.Wang Zhi still calls him the boss, although he doesn't like his radical approach and the way he controls them, but after all, they have known each other for many years, and they are somewhat brotherly.

Li Deyou only felt his chest throbbing, the pain was so painful that he could hardly even breathe, and he was spinning for a long time before he managed to breathe. He raised his finger and pointed to the inner room with a frightened expression on his face, "Ahem... yes..." Without saying a word When he was done, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Li Deyou?" Lian Ye patted his cheek, but there was no response.

Looking at the dark inner room again, the weird impact sounded again, one after another, hitting everyone's nerves.

Something is coming out of it!

Suddenly, a strong murderous aura came from inside, Lian Ye and Qian Yu dragged Li Deyou aside together.

As soon as it was dragged over, a black long spear stabbed out of it, stabbing at the heavy screen.

With a crisp sound, the solid gold screen unexpectedly cracked.

The whole body of the spear was pitch black, as if it was made of black iron, and the shaft alone was as thick as the palm of an adult's hand.The gun was withdrawn from the inside, Lian Ye saw that the tip of the gun had a forked blade, which was extremely sharp.

Then, a person came out from the inner room. His appearance shocked everyone present...

The black iron armor covers the whole body, including helmet, breastplate, waistcoat, wrist guards, knee pads, skirt armor, and iron boots.It was pitch black all over.Even the face is wearing a half black iron mask, covering most of the face, even the eyes are covered, only the sharp-edged chin is exposed.

A small piece of the mask on his face seemed to be cut off by someone, and the gap was very discordant. He was holding a spear, tall and strong, and with armor all over his body, he really looked like a warrior in iron armor descending from the sky.

"This... is it a human or a ghost?" Niu You retreated subconsciously until he was behind the palace gate.

Lian Ye didn't know what it was, it looked like a man wearing armor.But in this kind of place, where no one has set foot in the ground for thousands of years, will there be any living people?

The armored warrior raised his foot slowly, Lian Ye hurriedly dragged Li Deyou into the main hall, and everyone backed away, as if it was a scourge.

It walked to the stairs of the Zijin throne with heavy steps, looked around the crowd mechanically, finally stopped on Lian Ye, and suddenly rushed up.

Wearing iron armor that looks like it weighs a thousand catties, but the speed is extremely fast, and he stabs with a gun.

Although Lian Ye didn't have any magic spells, his reaction was quick and he ran away.

Dodging the shot that came in vain, Lian Ye grabbed the barrel of the gun and sprinted forward two steps along the stick, almost approaching the Iron Armored Warrior.

"Hey, in this dark ghost town, are you a human or a ghost?" Lian Ye raised his chin and looked straight at the armored warrior without any fear at all.

Subconsciously, he felt that this kind of long weapon was very comfortable to fight on the battlefield on a tall horse. In this kind of room, it would be better to use a feather duster.So without a trace of fear at all, he firmly held the handle of the gun in his hand and questioned the comer.

Seeing a warrior like him, he was slightly taken aback, only a perfectly angular chin was exposed behind the half-section mask, and it hummed slightly, as if he was about to speak, "You don't need to know, you will immediately turn into dead bones and souls, and put them in my hands."

Before the words fell, he suddenly drew the spear back.

His voice quality was excellent, and there was an intoxicating magnetic resonance in his deep voice. Lian Ye didn't expect his voice to be like this, and he didn't know that his strength would be so great, so he was staggered directly.

The samurai pulled back the handle of the gun and brought back Lian Ye. He raised his hand and was about to pinch Lian Ye's neck.

Everyone was shocked, Lian Ye was indeed too risky this time, why did he rush forward with bare hands.

The author has something to say:

Dangdang, guess the time, who will this mysterious warrior be?

Is there any baby who can guess ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╮

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