Secondary disease of rebirth

Chapter 59. 59. Encountering Zombies Again

"I have flesh and blood and a real body, but I can appear in front of people, but what about you?"

Feng Yi was slightly stunned, Fu Ming was not harmed in the miasma-filled cocoon and could still speak.

Suddenly, a little bit of light appeared in the black mist, and the next moment the miasma dissipated, and the Fuming in it was unscathed, looking directly at Feng Yi, his face was slightly pale as if he was tired.

"It's just a wandering soul from outside the Three Realms. Without the Demon Subduing Sutra, your miasma can't do anything to me..."

He stopped as he spoke, at this moment, Fu Ming had no previous dazed and innocent appearance, his eyes were slightly squinted, and the aura exuding from his whole body was like a king looking down on the world.

Feng Yi met his gilt shining eyes, looked straight at him, and could almost see his dazed face reflected in them.

"It's better to put away these miasma, and you can live longer if you can't stop it." Fu Ming continued mercilessly, leaving Feng Yi alone, turned around and returned to Lian Ye's side, and sat on the ground with him.

Live longer...

Who the hell is this Fu Ming? Why does he seem to know everything!

Even his physical condition...

Feng Yi stared blankly at Fu Ming, unable to refute at all.

Following Fu Ming's last words, Feng Yi also drifted into the skyless underground.

"When your remaining soul completely dissipates in this world, maybe I will be the only one who can accompany him..."

The rock was so hard, if it wasn't for being too sleepy and tired, Lian Ye would have been awakened by the diaphragm.As soon as he lifted himself up, he felt something slipped off his shoulders, and lowered his misty eyes to look.

What fell on the ground turned out to be a white... suit...

Sensing someone beside him, he immediately looked over and met Shang Fuming's warm eyes.The plain clothes on his body were not taken off, pointing to the one on the ground, Lian Ye asked curiously: "Is this yours too?"

Nodding his head, Fuming responded obediently.

Dare to feel that this is a professional in clothing, how much I like this permeable clothes.

Too lazy to care about it, he casually said: "Thank you." Looking around, Li Deyou's side also got up one after another. On the side of the open space, Lian Ye saw dots of black mist remaining on the ground .


"Feng Yi just appeared?" Lian Ye blurted out.

Fu Ming blinked, with a noncommittal look.

Knowing that Xiaofeng can't see Fuming, what happened to them when he fell asleep?He couldn't sit still anymore and jumped up, "He... came to see you?"

Fu Ming sat on the ground, looked up at Lian Ye, and smiled gently, "Well, he is very friendly."

Lian Ye wouldn't believe it if you were so friendly, and with the remaining miasma on the ground, there must have been a conflict just now.

'Feng also?How are you? Seeing that Fu Ming was unscathed, Lian Ye was naturally worried about Feng Yi's arrival.

There was no response in my mind, and I began to feel a little uneasy.

"He's fine." Fu Ming comforted him.

I hope so, Feng Yi came out to find Fu Ming when he was asleep, no matter what happened, Lian Ye felt a little sour, unexpectedly when he didn't know...

"Lian Ye, let's leave earlier." Niu You shouted.

Everyone woke up, slept well, drank well, and were in good spirits. Even Qi Ming's face turned red.

where to goWould a tyrannical king have another exit from his tomb?The possibility of this is really low. Instead of panicking here, it's better to go in and have a look and touch some famous artifacts.No matter how many people Gao Yang had killed during his lifetime, he was still nothing but a coffin and a pile of dead bones after death.

"Okay, follow me and step down Gao Yang's tomb!" The blood of the middle school came up, and Lian Ye looked very excited and sure of victory.

Perhaps thanks to him as the leader of the second team, a group of people who were originally concerned about each other were infected by him, and they became more motivated.

I packed my bags and made a few simple torches, ready to use them for lighting.After all, flashlight batteries are very rare now, and the bonfire was extinguished, and everyone set off again.

Maybe it was because of Lian Ye's encouragement, or maybe it was because there was no turning back in this trip and they could only fight with their backs. Everyone's faces were determined, and their steps were calm and firm.

Along the river, follow the direction of the water flow, only using torches for lighting, so the situation ahead is not as clear as a flashlight.

Lian Ye walked in the front, and Fu Ming helped him hold the torch beside him. Wang Zhi followed closely behind, followed by Qian Yu and Li Deyou, and Niu You and Qi Ming walked at the end.

Under Lian Ye's command, he would naturally not let Qi Ming take the luggage, but gave Li Deyou the part he originally took.No matter how reluctant Li Deyou was, he would not throw away those equipment. Although he threw it to Wang Zhi within a few steps, it had already slapped him in the face very well.

"Why is it a locust tree again?" Lian Ye didn't go far and took advantage of the firelight to see something that seemed to be dark in front of him. When he walked in, he saw that it was a locust tree forest, a large area, closely next to the long dark river that seemed to have no end .

"How could there be so many trees growing in the ground? It's still the shady locust tree..." Li Deyou, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but muttered when he saw this scene.Although I knew that they came back after cutting down some branches, I never thought that such a magnificent forest was still underground.

Lian Ye waved his hands impatiently, "I'm afraid, it's just a few trees, just go through it quickly." After saying that, he raised his foot and walked forward, naturally Fu Ming followed closely behind.

Although the rest of the people were a little sad, they couldn't stop and followed.

A group of people passed through the locust trees, and the bare locust trees standing beside them stretched out their teeth and claws, like ghosts flanking the road.Coupled with the gloomy and cold environment, it is inevitable that people will feel a little frightened.

There are only footsteps and the sound of the river flowing slowly.The surrounding area was terribly quiet, Lian Ye swallowed his saliva, and started to break out in a cold sweat, and said with a smile: "Hey, let's chat, that Wang Zhiniuyou, how old is this year? Are you married? Do you have any children? Is the relationship between husband and wife harmonious?"

Indeed, they have been in contact several times. Lian Ye is completely ignorant of their situation. How can he care about others when he only has his eyes on himself? This time, he really has nothing to say.

There were a few black lines on Wang Zhi's face. It's really not a good time to mention these things at this time, but he answered along the lines: "My mother-in-law thinks that what I did was up and down, so she ran away with others. Now I I don't want to look for it anymore, it's meaningless..." He said with a self-deprecating smile, feeling that he didn't mind those sad past events.

It must be because you are a pervert, and you will not leave when you see a beautiful person, so my wife ran away!Everyone secretly slandered.

Wang Zhi laughed again, "Niu You is a nice boy, he has a wife and son, he is a happy man, but he is very afraid of his wife... Oh, why are you beating me, I'm telling the truth."

Niu You slapped Wang Zhi on the head, and said angrily, "Why are you talking about this?"

"Isn't this what Lian Ye is asking, to enliven the atmosphere...what's the sound?" Wang Zhi retorted dissatisfiedly while covering his head, and suddenly heard a rustling sound.

Hearing this, everyone stopped, slowed down, and listened.

A gust of wind came from nowhere, bringing an inexplicable stench.When everyone calmed down, the strange voice was no longer heard.

"Did you hear me wrong? Don't scare yourself and keep going." Lian Ye tried to calm down. As the team leader, he must not show a little fear, otherwise people's hearts will be confused. He is still very clear about this.

Unexpectedly, just as he took a step, a pale arm suddenly emerged from the mud and grabbed his ankle.

The cold body temperature of the palm almost penetrated his trousers, and the ankle was bleak. Ji Ling subconsciously kicked the strange hand violently, trying to pull his foot back.

"Fuck, what the hell!" The hand was gripping tightly, and the sharp point almost pierced his trouser legs, Lian Ye pulled it out of the soil with all his strength.

Her complexion was purple and haggard, her eye sockets were sunken, and her lips had long since rotted away, leaving only the dark and terrifying gums.Half of his body was already out of the ground, and he was covered in tattered grayish-yellow cloth clothes.It's very similar to the zombies in Hengshui Village, but this one is already rotten.

Fu Ming, who was closest to Lian Ye, reacted the fastest. He kicked its arm, and there was a crisp cracking sound. The zombie raised its neck and let out a hoarse cry, which was especially ear-piercing in the quiet ground.

The broken arm couldn't catch him anymore, Lian Ye took the opportunity to pull out his foot, and there was a black handprint on the leg of his trousers. If he scratched it, he didn't know if he would be infected with corpse poison...

Lian Ye took a few steps back, watching the zombie propping himself up with the other unbroken arm, trying to crawl out of the mud.

"The situation is not good. The feng shui of this underground is completely opposite to that of the fallen mountain. It is a very dangerous place. If there are dead people here, they must be turned into corpses." Qian Yu said, but there was no sense of panic in his words.

"Why did this Gao Yang bury himself in such a place!" Seeing that the zombie had already emerged from the soil, it kept crawling towards him for a while, with all kinds of corpse insects on its back and legs, it was extremely disgusting.Lian Ye took the Luoyang shovel in one hand and swept it without saying a word.

The sharp shovel cut off the zombie's head, black blood splashed everywhere, the head rolled aside like a ball, the rotting body twisted a few times, and fell limply.

Before everyone could react, more rustling sounds came.Wang Zhi turned on the wolf-eye flashlight with only a small amount of battery left, and when reflected on the surrounding soil, it turned out that countless pale and rotten arms stretched out from the soil...

There are also quite a few of them at their feet. The zombies seem to have eyes on their hands, and they feel that the people next to them are about to grab them.Luoyang's shovel flew and the submachine gun roared, and everyone was in a mess for a while.

"How come there are so many dead people!" Niu You shouted in shock after shoveling off the head of a zombie.

More zombies broke through the soil, and most of them came towards Lian Ye. Although Fu Ming was guarding him, there were too many of them. If one was killed, another would come up to him.

Qian Yu approached him unhurriedly, and said coolly: "It seems that his ghost blood has lost its effect."

This kind of joking tone made Lian Ye, who was already too busy to keep up, even more furious, and shouted: "What drama are you still watching? Help me!"

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