Secondary disease of rebirth

Chapter 33 33. For now

Seeing that everyone was attracted by him, Lian Ye became even more proud, but after all, he had learned a lot in this area, so he started talking nonsense afterwards.

"Geological exploration is far more important to you than what our research results bring to us. Why don't you speak up and think I'm fake? You look into my eyes, do they look like the eyes of a speaker? What?" Lian Ye was talking non-stop, and Li Deyou and the others were even more confused, but it was not easy to interrupt, because the village chief who had been trying his best to refute and prevent them from entering the village was listening to Lian Ye's nonsense without saying a word, has hope!

Just as he was about to continue speaking, the corner of his clothes was gently torn off, and when he turned his head, he saw a face that turned all sentient beings upside down, his vermilion lips were slightly parted, and he said softly: "There is something wrong in this village, those people are not right... ..."

Well?something wrong?

Hearing what Feng Yi said, Lian Ye carefully looked at the villagers standing behind the village chief. There were dry wrinkles on their dark faces that had been honed by the scorching sun and strong wind. Indescribable desire.Staring at myself closely, never leaving...

What's going on? It's not so much being attracted by myself, it's more like a group of hungry beasts looking at their prey, with inexplicable lights flashing in dozens of pairs of dark pupils.

Just when Lian Ye felt a little shuddering, the village chief who had been silent all of a sudden said, "Yes, there are very few foreigners in this village, and exclusion is not a long-term solution. Old Liu, didn't you take their benefits? Tonight Just live with you."

Compared with the previous intransigence, Li Deyou's attitude has eased a lot, and Li Deyou happily replied: "Then don't bother me!"

Lian Ye took two steps back, and whispered to Feng Yi, "Did you find anything?"

Feng Yi frowned, looked around for a while before shaking his head, "There is nothing obviously weird, but there is something wrong everywhere here, you should be more careful."

"Why do these people look like they want to eat me..."

Lian Ye was talking, when he felt someone approaching from behind, before he turned around, he heard: "Yes, your body is so attractive, who wouldn't want to eat you?"

The slightly warm breath brushed against Lian Ye's ears. He was often in contact with Feng Yi and was familiar with his cool body temperature. He was very uncomfortable with this, and immediately got goosebumps, and quickly jumped away, "What are you doing? "

"Qianyu..." Feng Yi let out a low and dangerous cry, frost and snow formed on Jun's face.

But Qian Yu didn't seem to hear it, and took a step closer to Lian Ye, her face was almost pressed together, "Why, as long as you touch it, I'm not allowed to touch it? You don't know that he is the most yin body?" This sentence was obviously addressed to Feng Yi.

The body of the most yin, Lian Ye has heard it countless times since he was a child, it is nothing more than a natural horoscope, easy to be possessed by ghosts or used as a scapegoat or something.Seeing a handsome face getting bigger and bigger in front of his eyes, he pushed Qian Yu impatiently, "Damn it, I already knew this, so I don't need you to talk nonsense."

Li Deyou and the village chief were discussing the allocation of rooms, but they really didn't notice Lian Ye and Qian Yu's side.

Qian Yu shrugged, stared closely at Lian Ye, and the meaning of the smile he evoked was unclear, "It seems that he didn't tell you that you are a pure yang to yin body that is unique in a million. Yin and yang are two diametrically opposed Attributes, but gather together on your body, you not only have the yin energy that ghosts love so much, but also imply the awe-inspiring yang energy..."

Lian Ye went to look at Feng Yi while listening to him, only to see Feng Yi turned his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily drooped a little, which was obviously a guilty expression in his heart.With a thump in his heart, Lian Ye interrupted him, "Okay, what do you want to say?"

Because their whispering also attracted Li Deyou's attention. After all, they just had a fight before, and they were afraid that something might go wrong at this juncture.

Qian Yu backed away a few steps, and left a sentence: "You are the best training vessel for ghosts..." After speaking, he turned and walked towards Li Deyou.

"You fucking..." Lian Ye swears subconsciously, but then he stops speaking, utensil...

Thinking about Yu Heng also said before that he is very special, he can make him stand between the sky and the earth, under the scorching sun.

Feng Yi has been a little different recently...

Lian Ye's eyes were uncontrollably fixed on Feng Yi's body. His demeanor was still as outstanding as when he first met him, and his stunning appearance remained unchanged, but compared to then, his complexion was even more ruddy.

When I saw him for the first time, black mist filled most of his body, making it ethereal and unreal.Now he was standing tall and tall in front of him, if the people around him couldn't see him, he would really think that the stunning man in black shirt in front of him was no different from ordinary people.

"Because... me?" Even though he repeatedly reminded him not to be disturbed by Qian Yu, Lian Ye also began to doubt at this time, looked at Feng Yi with some uncertainty, and asked softly.

Feng Yi opened and closed his thin lips, but he didn't say a word. Once again, he disappeared into black mist without any explanation.Leaving Lian Ye alone in place, full of loneliness.

Maybe he doesn't even have a trace of emotion, it's just because of his physique...

Lian Ye cut off his last hope, and smiled heartlessly. He stepped forward to stop the village chief's shoulder, and raised his hand, "What's the name of the mountain behind you? It feels like a dick, like a dragon head."

The village chief was taken aback by his unruly action, but he didn't look displeased, "You look good, you really look like a dragon head, so we call him Falling Dragon Mountain."

"Uh? Why is it called Fallen Dragon? It would be nice to call it Flying Dragon and Xianglong." Lian Ye asked.

Li Deyou wanted to stop his impolite behavior, but when the village chief began to talk about the mountain they were most concerned about, he just stood aside and let him go.

His shoulders were unbearably pressed by Lian Ye, the village head took half a step back, turned around, and freed himself from the restraint of Lian Ye's arms without a trace, "Look at that dragon's head, its head is facing down like a giant dragon coming from the sky. It fell here, so it is called Falling Dragon Mountain."

Lian Ye is definitely a person who can make every inch of his life. He was not willing to let him go, but he reached out to catch him. The village chief had no choice but to talk to him while turning in circles.

After some brief inquiries, the village chief was able to escape from Lian Ye's "claws" on the grounds that he still had something to deal with.

A group of people followed an old man with their bags on their backs. This old man was the old Liu mentioned by Li Deyou before. There was a large scar on the left side of his face, his nose and mouth were crowded together, and his dark skin was full of ravines. people.

After turning a few turns, I came to a dilapidated small earthen house. The house was dilapidated, the paper pasted on the wooden windows had already been riddled with holes, and the walls were also rotten.

"This..." Qian Yu had been mentally prepared for a long time, but he didn't expect it to be so amazing.

When Li Deyou saw Qian Yu's skin and tender flesh, he knew that he was a pampered master, and he comforted him: "It's just one night, Wang Zhina has a sleeping bag, and it's very clean for you to sleep in it."

Qian Yu returned a polite smile, her star-like eyes bent into a crescent, which really fascinated Li Deyou.

Lian Ye couldn't help sneering in his heart, this Li Deyou must have become lustful towards him again, and he went to this seemingly easy-going Qian Yu if he couldn't get any benefit from him.

As everyone knows...

Ha ha……

There are no lights in the small earthen room, only dim light from two broken windows, a table, a chair, an earthen kang, and a bed of cotton wool.The simple kitchen is a bit messy, with a bowl and a pair of chopsticks.

The whole house, that's all.

Although all the objects have been honed into a dilapidated appearance by the years, they all reveal the life of their owners.

A person, a lifetime.

Standing at the door, Lian Ye, who had always been heartless, suddenly felt a little sentimental. He knew that he was different since he was a child.His life may be taken away by those unknown but existing ghosts at any time, so he is doomed to be lonely. He never thought that there would be one more person to accompany him in his life.

Feng Yi's arrival was so sudden, changing the trajectory of his stable life, luck and misfortune will not be mentioned for now, but this kind of care besides family affection and obligations.A person only exists in his own world, and no one else can touch it. It is just the feeling that belongs to him. How beautiful it is, the beauty is like a dream.

But this dream, I woke up too quickly...

It was noon, and Li Deyou and the others took out the dry food they had brought and ate it. Naturally, they also shared a share with Lao Liu, and started chatting with each other.

It's not that they can't live in the wilderness, but they have to spend a night in this kind of dilapidated hut, the biggest reason is because of this Falling Dragon Mountain.

Li Deyou will never fight unprepared battles. It has long been reported that there was a mudslide in Falling Dragon Mountain during the heavy rain two months ago, and a lot of ancient objects were washed out along with the mud.

It was all discovered by the farmers in the village at the foot of the mountain. When Li Deyou found out, he asked people to take money to suppress the matter as quickly as possible, and then rushed over with his people.

The local villagers said that there is another reason why Luolong Mountain is called Luolong Mountain. It is because the mountain is humid and humid all the year round, and there are various caves under the soft mud layer. If you sink, you will be buried in the mud, and your life will be taken away in an instant.

And the one who is most familiar with this place is the only village in the middle of the mountain, Hengshui Village where they are now.

Because Hengshui Village is on the back of Falling Dragon Mountain, it has not been impacted by mudslides. There is no sun all year round, lack of water source, and it is very closed without any means of transportation and communication with the outside world.Therefore, it has not been paid attention to by the outside world, and it is one of the few remaining villages in China that are not under the jurisdiction of the government.

It is said that there are only a hundred people in the village. They rely on mountains to eat mountains, and rely on water to drink water. They rely on Falling Dragon Mountain, where they hunt, raise, and pick all year round.So even if it is a pit step by step, they can walk out with their eyes closed.

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