Secondary disease of rebirth

Chapter 17 17. Ghost Possession

Everyone looked at the source of the voice, and it was Li Deyou who followed Li Yuanyuan's words. He turned his back to them, standing in front of the Zijin Xianglong throne, and gently stroking Fan Jin's armrest.

Lian Ye walked to the corner after listening for a while, and called out to the empty air, "Feng Yi? Where are you? Are you okay?"

This time, what responded to him was still boundless silence, and he could only hear Li Deyou continued to narrate slowly: "It is against the norms for a man to love each other. How could the princes and gentry at that time tolerate it? He has never made a choice in it. How can he bear it?" He was in trouble, at that time another neighboring country invaded, and he rushed to the forefront with a sword and armor..."

With his back to the crowd, Li Deyou spoke very slowly, attracting everyone's attention, and everyone kept silent and waited for him to continue.

"This battle was a complete victory, but he never came back. The king searched many times before he found his body. In fact, he was seriously ill and died not long ago. Perhaps God rewards hard work, is very fair, and he was born He was given many talents, but did not leave him with a few years of life. The king buried him here, and he was willing to give him the gold leaf war horse, Hanyu wine bottle, and even the throne. He only asked him to come back. The soul is also good..."

Li Deyou sat on Fan Jin's throne, with his head slightly lowered. He couldn't see the expression under his gas mask, but his tone seemed mournful.

"Brother... how do you know?" Li Yuanyuan also faintly felt that something was wrong, and asked cautiously.

Wang Zhi and Niu You looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

Lian Ye looked at Li Deyou, and only felt that he was sitting on the throne with an indescribable sense of disobedience, which was somewhat different from his previous feelings towards him.

Li Deyou didn't answer, but continued on his own: "He is very remorseful, and he often comes here to sit quietly, facing this empty and dead him over and over again, saying the unspoken words..."

He rested his elbows on the armrest and his shoulders trembled as if he was crying, and then he slowly took off the mask, tears streaming down his face, "If I knew you are so affectionate, how could I leave you? God, if I could accompany you for a while longer, I wouldn't be so regretful in this life..."

Although Li Yuanyuan and the others felt that he was different, they were not too shocked. The only one who was shocked out of his wits was Lian Ye, because he was the only one who saw Li Deyou, not Li Deyou...

The Xianglong Golden Seat in the candlelight is very dazzling, casting a light golden halo on his body, which seems real and unreal.The face under the mask was clearly another person. At this time, he turned his head slightly and looked at Lian Ye.

Lian Ye couldn't help breathing heavily, he had a face as graceful as a bird's eye, with temples cut like knives, eyebrows like distant mountains, and facial features as distinct as engravings.It's just that there is no way to think in those eyes, and what remains is only boundless loneliness.

Lian Ye was stunned by this look for a moment before he came back to his senses. He pointed at the person on the seat with his long finger and asked, "Who the hell are you? Li Deyou was killed by you? It's the first time you've been attacked by a brat." Leaving you a way out, hurry up and retreat!"

Li Yuanyuan was already angry with him, but now seeing that he didn't like anything, she contradicted her, "What are you getting mad about, this person is obviously my brother!"

He was taken aback again, "What? You can't see him..."

Lian Ye was about to continue speaking when a gust of wind blew past, stirring up goose skin all over his body. This feeling was all too familiar, and his heart immediately felt relieved. Sure enough, he heard a clear voice behind him, "Maybe it's the yin and yang you just recited." It really worked, so you're the only one who sees his ghost."

Li Deyou on the throne looked up and laughed loudly, "Boy, you are nothing more than a ghost, what else can you do? You know that I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and finally I waited for you, the most yin and yin man at all times, to come. this."

"Wait for me?" Lian Ye didn't understand at all, and didn't care to look at Niu You and Wang Zhi who were standing by the wall so much, and shouted: "He is no longer Li Deyou, what is he still doing?"

Uh, what else could they do?From what they saw, this person still looked like Li Deyou, even if he was possessed, they would have no choice but to kill him?Then Li Deyou must die too.

"Brother! What's the matter with you? Wake up, I'm Yuanyuan!" Li Yuanyuan felt that he was just a little out of his head due to repeated shocks, and wanted to wake up his mind.

Li Deyou opened the corner of his mouth coldly, "The so-called bond of family affection in the world is the most annoying..."

After saying that, she stood up suddenly, and just glared at Li Yuanyuan, she felt an invisible force suddenly overturned her and hit the jade brick directly.

Although it was made of jade, it was still abnormally hard. The back of her head hit it, and Li Yuanyuan's eyes went dark instantly and she lost consciousness.

Both Niu You and Wang Zhi were shocked. Niu You went to support Li Yuanyuan first, and found that she had a big bump on the back of her head, and there was no sign of bleeding, so she was relieved.

When "Li Deyou" stood up at this moment, Lian Ye found that he had resolutely turned into another person completely. He was dressed in purple, with dark pattern and cloud sleeves, and his body was like a jade tree, just like the man who appeared frequently in the murals...

"You... I don't care who you are, get out of my elder brother! Otherwise, I'll kill you with one shot!" Wang Zhi pointed at Li Deyou with Type 03 and shouted.

"Li Deyou" sneered, and looked straight at Wang Zhi, "Oh? Let me see how you dare to hit me, and you hit your brother..."

Wang Zhi's hand holding the butt of the gun trembled, and he couldn't pull the trigger for a long time.

"Since that's the case, I don't need to talk to you anymore." After saying that, he slanted his body to break the flow of air, and suddenly rose into the air, with a flowing figure like a flying fairy in the world.

Although the posture was elegant, it flew straight towards him. Lian Ye hurriedly backed away in fright, but his speed was too fast. As soon as he stretched out his long hand to grab his shoulder, he yanked it in one direction.

Everything happened so fast, Feng Yi didn't want to pull it, and watched Lian Ye being dragged away, feeling awe-inspiring, and immediately drifted up.

After "Li Deyou" dragged Lian Ye to the throne, he put his palm on the empty wall, and saw a secret door immediately appeared above it, which was extremely dark, and he slipped in the next second.

As soon as he entered, the door closed immediately without a single trace, Feng Yi chased too fast and almost fell on the stone wall.Look at this extremely smooth wall, how can there be a gap, even if you want to go through the wall.Could it be that what the person entered just now was a dimensional space?

The rest of the people couldn't see the supernatural things, and naturally they couldn't see the secret door either. They all looked at each other in blank dismay, watching Li Deyou "disappear" into the tomb with Lian Ye.

Lian Ye only felt that the hand holding his shoulder was so strong that it was almost embedded in the bone. His poor arm was red at first, but this time it almost hurt his muscles and bones again.

It was dark in front of him, he looked down on everything, and cursed at the air: "You fucking let go, where are you taking me?"

"Li Deyou" naturally wouldn't respond to him, but he let go, causing him to fall hard to the ground.

"Damn, you are worthy of my handsome butt being broken?" Lian Ye is heartless, and he doesn't know how to be afraid now, and he can still act like something, I don't know if he is really Lack of heart, or too much confidence in Feng Yi.

Someone seemed to sneer in the darkness, and with the rustling sound, the eyes suddenly brightened.

The eyes that had just adapted to the darkness couldn't accept the brightness at once, so Lian Ye squinted slightly, vaguely seeing the surrounding situation.It seems to be a relatively small tomb room, with a huge rectangular box occupying most of the space, and all kinds of copper and agate are placed beside it.

Seeing this, Lian Ye suddenly opened his eyes, regardless of whether his eyes could adapt or whether he was in a dangerous environment, got up and walked to these treasures to look at them and sigh.

"Bronze mirror embossed with dragon pattern, bronze tripod with curved cloud and thunder pattern, hollow smoked lamp with chi pattern, and the jade and lacquerware bronze wares all over the floor..."

As Lian Ye said, his eyes were fixed on the coffin in the middle of the tomb. The whole body of the coffin was crystal, shiny and transparent. There was a thin compartment in the coffin, which was filled with crystal clear liquid.Against the bright light of the ever-burning lamp, there is an illusory beauty like something in the heavens.

Before approaching, a sarcastic voice came from behind, "Can't you see that you, a vulgar mortal, understand this?"

This person's voice was somewhat similar to Feng Ye's, both deep and magnetic yet clear, but his tone contained a deep coolness and self-important sarcasm, although it was pleasant to hear, it was very unpleasant.

Lian Ye unhappily threw down a wine bean container with exquisite patterns, raised his eyebrows and looked at the man in the black-patterned robe, "I don't know what you mean by arresting me, but I really don't like your self-righteous attitude. ah……"

As he approached him step by step, "Li Deyou" never thought that he would be so unafraid of himself, but took two steps back a little helplessly, before he could refute, Lian Ye continued: "Even if your mausoleum is magnificent, No matter how ingenious the mechanism design is, no matter how luxurious and noble the burial is, but you..."

Lian Ye stared at him closely, and said word by word: "But you are just a dead ghost who needs to be resurrected to have a body..."

"You! Shut up!" "Li Deyou" was furious, his face became ferocious, he opened his mouth and let out a sharp cry, and then Lian Ye saw a translucent figure break free from him.

The figure left Li Deyou, and he also returned to his original appearance, as if all his strength had been drained, he rolled his eyes and fell limply on the ground.

The figure is still the same as a beautiful man with sharp features, clear outlines, and a tall figure. The only fly in the ointment is that his figure is somewhat transparent, and he can vaguely see the tomb behind him through his body.The lower you go, the more you can't see clearly, and it's almost completely invisible to the feet.

"You have finally discovered the prototype. If I remember correctly, your so-called king is Zhou Kuang Wang Jiban, and there is no record about you in history. Why?" Lian Ye looked quite serious.

The man who was originally irritated was stunned for a moment when he heard this question, and muttered with lowered eyes: "Nothing, I... mine, any records?"

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