During the few days of living in the city, Su Tang never felt the existence of the system, but he did not dare to take it lightly.

On the spaceship leaving the elf forest, he once wrote a letter to the queen and handed it to Kairosa for release. If nothing else happened, the people of the Holy Spirit were already waiting on the island.

In the early morning, Su Tang and others set off for the island Kairosa mentioned.

They chose to use gold coins to teleport, and after reaching the ocean, they rented a boat and set off.

The journey is not safe. There are a large number of monsters living in the ocean. They are tense and always prevent encountering monster attacks.

Fortunately, their strength is no longer weak, and the journey is difficult, but there is no fear of their lives.

In the evening, they went ashore to build a camp to rest.

Su Tang didn't know if the undead followed him to this island, but he did feel a little uncomfortable wearing the ring of elves.

Everyone took turns to watch the night and rest, Su Tang covered the quilt, and said in a muffled voice, "Ian, today is a critical moment, please be quiet."

Ian's fingertips were entwined with blond hair: "Yes."

Tired of dealing with monsters and Ian these days, Su Tang soon felt sleepy. He had a long-lost dream after leaving the elf forest.

In the dream, he saw the adult version of Ian finally walked out of his hiding place and came to Su Tang's side in the dream.

At that time, Su Tang in the dreamland found a cub of the devil tiger. The cub was very small and had no attack power at all, so Su Tang in the dreamland petted him like a cat.

Ian watched in the dark for a while, his expression not very good, and he stroked his hair.

Then he came out of the darkness.

Kairosa immediately drew his sword on guard.

Su Tang looked at this person who looked too high-quality but seemed to be in a bad mood, and tentatively said, "How are you?"

Ian's tone was cold: "I am Ian's elder brother, and he has been sent home by me. In return, I can protect you for a while."

Su Tang smiled: "Really? As long as he's fine, you go back and take care of him. You don't need to come to my side."

Ian didn't expect to be rejected, stuck for a while, and said, "I got separated from the mercenary group in order to find you."

Su Tang said kindly: "It's dangerous to walk in the forest alone, come with us and see if we can meet your mercenary group," he apologized, "But we are also lost, it may be very difficult. "

Ian joined the team just like that, his personality is not very good, his eyes always stay on Su Tang in the dream, but when Su Tang looks at him, he has an indifferent face.

Of course Su Tang in the dream realized it, but he just smiled gently.

He acquiesced to Ian's various behaviors, such as that the other party would touch his hair when he was not paying attention.

In the dream, Su Tang thought he was the same as that cute but not frank five-year-old cub, so he gave him enough love.

They didn't know how long they stayed in the elf forest, and finally successfully drove to the human city.

At this time, Ian was not so cold anymore. Sometimes Su Tang pinched his hair deliberately, but he just resisted a little, but he didn't avoid it.

They lived in the city for a while, and came to the island according to Kairosa's guidance.

That night, he was caught and placed on the altar. When he woke up, he found the blue dragon fighting with the dead.

Su Tang couldn't get in touch with the system. He tried to break free from the chains and escape, but he couldn't break free in the forbidden state. Kairosa rushed into the altar, broke the chains on his body, and lifted the forbidden magic.

He takes him to fight the bones, but ends up surrounded.

Kairosa told Su Tang all the truth in the dream, and then gave him a defense scroll, blew himself up and made atonement.

Su Tang woke up from his dream, and heard Su Yimu and the others outside the tent shouting, "Why are you still chasing, come out!"

Su Tang turned his head and saw that the tent had been lifted, revealing Su Yimu's anxious face, "The holy class and the necromancers are fighting, and we are surrounded by an army of bones!"

Su Tang got up so quickly that he didn't even have time to rush out his coat.

Ian seemed to have just woken up from a dream, blinked dully, and rushed out.

Sure enough, there was a dense army of bones outside. They were afraid of the breath of life and did not dare to get too close. Of course, there were also some high-level ones who didn't care about this and rushed straight over.

Su Tang heard someone shout: "Capture Your Highness alive, and don't care about other life or death!"

The army of bones rushed over under the order.

All the powerhouses of the Necromancer Race in the sky and the holy battle situation became more and more fierce. The powerful impact caused a tsunami on the sea surface, and the sea water affected the island. Su Tang shouted, "Run to the center of the island!"

The battle ended in the morning, everyone was out of breath and lost.

Mexiuen's mercenary group dragged their wounded body down to find Su Yimu, and they were relieved to see that she was still alive.

All the survivors landed on the island one after another. Su Tang was drinking the healing potion when he caught a glimpse of a blond man walking towards him from the corner of his eye.

After a while, he bowed his head and said respectfully, "Mother."

The queen put her hand on his shoulder, and huge magic power flowed through Su Tang's body.

Her eyes fell on Su Tang's hand: "Elf Ring?"

Su Tang: "Yes."

The queen glanced at the people around him: "These are your teammates?"

Su Tang: "Yes."

Queen: "Yes, take your friends back to the palace in a few months."

Su Tang: "Yes."

Last night seemed like a dream, everyone left, there was a mess all over the floor, and there was a battle here last night.

Everyone found yesterday's boat and came to the small island next door.

Su Yimu lay on the beach: "A lot of dead spirits have disappeared, and His Highness's mission has also disappeared. What shall we do next? Are we still slaying dragons?"

Feluth expressed her opinion: "I don't want to slay the dragon anymore, I want to follow everyone around to do research."

Tarn: "I'm free."

Kairosa didn't express his opinion, but after hearing Ian's words, his expression changed.

Ian said, "Marry Su Tang."


Su Tang: "What's the end?"

Ian: "Marriage."

Su Tang fell silent.

Su Yimu laughed loudly: "No way, no way, you dare to abduct His Royal Highness of the Holy Spirit Empire, did the king and queen agree? You have no public relationship, and you don't have enough dowry, how dare you think about it!"

This sentence reminded Ian: "How much dowry?"

Su Yimu was stunned: "You really plan to..."

Fei Lusi said: "As His Royal Highness of the largest empire, how can there be purple gold coins lined up all over the street?"

Tarn interface: "At least you have to be promoted to the holy level, and then fight World of Warcraft every day, maybe it's almost enough to fight for decades."

Su Tang was speechless: "Talking about what to do, isn't it about the next plan? I'm not going to slay the dragon, but I like the free life and being with everyone. Why don't you just practice and do what everyone likes?" thing."

Everyone agrees that after not looking for the dragon, their time will slow down, and it doesn't matter if they stay in one place for too long.

After living in a human city for almost half a month, Ian's estrus/estrous period finally passed, but his enthusiasm didn't seem to have diminished at all.

At night, Su Tang performed a cleansing technique on himself, "Okay, I know that what you said in the elf forest were all lies, if you can't control yourself, you can't control yourself."

Ian curled his shoulder-length blond hair with his fingertips: "My brother is coming to this city tomorrow."

Su Tang froze, and then slapped him, "You should talk about this kind of thing early, it's over, it will definitely be difficult to get up tomorrow morning, even if you get up, you won't be in a good state, we haven't prepared anything yet!"

Ian: "Don't worry about him, he will come by himself."

Su Tang was going to get up early the next day, but was dragged into the bathroom by Ian who was woken up. He hurried downstairs at noon and found that his teammates were chatting happily with a red-haired man.

Seeing him and Ian coming down, everyone understood, Su Yimu waved and said, "Come here and talk about your lifelong events!"

Su Tang was full of question marks.

He sat down: "Hello."

The red-haired man: "Hello, I'm Ian's younger brother. My name is Feili. We met before!"

Su Tang recalled that this was the passerby who brought little Ian to find him.

Su Tang pushed away the hand playing with his hair: "So you were lying that day, you didn't encounter the curse at all!"

Ian looked at him with his chin propped up: "Do you want me to explain here?"

Su Tang was immediately vigilant: "No, I won't say it here."

Ian: "Oh."

He doesn't care, it doesn't matter where he says it, but his little lover seems to be very shameless, so let's forget it.

Feluth said at this moment: "Captain, Fei Li said that he represented his brother as a gift to your family."

"Pfft," Su Tang picked up a handkerchief and wiped the corner of his mouth, "What?"

Feluth: "You have been dismissed."

Su Tang: "..."

Su Yimu hahaha said: "When you were not here, we were talking about the reaction of the Holy Spirit Empire. I think it will be very exciting."

Su Tang: "..."

Feluth: "Compared to this, I'm more curious about the betrothal gifts that are piled up on the long street."

Su Tang's pupils trembled.

He decided to be quiet, and after a while, he rushed to find everyone, "Go back to the Holy Spirit Empire!"

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