
A figure was shot down in shallow water by a huge sea monster, and a huge splash was thrown out. Not far away, there were pools of blood everywhere, and corpses lying in the pool of blood everywhere. The smell of blood and the smell of the sea, in the warm climate of the south spread.

"Ah--!!" An unwilling, crazy, sharp, and hoarse cry pierced the night, and the red-haired woman with short hair shot up from the shallow water, wielding a black sword, with a hideous face stained with blood and mud.

Endless sea monsters continuously climbed up to the shore from the shallow water, some were gnawing on the broken human corpses on the shore, some stared at the big blue eyes, greedily looking for those who were still alive, but only A human who can only fall to the ground and moan.

Most of the area where the sea tribe invaded has fallen silent. There are only the sound of the footsteps of the sea tribe landing and the sound of corpses being eaten. Only in some narrow areas, there are still some survivors who are resisting. The big knife slashed at those huge sea monsters, the sound of the wind, the sound of the sea, the sound of shouting, and the sound of their death.

The line of sight is very clear, that kind of onlooker's perspective, very clear.We can clearly see the footage of human corpses lying in a pool of blood being eaten by sea monsters, we can clearly see the deep scars left by human blades on the sea monsters, and we can clearly see the holding hands surrounded by sea monsters. The miserable ending of the sword warrior clearly shows that the short red-haired woman, with red eyes and half madness, slashed and killed monsters with unimaginable strength, but only a very small part of this area was still able to be slain.

Like a wave, struggling feebly in the huge wave of monsters.

And the next moment, the coast is far away, and the flags are covering the sun.The azure blue griffin banner, the griffins all over the sky, and the well-organized human army, under the command of someone, the blue and gold staggered human army rushed to the coast like a tide, fighting with sea monsters and those survivors with knives. Together.

The sea monster's painful screams came and went, and among them, there were also some faint human voices.Those cries from people.

In the end, this harsh picture gradually becomes distant and a little dim.



That night.It's a dream.

Surrounded by warm hugs, the early winter night was pitch black, Mesaka opened her eyes, her thoughts were still a little tranced, for her sleep has become unnecessary, it has been a long time since she had a dream.And the dream just now belonged to a fragment in Mesaka's memory.

In those years, she walked on the mainland, saw and heard too much, but the joys and sorrows that were staged in front of her eyes, the protagonists in those life dramas, she remembered many stories, but even if the memory was as strong as hers, It is also difficult to remember everyone's names, and there are too many unknown people among them. For her, they are unknown.

But there was only one place, those strangers in that place, and Messaka wrote down the names of all of them.And, not on purpose.


"My name is Liz!" The one-armed woman with a knife limped towards the giant sea monster.

"I'm Danny Bull!" The man standing on the head of the sea monster shouted loudly as he stabbed the sharp knife in his hand into the head of the sea monster under his feet.

"I'm Derek!" the dying man gasped before he breathed his last.



"I'm Joe." It was a red-haired woman.

"I'm Joe." The red-haired woman, accompanied by all the sea monsters that invaded the coast that day, died under the guns of the Sun Lancers.

Those people repeatedly said their names in the face of death, and those people shouted their names at the last moment of their lives.

Those people are a group of forgotten people.

Those people, Messaka, can't forget.

"Aim." The hand was gently held by someone, and the embrace was tightly hugged, and the call in the ear was full of warmth, it was Wei.

"What are you thinking about?"

Mesaka pursed her lips, and after a while, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Some things, and some people."

Mesaka was not in the mood to talk for a while, and Wei just hugged her quietly and didn't inquire further.

The two snuggled together, listening to each other's heartbeat, the window was foggy at night, and snowflakes began to fall.

"It's winter." Mesaka, who was hugged by Wei, suddenly murmured.

"Well, it's winter."

Winter is not a good word for many humans in the world of Asha.In this world where supplies are scarce, the winter climate not only makes it difficult for people living at the bottom to work, but also freezes to death and starves to death in this season, which is not surprising in villages, towns and villages of all sizes.Especially Mesaka and their hometown, Violet Principality, those northern kingdoms.For those low-level people, not every household has warm clothes. It’s fine on sunny days, but when it snows heavily, most people can only huddle beside the fire at home, shivering in bedding, children who are tightly protected by adults. Fortunately for you, it is completely normal for this world for frail old people to freeze to death overnight in this kind of weather.

Helpless, morbid normality.

Snow scenes, annual festivals, winter festivals... Those beautiful words are only eligible to be seen in those large cities and their surrounding areas.

Of course, in Helaishi, the land of the dead, freezing does not exist.At the place on the map that belongs to the entrance of the Helles Peninsula, countless skeleton armies are transporting building materials densely... They are building the city.

Avaya La.

A city where Mesaca's hopes and aspirations are born.

The ground was covered with a thin layer of snow in the morning light, and more places were trampled into mud by the footprints of skeletons. Three people in white robes quietly floated in mid-air, quietly watching the city outlined in their hearts below. Cashing in little by little, this kind of mood is like dragging a beloved treasure in the palm, even the three people who can control their mentality very well, Mesaka, Wei, and Berkes, can't help but feel a little emotional.

"Avayala... No one can see her future clearly." Berkes pulled the brim of his hat and said with emotion.

The new city proposed by Mesaka with such expectations, the new city named "Starting", what will be bred in her future, whether it will be good or bad, even Berks can't predict it now .

Mesaka stretched out her five fingers from under the cloak and probed downward, as if she wanted to touch the busy scenery below, "We will work hard to make her into a beautiful thing."

"By the way, you've heard of the Abandoned Lands, right?" Mesaka, who withdrew her hand, turned her head to look at Berkes, and suddenly changed the subject.

Although Berkes didn't understand why Mesaka suddenly mentioned that place, but the place that was mentioned made him sigh slightly, "There, it's not too far away from us."

"The Abandoned Land, the place where thieves, fugitives, and villains run rampant?" Wei Wei asked suspiciously.

"Uh." Wei's words made Mesaka slightly astonished. Ashan is not like the world with advanced communications on Earth. The impressions of many places are only presented in people's brains through word of mouth between people.After reacting, Mesa paused, and said, "That statement is actually not wrong, but there are some differences."

"Huh?" Wei looked at Mesaka suspiciously.

Mesaka stretched out her hand, and the black mist entangled and overflowed her fingertips, like splashing ink, and finally drew a picture in front of the three of them, a map belonging to the world of Ashan.Helaishi is located on the peninsula in the southeastern part of the mainland, and the place to the west of the peninsula is marked by thick black mist-the seaside area at the junction of the Holy Griffon Empire and the Silver City-State.

Mesaka looked at the little black group and said, "The most primitive land of abandonment should actually be a place of betrayal, because its very existence is a record of human beings betraying their compatriots."

"Betrayal?" Wei slightly frowned.

"In the year [-] of the Seven Dragons, this southern seaside town was still part of the Holy Griffin Empire. It was a very ordinary human settlement, with fisheries, farmland, and even navigation and trade. The people here are fairly well-off, a place richer than more than half of the territory of our Violet Principality.

But in that year, the Sea Clan invaded the continent..."

The Sea Clan is a collective name for all races living in the ocean. Among them, there are mixed fish and species, and the number of races is hundreds of times more than that of the mainland. Some are friendly and some are vicious.

"The Overlord Sea Clan, even now, is still the most vicious and powerful branch of the Sea Clan. They landed. The reason is that the patriarch of the Overlord Sea Clan became interested in human civilization at that time, and wanted to eat some humans... ...At that time, the appearance of the Seventh Dragon caused the people in the Holy Griffin Empire to have unstable beliefs in Elrath. The Holy Court took dealing with the issue of belief as the top priority. three coastal cities.”

Messaka's tone was slightly cold, "Blocking news, transferring nobles, and merciful with foreigners, eventually causing nearly [-]% of the human compatriots in the three coastal cities to be abandoned under the rule of the murderous Sea Clan."

Wei didn't ask why they didn't transfer the people early. Obviously, this was the food left by the Holy Griffin Empire to satisfy the Overlord Sea Clan.

Abandoned by compatriots, trapped in foreign rule, facing the horrible ending of being used as food all the time, helplessness, fear, hatred... No one can describe the feelings of those people there at that time.

"I didn't expect you, Saka, to know the history that was deliberately erased by humans more than 100 years ago." Berks interjected, "The traitors completely destroyed that period of history, and there are also people in the abandoned land. Hard to keep records."

Mesaka was silent for a moment, and finally said with a wry smile: "The original inheritance of human beings is word of mouth."

"Then, aren't the people in the Abandoned Land the fugitives and villains that the rumors say?" Wei asked.

Mesaka shook his head, "That's right or wrong. The Sea Clan didn't have the desire to rule the land, they just ransacked and retreated to the ocean. They were just human survivors, more than one in a thousand. And after that, whether it was the sacred lion The Eagle Empire, or the surrounding Bull Principality and Greyhound Principality, did not have any idea of ​​reclaiming and annexing this land, and that land became an abandoned land. In the following more than 100 years, the southern human countries expelled , the wicked prisoners who escaped, the homeless refugees, many, many, the abandoned people, either fled or were driven to that abandoned land, making the abandoned land a name remembered by the world .

But... In fact, the main group of people living there are still the survivors who were left behind, and the Inland Kingdom refused to accept them. With the influx of criminals and villains, they who have been in the surrounding areas have now become rogues who have plagued all countries, robbing past merchants, and surviving on an ignoble existence.

The Land of Sin, the Land of Abandonment... These titles are roughly the same as the current place.but......"

Mesaka recalled those who shouted their names to die, "However, if you can live a safe life, who wants to fight and kill?"

"In there, there are now families, men and women, old and young. The crops that have only been cultivated for half a year are very likely to be wiped out in a sea tribe invasion. The fields are destroyed and some people are taken away. They were eaten. Many people inside had to rely on robbery for a living." Speaking of this, Messaka couldn't express his feelings very well.It is wrong to rob, but the situation that there is no way to live except for robbing actually exists in this world.

"So I want to take a trip, pick up some people, and become a resident of Avayala."

"Some people?" Berks looked at Mesaka thoughtfully.

Mesaka smiled and nodded, "Some people. There are some very interesting people there. They... always shout their names loudly and desperately."

Calling my name desperately, calling my name... to die.

That's a tradition they've passed down.

Thinking of those people, even Mesaka's heart was filled with emotion and enthusiasm. Mesaka turned her head and smiled slightly at Wei, "Didn't some people choose to defend their homeland when the Sea Clan invaded back then? They Shouting their own names, what they want to convey, Wei, can you guess?"

Wei thought about it, but finally shook her head.Berks remained silent.

Messaka clenched his fist and waved it in the air, then suddenly shouted: "I am Aim! I am not running away! I am fighting!"

Those people are not not afraid of death, and those people are not boasting about themselves. Those people just want to prove that in the face of foreign invasion, human beings do not just choose to flee, abandon and give up, but some people choose to stay and fight. Those people I just want to pass on some things, even if I die.

For example, human blood.

The author has something to say:

What should I say?

I came back today to write an article, and I can still write tomorrow.Um.

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