[Rebirth Fantasy] Seven Dragons

Chapter 79 Summer Festival

In the early morning, the twilight gradually brightened, the dewdrops stained the green leaves, and some fireflies danced and lingered among them, the sounds of insects, frogs, and other small harmless monsters, in the early summer In the early morning sun, there was a little bit of ringing, one after another.Outside the misty forest, for the first time in thousands of years, such a large number of people gathered here.As far as the eye can see, a short dwarf with a long beard, a small goblin with sharp eyes and cautious eyes, a dark elf with a dark complexion and a beautiful body, an elegant elf with a strong natural atmosphere, a girl with cat ears, and a horn on the top of her head. Of course, the most numerous tauren are humans dressed in various costumes.

Some people gathered together and chatted in low voices, and some people sat down and ate dry food immediately. It seemed that they had traveled at night from a long distance.Of course, most of the eyes of the crowd were focused on the fog in front of them.

And in the eyes of these people who are either looking forward to or curious or nervous or vigilant, a road separates from the fog, which is cold and quiet.At this time, a melodious music sounded, and countless light ghosts were flying in the air, bending over and making invitations, giving people an ethereal and mysterious beauty in the mist.

Everyone can't help but stare blankly.

"Welcome everyone." A cold female voice came, and in the mist, a beautiful ranger wearing a black cloak appeared, covering her chest and bowing in salute, her solitary and cold temperament was touching.It's breathtakingly beautiful.

"That's her, the beauty in the mist!"

"The legend is true..."

The crowd became agitated slightly, and someone let out a low voice.

At this moment, even the most picky elves opened their mouths slightly, and involuntarily played the long-term praise poems on the harp.The gloomy and fearful description that Horace had once been outside, at this moment, was fragmented in the minds of these visitors.They couldn't find any words to praise this feminine, ethereal, mysterious, and cold beauty.

Everyone followed the glamorous beauty and filed in, with those beautiful and illusory ghosts floating around.As the fog gradually faded, they saw the skeleton soldiers of the low-level undead arms that were widely circulated. These skeleton soldiers in black armor stood silently in two rows, and also saluted to welcome their arrival.

There are countless bright flowers and trees beside the road, blooming in full bloom in a wanton manner, which is a plant landscape that feels very different from the outside world.

Everything they have seen along the way has completely subverted these people's understanding of He Laishi and the undead race.Lingering in such beautiful scenery, visitors even forget the passage of time.

After an unknown amount of time, two rows of legendary necromancers were vaguely seen in the mist.Dark green breastplate, shoulder armor and skirt armor, lined with white clothes, bright green belt, wearing a green patterned hoodie, face covered with a white scarf, only showing a pair of indifferent eyes.Exactly the same as rumored.

Some people looked at each other, with a feeling of finally confirming that it was Horace.One of the necromancers took two steps forward, his voice was low and comfortable, without any gloomy feeling. "Herce welcomes you all."

When the people at the front walked into the city of the dead - Helles under the leadership of the necromancers, they realized that all this was just the beginning.

In the faint mist with shimmering light, countless sharp buildings with a height of more than ten meters are row upon row, scattered and orderly, and pyramids and obelisks can be seen everywhere.Lanlan fruit trees are densely planted on both sides of the street, and the fruit fragrance is pervasive.And perhaps due to the existence of the mist, the scorching heat of the outside world is completely unfeeling, and the whole city gives people a feeling of freshness and sweetness at a suitable temperature.

The visitors poured into the city in amazement, and there were many necromancers dressed as necromancers standing by the side of the road, acting as guides, patient and courteous.

All this surprised and delighted everyone.

"I can't help but fall in love with this beautiful city, even though she once had a completely different impression in my mind...I must apologize to this city that has stained my imagination."

An elf with rich emotions said so, which is also the common aspiration of most of the visitors.They marveled at this beautiful city and marveled at this charming place.With all preconceived ideas left behind, everyone wishes to remember all this firmly, and then tell their companions how ignorant and prejudiced they were.

Tell them what an amazingly beautiful city it is.

In the meeting hall, the high-ranking Helaishi who looked at the crowd outside with the magic mirror, looked at the surprised and indulging expressions of the visitors in the mirror, and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride emerging from the depths of their souls.

"This feeling is really good." Lagel said with emotion.Others either nod or smile.Look at Mesaka with a smile on his face.

Mesaka also laughed, paused, and said: "In this way, as long as there are these witnesses to promote our image to the outside world. In addition, we have kept a low profile and have not conflicted with any forces. I think there will be good news on the mainland." famous."

Trixie just came back here at this time."Our number one beauty is back," Marla quipped.

Tracy gave Mara a blank look, but this number one beauty really deserves her name, and there are rumors that Tracy is helping the lost... Otherwise, Messaka would not have arranged for Tracy to welcome visitors.The importance of the first impression does not need to be emphasized at all, and after Tracys appeared, the expression of the visitor also said it all.

It can be said that half of the visitors' favor towards Horace now comes from the fact that Tracy's performance gave them enough stimulation and surprise when she appeared.

"Okay, everyone." Messaka clapped his hands, "It's just started now. Treat these visitors with delicious food and drink, and we can rely on them to act as live publicity for us."

Everyone laughed lowly together.

The chefs on the street who had been invited a few days ago set up stalls for the visitors to eat, and there were also necromancers performing the ideas they had been thinking about recently. Some of the wonderful performances were playing a large harp, and some were simultaneously manipulating a A group of skeleton soldiers danced dazzlingly, even some with broken boulders in their chests. It can only be said that the necromancers burst out with extraordinary thoughts when they were pressed...

Raggle put on his cute and funny skeleton costume, and went to the large stage set up in the inner square together with Diff, who was dressed as a brave man.They were the first group of Horace executives to perform for these visitors during the day.

And at the moment when the two appeared, as expected, the audience below broke out into a wave of laughter.

"That's a skeleton, isn't it, so ridiculous and cute?!" A female voice came out from the crowd.

On the stage, Raggle and Diff are carrying the lines prepared by Messaka earlier, acting out the basic love of a skeleton and a brave man...

When they learned that the performance on the stage was brought by the executives of Horace, the visitors let out a new round of exclamation and surprise.Such as "So cute is the legendary Raggle who kills even his soul?" "That stupid big man is actually rumored to be a gloomy old man... The rumors are really unbelievable." Words like this were circulated among the visitors.

Afterwards, the visitors browsed Horace with a lighthearted mood.Some people have even thought about buying some special products to take home to show off to their friends about this Helaishi summer festival.

At night, the dim yellow magic lights illuminate the streets and alleys of Helaishi, and the noisy crowds are still browsing around, and the commotion started at about eight o'clock.

At that time, at the beginning, some people felt that the surrounding atmosphere was a little bit wrong. It seemed that something had happened. People kept spreading word of mouth, and people kept rushing towards the large stage over there.

Under an unknown operation, a crisp sound resounded through Horace.At that time, there were still people who were confused, but after more and more people around raised their heads with their mouths wide open in astonishment, they raised their heads suddenly, only to see that on the stage, in the night, one white and one black, two A huge phantom wearing an unknown costume hangs in the air.

The white clothes are beautiful, and the black clothes are dignified.

With the fanning of the beauty's hands, there are countless purple flower phantoms blooming with the elegant dancing posture, and the audience standing next to the giant stage can even see the live performance on the stage.Such an elegant and graceful dance, in the singing, in the ever-changing fantasy scene, or walking on the waves, or dancing with the disc, or falling cherry blossoms and fans, or interlacing and freezing...

"Who is that?" "What song is this?" "This dance is so beautiful..."

After the whispers like this, the crowd stared at the performance in a daze. Under the moonlight and in the mist, the beautiful dancing postures that moistened the body and mind like a stream, moistened everything silently, and no one wanted to break this Song and dance and its artistic conception.The two dancing in the night sky like that didn't need anyone's shouting to exaggerate, and directly infected everyone in the most direct form and with the most uncontroversial gesture.

It's late at night and people are drunk.

The author has something to say:

This chapter does not require major changes.

Also, I would like to ask for comments, collections, etc. anything that can cheer me up.The writing of the past few days has really made me feel a little uncomfortable, all kinds of blockages, and dissatisfaction with some drafts in my brain and written down. Those people seem to live in my brain, but I feel that it is difficult for me to grasp They are gone.

Coupled with the desertedness of clicking and replying, the state of writing has been sluggish.Hoping for some support.Criticism is also available.

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