When Wei fell asleep alone, she turned slightly sideways, in a very quiet and serene posture.But when they share the bed with Mesa Ka, they always hug Mesa Ka very tightly.

Waking up in the morning, Messaka moved slightly, but was hugged even tighter by Wei who had not yet woken up. The warm touch was soft and smooth, and her chest was moistened by Wei's warm breath.Wei Ruan's body curled up lazily in Mesaka's arms, but her arms hugged her hips and waist not honestly, her mouth and nose were filled with the moist and warm smell of sweat and body fluids.

Wei's skinny shoulders and neck were covered with traces of last night's joy,

The ice-cold soul poison did not have much impact on Messaka's daily life, or in other words, it had unexpected effects on some things--Messaka found that the ice-cold soul poison had If the Cold Soul Poison is only in a small amount, it will have a slight temporary enhancement effect on mental and physical stamina, and it will not cause much damage to the body.

The toxins accumulated in Messaka's body now far exceed the dosage that ordinary people can bear. While his strength is limited, it is also difficult to feel tired.

A long time ago, the two agreed that they could only rely on their physical fitness alone in the intercourse. This condition made Messaka turn from defense to offense during this period, and even took the opportunity to eat Wei.

Perhaps this is also one of the manifestations of interdependence between blessings and misfortunes.

Even so, this kind of thing must be removed from the body.Even with this unexpected benefit, Messaka never thought of leaving this toxin in his body to limit his own strength.After all, she has tasted too much of the bitter fruit caused by insufficient power in this world...

cemetery.Metropolitan Council.top lab.

Sometimes Mesaka couldn't help but think that the cruel plane of the Land of Bones has nothing to do with blood. This has to be said to be the magic of creation.

In the dark laboratory on all sides, the experimental table stained red by blood is lit with a mask used to seal the living experimental materials. Inside the transparent mask is a strange creature with the head of a snake and the body of an eagle. The shrinking body seemed to be screaming with its mouth open, but the sound could not come out of the mask.

Shrinking is a practical spell that every mage above high level likes very much.Because this spell greatly frees up more usable space in the laboratory.

And on the large experiment next to the mask, there are all kinds of bloody and huge bodies and limbs. If someone is willing to fight, you can find that this creature is the same type as the one in the mask, but it is quite big.

Messaka dispersed the black mist particles attached to his hands, and the filth contaminated by the experiment was burned by the suddenly lit flame while the black mist particles fell from mid-air.There was a slight smell of burnt flesh in the room, but it was blown away by the laboratory's own ventilation system in just a moment.

Shaking the reagent bottle containing the red liquid in his hand, Messaka came to an ice coffin, chopped up an ice cube and put it on the experiment table. After the ice cube melted, countless black particles floated out of it, gathering to gather escape.But it can only be in vain hitting the surrounding enchantment time and time again.

"Bitch! Devil! Vicious woman!" The black particles condensed into a human face and yelled at Mesaka, with a hoarse and shrill voice.

Mesaka was not annoyed either, and raised his left hand to grab the black face directly.The expression on the black man's face became terrified, and he screamed as if he wanted to escape, but he couldn't move. He was directly caught by Mesaka, and it was impossible to turn into black particles again.

"Ahem--" Messaka coughed twice, poured the red liquid onto the face made of black particles, and said in a tone of anticipation, "Try this."

The red liquid is the essence of flesh and blood extracted by Messaka from the monster with the snake head and the eagle body. The snake head and the eagle body is a strange creature with warm blood and cold blood coexisting in the body. It can survive no matter in extremely hot magma or extremely cold ice , Mesaka thought that there might be factors in this creature that could restrain the cold soul poison.

But after the red liquid was splashed on the black face, it seemed that it was a highly corrosive liquid such as sulfuric acid, and the black face began to corrode little by little from the part where the liquid was splashed.The black face screamed, cursed, terrified, but finally disappeared completely on the test bench, leaving nothing behind.

"Have you failed again..." Messaka sighed and waved his hand. The empty test tube was placed on the test tube rack again, and the inner wall of the test tube was not stained with any residual liquid.

After recording this experiment in his mind and sorting it out, Mesaka casually wrote down a new experimental idea on the side paper, "Perhaps it would be better to separate the heat resistance factor from the cold resistance factor..."

Messaka summoned two ghosts at random. These undead with soft bodies and powerful thoughts that can move objects are very suitable for delicate work such as cleaning the laboratory.

"There's not much time left, let's do it next time."

In the laboratory, Messaka's figure dissipated little by little like wind and sand, disappearing from the land of bones.

In May, the sky in Horace is always foggy.The blue air in the early morning flows like water waves, with a peaceful and stable atmosphere. In the small meeting hall, Berks is sorting out and recording the scrolls of various things in the city.

Mesaka suddenly appeared, and the dizzy feeling of crossing two planes with the secret method made her shake her head unconsciously as soon as she appeared.


Seeing the sudden appearance of Mesaka in gray and white clothes, Berks was not surprised, just smiled and greeted him kindly and gently.For this young man who is a human being, during this period of time, whether it is the other party's temperament or behavior, he has a great impression.

Since Berkes founded the undead faction, he and his companions have encountered too many unfair attitudes, being hostile, expelled and forced to wander, although they have abandoned the senses of the human body, making them, undead wizards, very indifferent , but after all, there is still a little loneliness in my heart.

But Mesaka is one of the few people who has a friendly attitude towards them in the past century.And he has given Horace a lot of help in many ways, especially in the raid against the Land of Bones.

Today, the cemetery is called "Sasiyali" by the necromancers of Helaishi with gratitude and respect, which means "land of hope" in the language of the undead.Not only because the cemetery is the only camp of Horace in the Land of Bones, but also because the cemetery, a space of the kingdom of God that contains the law of death, makes the souls of the necromancers feel close to the law of death.

During this period of time, Berkes also carefully studied and observed various buildings in Sasiya.And most of the laws of death contained in those buildings are already mastered by him, and he can clearly feel that this is a compound law space. In addition to the law of death, there is a deeper law as the foundation.Mesaka also told him that those are the basic laws of equivalent exchange and energy transformation, and she was able to build a place similar to the kingdom of God like "Sasiyali" through a divine object.

Berks is convinced of this.And this is reasonable, after all, the law of death mastered by Mesaka is still far from the perfect Wanze, even compared with him, the father of the undead, it is much inferior, and he can create a human like Sasiyali. The Kingdom of God really surprised him.

Knowing that it was achieved by foreign objects, Berks' doubts subsided a little.

In addition to being the controller of Sasiyali, Mesaka has also made a lot of contributions to the affairs of Horace during these days.Helaishi is a city where necromancers gather. Currently, there are only nearly [-] residents, but as an emerging force, there are many ways to communicate with the outside world.

Although most of them count as undead, they still need a lot of resources for magic research, not to mention that the city of Helaishi is still in a state of expansion, and the power of Helaishi is also in a state of expansion.All of these must be based on an economic basis.

But for these, the knowledgeable scholars of Horace's eyes turned black.

Don't expect even a few Necromancers to handle these matters well.All these wizards who are full of thinking about pursuing the truth and touching the law of death are all people with status before they came to Helaishi.And it's still the kind of research-oriented talent who doesn't need to take care of things, needs people and resources.It is really difficult for them to drive ducks to the shelves and let them handle the affairs of controlling a power.

Helaishi has basically relied on Berks alone to support the normal operation of the entire city these years, and his approach is also very simple and rude-relying on wealth and power externally, and relying on necromancers internally That indifferent and harmonious atmosphere.However, this method also directly led to the shortage of Helaishi resources some time ago.

However, the arrival of Messaka has largely filled in Horace's shortcomings in this regard. The woman's skillful and appropriate means of dealing with such things made Horace and his group of old men and old ladies amazed.He simply handed over the matter to Mesaka directly, and even directly declared that the owner of Helaishi City is Saka.

The major forces in the outside world thought that a necromancer more powerful than Belsk had emerged from the undead tribe. People were panicked, and spies from all over the world were scattered around Helaishi, and they were inquiring about the surrounding small noble territories.

There was even a spy who somehow got involved with a necromancer.

"Master Saka is a very respectable elder." The necromancer said so.The relatively low-level necromancers are used to calling all respectable high-level figures the elders, but these are not known to outsiders.

Due to the sudden appearance of Mesaka, the intelligence organizations around the world did not get much information, but these intelligence chiefs who like conspiracy theories have speculated that Mesaka is an old and immortal guy, and summed up his character as sinister, Cunning, unfathomable.Then they solemnly kept these files in the intelligence room with the highest level of encryption...

However, these misunderstandings have no effect on Messaka himself or the other necromancers in Horace.

"It's a bit early today." Berks greeted with a smile.

"The experiment just finished." Mesaka explained, sitting in front of a pile of documents stacked as high as a hill, leaning on his forehead and sighing, "There are still so many things to do today..."

"Young people, those who can do more work." Berkes smiled, and then solemnly said to Mesaka: "Saka, I really want to find out a rule..."

"Huh?" Mesaka raised his head from the pile of documents and looked at Berkes suspiciously.

"Compared to sleeping, if you were doing an experiment the night before, you would come here earlier the next day..."

Mesaka, who originally thought that the other party was going to discuss something, was full of black lines when he heard this sentence.

On the other end, Berkes also added earnestly: "Young man, some things still need to be restrained..."

Messaka was a little speechless, but he couldn't refute, so he could only blushed and lowered his head to process the documents.

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