[Rebirth Fantasy] Seven Dragons

Chapter 53 I Came to Find You

The wind is cold and cold in winter, and all the withered trees are covered with white snow.

The hut in the forest fell down suddenly, a figure flew out like a cannonball, followed by another figure, the former one smashed three thick logs one after another, and was buried under the falling snow thickly, while the latter stepped on black Boots, slowly walked to the snowdrift.

The person buried in the snow struggled to get out of the snowdrift, and slowly got up, the shadow of his bangs covered his eyes, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his white clothes were damaged in many places.It was a man. The man stood up straight, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and looked at the person with a wry smile, "Wei, Victoria, I know you are sad, and I am also sad... the matter of Mesaca ..."

"Shut up." Feng Juanxuewu, Victoria, who was dressed in black, looked coldly at the man in front of her. This glamorous beauty became a lot haggard, her long hair was tied together with a hair rope, swaying in the wind with.

Victoria kicked over again, the movement was very slow, but Alva, who was a high-level warrior, couldn't dodge, and there was another commotion in the forest, with broken logs, branches and snow in a mess.

"Ahem——" Victoria's kick was really heavy, and Alva leaned on the tree with his arms bent, coughing up blood non-stop.It was only then that Alva realized that the woman was really angry. He hadn't seen the woman so angry in so many years, but he didn't expect that it was himself who got angry for the first time.

"Did I do something to make you angry?" Alva panted heavily, exhaled and then dissipated, he was secretly annoyed, but still forced a smile on his face.

"I'm very puzzled these days, she's just a child, why so many troubles came to her..." It was still the same cold voice, but Alva could hear that there was something different in it.

Alva slowed down his voice, with some comfort in his gentleness, "As I said, we are all very sad about the Mesaka incident."

But to his dismay, it was still a kick that greeted him.

boom boom boom --

Alva, who fell down on the snow again, had all his bones cracked. Alva, who had always been a noble young master, had never suffered this kind of pain. He could be cruel to others without changing his face, but he couldn't bear this kind of pain.Lying on the ground for a while, weeping and howling.

Victoria walked softly up to him again, the winter shadows falling over him.That unemotional gaze fell on him.A chill welled up in his heart, Alva realized that he was wrong, this woman is not angry.She was crazy! He could feel that she wanted to kill him!

This recognition made Alva's pupils shrunk into needles, and his distorted face was full of horror. He shouted loudly, "Wei, you can't do this. I like you, and I will give you whatever you want... ...Wei, my wisdom, your strength...we can do many things together...Wei..."

Victoria casually pulled the man out of the pile of broken branches and snow, and threw him aside like a dead dog, looking at Alva quietly, "Has anyone ever told you that you are very self-righteous?"

The voice seemed to be evaluating an irrelevant person, without any emotion, the wind suddenly became louder, and the cold wind howled, and Alva, who was lying on the ground in a panic, looked at the woman who had gone crazy in his eyes, He started to beg for mercy, but in the end it turned into crying, his voice was hoarse and weak, "Is this what you hate about me? I'll change it! Wei, Wei, please forgive me Wei... Wei, woo woo..... .”

"I know what you've been thinking all this time, but I didn't pay attention... I'm so sorry." Victoria squatted down, her face was very close to her, and Alva could even smell the faint smell on the woman's body. Body scent.Victoria's attitude made Alva feel a little relaxed.

Wei really wouldn't kill him.

He smiled when he came back from a desperate situation. The face covered with blood, tears and snot was ugly, but it was the purest smile Alva had ever smiled since he was born.

"I should have killed you long ago."

Then there was a sharp pain in his chest, and Victoria's cold and beautiful face, which was close at hand, was expressionless.Alva trembled all over, but he didn't react for a while, his smile still froze on his face, he looked down in Victoria's cold voice, he looked at the woman holding a handful of ice-blue cones in his hand in disbelief. stabbed into his chest.

The strong vitality of the high-ranking warrior prevented him from dying immediately, and he just stared blankly at his own blood gurgling out.A completely dull expression, an unbelievable expression, an expression that wants to cry but can't cry, an expression that doesn't understand the situation at all.

"May, Mesaka...I didn't kill..."

Alva said aggrievedly and intermittently, Victoria listened and nodded, and said softly, "I know. But I also know that you also want to kill Aim."

"But..." Alva wanted to say that Mesaka was dead, but with the loss of blood, he was gradually weakened and could no longer speak.

But Victoria seemed to understand what he wanted to say, but she also seemed to be saying to herself, smiling softly, a smile that Alva had never seen before, "I won't let anyone threaten Aim again, I will bring her back and keep her by my side. I will clean up everything that might threaten her..."

You are crazy.Alva stared wide-eyed, opened his mouth, panted, and thought in a daze that he would die at the hands of a lunatic in the end, he was unwilling, he wanted to cry, and then he died like this.

In the quiet forest, Victoria, who had been squatting, sat down with her knees hugged, her face gently buried in her folded legs, and her shoulders shrugged slightly.Victoria who has always been praised and envied by others, Victoria who has always been cold and beautiful, Victoria who has always wanted to be a hero, and Victoria who has always put her heart on Aimee, after all, she is still a girl under 19 years old.It's also the first time she's really, really killed someone.

His bloody right hand wiped the snow beside him... and wiped it again.

Wind and snow danced, and in the blink of an eye, an unbelievably beautiful man appeared next to Victoria. He glanced at Alva's body on the ground, then at Victoria who was sitting with her knees hugged, and watched the girl wipe the stained hands on the snow. blood, sighed softly, "You child, you have overdone it..."

With her face covered between her legs, Victoria said in a muffled voice, "Anyway, I'm already a legendary powerhouse, and none of them dare to say anything about me..."

The two were silent, and Saya looked at the girl who could be said to have grown up beside him, and sighed.

During the journey, the girl suddenly fainted, and then rushed back in a panic, and finally fell directly in front of another girl's coffin... Over the years, as a teacher, he has never seen such a fragile appearance Victoria, who is usually cool and strong, always looks cool and strong, even if she encounters the most difficult and difficult things, even if she can't be cool and strong, she will try her best to pretend to be cool and strong...

He used to think that one day there would be a kind of person who would make Victoria look different...but he didn't expect that there would be such a day and a person.

Later he watched the girl go to investigate the murderer. She found out the people who tried to kill Mesaka but were killed. He watched her find out that someone had investigated the matter between her and Mesaka. He watched her investigate To the man named Tantra.

The man named Tantra honestly confessed everything he knew after seeing Victoria's legendary aura.Saya did not expect that his disciple named Alva would be involved in matters related to Mesaka.He quietly watched his most proud disciple in his life finish everything in peace, so calm, so calm that it was frightening.

Fortunately, she still cried in the end.

"Mesaka was killed by the space-time dragon clan." Saya sighed, and told Victoria what he knew. He was worried that the child would not want to tell it, but now he feels that such a Victoria can bear such a burden. hate.

"Space-time Dragon Race..." Victoria turned her head abruptly, tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes.

"Is it great?" Victoria asked.

Saya thought for a while, and said: "The people they want to kill, even if they use all the strength of the whole family, they will kill them. I can't beat the most powerful one."

After listening to this, Victoria was so quiet that it was frightening. She stood up and looked at the gray sky motionless.

If Saya felt something, he asked, "Where are you going?"

The girl replied, "I'm going to find her, Aimee."

"Aim is not dead, I can feel it." The girl's voice floated gently.

the next day.Violet House.

A petite girl lay in the coffin, which was Mesaka's body.The bloody appearance when it was brought back was restored to its original appearance by the priests of Her Majesty Eras using advanced healing techniques.

Messaka's body with make-up looks as if it is still alive, but it has no soul.

Then Victoria came, and she made an eternal ice coffin for the girl using the law of ice.Regardless of everyone's obstruction, he forcibly took her away.

"I'm here to look for you." Such a whisper, with deep nostalgia, as if if you squeeze, blood will ooze out.

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