[Rebirth Fantasy] Seven Dragons

Chapter 50 The Land of Bones


The sound of branches and leaves rubbing against each other suddenly came from the ear, and the body whose sensitivity had not yet fully recovered shivered in the cold wind. Messaka opened his eyes again, tightened his right hand on the silk robe with the slit open, and frowning vigilantly scanned After a circle around, a necromantic detection necromancer was randomly placed around.

Messaka knew that in the Land of Bones, the chance of seeing creatures was harder than winning the lottery.I also gave myself a fourth-level spell of the undead system, undead camouflage.


With the sound of the incantation falling to the ground, a set of leather armor appeared in front of Mesaka. This is the space spell that Mesaka learned from Long, the dimensional space bag.It is a very convenient skill to place some dead objects in the small space opened up.

Putting on a brown light leather armor, Messaka cursed inwardly angrily, and didn't even give her time to change her equipment, and threw her down without warning.

But this feeling of slack only flashed in Mesaka's mind.It can only be used as a means to relieve my tense nerves a little.The Land of Bones is a notoriously dangerous alien plane. Even the necromancers in Hellesh do not want to enter this plane alone. They only organize a team to collect research materials every year Come in.

The Land of Bones has an endless variety of naturally generated undead, but this is not the most frightening place. Those naturally generated undead will only produce wisdom when they reach a high level. No intelligence at all.

The most disturbing thing about the Land of Bones is that this alien plane has been eroded by negative energy and negative spiritual forces such as resentment, unwillingness, and hatred of the dead for a long time, making this plane extremely strange and unstable.

To put it bluntly, it is haunted, and it is the kind of weird space that even high-level powerhouses cannot escape.

Mesaka had never been here in her previous life. There are many different dimensions in the world of Ashan. It can be said that she, who died young, has only been to a few places.What she knew about the Land of Bones was what she had heard from the necromancers in Horace.

There are three moons hanging in the sky, known as the dark moon. The Land of Bones has no distinction between day and night, and is always in darkness. The dark moon is the light source provider for the Land of Bones, and it is also the main means of timekeeping in the Land of Bones. .

The three dark moons will disappear one by one within a fixed period of time, divided into single moons, double moons, three months, and hidden moons without dark moons.These four periods are a cycle, and the cycle repeats.

The group of necromancers in Helaishi once mobilized a huge amount of manpower and material resources to test the difference in time flow between the Land of Bones and the main plane. One month, after coming out of the main plane, only one-third of the time has passed.

Mesaka walked vigilantly in the forest with a big sword in her hand. The place where she landed happened to be on the edge of the forest. The trees in this forest are a species of weeping wood. Although they look scary, they are not dangerous. It is one of the few harmless native species in the Land of Bones.

Mesaka doesn't think she's so lucky, it's probably because Long specially chose the landing place for her.

Messaka did not dare to go too deep into the forest, but summoned the Sealed Codex slightly inside the forest, and opened the third page, which was no longer blank. Under the illumination of the three moons, the huge book pages Different from the clear images of the two dragon gods on the previous two pages, the state of the enchanting woman is extremely unstable, with black mist constantly twisting and overflowing, as if it might dissipate at any time.

This is the divine kingdom space of the cemetery forces that Messaka built in Long based on the law of death he had comprehended. Messaka breathed a sigh of relief, put his fingertips on the pages of the book, and a black aura emerged from his body. Out of the entanglement, it changed from light to thick over time, and the very heavy darkness once again wrapped Mesaka's whole body.


The page suddenly began to shake, and the darkness wrapped in Messaka twisted for a while.

After everything calmed down, Mesaka disappeared into the woods, and only the footprints left on the spot still recorded that someone had stayed here.

It was cold and desolate.Messaka opened his eyes, and there was a slight chill under his feet.If the impression of the Land of Bones is eerie and dangerously cold, then the space of the Kingdom of God in this cemetery is the kind of desolation with nothing.

Messaka looked around, and as far as he could see, there were vaguely broken tombstones dumped and buried in the ground.Not far away, there is only a narrow columnar building piercing into the sky, and there is a scarlet stripe decoration in the center of the building.

Mesaka walked into the columnar building, there was no door, when her hand reached into the scarlet stripe, her whole body was melted into it like a drop of water into the sea.

Similar to the space of the Kingdom of God on other pages, there is an illusory beam of light in the center of this narrow building, with a gloomy and gloomy light. Messaka's finger touches it lightly, as if touching the surface of water, and the picture ripples.

There is also a new window that pops up, with text in the middle, but the texture on the border is green fluorescent.

Village and town council halls allow the construction of first-level buildings.It can be upgraded to City Hall.Need to spend 2000 gold coins, 2 wood, 2 stone.

The price and required resources are exactly the same as those of other Divine Kingdom spaces.

Different from the vast space in the sanctuary, the village council hall in the cemetery is a narrow column.The surrounding architectural painting walls are arranged from bottom to top around the central light column. This style has a faint feeling of dizziness and suffocation.

In addition, this cemetery's space of the kingdom of God is different in that there are no additional buildings, unlike the church and hell, which have their own barracks and markets.It needs to be built entirely by yourself.What's more, there are very few buildings that can be built in the cemetery. At present, there are only basic markets and cemeteries.The basic market is used to exchange resources, which is necessary for the Mesaka who currently has no ability to bring external resources into the space, and the cemetery is used to recruit skeleton soldiers.

It costs 2000 gold coins to exchange resources in the basic market.

The cemetery allows the recruitment of skeleton soldiers, and the weekly output +9 needs to cost 1750 gold coins, 6 wood and 2 stones

But Messaka is penniless now, and she's here to do something else.

Mesaka re-opened the window of the village and town hall, and with his fingertips down, a new option box appeared in front of Mesaka's eyes. The green light reflected Mesaka's eyes and reflected the green light.

"Do you want to project?"

Mesaka tapped on the "Yes" option without hesitation.

The next moment, the space of the Kingdom of God shook violently.

Messaka still stood firmly, and Messaka looked down with a sense of feeling, her feet had become transparent, and that sense of transparency was spreading up her legs.

It was a protective measure of the Kingdom of God for her, the Lord of the Kingdom of God, when it was unstable. Soon, Messaka's entire body became transparent, followed by a sense of dizziness, and Mesaka disappeared into the space of the Kingdom of God Inside.

Opening her eyes again, Messaka returned to the Land of Bones, but the difference was that behind her, a narrow columnar building decorated with scarlet stripes in the center loomed, gradually condensing into a solid body.It is the village council hall in the Kingdom of God in the Mesaka Cemetery.

That's why Messaka and Long dared to let her come here to improve her strength even though they knew the strange danger of the Bone Land-a projection of the space of the Kingdom of God on a different plane.After the projection is completed, the space in the town hall will be a stable and safe place where there will be no dangerous abnormalities.

However, just at this time the forest began to fill with a light mist.

Mesaka frowned, and couldn't help cursing secretly, "Damn it, how come it just so happens at this time."

Because there is a strong spiritual power in the Land of Bones, some illusory things often appear in a strange way, in other words, it is similar to the realization of human fantasy, such as Goras and other monsters, such as chastity. According to the books that Mesaka had seen, the appearance of mist was one of the main symptoms of this strange and dangerous abnormality.

Phantoms began to appear in the mist, and Mesaka glanced at the projections of the village and town halls around him, and it would take a little time to complete.The phantom in the mist slowly came out, it was a creature similar to a dryad, and in the center of the tree was a kindly old man's face.

"Outsiders, do you need my help?" Numerous roots carried the dryad like tentacles, and the dryad crawled towards Mesaka little by little, with a kind smile on his face.

If an uninformed person comes here and finds such a friendly creature that can talk, he will easily let go of his guard, but he knows that the strange Mesaka still stares at the other party closely, opens the code of seal, and puts his hand on the dragon of chaos. On the page, the mouth sings the old hell language, "Lian San Diego Erie."

Mesaka communicated with the plane of hell with the help of the law of chaos in the sealed code, and directly pulled out a weak hell creature from it—the madman, which is an advanced creature of the madman.The red and black body, and the chains wrapped around it, represent the frenzied flames burning in its body, and the red flames can be seen from the open top of the head, throat and body surface.

Madness is the creation of the Mad Lord U-Womok.These demonic spirits have an unstable, raging, unpredictable and chaotic nature.Creations of the Mad Lord, these madmen are masters at spreading fear and panic, screaming and crying when they attack, and laughing when they are injured.

Those who have lived in a crazy way for a long time have thus acquired a twisted sense of humor and advanced to become madmen.In their eyes, everything appears ironic or merely comical.This ability helps them draw determination and confidence from their opponents.

The crazy demon servant was still laughing wildly when it appeared, as if it didn't know what happened to itself, but Mesaka just chose the tree demon's feet for it.

"A new friend?" The dryad was slightly stunned, as if he didn't understand why another creature appeared, so it could be seen that its IQ was not high, but what happened after that made Mesaka's scalp tingle .

The countless roots directly at the bottom of the tree demon directly entangled the madman. Even if it is only the lowest unit of the hell race, the madman is already a creature with medium strength, but he was entangled by the roots of the tree demon without even struggling. up.Messaka could see clearly that the unreasonable creature like the madman actually showed a peaceful expression among those roots.

The countless tentacles on the roots all inserted into the madman's body, and all that was left was the chains wrapped around the madman's body.Even the frantic flames in the madman's body didn't cause any discomfort to the dryad.

Still smiling that kindly way, still speaking that kind of kind words, the dryad slowly continued to crawl towards Mesaka.

The author has something to say:

First update.I feel in a state. .We must be able to do three shifts today.

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