At the end of the summer of [-] of the Seven Dragons, Victoria Violet was a glamorous beauty who was in the double ninth year, and also the most talented warrior in history who was only one step away from the legendary realm.However, maybe God is not willing to allow a person to have everything. While giving her this amazing talent and beautiful appearance, it also gave her a very painful growth process.

He lost his mother at the age of nine and his father at the age of 14. The family suffered drastic changes, and he could only depend on his younger sister for life.What made Victoria even more terrified afterwards was that she seemed to have feelings she shouldn't have for her young sister, the few remaining relatives.Such a young, innocent, and flower-like girl, every time she just gets close to her, a kind of unstoppable pity emerges from the bottom of her heart, and she wants to get closer, closer, closer.

There is a desire to rub the girl into his body.

Victoria is an iceberg plus martial idiot, otherwise she wouldn't be able to achieve her current achievements at such a young age.However, although she doesn't know much about feelings, she also knows that this is no longer a simple feeling that an older sister should have for her younger sister.

The better thing is that she can't always be by Aim's side, she has been practicing sword arts and martial arts with her teacher in the Valley of Swords, and Aim is studying at the Weiai Academy of Magic, there is still a distance between the two.Therefore, during the only time they spend together each year, Victoria did not suppress her feelings too much, and gave Aim everything she could give, and she couldn't help being close to the girl as her sister, and even kissed her secretly.

But she never expected that Aim would have the same feelings for herself.She had thought about finding a good family for Aim after she was brought up, so that she could live a happy and peaceful life by guarding her like that.

Although every time she thought about a man who would get Aim, she felt a heart-wrenching pain.

However, when Aimee really knelt down in front of her and proposed marriage, and Aimee was only 13 years old, Victoria didn't know what to do.

She doesn't know what's going on in this world...

The late-summer wind swept along the almost disappearing heat and blew along the Violet River, and the ripples on the water shone brightly, hitting the sides of the two people's faces and bodies.

The girl dragged her sick body and knelt on the ground on one knee. Her small body could clearly be seen trembling, but she still knelt there with all her efforts and earnestness.Victoria didn't know what mood, attitude, or response to use to face the girl's sudden marriage proposal.

All she could do was to subconsciously sit on the girl's knees and hold Aim in her arms.Aim is now 1.5 meters tall and kneeling on one knee. Victoria is completely kneeling in front of Messaka, just in time to hold the girl in her arms, holding all the weight of the girl's body in her arms.

"Does Wei agree or disagree?" The girl in her arms asked sullenly, Victoria's face turned rosy when asked, but luckily the girl couldn't be seen when she was held in her arms.

"I'm just a kid, and besides, I'm your sister, what are you talking about about marrying... I'm still sick, what should I do if I mess with these aggravating diseases..." He said in a rambling manner, The reason why she kept talking was because Victoria didn't know that if she didn't talk about these irrelevant topics, she might really be involuntarily responding to the girl.

However, she is not sure, is what Aimee really has for her the kind of feeling that can last a lifetime? It is true that a 13-year-old girl has reached the age of ignorance in love, and it is not a strange thing to fall in love with someone .But love, marriage, etc., from the mouth of a 13-year-old child is too inaccurate.

And some things, once started, there is no going back.

Victoria understands what will happen to her if she agrees at this time, and if the grown-up Aim denies this relationship... If she agrees at this time, the grown-up Aim will fall into the arms of others , what will she do...

It will definitely go crazy, and it will definitely bring disaster to Aim...

She didn't dare to accept the girl's seemingly serious marriage proposal, but considering the girl's age and childish marriage proposal, she couldn't say anything to refuse, and subconsciously, she just chattered about messy and marginal topics. .

He kept talking, talking all the time, never giving the girl a chance to speak.Talking so much is unimaginable to her who is usually indifferent and withdrawn, but now she is trying her best to find anything to talk about, even "how much is a sword in the blacksmith's shop?" Topics like this were brought up and told to girls.

Smelling the faint body fragrance of Wei's body, feeling the soft touch of her body in Wei's arms, and beside her ear is Wei's indiscriminate words, even a voice that can be described as twittering, Mesaka has not yet reacted Slowly, I realized that it was my sister who was unwilling to continue the important topic of proposing marriage.

Since her father's death, Wei has become more and more withdrawn, but coupled with Wei's glamorous appearance, she looks like an iceberg beauty.He treats people indifferently, and only when he is with her will he have a little human touch.

Even so, perhaps because she is used to being withdrawn, Wei's eloquence is actually not very good, and most of the time she just shows her pampering in actions.And like today, talking so many words is simply unprecedented.

Hearing Wei's chattering voice, and buried her face in the girl's arms, Messaka laughed slowly and involuntarily, but she didn't want to disturb Wei who was in such a state, so Mesaka suppressed her laughter until her little face turned red .

It's just that while smiling, there is also some loss in my heart.She was really proposing to Wei seriously.She has missed Wei Miss for 20 years.During those 20 years, every day, what she saw and could accompany her was Wei's only physical body.She has been desperate and crazy about this, and she has tried everything to bring Wei back to life...

But in this life, she is not in a hurry, she is only 13 years old, well, it depends on Wei, but Wei also... Wei is eighteen, and can marry.At that moment, Mesaka was thinking seriously, should he really be more anxious...

But in another world, there were always old people saying that they couldn’t eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Regardless of these entanglements, it was Wei's reaction that still made Mesaka hesitate. She was still not sure when Victoria clearly fell in love with her. Was it before? Or after?

The reaction today is that both are possible.

Well, anyway.Messaka pouted, she was going to Lai Dingwei anyway.In the previous life, she was forced to kiss and confessed. In this life, she planned to actively pursue the girl, and she was also prepared for a protracted war.

Thinking about it, Victoria's voice stopped abruptly.Mesaka poked her head out of the woman's arms in doubt, and then looked at Wei. Wei opened her eyes, but there was no expression in them. This look is...


Mesaka was stunned for a moment, startled at first, but after calming down and looking carefully, it could be seen that Wei just fainted.Although Mesaka is only a weak girl at the moment, she still has eyesight. Wei's appearance is completely made by herself, and a small amount of battle energy running and hitting the head can achieve the effect of making herself faint, and Wei's doing so s reason......

Mesaka couldn't help laughing, and she could understand some of Wei's emotions and thoughts hidden in her chirping voice.

Wei at this time point must have other feelings for her, but she is just worried about some things, maybe because she is young, or maybe because she likes her not yet reached that level, she doesn't want to and dare not respond Her proposal this time.

That's why I talked about so many irrelevant topics, but Wei didn't have the talent for chatter, so she couldn't make up words in the end, so she just fainted herself...

This kind of thing, this kind of Wei, in the bright sunlight, Mesaka sat slumped beside Victoria, and laughed when she saw the woman.

Wei Wei fainted like this, but how can she get her home as a sick and weak girl...

Mesaka got up and looked around, and saw a driver on the other side of the road. He was a little thankful, and was about to get up to call a cab. After standing up, Mesaka saw Wei's beautiful face and ruddy lips fainting by the lake.

After a little hesitation, Messaka leaned down and stuck his mouth on it, tasting it lightly.

It can be regarded as collecting some interest first, to add some motivation to himself, Mesaka was secretly happy.

It's just that she doesn't know, without her knowing, she doesn't know how many times she has been secretly kissed by Wei...

The author has something to say:

Has been repaired.

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