In the north of the mainland, on the outskirts of Isabel, the capital of the Violet Principality, the cool wind blows the grass on the green prairie. Several horses are leisurely grazing with their heads down. The men in armor are talking to each other, but their attention But more power is placed on the two girls, one big and one small not far away.

I can't keep my eyes open, but I can feel the bright colors and warmth of the sun shining through the eyelids.

Mesaka felt very heavy in body, and his brain was muddled and uncomfortable, and his memory became very strange. The things before the age of 13 were remembered very clearly, as if he had lived it all over again.

"Aim, Aim--"

It was a familiar and long-lasting, cold but gentle voice, like a green warbler. In a daze, I could feel someone tugging on my sleeve as if calling me.


She opened her eyes with difficulty, and what came into view was a glamorous and beautiful face, a face she had recalled thousands of times in her dreams. She closed her eyes, rubbed her forehead with her bent middle finger knuckles, and then open your eyes.

This doesn't seem to be an illusion...

"How can Aim fall asleep when she comes out to play..." The woman seemed to be helplessly sighing.

Messaka wanted to raise his hand, but he just moved his fingers, but he couldn't raise it. He wanted to respond, but his throat was a little hoarse. This body was so weak in his own feelings, like a piece of fragile and torn paper, Will be torn apart by external force at any time.

Suddenly a cold palm was placed on his forehead, and an exclamation sounded beside his ears: "It's so hot."

Then I heard that cold female voice shouting: "Come here! Bring your horse here!"

The footsteps of someone running over on the ground, the sound of hooves being pulled by a horse, and rough inquiries. Afterwards, I seemed to be hugged by someone, but the person who hugged me was so soft to the touch, and there was a faint fragrance on my body. , In a daze, she fell asleep again.

Messaka was ill, and Isabel was ill in [-] years of the Seven Dragons.

Fever, cough, body aches, limb weakness, these symptoms were diagnosed as a severe cold by the doctor, and Mesaka knew that these were just caused by his 13-year-old body unable to bear the powerful soul before his rebirth.

The simple and undecorated hut is a private space that Mesaka has arranged little by little. The early morning halo penetrates the dark yellow curtains, casting a little ambiguous warmth on the bed and body.

It's been a long time, and it hasn't been like this, because of the body's strike, I can easily lie on the soft bed without any burden and have a good night's sleep.

The former self, wanting to call back Wei's soul, studied the knowledge passed down by the Dragon of Chaos day and night, almost crazily, using his own power to plunder and search for all forbidden and secret arts.At that time, she was strong enough to go to hell to be an abyss lord, and she had long since lost all the necessary habits of being a human being.

Maintaining her human body was just her wish that one day when Wei woke up, she would not treat herself as a monster...

But now, like a dream, it's too good to be true.

In the [-]th year of the Seven Dragons, there are still eight years until Aunt Yiwenjielin disappears, nine years before the Violet Principality is destroyed, and nine years before the death of sister Wei.

Mesaka propped up her upper body, leaned against the head of the bed, picked up a jade bracelet casually placed beside her with her right hand, and looked at the jade bracelet with tired eyes. Under her gaze, some gray-black particles appeared on the surface of the jade bracelet , and then most of the jade bracelet disappeared little by little in the air, as if corroded by the air,

That is the power of law that she controls. Based on the knowledge passed down by the Dragon of Chaos, her 20 years of exploration and research have been able to touch the origin of the world. Perhaps in terms of power, she is not as good as many people, but if she becomes the first With regard to the possibility of Eight Dragons, she is at the very forefront of the group.

Putting down the remaining bracelet, Messaka pressed his forehead.

My own memory, whether it is the past or the future, it seems that it is not a dream.

But that feeling is really like having a nightmare, a nightmare that will last a lifetime.I thought I would just sleep forever like that, I thought that was the end... But it seems, it doesn't look like it...

Familiar, soft and nostalgic big bed, bedroom decorated in warm colors, fresh and bright sunshine.Even the weakness in her body, the pain in her head, and the dryness of her throat moved her so much that she wanted to cry.

"Second Miss." Someone knocked lightly on the door from outside, and then a girl walked in with her head bowed, with toiletries in her hands.

"The breakfast is still hot on the stove, if Second Miss needs it, I'll bring it right away."

The girl was two years older than Mesaka, with a slightly green face, Mesaka looked up in a daze, and couldn't help but blurted out: "Tiya..."

"Huh?" The girl looked at Mesaka suspiciously, and Mesaka shook her head dumbly. The dead person who had been with her in the castle for more than ten years is now just an ordinary 15-year-old girl, as ordinary as any living person. .


Today, for Tiya, it was just an ordinary day of summer vacation. If there was any difference, the second lady, Messaka, was sick and needed her care.

Tiya entered the Violet Mansion when Master Vincent was still alive, that year was [-] of the Seven Dragon Age.

Most of Tiya's memories of her own childhood are not very clear to her. She only remembers that a drunkard brought her to Isabel. Some things during the period have long been forgotten. When the man was drunk and fell asleep, he stabbed the man's chest with a sharp stone that he had picked up for polishing for a long time until the man's chest was bloody and bloody...

Later, she lived next to the garbage dump, competed with small wild animals for food, was beaten by peddlers, and pretended to be cute and pitiful to beg. At that time, her life was so muddled that she didn't even remember how long she had lived in that kind of life.

The day when the change happened was in one summer, which should be the year when I was eight years old.During a theft, she was no different from obtaining a promotion card that could enter Violet's house as a slave.

Violet Mansion, at that time, people could often be seen respectfully greeting those who came out of that gate, and Tia envied those people more than once.

So after getting the license plate, she didn't throw it away, but ran to Violet Mansion to participate in the recruitment of servants that year.This matter is actually very whimsical, and she is not a fool. Even if Violet's family recruits servants, they all use people who know the basics.In the end, of course, the little girl was found to be a fake.

But those people were not cruel to her, and gave her some food and money to let her leave.

Then... Then I met her, the little master after her.

"Leave her." The little girl who had just returned home fluttered softly to the housekeeper, and her life was changed, her cheap and humble life.Tiya laughed at herself more than once.

Later, her life settled down like this, and after receiving a month of training, she was arranged to be a maid beside the second lady, and she also had the opportunity to accompany her to study, so she went to Viai Academy of Magic.

To everyone's surprise, she has a talent for magic.Then, there was my current self, an intermediate magician, Tiya.

For Mesaka, Tiya began to yearn for the identity that can change the fate of others with a single word, as well as the calm and calm manner of doing things.Later, when I was a little older, I realized that it was just that the other party was lazy and muddled through the whole day.Gradually, he began to look down on the other party. His talent was not as good as his own, his appearance was not as good as his own, and he didn't work hard. His personality, um... his personality was also a bit weird, but he was born in a good family.

But no matter what kind of relationship it is, the one who has the deepest connection with her in this world is bound to be that rich lady.Not out of gratitude, Tiya, who is obsessed with money and obsessed with power, thinks that feelings like gratitude are not related to her, but she just feels it should be taken for granted.

Maybe it's the envy of the past, maybe it's the love for many years, maybe it's the habit of talking about the little girl I watched grow up these years, maybe it's other messy things...

Later, Master Vincent was assassinated and died. Isabel's various walks of life were in turmoil. Master Wensen's thunderous orders brought out a large group of guys who were dissatisfied with the Principality, and even vaguely pointed to the other two major families, the Luke Family and the Pu'er Family.But in the end, Master Vincent was assassinated suddenly and died. Immediately afterwards, the other two major families suppressed the Violet family in various ways.In addition, other branches of the Violet family were holding back, and the dignified Violet Principality's first family declined in a very short period of time.

At that time, many people in Violet's house left, and at that time, she had already shown her magical talent, and she also received many adoption requests from noble families.She was already 11 years old that year, a poor child who was already in charge of her family, and she had already established her own set of views on this world for the little Tiya, knowing that this world cannot do without wealth and power.

The decline of Violet's main family, and the fact that people leave the tea, she understands all of these, and also understands that if she wants to have a better development, it is a better choice to accept the adoption requests of other big families.What's more, both the Luke family and the Pu'er family at that time expressed their willingness to adopt the girl.

But at that time, she still stayed in Violet's mansion by a strange coincidence.

The girl suddenly discovered that the surname Violet seemed to have melted into her blood since she did not know when. Whenever she thought of her, it was as if she was in love, so beautiful that even the blood trembled.

"Where's my sister? Has my sister eaten?"

The little hostess, who was two years younger than herself, was struggling to support herself, Tiya hurried forward to support the girl, and said, "Master Viscount is back, Missy is over there."

After Evangeline took over Violet's mansion, Tiya still used to call Violet Lord Viscount.

Messaka had enough pajama straps, but he couldn't get it, and said to Tiya: "My body is not strong yet, please trouble you..."

After taking off Mesaka's sweaty pajamas all night, Tiya wrung out the warm towel and wiped the girl's body.I thought that the second young lady would be like before, perhaps shy or withdrawn, and would just let her wipe it off hastily.Today, however, there was no reaction at all, and she just let her rub it quietly. The girl's body, which had already begun to develop, made her a little shy who had done this kind of thing a lot before.

Afterwards, he dressed and washed, and helped the girl out of the house.

The layout of Violet's mansion is divided into three courtyards. What you see in the front yard is the owner's residence. The overall style is tall and thin, with a mysterious, mournful, and sublime atmosphere similar to a Gothic gorgeous giant. main building.

Tiya helped Messaka go downstairs. In the hall, the Viscount and Missy were eating breakfast around the long dining table.

Although the Violet family has declined, the life of the family can still be called affluent.Breakfast was white bread, meat, fruit platter, juice and even a small dish of honey in the middle.That is a very luxurious food.

Seeing the Mesa card coming down, Victoria put down the tableware in her hand. She probably had almost finished eating, so she naturally walked over to take the Mesa card from Tiya's hand, and asked Tiya to go down and bring up a thick soup.

This kind of affectionate sisterhood sometimes makes Tiya sigh. Miss Victoria is a martial arts genius recognized by everyone, and she treats others with a cold look.Powerful, fearless, elegant, to some extent Tia's idol.

But such a young lady, she only showed a rare smile in front of her little hostess, and she always greeted her with care, with a look of holding it in her palm for fear of falling and holding it in her mouth for fear of breaking it, which is unimaginable to outsiders. Overly pampered.

When Tiya came back with the thick soup, the little hostess Mesaka was curled up in the arms of the eldest lady, her face was still a little sickly pale, Victoria looked down and was talking to her sister with a look of pity, and the Viscount next to him was wrinkled. He frowned and said something in a low voice.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was a little weird.And when Tiya came forward with the thick soup, she clearly sensed that the center of this weird aura seemed to be moving towards her—the little master, the eldest lady, and the viscount all looked at her at that moment body.

Tiya worked hard since she was a child, and suffered all kinds of blind eyes and indifference. Later, she became a top student at Viai Academy of Magic and was envied by her seniors. Tang put it in front of Mesaka, took a step back and stood with the plate.

But Lord Viscount's next words made her almost throw the plate in her hand to the ground.

"Mesaka wants me to adopt you as an adopted daughter, Tiya, are you willing?"

Tiya was dumbfounded and tightly hugged Chen Pan, who was about to fall, and opened her mouth with a dull expression, even a little ridiculous and cute.

Being adopted by the Viscount means that he will inherit the other party's surname and property. It doesn't matter what the property is, um, it doesn't matter, it's just compared to the former... Evangeline's surname is Violet.

That is, she, Tia, would become Tia-Violet.

It took a long time for Tiya to spit out a syllable from her mouth: "Ah..."

I must have looked so stupid at that time! Later, whenever Tiya thought of herself at that time, she wanted to find a seam in the ground and crawl into it...

The author has something to say:

From here on, the plot and setting are completely changed.

After the self-feeling is changed, it is full of love XD

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