When Wang Xiaoshi traveled day and night to the East Garden of the West Lake, the Rabbit God and Dong Jun went to play. When Dong Jun was around, most of the Rabbit God’s attention was on him, and he paid much less attention to those match made in heaven.

Xiao Feng and Duan Yu lived in seclusion in the East Garden. In name, they were looking after the home of the Rabbit God. In fact, they were the masters of the East Garden, because the Rabbit God and Dong Jun didn’t need these Shen Lang and Wang Lianhua to grow near the East Garden. I went to a tea house, and occasionally came to Dongyuan to have a look, and chat with Xiao Feng and Duan Yu. As for Chu Liuxiang and Wuhua, they really like to meddle in business, but they also have a special liking for Dongyuan.

When Wang Xiaoshi entered the park, Duan Yu was very surprised and said loudly: "Brother, someone is here!"

Xiao Feng was also very surprised, he came out with the teapot, looked at Wang Xiaoshi, and said: "Brother, please sit down, is your name Gao?"

Wang Xiaoshi clasped his hands: "My servant, Wang Xiaoshi, someone instructed me to come to you"

Duan Yu said with a smile: "Brother Wang, I'm afraid you don't know. The East Garden is very strange. Not everyone can see it. So far, my elder brother and I have only received five people, among them are Shen Lang and Wang Lianhua, Chu Liuxiang and Wuhua, and Nangong Ling, and then you, I think that since Brother Wang can see and come in, it means we are destined."

Wang Xiaoshi said: "I understand, those two seniors are amazing, they also said that demons are about to invade the human world, but unfortunately I don't have the ability to subdue demons."

Xiao Feng was shocked: "Monster? Then what can we do?"

Wang Xiaoshi scratched his head: "I heard from the seniors that only Xuanxin Zhengzong can fight against them, and what we need to do is to end the chaos. Listen to the seniors, the more chaotic the world is, the more demons there will be."

Xiao Feng frowned: "This is too difficult, there can be no peace in the world"

Duan Yu sighed: "It's Ai Ren's selfishness, which can never be appeased"

Wang Xiaoshi said: "I know, so I didn't intend to meddle in the monster's affairs, I came to find you two, and I asked for your help."

Xiao Feng was originally a bold hero, but when he encountered a disaster, his temper changed slightly, but when encountering injustice, Xiao Feng still liked to care about "what's the matter?"

Wang Xiaoshi said: "Kingdu, Jinfengxiyu Tower, my eldest brother and second brother had a falling out, I...I want you to come with me"

Duan Yu tilted his head: "Your eldest brother and second brother have a falling out, what do you want us for?"

Wang Xiaoshi smiled wryly: "When the seniors told me my fortune, they said that my return would be the end of my elder brother and second brother. To break this fate, someone must help me. The advice they gave me was you."

Duan Yu laughed loudly: "Brother, I am afraid that senior thinks we are too free and finds something for us to do."

Xiao Feng looked at Duan Yu and smiled: "If Yu'er wants to go, we will go." In fact, Xiao Feng has always felt sorry for Duan Yu, he let a noble son wander with him, but even so, he will not let go

Duan Yu said: "Well, I've been here for a long time, let's go out for a walk."

Xiao Feng nodded, looked at Duan Yu dotingly: "Then let's go."

Wang Xiaoshi was very happy: "Thank you both"

"Hey, there is a new guest in the East Garden?" Wang Lianhua walked in leisurely, and seemed to be at odds with Shen Lang again, and he ignored Shen Lang

Shen Lang was not angry either, he still followed behind Wang Lianhua with his unpredictable smile Xiao Feng saw Shen Lang, his eyes were definitely gloating for a moment

"Brother Shen, are you drinking?" Xiao Feng asked

Shen Lang smiled slightly: "If it's not for Mr. Bai's yellow rice wine, then forget it."

Xiao Feng was puzzled: "Is there any yellow rice wine here? What kind of wine is that?" Xiao Feng is also a drinker, but he didn't see yellow rice wine in the East Garden

Shen Lang said in a dreamy tone: "Huangliang wine, Huangliang a dream, can let you see your own heart"

Xiao Feng said with regret: "Unfortunately, I haven't drunk it."

Shen Lang glanced at Xiao Feng, then at Duan Yu, seeing the occasional eye contact between the two, he said with a smile: "Maybe you don't need it"

Xiao Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then understood what he meant: "Yu'er and I have always known our own hearts."

Shen Lang smiled, it's ridiculous that he and Wang Lianhua didn't know at the beginning, if it wasn't for that real dream, I'm afraid they would have to go around for a lifetime, maybe they could only regret it

Hearing Xiao Feng's greeting, Wang Xiaoshi immediately thought that they might be Shen Lang and Wang Lianhua, who are well-known in the Jianghu, and said happily: "You two, I have long admired you." Wang Xiaoshi has not been out of the Jianghu for a long time. Lang is young and has a lot of experience in the world. The first battle of the happy king made Shen Lang famous. As for Wang Lianhua, he is always the evil one in the legend, but the strange thing is that everyone says Wang Lianhua is evil. No one said he was a bad guy

Wang Lianhua raised her eyebrows: "Wang Xiaoshi, what kind of person is your second brother?" Wang Lianhua is not interested in Su Mengzhen and Wang Xiaoshi, he just thinks that Bai Choufei doesn't know much about Appetite Kyoto, but I heard that Bai Choufei took refuge in Cai Jing and betrayed Su Mengzhen. Wang Lianhua didn't know the cause and effect.

Wang Xiaoshi said proudly: "My second elder brother is talented, has the ambition to become a great leader, is handsome and unrestrained..."

Wang Xiaoshi was beaming when he said it, full of good words, Wang Lianhua interrupted him maliciously: "It's a pity that he is a person who betrayed his brother"

Wang Xiaoshi choked, hesitated for a while before saying: "Second brother must have a reason, I believe that second brother will not go too far, I want to go back and ask him."

Shen Lang was noncommittal, although he was magnanimous and kind, but he never overestimated human nature, the person next to him was Wang Lianhua, who was so ever-changing, so what was Bai Choufei's betrayal?

Wang Lianhua laughed, he knew what kind of person Bai Choufei was after asking about Bai Choufei, but Wang Xiaoshi who got along day and night didn't understand?quite ridiculous

Duan Yuzhe pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Does Bai Choufei have a name called Bai Youmeng? Has he ever sung in an opera?"

Wang Xiaoshi turned his face to look at Duan Yu, and asked in doubt, "How do you know?"

Duan Yu looked at Xiao Feng: "Brother, do you still remember? We heard him sing, Concubine Yang"

Xiao Feng seemed to have just recalled it, and said: "I remembered, it really is a character."

Duan Yu said: "I still remember that Mr. Bai gave him his order back then, it seems that... I wanted to, but heaven and earth destroyed it?"

Wang Xiaoshi remembered the poem that Bai Choufei often sang, and was very anxious. Could it be that the second brother is really going to have an accident? "Four, can you help me?"

Xiao Feng said: "No problem."

Shen Lang looked at Wang Lianhua, Wang Lianhua smiled: "I want to see Bai Choufei"

Duan Yu said: "Then I will close the East Garden."

Wang Lianhua smiled and said: "Don't be so troublesome, most people can't enter such a strange place. If someone comes in, I think they will only be happy." It's not that Dongjun has never thought about investigating their secrets, but with Wang Lianhua's ability, he couldn't even find out the past of the two, nor their whereabouts, as if they appeared and disappeared in an instant The things they did the few times they showed up were so weird

Wang Xiaoshi said: "The four of you, please accompany me to Beijing."

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