Zhang Yuan frowned slightly, and suddenly he was afraid to listen.

If he hadn't heard Liang Yin's words, he might not have thought this way, but Liang Yin's face was so serious that he almost guessed that what she said next was enough to overturn all his previous cognition .

Liang Yin looked at Zhang Yuan's expression, and smiled clearly, a gleam of relief flashed in his eyes, but more, it was pain.

"It's not his fault, he won't tell you."

"Zhang Yuan," Liang Yin took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it without asking Zhang Yuan if he could go, took a puff in his mouth, and exhaled the smoke, "Have you ever been bullied on campus? Is there that kind of inexplicable malice? They don't have any deep hatred with you, but they just want to provoke you. "

Zhang Yuan shook his head honestly, remembering that Qi Shuyi seemed to have said something similar to him before, he didn't understand it before, but now he feels the same way.

"In the past, Qi Shuyi and I were just in the same alley, but we walked in different directions. Later, his father made a plan, the house was demolished, and there was construction to be built. I had to change the road and go around the door of Qi Shuyi's house. Qi Shuyi was in the shadow of that small alley. It's very big, don't worry, just protect me and go to and from school with me."

"At that time, I was cold-tempered and couldn't understand their attitude towards Qi Shuyi, so I didn't like to talk to them very much. I was accused of being arrogant and domineering because of Qi Shuyi, and I began to be excluded and isolated. Puberty, It's so boring and childish."

As Liang Yin spoke, he suddenly smiled carefreely, cupped his face with both hands, and leaned in front of Zhang Yuan.

"Qi Shuyi followed his father back to the city to settle down. Do you think that group of Qi Shuyi who is kind on the surface but despises on the inside will focus on a peerless beauty like me?"

Liang Yin said it easily, but Zhang Yuan only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and an invisible hand kept tightening and tightening, as if trying to strangle him to death.

A restless adolescent boy, a beautiful girl...

Liang Yin stared at Zhang Yuan with deep eyes, his face turned pale, and suddenly he laughed wickedly.

"What are you thinking! My old lady was underage at the time! They thought, do you have the guts?"

Liang Yin's laughter split the hand that was holding Zhang Yuan's throat, and the moment his breathing became smooth, he couldn't help but smile in relief.

"Look at you girl, you startle me."

Liang Yin's smile stopped instantly, staring at him, and said slowly: "But what they did to me is even more disgusting than that, both boys and girls."

"They gave me all the insults they couldn't give Qi Shuyi before, blocked me in that alley, and trampled everything about me."

"Maybe you think it's an exaggeration, but in fact, sometimes the more undeveloped the town is, the more it is at the middle level, the more restless people and snobbish people are."

Zhang Yuan's Adam's apple rolled around, and the temperature suddenly dropped in the silent night, and his whole body began to feel cold.

Liang Yin looked up at the sky and sighed.

"What kind of world is this? Straight men who keep saying they want to crusade against homosexuals do such dirty things, and Qi Shuyi, who they treat as a different kind, somehow feels that he has caused me to suffer. Tell me, who is more disgusting?"

After finishing speaking, Liang Yin turned around and smiled heartily at Zhang Yuan who was no longer conscious.

"It's also my fault. I was too young and mentally fragile. I committed suicide a few times and scared my mother to death. I was afraid that one day I would let go and leave. I actually called Qi Shuyi's father and sent me to Qi Shuyi's home. .”

"When Qi Shuyi lived in a small town, my mother was always taking care of me, and because of the guilt towards me, he promised my mother to take care of me for the rest of my life. Go out, let him marry me, this two hundred and five, actually took it seriously..."

"His father is also a weirdo. He obviously wanted face so much. In order to thank my mother for taking care of Qi Shuyi, he agreed to Qi Shuyi to marry me. He is really sick."

Liang Yin turned his back to Zhang Yuan, quickly raised his hand to wipe away the tears in his eyes, but still smiled when he turned around.

"I'm sorry, I got off topic. Qi Shuyi didn't tell you because he didn't want to ruin my reputation as a girl, and...it was my nightmare, so why not his nightmare? Since then, his skills have become more and more powerful. Well, got me out of that alley, and he's stuck there the whole time, longing for someone strong enough to give him a hand..."

Liang Yin sniffed, looked up at the tall and burly Zhang Yuan, his eyes shone brightly under the streetlight.

"I knew when I saw his painting that he had found it."

"Zhang Yuan," Liang Yin held Zhang Yuan's cold hand, with a sincere and earnest expression, "I told you the reason why Qi Shuyi married me, and I showed you the scar, so..."

Looking at the petite but extremely powerful Liang Yin, Zhang Yuan felt sore and aching in his heart. As a child who grew up in a happy family, he really didn't know that there was such insane school violence in this world.

"Liang Yin..."

"Promise me, fuck him to death! As long as you can't kill him, fuck him to death!"


The sentimentality that had just been brewing disappeared in an instant because of Liang Yin's words, and Zhang Yuan didn't need to look in the mirror to know that his expression must be ugly.

I pulled him out in the middle of the night and said a lot, but in the end, he said this?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Liang Yin shook his hands in disdain, "Little tree doesn't care and doesn't go straight, people don't fix it, Gen Jiujiu, family tragedy is not the reason for Qi Shuyi to be obsessed, right, this world can't just Can you run rampant in the world just by saying that my life is bitter? If you don’t deal with him now, you will suffer in the future! I’m on your side!”

Zhang Yuan squinted his eyes suspiciously, and said to himself why didn't I see that you were on my side, I think you want to watch the fun, right?

"You just say whether you want to do it or not?" Liang Yin jumped up and hooked Zhang Yuan's neck, and smiled slyly, "He made you into a mistress before and lied to you, just forgive him like that Is it? Don’t bully and come back, do you feel comfortable?”

The moonlight was cool, and the light from the street lamp shone on the two of them. Zhang Yuan squinted his eyes, looked at Liang Yin's smiling face like a little fox, and suddenly understood why Qi Shuyi was so willing to protect her.

Liang Yin deeply knew how easy it is to forgive. All the words he said tonight seemed to be just telling the truth, but they were firmly focused on the key points that he was unwilling to forgive Qi Shuyi.

The last words seemed to be a run on Qi Shuyi, but they directly put him in the position where Qi Shuyi had to be forgiven, made him vent his anger in a different way, gave him a step, and then dispelled all the complaints and solved it for Qi Shuyi the most critical obstacle.

Such a beautiful girl, who can't feel sorry for her?

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