Chi Qingqiu's singing and dancing stage blew up the audience.

Although there are not many expressions to match this song, every movement is done to the extreme, and every look is just right, even the seemingly invisible curvature of the corners of the lips and the line of sight that suddenly shifts from the stage floor to the camera at the end are perfect. beautiful.

At the end of the performance, the trainees on the opposite side of the stage burst into even more frenzied screams.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh Goddess Chi is amazing!!!"

"Oh my god, I really... died repeatedly with that last look!"

"I can replay it on my phone [-] times after returning to Goddess Chi's place!!"


There was constant applause from the audience.

Shen Zhixi glanced at them, his eyes swept over the faces of his rivals one by one, remembered them, and then calmly turned back to the stage.

Chi Qingqiu's performance on the stage has just ended.The difficulty of the song is very high, and the dance intensity of this song is not small, so Chi Qingqiu bowed to the tutor seat.

If Shen Zhixi hadn't leaned forward a little, fixed his gaze on Chi Qingqiu, and watched her every move in detail, he wouldn't have noticed that the woman was panting slightly after dancing.

The instructor began to comment on Chi Qingqiu.

From Gu Xiao on the far left to Yi Shisan on the far right, they were almost all compliments, and even the always strict dance instructor Su Keqing's lips curled up happily.

Gu Xiao: "Strength speaks for itself, and the stage is impeccable."

Zhao Shiyi: "As expected, you are at the level of the aisle. Chi Qingqiu, your voice is very good, and your singing and dancing are also very stable. In my opinion, your overall strength can be ranked among the top three on the scene."

Yi Shisan: "Wow? There are only two contestants here! Senior Gu and Teacher Zhao think so highly of Chi Qingqiu?!"

"The high evaluation is because of her strength. I agree with Teacher Zhao's first two sentences. Chi Qingqiu's dancing skills are indeed very good. It can be seen that she has practiced for many years, and the stage is also very infectious." Su Keqing glanced at Zhao Shiyi and smiled. He smiled, and said with deep meaning, "But this level... I don't think it can be counted among the top three?"

Su Keqing paused deliberately, and the audience was in an uproar.

"??? This can't be counted as the top three?! The requirements for this year are too strict, right?"

"I don't care! Goddess Chi is already the almighty C position in my heart!"

"No way... Teacher Su is so strict... If Chi Qingqiu is not an A, then I might not even be worthy of class F..."

Shen Zhixi leaned lazily on the back of the chair, barely averted his eyes from the beginning to the end, and only carefully observed Chi Qingqiu's reaction with his hands on his face.

After Instructor Su said this, the woman on the stage was exactly as she thought, with a calm expression and no obvious emotional changes, as if no matter what the outcome was, it had nothing to do with her.Unbelievably calm.

I don't know if it is also so indifferent in other aspects.

As if thinking of something suddenly, Shen Zhixi rolled his eyes and chuckled.

The sound was extremely low, and the other trainees around did not feel it.

Chi Qingqiu, who was standing on the stage, seemed to have noticed it instead, and met Shen Zhixi's fiery gaze, and looked straight at her.

The cold gaze was somewhat inquisitive.

As if he had done something bad and was caught on the spot, Shen Zhixi inexplicably felt itchy, shook his hand holding his face, and turned his face away, not daring to continue to look at Chi Qingqiu in a fair manner, but peeking at him from the corner of his eye.

Fortunately, Chi Qingqiu's eyes only paused for a few seconds before returning to the stage.

"The first three words in the room—" Su Keqing turned her head, winked playfully at Zhao Shiyi, and asked, "Shouldn't it be Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Zhao?"

Zhao Shiyi, who was caught by the cue, was stunned for a moment, and then smiled helplessly after she realized it, with her usual gentle tone: "Teacher Su, don't make trouble."

"I'm not a contestant."

Su Keqing seemed to be in a good mood, and continued, "But Teacher Zhao is cute, and being cute can do whatever she wants."

Zhao Shiyi glanced at Su Keqing, then looked away, her ears turned slightly red, and she didn't speak again.

Yi Shisan: "Haha Ha Su, don't talk about it, Teacher Zhao is shy!"

Zhao Shiyi coughed lightly: "Continue with the rating assessment."

In this assessment, it didn't take long for several tutors to give a unified result.

As expected, Chi Qingqiu finally became the first A in the game and returned to his original position.

The overall strength of the trainees of "Dream Making Fifty" this year is good, and they basically have been trained for a period of time. There are almost no contestants like Shen Zhixi who dare to participate in the draft without any stage experience.

The initial rating stage for all trainees is over, and six contestants were selected to enter Class A, namely Ice Cream Entertainment Chi Qingqiu, Biscuit Entertainment Zheng Xin, Taro Media Bai Ran, Pudding Media Liu Ziyi, Bread Entertainment Jiang Yichen and personal trainee Xie spirit.

Xu Qianqian from the same company entered Class B with Shen Zhixi.

Zhao Shiyi: "First of all, let me announce the first task of the Dream Fifty girl group - to shoot the theme song "Dream Fifty"."

"You have three days to learn the theme song and record a personal performance video. Our tutor team will re-evaluate each of your trainees according to the completion of the theme song."

"Next, please invite dance instructor Su Keqing and singing and dancing instructor Gu Xiao to present the theme song for us."

After the words fell, all the trainees who had gone through the initial rating on the stage burst into screams of excitement, calling for the instructors.

But this excitement only lasted for half a minute. After watching the stage of "Dream Making Fifty" - the trainees couldn't laugh at all.

" OMG theme song looks like it's not easy to dance..."

"Be confident, sister, and remove the appearance."

"Learn the theme song "Dream Fifty" in three days?! Isn't this too difficult?"

"Senior Gu and Instructor Su's dance is so sweet, woo woo woo woo, I don't think I can dance..."

"The key of the theme song is so high... What if the singing breaks the tone?"

"The theme song for a girl full of energy...It's over, it seems that I can't hide my identity as a five-scumbag who sings and dances..."

Many trainees complained bitterly.

Shen Zhixi looked at the instructor's stage in front of him, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Chi Qingqiu, who was at the top of the pyramid, had diverted his attention, and began to silently memorize the movements and lyrics.

This look - very much like a student who took a surprise quiz in class while other students were wailing and looked at the questions first to analyze their ideas.

The high-energy task of the theme song of "Dream Making Fifty" has been released.

All trainees enter the classrooms assigned by their respective classes according to the assessment on the primary stage.There is not much time left for them to adjust. The trainees can only adapt to the fast pace of the program and quickly adjust their mentality to meet the challenge.

The trainees who were hit shortly after entering the program and were rated F grade could only quickly find themselves in the state and devote themselves to the next study and training.

Time was running out, and the [-] trainees of ABCDF made use of each other's strengths to make up for their weaknesses. Those who picked up dancers picked up dances, and those who practiced songs practiced songs. None of them sat and played or chatted in the practice room.

Everyone attached great importance to this task of theme song, and Shen Zhixi was also very serious.

According to Chi Qingqiu's strength, if there are no mistakes in the theme song assessment, he must still be in Class A.But her dance is always a weak point. If her strength doesn't improve, she can't be in the same class as Chi Qingqiu and stand on the same level.

Growing up in the arena with his mouth since he was a child, Shen Zhixi had never been exposed to dance before, so it was a little more difficult to learn.There is nothing wrong with singing. She memorizes the lyrics very quickly, and has also learned different styles of music. She can sing them all in just a few times.

At the beginning, Shen Zhixi was still on the same starting line as other trainees in class B who had dance skills.

From time to time, there were bursts of wailing from the trainees in the classroom——

"Ah, the dance of "Dream Making Fifty" is too difficult!!!"

"The tempo is too fast to keep up..."

"Oh, why did the action go wrong again!"

"It's so easy to break the high note when you jump up and sing!"

"Who said it wasn't...Oh my god, I can't breathe when I dance, but I still sing!"

But if you walk in, you will find that these trainees are just venting, and they are still practicing singing and dancing hard, without stopping their hands and feet.

Shen Zhixi didn't speak, he got stuck in front of the dancer over and over again, and didn't leave until very late.

However, the time was too short. Even though she practiced diligently, there was still a gap in the dance of the other trainees in class B the next afternoon.

After nearly two days of practice, basic trainees can basically complete the singing and dancing of the theme song, but some detailed movements still need to be perfected.At this time, many trainees, including Xu Qianqian, were able to jump completely and accurately.

"Finally I can remember the movements and jump down completely, woo woo woo, I can sleep well tonight!"

The trainee with a vigorous ponytail finally danced along with the music. After the dance, he collapsed on the ground and closed his eyes like a salted fish.

The trainee from the same company in the classroom sneaked up, quietly, lightly and imperceptibly - gave her a kick, and said in a trembling voice:

"Wake up, sister! The fourth day of assessment! Tomorrow is the third day, don't you panic! Get up and practice with me!"

"... You have to rest even if you panic... Come, lie down."

The ponytail girl saw the right moment and hugged her thigh on the spot, patted the floor next to her, trying to drag him into the army.

The trainee from the same company shouted vigilantly: "Wow, don't drag me down! I have to practice dancing a few more times, I absolutely can't just lie down like this!!!"


Three seconds later, there was a salted fish on the floor:

"Okay...just lie down for a minute."

A trainee next to him, who was only satisfied after jumping several times, panted heavily, and skillfully squeezed over and lay down, joining the team of salted fish.

" can be regarded as...the dance is over."

"Actually, after I finished dancing, I found out... this dance was only difficult at the beginning... After we carefully finished the movements, carefully locked the rhythm, tried to catch up with the music, stepped on the beat desperately, and practiced Let’s jump again later! You’ll find out!!”

"This dance is—really, difficult, ah!!"

"I still have to sing! It's even harder!!"

The salted fish hugged and complained, causing an aggregation effect.

Other trainees who could dance the whole dance also lay down slipperily.

Some fish made a two-handed gesture while lying down, and said to the camera in a wrong way: "I am facing the sky, the floor, the window, the camera, and the tens of thousands of people all over the country. , swear! Just lie down for 30 seconds!! Just 30 seconds, okay?! No more than one second, no less!!"

Then my sister lay comfortably for 5 minutes.

The left half of the Class B classroom forms a strange scene of neatly drying small dried fish, which makes Shen Zhixi's dance on the right more inspirational.

"Sister Shen, you've been practicing for a long time? Why don't you come and lie down?"

Xianyu sister Xu Qianqian sent an invitation.

"Yes, Sister Shen, you are working too hard, why don't you take a rest."

"I haven't stopped practicing since I entered the classroom. Sister Shen, are you strong?"

"My sister is like a dancing machine with no emotions..."

Other salted fish poked their heads out one after another.

"Wouldn't my physical strength keep up? I just jumped five times in a row and I was out of breath..." Sister Xianyu turned over and asked curiously, "If I practice like this, I will definitely not be able to hold it! Sister Shen, you Don’t you feel exhausted and just want to lie down after dancing???”


Shen Zhixi stopped his movements, and he wasn't very tired, only panting slightly.She turned around, put down her stiff hands, retracted her stretched legs, closed her eyes and thought about it for a moment, and then described her feelings to the exhausted salted fish sisters lying in a row:

"Not exhausted—"

"I just feel stiff all over."

"Pfft." "I'm sorry, Miss Shen..."

"......" Shen Zhixi moved a little, and there was a slight sound at the joints.She pursed her lips, looked at the other trainees lying wantonly on the floor, and decided to find a reason before continuing to practice, "So when you watched me dance just now, how did you feel?"

Xianyu No. [-] chose to escape: "I accidentally lay down too flat just now... the second sister on the right, let me tell you—"

Salted Fish No. [-]: "Me too... the third sister on the right—"

Salted Fish No. [-]: "...the fourth sister on the right—"

Pushing back and forth, it finally landed on Xu Qianqian.

She coughed lightly, and asked tentatively in a low voice: "Shen... Sister Shen, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Shen Zhixi: "The truth."

"If you want to talk about feeling." Xu Qianqian gritted his teeth, thought carefully, closed his eyes, and said sincerely, "Sister Shen, your dance is standard yet flexible, traditional and innovative, it is simply the perfection of the past classics. Inherit and carry forward, praise and pay tribute. In one sentence, it is—"

Speaking of this, Xu Qianqian opened her eyes very spiritually: "It's a replica of radio gymnastics."

Shen Zhixi: "......?"

...So the front is really blowing with your eyes closed? ? ?

Speaking of this, Shen Zhixi didn't make things difficult for them any more, and turned around to continue dancing.

"No? Sister Shen, are you really not tired?"

"Forget it, I'm here to help you correct your movements!"

Seeing Shen Zhixi practicing so hard, Xu Qianqian stood up stiffly, ran to her side, and the other salted fish lying on the ground slowly got up and surrounded her.

"Sister, exert strength in your waist and abdomen, don't be so stiff in your legs."

"Sister Shen could be a little softer in that gesture just now."

"Sister Shen, your range of motion can be a little bigger."

With the help of other trainees in Class B, Shen Zhixi danced again several times. Although he still couldn't completely solve the problem of dancing stiffness, his movements were more standard than before.In the end, she thanked the trainees and drove them back to their original positions to practice, not wanting to delay the practice time of others too much.

After dinner, the trainees returned to the classroom and continued to practice the theme song.

Unknowingly, the time is getting later and later.

It was close to bedtime, and most of the students had gone back to their dorms to rest.

Xu Qianqian also packed up and prepared to continue practicing tomorrow.

Seeing that Shen Zhixi was still dancing, Xu Qianqian deliberately smiled and winked at her before returning to the dormitory, and said clearly: "Sister Shen, Class A is next door to us, and I can ask Goddess Chi to teach you how to dance later."

I thought that Sister Shen would happily agree, but who knew that she refused righteously: "No, I can't find Chi Qingqiu."

Xu Qianqian was puzzled: "Eh? Why? Aren't you a fan of Goddess Chi's career?"

"Because I'm a career fan, so I can't let her teach me." Shen Zhixi rolled his eyes, thinking of Chi Qingqiu, and said softly, "I have to follow Chi Qingqiu." "It's not to delay her career."

"...Wow! I think what you said makes sense!" Xu Qianqian couldn't help admiring the career fans in front of him, "Sister Chen, you are the most competent, enterprising, and least greedy master I have ever met. The career fans of the body!!"

Shen Zhixi nodded, accepting the compliment without blushing and heartbeat: "Well, go back to sleep and rest early."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and continued to practice hard to the theme song of "Dream Making Fifty".

Maybe it's because he was in the battles of talking all the year round, he was besieged from time to time, and he has practiced a lot of conditioned reflexes in martial arts moves, so Shen Zhixi's physical fitness has always been very good, not to mention the smooth vest line on his lower abdomen , the proportion of the figure is just right, the curve is soft, and there is no excess fat.That's why she doesn't get tired when she dances.

Although she wasn't tired, for some reason, those dance moves were indeed no different from the radio gymnastics she learned when she was a child.Every movement is decomposed into a pause, not very coherent, so that the jump is very stiff.

At two o'clock in the morning, the other trainees in Class B's classroom all went back.

Shen Zhixi was still dancing to the theme song of "Making Dreams Fifty" over and over again.The radio gymnastics dance was so involved that she didn't notice anyone passing by the classroom of Class B, standing at the door.

The woman at the door of the classroom was tall and slender, she stood upright, didn't speak, and watched Shen Zhixi's movements quietly the whole time, with a very indifferent expression.When you see something wrong, you will tap your fingers on the back of the other hand, as if silently correcting.

It wasn't until the music was over that the person at the door walked slowly into the classroom.The voice is very soft.

Before the woman could speak, the prelude to the theme song "Making Dreams Fifty" played again, and Shen Zhixi followed the music and began to do exercises again.


So, she stood by the side and silently watched Shen Zhixi's improved radio gymnastics again.

The second theme song ended, and before the prelude to the next round sounded, the woman interrupted the single cycle in time: "How many times have you danced?"

Hearing the sound, Shen Zhixi panted slightly and turned around, and suddenly saw Sister Chi who appeared in the classroom at some time.

"Chi... Qingqiu?" Thin sweat oozes from Shen Zhixi's forehead.She looked at the woman next to her, and blinked blankly, "I'm so good that I just jumped out of the hallucination?"

Chi Qingqiu: "......"

Chi Qingqiu: "It's not an illusion." "It's me."


The deep and hoarse Leng Ranyu's voice was somewhat helpless.


The author has something to say:

Congratulations to Sister Shen for achieving the achievement of Jumping Everything Like Radio Gymnastics! 【bushi】

Dancing in the future is definitely not radio gymnastics!

After all, Sister Shen is a woman who is about to debut!

【I'm so long ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Not short at all!Call for yourself! 】

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