The charming girl group has entered a period of development and growth, and its popularity and reputation are getting higher and higher.In addition to the stage and variety shows that are popular with passer-by fans, the members' foreign affairs are also going smoothly.

Shen Zhixi accepted a separate variety show, which is related to acting and is in the process of filming.

And Chi Qingqiu participated in the current popular outdoor competition reality show as a flying guest.

During the filming process, Chi Qingqiu sometimes looked at his phone, and spent most of his time chatting with Shen Zhixi except for work information.

Occasionally, I would click into the novel page of "Speech Cannon" to see another "Shen Zhixi."

This novel seems to be completely broken.

There are no changes to the novel page.

The other celebrities and staff members were resting. Taking advantage of the gap between recording programs, Chi Qingqiu clicked on the novel, and carefully read the script and table of contents.

For some reason, she felt very strange.

The number of clicks has not even changed a bit compared to before.

"Sister Chi, drink some water." The little assistant took Chi Qingqiu's cup and handed it to her, glanced at Chi Qingqiu's phone by the way, and asked curiously, "Hey sister, what brand of anti-peeping do you use?" Film? I can’t see it at all! The quality is good! Is there a link? Send me one?”

Chi Qingqiu slowly took the water glass, raised his eyes suddenly, and placed the mobile phone with bright screen diagonally in front of the little assistant: "Spy protection film?"

"Can't you see the screen on your phone at all?"

The water in the cup swayed, Chi Qingqiu lowered his head, restrained his expression, and felt his fingertips feel a little cold.

The little assistant said excitedly: "Yeah, I can't see it at all! So, sister Chi, where did you buy the anti-peeping film?"

Chi Qingqiu didn't say a word, and swipe the novel interface of "Mouth Cannon Jianghu" without any trace, then turned off the screen, turned it on again, and looked up to see the expectant eyes of the little assistant: "..."

Chi Qingqiu pursed his lips, moved his finger, and slid out from the interface just now: "Now? Can you see it?"

"Look... I can see it... It's so strange that the screen was still black just now." The little assistant scratched his head in confusion.

Chi Qingqiu glanced at her: "I didn't buy a privacy screen. Recently, something happened to my phone, and the screen will automatically turn off."

Assistant: "Ah, that's it...then let's find a chance to fix it sometime!"

Chi Qingqiu: "Okay."

Chi Qingqiu responded, but when the little assistant walked away, he frowned slightly and returned to the novel interface just now.

Why... can't I see this novel?

Then Chi Qingqiu asked other people around him to test it several times, and the conclusions he got were without exception——

None of them can see.

It is clear that the temperature has not yet dropped sharply, but Chi Qingqiu feels the coolness on his body is getting more and more obvious.Like touching something by accident.

She lifted up the windbreaker jacket she was wearing on her shoulders, and then registered a small Weibo account, and clicked on the private message on Weibo of the author of "Mouth Cannon Jianghu" according to the name of the novel interface.

@2447464748: Hello, I really like the work you wrote "Speaking Cannon", when will the next update be?

There are not many readers in the book, maybe 5G surfing, in less than 1 minute, Chi Qingqiu received a reply from the author.

@Author Chuchu: Hello, my friend!Thank you so much for your likes!

@Author Huanqiu: But... did you remember the wrong person?

@Author Book: I don't remember that I wrote this book?

@Author Chuchu: [Screenshot of the work.jpg] Look, these are all the novels I have written, without the "Mouth Cannon" you mentioned.

@2447464748: OK sorry, maybe I remember wrong.But thank you for your creation.Your work is excellent.

Chi Qingqiu frowned and turned off the phone screen. For some reason, she suddenly became a little irritable.


...A novel that even the author himself does not know, does it really exist?

Then why can she still see the comment section and content?

Chi Qingqiu re-opened the novel interface of "Mouth Cannon Jianghu" and scrolled down the list.But suddenly, her gaze stopped.

Just now... the book... how many chapters are missing?

The eyebrows twitched uncontrollably, Chi Qingqiu unconsciously quickened his hand movements, and clicked into the comment area again.

The comment she shared the other day also disappeared, and she couldn't even make another comment.

There seemed to be a thread, connecting this end and the port she couldn't see, quietly hiding the truth.

Chi Qingqiu panicked for no reason, and his heart was suddenly empty.I don't know why, it's just a novel, but it seems to be connected with something very important in her life.

On the other hand, the recording of Shen Zhixi's acting competition variety show went smoothly.But whenever she had a rest or was alone in the dead of night, she felt strange again.

It had been a long time since she had received any new comments from Chi Qingqiu for "The Mouth Cannon".

Moreover, even though nothing happened, Shen Zhixi felt vaguely that his past memories seemed to have disappeared for no reason.

...Of course, it could also be that she was too busy recording the show.

Life is too full, it is inevitable that some trivial things will be forgotten.

But over time, Shen Zhixi was even a little skeptical.

...Is she from the book?

Could it be...she, like Chi Qingqiu and Xu Qianqian, is from this world?Maybe that book was just a dream she had...

Although as time went by, Shen Zhixi felt more and more that something was wrong.

But when she took out her mobile phone and wanted to verify the existence of this novel.

Shen Zhixi slid his finger on the screen, and suddenly froze.

"... Which novel is it?"

She even forgot the name.

However, the popularity of Charming is increasing day by day. All members are very busy, busy with the stage, busy with variety shows, busy with endorsements, busy with various business... In this state, although Chi Qingqiu is unintentional I was disturbed by the clues I found, but I couldn't find the opportunity to figure out what was going on in the novel "The Mouth Cannon".

Unexpectedly, the clues disappeared so quickly, as if the truth was buried under the water tightly with both hands out of thin air, and only dark lines remained in the end.

When Chi Qingqiu realizes this, he opens "The Mouth Cannon" again, and this book...only Chapter 1 is left.

Surrounded by noisy stars and bright and dark crowds.

"Welcome everyone to the first anniversary meet and greet of the charming girl group!"

Different from other talent shows, CM set the location of the anniversary meeting at the place where "Dream Making Fifty" was first recorded.

On the stage was the familiar voice of Yi Shisan, who was the comeback host for the first anniversary, hired by Centimeter with huge sums of money.

Looking at the surrounding scenes in the waiting area, Shen Zhixi's memory suddenly became blurred, as if he had returned to the time when the program was first recorded.

Chi Qingqiu next to him didn't know why his state was not right.

Shen Zhixi rubbed his temples, no longer thinking about those fragmented memories, and just stretched out his hand to hold Chi Qingqiu's hand.

With such a high temperature in the arena, Chi Qingqiu's hands were so cold that she shivered.

Shen Zhixi touched Chi Qingqiu's forehead with the back of his hand. He didn't have a fever, but he couldn't help worrying: "Sister Chi, you're going to be on stage later, are you okay?"

Chi Qingqiu pursed his lips, pulled out his thoughts, held Shen Zhixi's hand back, and shook his head: "It's okay, don't worry."

"Hurry up and get on stage!"

They didn't have much time to talk.Soon, the light suddenly dimmed, and everyone in Charming re-entered the long-lost dream-making stage.This time, they are members of the debut girl group.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Almost as soon as they stepped onto the stage and the music started, the gazes of Shen Zhixi and Chi Qingqiu changed, becoming more determined, calm, and fearless.

"Hey the stage is dimly lit, you and I have set sail. The girl's dream is melodious, we are unstoppable."

Off stage is the unabated love and enthusiasm, and on stage is the growth and transformation that shines brightly.

Their dances and songs are even better than fans expected.

This year, no one failed to live up to their love. Charming made its debut amidst the starlight, and will also go higher and higher under the eyes of everyone.

At the end of the stage performance, under the spotlight of Huacai, it was the turn of each member to speak.

Chi Qingqiu not only completed his part, but also took care of everyone in the group when he spoke.

When Shen Zhixi spoke, she suddenly froze.

There were waves of cheering fans waving and swaying in the audience, and the light in the distance was so dazzling that Shen Zhixi was in a daze for a moment, familiar and unfamiliar.

Shen Zhixi subconsciously felt that she was not like this before.

At least, not so attractive.

But if she wanted to recall the specific details, she couldn't tell.

Memory and mood were a little messed up, Shen Zhixi closed his eyes, simply ignored the draft he had prepared earlier, and followed his heart.

"Hi everyone, I'm Charming's member—Shen Zhixi."

"I always thought that in the past."

The brain's memory was suddenly interrupted, Shen Zhixi took a breath, and looked at the swaying light sign in the distance.

The light in his eyes swayed with the lamp before he finally remembered.

In fact, there was not a long interruption, but the flow of time slowed down in her heart.

Based on feeling, Shen Zhixi continued to say:

"When you encounter a cliff, no matter who steps on you."

"You have to climb up by yourself."


"But later... I participated in "Dream Making Fifty", and I met a lot of lovely people on the show, and I got my wish and debuted as a group..."

Shen Zhixi thought about his words with a sincere voice.

The surroundings are not noisy, and there is not even much noise in the empty and crowded venue.

But Chi Qingqiu couldn't hear what Shen Zhixi said later.


[Surrounded by ruins, Shen Zhixi was forced into a corner by the mouth of this dignified and upright head.

His clothes were messed up by the bursts of air blades, his body was full of wounds, and there was a lot of blood on the corners of his mouth.

"When you encounter a cliff, no matter who steps on you, you have to climb up by yourself."

This is the truth that Shen Zhixi has understood since childhood.

So she sneered nonchalantly, and raised her head provocatively: "Is that all you can do?" Suppressing the rising smell of blood, she stood up again and struck back. 】

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