Shen Zhixi walked from the waiting area to the stage, surrounded by bright stage lights.

"Hello tutors, I'm Shen Zhixi from Cheese Entertainment."

Standing on the stage, she bowed facing the audience and introduced herself according to the established procedure.

Zhao Shiyi, who was sitting in the instructor's seat, smiled softly, and asked softly, "As the first contestant on stage, are you nervous?"

"Yeah." Shen Zhixi nodded with a smile, remembering what he said to Chi Qingqiu not long ago, his crooked peach eyes were full of gleams, and his tone was calm and even faintly cheerful, "I'm so nervous .”

All the tutors: "......"

Su Keqing: "...Sister, are you really nervous?"

Gu Xiao: "...Why do I feel that her tone sounds a little happy and excited?"

Yi Shisan: "...Being reasonable, if it wasn't for your calm tone, we would have almost believed it. Really."

Trainee A: "Hahahahaha, Shen Zhixi is actually a bug sent by the program team as an undercover agent?"

Trainee B: "Hahaha, the instructor's reaction is too real, it literally speaks from my heart!"

Trainee C: "Sister Shen, come on! As a little girl who has been bullied by you, I am looking forward to my sister's stage!"

Zhao Shiyi: "Okay, then without further ado, please start your stage."

The audience fell silent, the prelude of music sounded, the lights dimmed, and the background of the stage instantly changed to a video that exploded and ignited.The whole stage is rendered by the aura of the song.

"Wow... Listening to the intro of this song makes me burn!"

"Look! Shen Zhixi's eyes have changed!"

"Sister, come on!!"

Before taking the stage, Shen Zhixi specially changed into Hanfu for the stage. With the ancient makeup and sharp eyes with a bit of tenderness, the sound of the music automatically brought everyone present into the scene of the song.

"If the house is full of light tonight, dip the brush in Tianhe and paint the eternal fragrance."

At the moment when Yujie's voice came out with clear enunciation and unique voice, all the trainees were attracted and straightened up.

The eyes of the instructors wearing professional earphones in front also flashed with amazement.

"After a few lifetimes, Yulou tried to sing Linlang, crowning Wuyi Lane..."

"Whoever has lost sight of his daughter for a long time in Guanshan, the family and the country will take care of it, and then pick it off with his own hands, the sun sets on the Yellow River and the black mountains are covered with frost, the iron armor is polished, and the clothes of the old days are thrown away—"


"Ahhh, Shen Zhixi's high-pitched voice is amazing! Crazy heartbeat!!"

"Oh my god, it sounds so good! The treble really surprised me!"

"Sister Shen's singing skills are too stable! Why haven't I heard her name before? My sister is definitely a dark horse!"

The whole song is over.Shen Zhixi closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the emotion immersed in the song disappeared.The music stopped, and the scene of "Dream Making Fifty" was silent, which was replaced by thunderous applause and cheering and screaming a second later.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Sister kill me!!"

"Ahh, Shen Zhixi is beautiful and sassy, ​​I want to vote for her day and night! Send her to debut!!"

"? Sister, wake up! You are a contestant! You don't have a mobile phone!!"

"After listening to this song, my whole body is on fire! Sister Shen, I can do it!!!"

Sensing everyone's enthusiasm, Shen Zhixi raised his lips and smiled at the screaming trainees in the audience.

"I was wondering what kind of trainees would be pushed out by trainees from other companies at the same time." Gu Xiao, the tutor, turned the pen in his hand, with a serious expression, "Now I know the reason." "I have to say, Your stage really amazed me."

"Whether it's clothing, eyes, voice, emotion, or singing skills, they are all very powerful."

"Such a trainee, no wonder the popularity was so high before the show started."

Gu Xiao commented very seriously, and I don't know which honest person from the audience came up with a sentence——

"No, Senior Gu, that's not the reason why we recommended Sister Shen hahahahahaha."

Gu Xiao: "?"

Trainee: "You'll know when the show comes out!"

Gu Xiao: "??"

"Thank you Senior Gu, they probably didn't push me because of popularity." Shen Zhixi nodded cooperatively, "It's because of irritating people."

Gu Xiao: "???"

...What happened to the trainees this year? !Isn't it a bit rebellious! ?

Seeing that Gu Xiao was confused on the spot, Yi Shisan, a famous variety show artist, quickly took over the conversation, "That's true, I think you are quite annoying now. You can sing so well, but you still look relaxed. You say you are annoying? People?! How much pressure did it cause the trainees behind? Forget it...I don’t say anything for a half-hearted person. My impressions are just two words, which sounds good! Does Mr. Zhao, who is beautiful and sweet next door, have any professional comments?”

"Well, then let me briefly talk about it. Shen Zhixi, your voice is very unique, with deep bass, amazing chorus, and the emotion fits closely with the whole song. Whether it is the use of breath or the conversion of true and false sounds, It's all perfect, you can hardly fault it."

"And the singing method of the treble part is special. It seems that a small part of the interpretation of the opera has been added, but not all of them. In short, it sounds amazing. It is at the level of a professional singer."

As Zhao Shiyi said, she lowered her head and flipped through Shen Zhixi's information, "But——"

"I see it says in your profile... no training hours and no stage experience... Does that mean you have no professional training... It can't be that you have never learned to sing, right?"


Zhao Shiyi's voice fell, and there was a gasp from the audience.

"The training time is zero? Is it a lie? I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!!"

"Sister Shen is an old voice card... How can she sing so well without learning it?!"

"My God, if you really haven't learned from Shen Zhixi, is this a talent?"

"Calm down, everyone! Think about the time sister Shen donated to us not long ago?! Most of this information is also from us!!"

"That's right! Donkey man, Sister Shen is a professional!"

"..." Shen Zhixi pursed his lips, breaking the illusions of the trainees, "I really don't have any training hours or stage experience."

"But I learned...singing from a friend."


There was another twitch.

"Which friend is so powerful? At the queen level, right??"

"One thing to say... I want to meet this friend!"

"Singing skills are really worth mentioning." Su Keqing, who was sitting next to Zhao Shiyi, raised her eyes and looked at Shen Zhixi with sharp eyes. "But we are selecting a girl group after all. Can you dance? Are you ready for a talent show?" ?”

Yi Shisan: "Yes, we can show you how to dance. Xiao Shen looks like he can dance!"

"!!! Yes, yes, sister Shen has such a good figure! She must have taught herself how to dance!!"

Before Shen Zhixi could speak, the trainee's little fan girl's voice came from the audience.She tilted her head, and met the fiery eyes of Ning Qi, a girl with two ponytails who screamed frantically "Sister, Sue" when she met her.

"......" Shen Zhixi looked away silently, and frankly sent three consecutive rejections to the instructor and trainees, "Dancing?"

"I don't know, I haven't learned, I don't understand."

The four instructors were choked: "......"

"It's okay." Gu Xiao paused, breaking the deadlock, "You can jump to anything, let's see your level."

Yi Shisan also eased the atmosphere and said, "That's right, no one will blame you even if you do radio gymnastics hahaha!"

Shen Zhixi nodded and made it clear: "Okay. Then broadcast gymnastics."

Yi Shisan: "???"

This is just a joke, sister, why do you take it seriously? !Have you seen any women's team that dances radio gymnastics right after the draft? ? ?

Ignoring the mentor's ghostly eyes and the expressions of the trainees, like Xu Qianqian, who seemed to have never seen any big scenes, and simply recalled the movements of radio gymnastics, Shen Zhixi stretched out his hand.

"One two three four, two two three four..." "Change movements." "Three two three four, four two three four..."

After the whole set of radio gymnastics, it was called smooth and flowing water - although he was proficient, he was so stiff that he couldn't see it.Even the excellent expression management during the singing just now was completely lost, and Shen Zhixi successfully let everyone present experience the most soulless side of this set of radio gymnastics.

"Haha——" the radio gymnastics was finally over. Someone yawned long and quickly. After noticing the gazes around him, he quickly covered his mouth in horror, only to find that the trainees in the front, back, left, and side rows were all He yawned one after another as if infected.

The scene is too touching.

So much so that Yi Shisan, who was in the tutor seat, couldn't hold back "Haha——"

Shen Zhixi: "..."

hello?Please respect me as a player?

A few seconds later, sleepy applause rang out, and the girls whispered to each other with determination and sincerity——

"Okay, now I believe that Shen Zhixi has never learned to dance..."

"Yes, yes, this time, even if she told me that she had learned it, I wouldn't believe it."

"Let's not talk about dancing... I even suspect that sister Shen probably didn't dance well when she was in school, right?"

"Cough. It seems that Xiao Shen really has never learned to dance." Yi Shisan suppressed the sleepiness that was about to seep out of the corners of his eyes, and began to smooth things over, "But it's okay, we have a professional dancer teacher Su here. , providing trainees with 360-degree dance teaching without dead ends every day."

Su Keqing frowned, and answered seriously: "Although I haven't learned it before, dancing is also one of the things that girl groups need to master, so the rating will definitely include it in the assessment criteria."

Zhao Shiyi: "Let's discuss it first, and then give you your grade."

Shen Zhixi: "Okay."

After the brief exchange with the contestants ended, several mentors turned their backs and gathered together to discuss Shen Zhixi's initial stage assessment rating.

"Although it's just a preliminary rating, you still have to think about it carefully...Shen Zhixi's advantages are obvious, and his singing is perfect...It's just that his shortcomings are also very fatal..."

"In terms of singing skills alone, I would give her an A. Her voice really hits me."

"But this is a girl group audition. Shen Zhixi doesn't know how to dance. It will be very difficult in the future...I think it's B."

"But she's also very infectious on stage."

"? What contagion, the contagion that makes everyone yawn..."

"...? That's unnecessary. Teacher Zhao should be talking about the appeal of singing..."


After a heated discussion.

The four tutors finally agreed on a rating, and Zhao Shiyi announced the result: "Shen Zhixi, congratulations, you got a B rating and successfully entered Class B."

"Actually, I personally want to give you an A. But in terms of dancing, I really need to work harder... In short, work hard. Looking forward to your future stage, I have great confidence in you."

"Okay." Shen Zhixi smiled, didn't care much about ratings, and bowed politely, "Thank you four mentors."

She walked off the stage, and heard the mentor call Chi Qingqiu.

"Next, I invite the second contestant, Chi Qingqiu."

Immediately afterwards, the trainees screamed and yelled frantically——

"Ahhhhhhh Goddess Chi! Come on!!"

"Goddess Chi made her C position debut!!"



Shen Zhixi kept his mouth shut, and the trainee who was screaming secretly from the bottom of his heart, then quickened his pace, returned to his seat and sat down, took a deep breath, and shouted maturely, "Ahhhhh Chi Qingqiu!! I like it You!!! Sister Chi, come on—”

The voice perfectly overwhelms all passionate calling.

The class B trainee sitting not far from Shen Zhixi swayed, and his ears almost left this beautiful world on the spot: "...???"

Shen Zhixi, why are you yelling so loudly! ! !


The author has something to say:

The song that appeared in this chapter is "Eternal Fragrance"!

www I like it so much! ! !

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