The blushing and heart-pounding exciting word guessing session ended. Although Chi Qingqiu and Shen Zhixi lost a lot of time in this session, fortunately, in the subsequent game session, Chi Qingqiu single-handedly pulled down the score that was dragged down by herself. back.

After completing their respective CP tasks one after another, following the arrangement of the program group, Shen Zhixi, Chi Qingqiu and the rest of the trainees came to a wide square.

In the middle of the square, there are several rows of crooked "S"-shaped obstacles, narrow balance boards with a certain slope and other obstacle props. At the end, there are several cube containers for holding water.It looks like a simple breakout game.

Xu Qianqian, who finished the CP task ahead of schedule, jumped up happily after seeing Shen Zhixi, grabbed Xie Ling with one hand, raised the other hand high, and waved excitedly to greet Shen Zhixi and Chi Qingqiu: "Sister Shen! You are here!" !"

Xie Ling, who was next to him, originally planned to nod coolly, but Xu Qianqian grabbed the back of fate's neck unexpectedly.The cool girl frowned, but she stretched out her hand in her pocket instantly, and her indifferent thin lips moved immediately: "Shen...Hello, Sister Shen. Hello, Sister Chi..."

The highly recognizable voice is not as low as usual, but reveals a bit of girlish nervousness, completely breaking the previous cool girl persona.

At the same time, this action of being forced to open business as if engraved into DNA made fans who saw this scene say "Hahahahaha Xie Ling, if you are threatened, just blink!" When my relatives are dragged by my mother and shouted!" "The sense of substitution is so strong that I have already started to panic hahaha!"

Seeing Xie Ling's completely different reaction from the same group during training, Shen Zhixi was quite surprised, followed by Yi Le, the corners of his lips curled up instantly, he patted Xie Ling's shoulder with a smile, and jokingly said: "Don't be afraid Ah, neither Chi Qingqiu nor I eat children's food."

"Yeah." Chi Qingqiu raised his eyes to look at Shen Zhixi, paused, his willow eyes were also bent, and the light and shallow arcs revealed a bit of joy, "It's true that I don't eat children."

It was obviously a normal tone, but when Chi Qingqiu looked into her eyes, Shen Zhixi's heart skipped a beat.

Fortunately, no one noticed in this environment.Because Xu Qianqian quickly tugged Xie Ling again:

"Wow, I feel like the last link is quite simple!"

Xie Ling raised his peaked cap, and saw a staff member approaching in the distance holding something, silently smoothing the corner of Xu Qianqian's wrinkled clothes like a small doormat, and then retorted in a low voice: " Don't be too happy..."

Xu Qianqian pressed Xie Ling's hat with a backhand, and her voice was full of vigor: "It hasn't started yet! What are you talking about?"

Xie Ling, who was blinded by the sudden "haze": "..." She was just telling the truth...

Soon, all the CPs of "Dream Making Fifty" had arrived, and the staff slowly approached them.

In the sight of the trainee sisters, the staff of the program team walked over with smiles on their faces, their eyes showing kindness. At the same time, each of them held a... lively and cute... puppy hook?

Seeing this scene, several contestants who like dog hooks ran over excitedly, playing with the dog just let down by the staff.

Chi Qingqiu only glanced briefly, then looked away, Shen Zhixi tilted his head interestingly, his eyes lit up when he saw the dog, but he didn't step forward, standing on the spot guessing what the upcoming task would be.

But without giving her much chance to think, the program team quickly announced the task.

"There are five groups of players present, and there are corresponding five containers on the opposite side. Each group of players needs to carry a water cup to carry a dog through obstacles, and at the same time ensure that only one person in the team stands on the ground. In addition, the water cups Try not to leak out the water, because the water in the container will be converted into points in the end~”

After speaking, the staff gave the water cups full of water to the players in each group.

"The specific way to pass the obstacle shall be negotiated by the players in each group."

"Ah... I thought it was an easy mode... I didn't expect it to be a hell mode?"

"...That is to say, one person needs to bear the weight of one person and one dog to cross obstacles at the same time, and also ensure that the water cup does not leak as much as possible? What kind of devil task is this?!"

"Oh my god, the program team is really unhuman! Who is the staff who designed this task, come out and get beaten!"

"...And you see, apart from the fact that the task itself is not easy to do, these dogs seem to be a little... lively?"

More than just "lively".

Every dog ​​was waving its little paw excitedly when hooked in the arms of the staff, and the posture of "my fate is up to me" was almost unstoppable by several strong staff.

"Well, I hope there are no surprises."

However, the voice just fell.

Sudden accident.

The dog with the label "1" on it suddenly frantically pulled its short legs trying to escape from this place, jumping up and down very lively, trying to break out of the tight encirclement.

Fortunately, there were enough people in the program group, and several big men came out together, and quickly surrounded the liveliest dog Gou from all directions.


Handed it over to Shen Zhixi and Chi Qingqiu.

As soon as Shen Chi CP took over, several staff members sighed with relief, and then seemed to feel that the sigh seemed a little inappropriate, so they whispered: "Cough... this dog is more active, you should be careful."

Chi Qingqiu hugged the dog who was frantically pulling at the corners of her clothes and dancing his short legs into a ball of flowers in the air, and nodded politely: "Okay, thank you."

Shen Zhixi, who was standing on the side, quickly grabbed the "No. 1 contestant"'s paw that was plotting to pull the corner of Chi Qingqiu's clothes, and tilted his head to look at it.

Gougou turned his face away in an instant, and buried himself in Chi Qingqiu's arms, unwilling to face it.


Shen Zhixi's bright smile disappeared, and he pursed his lips seriously, then reached out and quietly raised Gougou's face, intending to look at it childishly.

Not only did she have to look at each other, but she also gave the dog a "nuclear" smile again, and... arrogantly raised her middle finger.

This scene was captured by the camera, and CP fans interpreted it as "The Century Meeting of Love Rivals".

[Shen Zhixi: Good guy, she doesn't even dare to paw in Sister Chi's arms.This No. 1 player actually dared to get ahead! doge】

[Shen Zhixi: Let me meet you! 】

[Shen Zhixi: Come out!fight! 】

[Contestant No. 1: I may not be human, but you are a real dog. 】

Chi Qingqiu's fans shouted directly—"People are not as good as dogs!" Dog ah ah ah ah!"

And what about Shen Zhixi's fans?Shen Zhixi's fans turned into mothers immediately.

"? Zai Zai, what are you doing, Zai Zai!"

"I'm dying of laughter hahaha Shen Zhixi, why are you so naive? Mom is too embarrassed to recognize you!"

"Dogs don't want to talk to you.jpg"

"Puppy Hook, be careful when you are outside the house, otherwise you may be dragged by Shen Zhixi to make a doge appointment"

However, before the two "rivals in love" could fight, the program team quickly announced the start of the game.

But to the audience's surprise, it was not Chi Qingqiu who held the "No. 1 contestant" in the end, but... Shen Zhixi, the "rival in love of the century".

"!" Isn't this wonderful.

The staff of the program group cheered up and paid close attention to Shenchi CP's movements. There may be factors of curiosity and watching the excitement, but more...worry about unexpected accidents in the variety show.

Other groups have quickly discussed countermeasures.Even the petite Xie Ling put Xu Qianqian on his back and went straight on the road.

While carrying Xu Qianqian on her back, Xie Ling fixed the water cup on her head with the help of on-site tools, while Xu Qianqian, who was on her back, supported the dog with one hand and tried to stabilize the water cup with the other hand.

I thought it was safe, but I found out when I set off...

Laughing to death, I can't stand still at all.

Because the dog hook in his arms has been doing stretching exercises with his small arms and legs, and he wants to poke his head out to see the outside world all the time.So just as Xu Qianqian stretched out her hand to protect the water in the water glass, the dog in her arms took the opportunity to jump down, so she could only quickly retract her hand to hold the dog steady.Then Xu Qianqian stretched out his hand again, the dog raised his leg again, and Xu Qianqian retracted again.

Back and forth, stretch and shrink.

Back and forth, stretching and shrinking.

Throughout the iterative process, while being made into a ghost video by fans, it was also crazily ridiculed by the barrage—"So this is love. I want to touch it but then retract it [funny]" "Master, I understand!" "Hahaha Haha Zai Zai’s tossing back and forth is so embarrassing, my mother is so distressed hahaha!” “Nonsense! You don’t care about Zai Zai at all, you only care about your own doge.” “Come on, hurry up and get rid of this fake mother fan!”

It was precisely because of this force majeure that Xu Qianqian hadn't gone halfway through the journey, but most of the water in the water glass was spilled.

Of course, the other groups were not much better off.

After seeing Xu Qianqian and Xie Ling's way of breaking through the level, the other CP groups almost all decided to adopt this method.

...except for Shen Zhixi and Chi Qingqiu.

The screen turns to the follow-up shot of Shen Chi CP.

The breeze is blowing and the sun is shining brightly.

Chi Qingqiu hugged Shen Zhixi in the arms of a princess effortlessly, while Shen Zhixi hugged the "rival in love" in the arms of a cub.

In the camera, the tall woman looked calm. When she lowered her head to look at Shen Zhixi who was being held in her arms, the corners of her slightly pursed lips curled up slightly without knowing it, and there was a bit of natural tenderness in her eyebrows and eyes. , so that the fans couldn't help screaming in the bullet screen, "Ah, sister Chi, I really want to marry", "How can someone be A and gentle at the same time, woo woo woo [heartbeat] [big cry]" "So Chi When will Qingqiu come to marry me [grievance] [shy] [grievance]".

And the other heroine of Xiaotian's drama, Shen Zhixi, also fits the standard of Chi Qingqiu's girlfriend fan Ansha, she leans softly on Chi Qingqiu's arms, and when she looks up at Chi Qingqiu, her peach blossom eyes are still With a bit of a smile.The naturally smudged thin red at the end of her eyes added a bit of softness and coquettish shyness to her.

The tall and beautiful woman's curly hair that fell on her shoulders was blown by the breeze, and touched Shen Zhixi's face and neck.

The soft hair made Shen Zhixi's face and neck itchy slightly, and his heart seemed to be scratched by a light feather.

She couldn't help but tilt her head...

Rubbing in Chi Qingqiu's arms.

This sweet scene is in stark contrast to other CPs who are in a hurry and the sky is about to collapse.

of course.

If you ignore the tool dog on the background board that Shen Zhixi is holding in his arms and crazily swinging his limbs to break free... and the mission water cup that Shen Zhixi is holding in the tool dog's arms like a mountain at the same time...

It is indeed sweet.


The author has something to say:

grandmother!Grandma!The child is here to update again!

This time there is even a love rival on the background board!Great! 【What

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