"But I always feel that Goddess Chi is miserable standing in front alone..." Xu Qianqian looked at the empty BCDF performance seats in front of her, and said, "Sister Shen, you really have the heart to let Goddess perform the theme song alone. "

"Of course—" Shen Zhixi's peach blossom eyes bent downward, "I can't bear it."

"So I dance with her."

After leaving these words lightly, Shen Zhixi immediately stood up and walked forward.

Caught off guard, Xu Qianqian was completely empty: "...?"

When he looked up again, the career fan was already standing in the performance seat of Class B, not far from Chi Qingqiu.

Several other classes still have no trainees to stand up.

The program team of "Dream Fifty" directly released the words——

"CDF class please decide as soon as possible, otherwise we will randomly select students from each class for assessment."

Taking advantage of this time, Shen Zhixi turned to look at Chi Qingqiu with an upright face.Unexpectedly, she was too close, this time Goddess Chi also turned sideways to look at her.

"Are you still nervous today?"

Seeing her, Chi Qingqiu seemed to think of something, his gaze softened imperceptibly, and asked.

"It's okay——" just as Shen Zhixi uttered a word, he remembered what he said to Chi Qingqiu before the first stage performance last time, and his voice suddenly turned, "No——I'm so nervous..."

As if not aware of the obvious trace of Shen Zhixi's turning, the end of Chi Qingqiu's eyes slowly curved up and down without a trace.

"Really." Chi Qingqiu's voice was very soft, scratching Shen Zhixi's ear.

The deep and gentle Yu Jie's voice tickled her heart, Shen Zhixi couldn't hold it back, her tone became brighter, and she blatantly teased Chi Qingqiu under the camera of the program crew: "Yes. Because this time Sister Chi is by my side—— "

"So it's less stressful."

"Hmm..." Chi Qingqiu pursed his lips thoughtfully, and responded softly, "Then I will stand by your side for a while. Dance the theme song well."

Maybe there is no special implication.

But Shen Zhixi just felt that she was being teased by Chi Qingqiu, and the corners of his lips curled up uncontrollably, feeling happy.

After the program group released the words, the two younger sisters from Class C and Class D who had retreated stood up again.

Tang Sui, a class C trainee who felt the pressure of the assessment as soon as he stood in the acting position, was so nervous that he rubbed his hands together, when he heard the conversation between Chi Qingqiu and Shen Zhixi, he poked his head out of his head and looked aside curiously.Coincidentally, out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the two looking at each other.

Chi Qingqiu slightly lowered his head and looked at Shen Zhixi with a sideways face, a soft light could be vaguely seen in the shallow willow eyes.Sister Shen, who usually greets them with the aura of Yujie, has somehow become soft and pleasant, her peach blossom eyes are full of smiles.

"......" "!!!???"

As if he had discovered something extraordinary, Tang Sui's eyes lit up: Tian Tian's cp has increased!

The trainees sitting under the stage were also secretly poking and observing Chi Qingqiu. Although they were a little far away and couldn't hear the sound, they could see Chi Qingqiu's soft side face when he turned his face to look at Shen Zhixi.

Unable to contain the excitement in their hearts, the trainees began to whisper.

"What is Chi Qingqiu whispering to Shen Zhixi? He looks so gentle!"

"Hey. Am I the only one who thinks that Sister Shen is very shy after standing up?"

"...Sister, you are not alone."

"How do I feel... Chi Qingqiu and Shen Zhixi... are a bit sweet..."

"? The sweet you said... is that sweet I thought."

The audience was a little lively. Finally, a trainee in Class F took the initiative to stand up.

Seeing the interaction between Chi Qingqiu and Shen Zhixi up close, Tang Sui's nervousness dissipated for a moment, she blinked, and obediently waited for the two sisters to continue talking.

Unexpectedly, only the prelude to the theme song of "Dream Making Fifty" was waiting for the devil assessment.

"!" Tang Sui's whole body was shocked, he quickly looked away, and got ready to sing and dance the theme song.

The mentor monitoring room on the other side.The real-time images of the five trainees preparing to perform were transmitted to the front of the screen through the surveillance camera, and the promoters and mentors of the women's team discussed and evaluated the fifth-round contestants.

Yi Shisan: "The contestants in this round are quite interesting."

"It's true that both Chi Qingqiu and Shen Zhixi are capable, and it's interesting for them to perform together, but—" Thinking of the radio gymnastics for the initial rating last time, Gu Xiao jokingly said, "I'm looking forward to Shen Zhixi's performance more." Xi's dance."

Zhao Shiyi: "I don't know how Shen Zhixi is practicing, but I'm also looking forward to her singing and dancing."

Su Keqing: "...In terms of strength, Chi Qingqiu is definitely stronger. I watched Shen Zhixi's dance two days ago... I hope she can perform at the highest level today."

Exam classroom.

The moment the theme song of "Making Dreams Fifty" played, Shen Zhixi entered the state, with a bright smile on his face.

She hooked her lips and danced to the rhythm of the theme song.At the end of the prelude, the lyrics are perfectly connected with the music.After yesterday's practice, the dance performed by the new method perfectly fits the body. When singing and dancing, there is no need to silently read the words in my heart, so it will not affect the singing of the song.

"Hey the stage is dimly lit, you and I have set sail. The girl's dream is melodious, we are unstoppable."

"Back to the original starting point, we still seem to have no years in yesterday. The dream is approaching quietly, whose past. I still yearn for it now, wandering in the clouds. Have you ever seen it, have you heard it? We are dancing youth, Shine and sing. She, did she linger, did she expect—”

Shen Zhixi and several other trainees sang at the same time, and their dancing movements did not stop.

The trainees of Class F started to panic from the first part of the song, their voices lacked breath, and there were even obvious out-of-tune in a few places.

Instructor monitoring room.

Gu Xiao: "Chi Qingqiu is worthy of being Chi Qingqiu. He is as steady as ever, and the style of dancing the theme song is also very unique, which is very bright."

"The overall strength of Tang Sui from class C is pretty good. His previous score was low. Feng Shiyun from class F couldn't keep up with her singing when she danced, and kept losing her tune. This time it should still be F, but...Shen Zhixi from class B... ...."

"Did she go to further training in dancing this time??? It's only been three days, why does she look like a completely changed person?!"

Su Keqing: "...It's not so much about Shen Zhixi's advanced studies! Why don't we just say that she's cheating?! When I watched her dance two days ago, she was still a copy of radio gymnastics!?"

Yi Shisan: "Wow, is this a talent...it's too scary..."

Instructor Su, who has always only looked at strength, is still full of disbelief: "? But this talent is simply unreasonable! How can a trainee who has never learned to dance dance with such an amazing effect in such a short period of time??"

"It's really surprising." Zhao Shiyi smiled at Su Keqing, and turned her gaze back to the screen, "It seems that we need to re-evaluate Shen Zhixi."

It wasn't just the rating instructor who was shocked by Shen Zhixi's singing and dancing of the theme song.

There are also trainee sisters who watched the performance live.

"Oh my god?! Shen Zhixi is improving too fast, right? I remember she couldn't dance on the first stage??"

"?? Shit! Is Sister Shen hiding her strength! A few days ago, she danced radio gymnastics! Why did it become a beautiful theme song today! Liar!"

"Ahhh Chi Qingqiu and Shen Zhixi jumped just now! It just jumped into my heart!!"

"!!! They dance so sweetly, woo woo woo, I'm dead!"

"Goddess Chi is really amazing! Such a sweet song can jump out of her own style!!"

"It's so royal and sweet! I was picked up by two sisters!"

"Have you noticed? The movements of Chi Qingqiu and Shen Zhixi are not only beautiful, but also almost in sync!?"

"The stage is so contagious, I can't take my eyes off them!"

The theme song is about to come to an end, Shen Zhixi raised the corners of his lips, his breath was not disturbed, singing and dancing to the sweetest place, his voice fell high and low, he flicked in the direction of Chi Qingqiu from the corner of his eye, and happened to meet Chi Qingqiu's provocative gaze next to him for a second .

The eyes of the two people stretched out and met at one point in the air.In just a second, Shen Zhixi's peach-eyed smile deepened, and he quickly moved away.

"? Wait! Isn't this the personal theme song singing and dancing assessment! Shen Zhixi just met Chi Qingqiu's eyes??"

"! Yes, yes, I saw it too!!!"

"My god! The theme song solo can even look at each other... If this continues, I'm going to fuck—"

"? Sister, calm down, what do you want to drink?"

"I said...I want to enjoy the beautiful love between Shen Zhixi and Chi Qingqiu...a beautiful friendship..."

The singing and dancing performance of the theme song was over, and when the final action was frozen, Shen Zhixi made a wink and compared his heart to the camera.Chi Qingqiu next to him also looked at the camera, slightly curling his lips.

The rhythm of the two's movements is just right, and the pictures in the same frame are precisely stepped on, creating editing materials for the CP fans who will appear after the show is broadcast.

Xu Qianqian, who is active on major social networking sites offstage, looked at Shen Zhixi, and could almost foresee that after this episode of "Dream Making Fifty" was broadcast, she and Chi Qingqiu's cp fans would be on Weibo, Chaohua, Station B, posting on various platforms. scene.

In the end, the picture of the theme song in the same frame may be magnified several times by the microscope girl who has been professionally eating sugar for more than ten years.

At that time, a special effect will be cut out of the cp fan video, and a little bit of "billion" advanced processing will be done in the middle. Shen Zhixi stands on the left wink and compares his heart, while Chi Qingqiu is beside her and smiles at her.The affectionate gaze between the middle and the end of the theme song can definitely be called the place where the love between Goddess Chi and Sister Shen began.

Xu Qianqian, a girl with internet addiction, was trying to make up the picture in her head. She was lost in thought when her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by enthusiastic screams around her.

"Ahhh Chi Qingqiu, I love you!"

"Shen Zhixi dancing seriously is too beautiful, isn't it!"

The theme song assessment performance of the fifth group of contestants was over, and the younger sisters of the other trainees who participated in the draft almost forgot their identity as contestants, and turned into emotionless screaming machines to call Chi Qingqiu and Shen Zhixi.

There are only 45 people, but it sounds like a support group of [-] people for small idols.

"Today played well."

When they came down, amidst the lively cheers, Shen Zhixi heard Chi Qingqiu's voice.

The distance between the two is a little closer than when they were performing on stage.

The curve of her lips didn't have time to fall, she turned her face and lowered her voice and whispered in Chi Qingqiu's ear, "Thank you, Sister Chi."

"Thanks to my sister for teaching me well."

Shen Zhixi looked at Chi Qingqiu, and added lightly, because she was too close, her breath fell into Chi Qingqiu's ear, and she could see the woman's subtle expression more clearly.

As far as the eye can see, Chi Qingqiu's willow-leaf eyes, which usually have no waves, just seem to bend downward imperceptibly.

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