Qi's journey to school is not as smooth as Wujo Satoru imagined.

After Gojo Wu, Xia Youjie, and Jiarui Zizi appeared in Qi's school as Qi's parents one after another, the three couldn't help but get together for a small meeting, and the night moth Zhengdao couldn't help but listen. .

Nitro: "...So, what is the reason for calling you here again?" She asked this question with a numb calm.

As conjurers, the three of them are naturally very busy, especially the two special grades, so the one who has time can only be allowed to go to the school to attend the teacher's interview.

No one expected that such a plot would develop. The reasons for the three being called to school were different, but they remained the same—Qi and Shuang were fighting at school.

"...How did he fight with people with his character? Also, can he really fight with others?" Ye Mo Zhengdao asked in shock.

Gojo Satoru's gaze drifted a little, "Well...it's not a question of whether you can beat him or not."

Xia Youjie pressed Wujou's shoulder, smiled and said to Ye Mo Zhengdao: "There is such a guy who teaches Qi, teacher, do you really think he can't fight?"

Jia Ruozi added in time: "It's a question of whether or not the other party was sent to the hospital."

Noctua said rightly: "??? But why? He doesn't seem like a character who can fight with others!"

Speaking of the reason, I have to mention the fact that Gojo Satoru is happy to be an adoptive father again.Fu Heihui and his sister are studying in the elementary school next to Qi. Because of Wujo Satoru, Qi subconsciously paid attention to these two children, and then he found that these two children were disliked by their classmates. Be kind.

And it was Qi's classmate's younger brother who took the lead in bullying them, which also caused the students who knew about the two children in the middle school to follow the style of the middle school.

Qi aimed at this group of people with a combination of Heaven's Justice and Justice. Since there were a lot of opponents, and he couldn't keep an eye on them, the battle line was dragged a bit long.

Yemo Zhengdao, who roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter, fell into deep thought, and he couldn't help asking Wutiao Wu: "Don't you think you have committed a lot of sins?"

Wutiaowu: "..."

But the child's education is still imminent. After the four discussed it, they decided to send Xia Youjie to have a heart-to-heart talk with Qi.

That afternoon, after Qi returned to the college, he was arrested by Xia Youjie at the door of the dormitory.

He looked extremely disturbed. After all, such a long time has passed, he has never caused any serious trouble to Gojo Satoru and his party. Unexpectedly, once he entered school, he would become the number one problem student. Said, it seems that Xia Youjie has been sent to be a psychological counselor.

You must know that since the astral body incident, Xia Youjie's whole state has been completely wrong, and Qi didn't want to trouble Xia Youjie in this state at all.

Who knew that Xia Youjie didn't play cards according to the routine at all, he came up and asked with a smile: "How is it, are you getting along well with Mr. Fu Hei?"

Qi was stunned for a moment, completely unexpected that he would ask this question.

Recalling his recent experience, Qi scratched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, "In the beginning, it didn't go well, but after I helped his sister once, it seemed to gradually get better."

Xia Youjie nodded calmly, and concluded: "So now you are already in a relationship that can make an appointment."


Facing Qi's bewildered expression, Xia Youjie sighed slightly, "So, why did you think of helping Mr. Fuhei to fight?"

Qi couldn't answer again, but under Xia Youjie's gentle expression, he still stammered to express his thoughts: "Because, because...he is also equivalent to being adopted by Wu, so I want to go and see .It would be even better if we can get along with each other.”

But Xia Youjie knew that it was definitely not better if he could get along well, but that he must get along well with Fu Hei.

He is an insecure child, and he doesn't want to be different from those around him, let alone cause trouble for Gojo Satoru.Probably, he also knew that Fu Heihui had the qualifications of a conjurer.

Xia Youjie looked at him deeply, he opened his mouth, but did not make any sound, in the end, all the words turned into a sigh, in Qi's confused eyes, he said softly: "Why do you always think about To make other people happy? What about your own will?" That should come first.

Whenever Xia Youjie feels that the world is already rotten to the extreme, Tiangong Yuanqi can always make him feel a glimmer of hope in a magical way.

——Such a person who always puts the wishes of others first, such a soft and considerate person, if his true identity is as Gojo Satoru and he speculated, then maybe this world will still be saved.

Qi muttered with some annoyance: "...Obviously I was supposed to comfort you, but it turned out to be completely reversed."

"Very concerned? But it's okay, I just happen to be a little confused." Xia Youjie said, "Qi, do you think there is a god in this world? If so, what kind of person would he be?" His The voice is getting softer and softer, like a puzzle maker who is stuck in a puzzle but can't figure it out.

The alarm bells in Qi's heart were loud, and Jie, don't be too stimulated, he is ready to become a believer!

Even the gods popped out!

No, he had to find a way to let this lost lamb know his way back in time.

"...Well, judging from the degree of chaos in the world, he may be an irresponsible guy." Qi said slowly, trying to find words to smear, "Maybe he is also very hard-hearted, seeing This kind of world has no idea of ​​trying to control it. Therefore, it should be a god who can't do it."

So, Jay!Be more open!But don't join the church!

But Xia Youjie fell silent after hearing these words, praying that his lobbying had achieved results, and just when he was about to make persistent efforts, he heard the person on the opposite side whisper: "Really? But I think he is a Not bad." He looked up at the sky, "It's just that I haven't realized my responsibility and identity yet, I think it will be very painful when I wake up, seeing a world like this."

Qi's heart felt cold, it was over, he seemed unsuccessful in persuading Xia Youjie.This person started bragging about some corner religion god in front of him!

"Since this is the case, doesn't it mean that this god is not very good! He didn't even realize it!" Such a melon, what is Jie thinking!

...However, the strange thing is that when he heard Xia Youjie's words, his heart skipped a beat. It was clearly something that had nothing to do with him, but a certain instinct of his body made his heart heavy.

But Xia Youjie lightly skipped the question of gods, "Didn't you tell me that people have selfishness? But pray, what about your own selfishness?"

Qi Yi choked, "But, but you can take my current behavior as selfish behavior."

"No, you just want to make Wu happy and Fu Hei happy. As for yourself, you haven't considered it."

Qi felt like being poked at the center of things, but felt a little embarrassed, "Hey, hey, I'm not as good as you said."

"...Is this the point now?" Xia Youjie asked hesitantly after a moment of silence.

Qi was a little dissatisfied and said: "What about you? You said you have no selfishness, and I don't think you have any. You are the type with a very strict sense of rules. Once you recognize something, you will act like a robot. During the execution, I basically gave up thinking about my feelings and thinking.”

Xia Youjie was strangely silent again, "...Well, so I have this image? In your heart? But, as for selfishness - you can guess whether I have it or not."

...That must not be the case.Qi secretly complained.

Before Qi could figure out how to save the young man who had lost his footing, he got a piece of news from Wu Tiaowu——Xia Youjie had defected.

Qi couldn't describe his mood at that time. He thought of the unopened books on psychology piled up on his desk, and the discussion between the two of them about the gods that afternoon. This moment turned into regret in an instant, if only he could find the answer sooner.

Just find a way to make Xia Youjie not to leave, not to believe in some illusory existence.

"...Why did Jie leave here?" Qi once subconsciously asked Gojo Satoru.

Although Gojo Satoru was still smiling, the smile on his face faded a lot, "That guy probably went to find what he thought was the right path."

Xia Youjie's dormitory in the college was cleared, and he, Wujo Wu, and Jiarui Nizizi went together.

As soon as the three of them entered the room, what they saw was the scales placed on the table.

It was a birthday present from Qi, and it was placed on the table alone like this.

One section of the scale is full of weights, while the other end is empty and tilted high.Qi didn't know what this meant, but since then, he never saw Xia Youjie again.

After that, it was his parting with Gojo Satoru.

The reason is that Gojo Satoru went to Yokohama for a mission. This time the mission was issued by the official government agency--Special Ability Division. After all, conjurers are also a kind of magical ability, so in the ability Secret Service Corey also has its own branch.It turned out that a secret laboratory on the coast of Yokohama was attacked, and the experimental body Aragami inside was released to destroy the laboratory and its surroundings.

But after Rage God was liberated, everyone was surprised to find a small hole in the former site of the research institute, and they could see a black flowing viscous liquid surging inside.

After a month, everyone was shocked to find that the originally small hole had expanded into a hole with a diameter of half a meter.

It wasn't until this time that the former survivor researcher revealed the truth—the Aragami was suspected of suppressing the seal of this hole.

But now, the seal was destroyed, and this unknown hole began to expand rapidly.

What followed was that dense curses began to gather here.Wujo Satoru therefore went out to fight.

However, after seeing that hole, a huge amount of information gathered in Gojo Satoru's mind, and he suddenly learned a lot about the black mud, arrows, and Qi.Because there are countless fine lines connecting them.

Once upon a time, someone made a wish to the gods, hoping to obtain extraordinary power.The merciful gods satisfied him.Therefore, some kind of wonderful ability system has continued to this day among some people.

Then, a small group of people made a pious wish, still hoping to gain power, and the gods satisfied them again.

With the passage of time, these powers have gradually been divided into various energy systems, including supernatural beings, substitute messengers, and... conjurers.

And the black mud is more like the price He gave human beings for power, and it is the embodiment of human greed.

In front of the evil god who is full of greed, and in front of the black mud that never stops churning, Qi's power is really too weak.

The five Wujos can "see" a thread connecting the prayer and vortex, and the six eyes make it invisible.

As long as Qi is still near the black mud for a day, its expansion speed will continue to accelerate, because Qi is the source of power, and has a fatal attraction to the vortex, until... the vortex swallows the entire world.

Gojo Satoru finally realized what kind of mission Qi was carrying—he wanted to seal the vortex.But now Qi is helpless against this cruel reality.He doesn't have any power yet.

But he didn't find nothing, he found a lost arrow through the six eyes on the edge of the vortex.

Gojo Satoru really wanted to ask the person who threw Qi here, since he was made to bear such a heavy mission, why didn't he give him enough strength to match this situation.

Even after exhausting all means, Gojo Satoru has never obtained the whereabouts of other arrows, and these arrows are the foundation of Qi's fight against this vortex.

"It's not good, me." Looking at the vortex that was still growing slowly, Gojo Satoru murmured to himself.

I am the only one in heaven and earth, but in such a near-dead situation, I have no choice but to choose a way out.

If you continue to let things go like this, the speed at which the vortex expands will exceed everyone's expectations, and even Qi will be unable to match it even if he tries his best.

But the new arrow he got gave Qi another possibility.

Each arrow seems to carry different magical energy. The arrow in Qi's body represents the cornerstone, which is equivalent to stabilizing his existence, while the one in Gojo Satoru's hand carries the power of time.

He didn't give this arrow to Qi immediately, and it took him a long time just to study this arrow.

Qi knew nothing about what was to come. The day he was picked up by Gojo Satoru became his birthday. On his birthday, Gojo Satoru asked him a strange question: "Qi, what do you want?" What kind of future?"

Qi Wenyan, who had been clapping wildly at the birthday cake excitedly, stopped. He looked at Gojo Satoru with some amusement and said, "That is of course a future where everyone will be happy."

"...Everyone?" Gojo Satoru repeated in a low voice, "The other people are happier or you are happier, which one would you choose?"

Qi replied almost subconsciously: "Other people." After finishing speaking, he was stunned for a while, which was like an instinctive reaction engraved in his body. Like pretty words.

What's more, he doesn't have the power to help others.Thinking of this, his purple eyes dimmed slightly.But soon he cheered up, and seriously explained to Wujo Wu: "Because others are happy, it will make me happier, but before that, I might let myself be happy first?" Speaking of this assumption , he smiled and shook his head, "But it doesn't seem to make sense to say these things."

Fool, of course it makes sense.

After learning about Qi's wish, Gojo Satoru finally made up his mind.

Before the maelstrom rapidly expanded to a size that no one could bear, Gojo Satoru finally figured out the logic of the arrow in his hand.

This is an arrow that contains the properties of time, cause and effect.

Of course, there are still many unreadable information on it, after all, this is no longer within the reach of ordinary people.

But it is enough to pry a little ability on this arrow.

Everything that happened afterwards, even if the scene in memory reappeared again, Qi still felt chaotic, and the reason was nothing more than his unwillingness to face this parting scene.

All this stems from his weakness and powerlessness, so Wujo Satoru tried every means to activate the power of the arrow and sent him to the future.

This is the best way Gojo Satoru can come up with, he wants to satisfy Qi's wish.

When the arrow discovered by Wujo Satoru was devoured by Qi, Qi's heart was wrapped in a delicate spell, just like hypnosis, and his past memories began to fade bit by bit.

Even if he was only accepting the memories of the past, Qi felt that it was hard to breathe for a moment.

At the last moment, before Qi was about to be swallowed by the vortex of time, Gojo Satoru turned around suddenly, with his back to Qi, not looking at his appearance before being swallowed.Maybe he also knows that he is doing a stupid thing at the moment, or maybe, he doesn't want to face the strange eyes when he prayed to him.

To a future without so many chains, without such despair.

In that brand new future, there is no need for his presence.

The last picture in Qi's memory is Gojo Satoru floating quietly towards the top of the maelstrom alone.

For himself, he wants to guard this maelstrom that will constantly create and attract curses.


When Qi pulled away from the shattered memory, he felt that his vision was blurred, because the shattering of the spell on his heart made his body weak for a while, and he fell directly backwards. Fortunately, Osamu Dazai had foreseen it and directly threw him Hold on firmly.

Chaotic thoughts made his brain buzz, and everything was strung together.

Why is he so afraid of being left behind by others, why is he depressed because of his lack of strength, why he has a natural feeling of closeness to Gojo Satoru, why Fugurohui is so familiar with him, and why he is so familiar with him because of Gojo Satoru A vague hostility arises from the specialness.

At this moment, the arrow that had been inserted into his heart was being gradually fused by him.This is an arrow full of his strength, so it can break through the curse pattern set by Gojo Satoru.

In this hazy vision, he couldn't help looking at the man standing opposite him, who was also the one in his memory - Xia Youjie.

The always smiling face finally revealed a sliver of real emotion, and the man in shackles sighed inaudibly, "I think of it now." It was not in vain that he worked so hard to hide the arrow under the eyes of the evil god .

Recalling the experience of finding the arrow and bringing it successfully, even Xia Youjie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, all the efforts were not in vain.

...it obviously shouldn't be like this.He has no interest in being a boy.

But when he saw the arrow for the first time, the first thought that burst into his mind was to return it to its original owner.

why?Doesn't this run counter to his ideas?He should have purged the gods who had thrown the world into chaos.That's why I resolutely left the college to find a truly correct path.

The gods of this world are too weak, and the order of the world cannot be completely entrusted to him.

Black fluid gushed out of Xia Youjie's body, clinging greedily to Xia Youjie just like it devoured Tobio back then.

What was different from that time was that he sensed Xia Youjie's betrayal, and the black fluid suddenly turned into a dark flame, which instantly ignited Xia Youjie.

This arrow should have been thrown into the maelstrom on Leibo Street by him until it sank to the bottom of the vortex and was swallowed by the evil god. As his believer, everything should have been like this.Xia Youjie's face was expressionless, and his purple eyes were full of coldness.

Even if he was being burned as a candle wick, he didn't show a trace of superfluous expression.

But when the flames spread to his neck, at this last moment, the cold appearance finally showed signs of loosening.

Xia Youjie, who was surrounded by flames, had the familiar expression on Qi's face again. He smiled, but with helplessness, he met Qi who was outside the flames.

"You're not wrong, pray. All people have selfishness." Therefore, in the relationship between the rules set by himself and his own emotions, he finally chose the latter.

A god who has no strength to face this chaotic world should not be able to survive in this world.Although he has understood this for a long time, Xia Youjie has no way to forget the past memories no matter what.

On the night before he left, he stacked all the weights on the side representing the rules to warn himself and to bid farewell to his past self, but in the end, he still chose to fulfill his Selfishness—Qi is such a guy who always likes to put other people's feelings first.

If he had power, he would definitely not turn a blind eye to this world.

In the end, it turned out that this naive idea had the upper hand of reason.

In any case, I want to believe in this glimmer of hope.why?Thinking back to the boy in his memory, he suddenly thought that human beings are such a phototaxis species.

Always yearn for beauty and yearn for hope.

What responded to him was Qi's trembling lips and slightly wide-open eyes. Those beautiful purple eyes contained too many emotions that Xia Youjie didn't want to see.

"Why are you looking at me with this expression?" Xia Youjie asked with a chuckle, "Are you waiting for me to say I regret it?"

He looked at the boy who looked at him with wide eyes outside the flames, and couldn't help asking.

Flames rushed to his chest.

"Impossible, only this thing, impossible." Xia Youjie raised the corner of his mouth, the smile on his face disappeared, and he stared coldly at all the people opposite him, "I've never regretted what I did. Everything I did was on a path I believed in."

The black flame shot up into the sky, Xia Youjie gave up fighting it, and he was engulfed by the flame almost instantly.

Before the scorching flames licked him away, Xia Youjie finally showed a peaceful smile on his face. At the last moment, he bid farewell to everyone with a calm gesture.

Inside the cuffs of the shackles that no one could see, Xia Youjie clenched the small weight in his hand.

It's the only one he has.All the memories from the high school of conjuration, those memories that carried his short-lived happiness but good times, all gathered on it.

Let it be your companion on the road to hell.


Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Ye Xiuchu 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 96 bottles of Zong Zong; 22 bottles of Firefly Forest; 20 bottles of boring people, favorite plush; 5 bottles of Scissors Milkshake;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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