Qin Sishao was puzzled, she hesitated for a while before asking: "Can you tell me?"

Jiang Chi had already planned to confess, and there was nothing to hide: "Do you still have any memories of the first parent-teacher meeting in the first year of high school?"

Qin Sishao had a little impression that she invited her grandparents over for the last time in three years of high school, but every time Jiang Chi held parent-teacher meetings, someone from her family would come.

Qin Sishao nodded.

Jiang Chi thought about what happened in his previous life again, it was like a dream, it was painful but not so hard to accept, it didn't happen in this life.

"My brother jumped off the building that day, from the roof of the teaching building. That day my aunt was holding a parent-teacher meeting for me, and my uncle was holding a parent-teacher meeting for him. The sister who was at the same table at that time was my uncle's lover outside. "


"So, my aunt took us abroad." Jiang Chi talked for more than half an hour. After talking about everything that happened before going abroad, she looked into Qin Sishao's eyes. Qin Sishao was crying, and Jiang Chi smiled and hugged her: "This It didn't happen in your life, don't be sad."

"After staying abroad for ten years, I chose to return to China after finishing my studies. We got married when we were 25 years old. After marriage, life was not so happy."

Qin Sishao wiped away tears: "Because of me?"

Jiang Chi shook his head: "No, it's my problem. I didn't notice that you were sick, and I didn't care about you. I always find fault. I'm not sensible."

Qin Sishao should have had the idea of ​​committing suicide at that time. People with severe depression refuse to communicate with the outside world and are immersed in the world they made up, unable to get out. The world she made up is shattered for a while, and beautiful for a while. Hallucinations may also occur.

But Jiang Chi didn't know, and she didn't think about it.

Women are different from men. Women will seek emotional value from their lovers, and Jiang Chi cannot avoid it.

She had to take care of her aunt and Jiang Ping'an at that time, and spent a lot of time and energy on them. In addition, Jiang Chi felt that he had suffered a lot in the past ten years. She hoped that Qin Sishao would love her, but Qin Sishao was very ill at that time Already, he has begun to reject everyone around him.

Her illness was beyond her control, and she was world-weary most of the time, refusing to communicate with anyone.

Jiang Chi didn't get comfort from Qin Sishao. She thought Qin Sishao didn't like her, so she didn't want to talk to her, so she always quarreled with Qin Sishao, trying to make Qin Sishao pay attention to her and attract Qin Sishao's attention.

The consequence of this approach is that Qin Sishao's condition is getting worse, and Jiang Chi's resentment towards Qin Sishao is also getting deeper. She feels that she has missed Qin Sishao for ten years, and after returning to China, she still wants to solve her troubles. It is her doing to force her to marry Wrong.

But Jiang Chi will not think that she is wrong, even if she realizes that it is wrong, she will not admit it, she wants to save face.

Qin Sishao reached out to hug Jiang Chi, she rubbed Jiang Chi's hair before saying, "You must have had a hard time in those ten years."

Jiang Chi has a Chinese food stomach, and she is not used to Western food. They have been together for so long, and the number of times they eat Western food is less than the fingers of one hand. Occasionally eat some fried chicken and hamburgers, Jiang Chi eats these infrequently, maybe once every six months.

Jiang Chi couldn't get used to the diet alone, let alone the broken family. Her going abroad was to leave her hometown and escape.

Jiang Chi rubbed his arms around Qin Sishao's neck with a smile, and she gently took a breath of Qin Sishao's sweet scent: "Actually, I didn't suffer, it's just that I feel a little distance from a foreign country."

Her tone became serious: "My wife smells so good."

Qin Sishao swallowed the comforting words she wanted to comfort, and the sad atmosphere just now disappeared, because Jiang Chi's hands were dishonest, and he touched her body here and there, rubbing there twice.

Qin Sishao slapped Jiang Chi several times, but he didn't open Jiang Chi's hand. On the contrary, Jiang Chi got worse.


No one mentioned this matter again.

Jiang Chi doesn't want to talk anymore, Qin Sishao won't keep asking, unless one day Jiang Chi wants to talk, she will be a qualified listener.

Qin Sishao only loves Jiang Chi about the things in her previous life, but Qin Sishao has no feelings for her previous life. She has no memory and can't realize what she was like in her previous life. But the only thing Qin Sishao can be sure of is that she also loved Jiang Chi very much in her previous life. , love Jiang Chi just like in this life.

Qin Sishao couldn't figure out why she was suffering from depression. Her life experience since she was a child, she has experienced the warmth and coldness of the world since she was sensible. When she was a few years old, she was often scolded by the villagers for not being a wild species that her parents wanted, saying that she was superfluous and unworthy. Living in this world, people like her should be buried in the same ground as those baby girls who were deprived of their lives at birth.

When she was young, she couldn't understand what these words meant, but she knew that they were not good words, but words that would make people cry.

When she got older, she finally understood what the words she heard when she was a child meant and how hurtful they were.

She has seen many people mention the injuries she suffered in her childhood, saying that it would take a lifetime to warm them up, but they still cannot be healed.

But Qin Sishao felt that the hurts she suffered in her childhood had passed away, and every time she thought about her, she was very calm. Those hurts were as normal as what she ate yesterday, and she didn't care.

She felt that in this world, no one or words could hurt her anymore.

But after thinking about it carefully, Qin Sishao found that there were still some.

Some people are so vicious, they specialize in exposing the scars of others, and intentionally cause harm to others one after another.

Qin Sishao thought, if there was really a heart disease that made her unable to get over it, besides Jiang Chi, it would be her grandparents.

These three are the people she cares about most.

She is a very intelligent person, good at thinking, and has a strong logic. Based on what Jiang Chi said, coupled with the experience of this life, she came up with a complete story about herself in the previous life.

She was not admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, which shows that her grades in high school dropped sharply.

Qin Sishao tried to substitute certain events from the previous life into this life. If Jiang Chi hadn't been reborn in this life, things still happened in her family, and she went abroad with her aunt, what would she do?

Qin Sishao thought that she would never give up studying, she would only study harder, and at the same time work harder to write novels to earn money and save money, studying hard could get her a school scholarship.

After being admitted to Tsinghua University, the school, the city government, including the town and county where she lives will give her bonuses, just for money, and she will let herself be admitted to Tsinghua University.

With money, she can go abroad to find Jiang Chi.

That was when she was in high school, her grandparents were gone, which hit her too hard, so she didn't carry it through.

Qin Sishao thought of her grandma who broke her leg while going to the market, and was reluctant to spend money. She lay at home for more than half a month, missed the best time for treatment, and left serious sequelae.

After she returned home, she and her grandfather and two relatives in the village sent her grandma to the hospital in the county seat. That day, she spent more than 1 yuan, and spent a lot of money in the following days. At that time, her grandparents did not buy medical insurance. , She didn't know about this, and she didn't have the idea of ​​buying medical insurance for them. She didn't realize the importance of medical insurance.

So she couldn't get the almost 10 yuan, so she called her parents, aunt and uncle, and asked them to discuss how to share the money. They said they were busy with work and couldn't come back to take care of the elderly.

They say that their children want to buy a house and get married, and they have no money, so you push it to me, and I push it to you.

Finally, someone agreed to share the money, and seeing that the others were unwilling to pay, why should he be taken advantage of, and he is not my own wife, why should I take care of it alone.

They said to her: "Sishao, you were brought up by your grandma on the first day you were born. She hugged you and begged for milk everywhere in the village to raise you. You can't be without conscience. You have to take care of and be filial to you." Grandma, you can't be a white-eyed wolf, when your cousins ​​were taken by your grandma, so you have to support your grandma instead of pushing it to us."

She listened numbly to what they said, and was so angry that she wanted to shake the phone, but she also knew that she couldn't change anyone.

She is shy in her pocket and doesn't have much savings on her body. This time she has strengthened her determination to work hard to make money and save money.

She can continue to look for them, or even call the police or file a lawsuit to ask them for money, but grandma can't afford to wait.

In the end, Jiang Chi lent her the 10 yuan.

She paid for grandma's medical expenses, and the family went back to the hospital after grandma's leg recovered.

After the results of the college entrance examination came out, they all came to her, and each of them showed how much they loved her. She was still numb looking at their faces.

Even though grandma said that they were all family members and told her not to worry about the elders, she still didn't listen to grandma and didn't contact any of them.

Grandma should have passed away this time, as for grandpa?Qin Sishao couldn't guess the possibility of his grandfather's death. Maybe his wife left and he would live alone, and he would be very lonely. It could also be due to physical reasons or accidents.

Qin Sishao was already a little sad, she turned her head to look at Jiang Chi who was lying next to her, Jiang Chi was lying on his side, with a small white face facing Qin Sishao's direction, she saw Jiang Chi's thick and slender eyelashes, Has tightly pursed red lips.

The next second, Sleeping Beauty opened her eyes, and said with bright eyes, "Why did you wake up so early?"

Qin Sishao looked at her and smiled: "Thinking about something."

Jiang Chi asked, "Miss me?"

"No, I miss my grandparents." Qin Sishao was honest: "Should I call them now?"

After she finished speaking, she took the phone over.

At 06:30 in the morning, grandparents probably woke up for an hour.

Jiang Chi smiled: "Let's fight, let's fight, grandparents will definitely live a long life in this life, you call, I'll go wash up first."

When Qin Sishao was hesitating whether to make a phone call or a video call, Jiang Chi had already got off the bed and was standing by the sink to brush her teeth. After brushing her teeth, she washed her face. She rinsed her face with clean water a few times, and she felt refreshed. , it came out.

Qin Sishao was videoing with grandma through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the golden sunlight came in from the outside in the early morning, casting a faint dazzling light on her whole body. Qin Sishao introduced the room at home to grandma, and said that she would return to her hometown in two months to pick them up to Beijing Play.

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