After that came the divorce, she was a cheap person, and she wanted to test whether Qin Sishao still remembered what happened in high school, even though it was only two months.

In the end, Qin Sishao still packed up her things and left without saying a word.

This is to agree to a divorce.

Jiang Chi regretted it and hid in the room alone crying.

She had only been with Qin Sishao for two months in high school, and it had been 12 years. Jiang Chi found out that she didn't remember any of her high school classmates except Qin Sishao.

The two of them had been classmates for such a short time, and Qin Sishao knew so many people behind him that he no longer remembered who Jiang Chi was.

It was Jiang Chi who couldn't forget her, not Qin Sishao.

A woman who doesn't like her, what does she care?

There are tens of thousands of girls in the world, she just needs to choose another one she likes, and Qin Sishao is not the only one.

Jiang Chi lay in the hospital for a few days, but he just didn't want to go to school. He went to school to see Qin Sishao.

Jiang Chi thought, 15-year-old Qin Sishao is quite cute.

Qin Sishao, who is 25 to 27 years old, is colder than a stone, and has long forgotten about her, and the two are married.

The marriage has not yet been divorced, Qin Sishao signed the divorce agreement, but she did not sign it, so the divorce is still pending.

Jiang Chi started thinking wildly again, they were married abroad, and the domestic law didn't recognize it, so when she died, Qin Sishao had no inheritance rights, and couldn't get a cent of her money.

Jiang Chi sighed, if he knew she would die so early, he might as well give the money to Qin Sishao, or donate it, and do more good things.

She died without spending so much money.

The nanny, Aunt Chen, is sitting on the side weaving scarves. Her daughter is studying in Beijing, and the temperature in Beijing has dropped early. Aunt Chen is weaving a few more scarves for her daughter.

Jiang Chi was in a daze. In the past few days, her grandparents, grandparents, little uncle's family, and her aunt's family all came to visit her. They gave her gifts and red envelopes, and the ward was filled with flowers and fruits.

Jiang Chi thought it was quite fun to be hospitalized, someone pampered him, and he didn't have to study and do the questions.

Aunt Chen ran out of wool and finished knitting the scarf. She took out another ball of wool, this time a black and white ball of wool. Aunt Chen continued to knit the scarf.

Jiang Chi took a few glances and looked away.

Didn't Qin Sishao ask for leave to visit her in the hospital?

Why not come?It looked like he had lied to Jiang Ping'an.

Jiang Chi checked the time. It was only 6 minutes since Jiang Pingan's last message. Qin Sishao was not so fast.

Then she came over at noon?Or come in the afternoon?Or come over late for self-study?

Anyway, she won't see Qin Sishao, let her be shut out.

Jiang Chi thought so, her mind was full of Qin Sishao, 15-year-old Qin Sishao, 25-year-old Qin Sishao.

To be honest, they haven't seen each other for ten years, and both of them have changed a lot.

How can a 25-year-old think the same as a 15-year-old? Take her as an example. It is only a year since the first year of high school and the third year of junior high school, and her thoughts are different.

People change, and time changes everything.

Jiang Chi thought, if there were no accidents in her family, if she didn't go abroad, but stayed in Nancheng to finish high school and was in the same class as Qin Sishao, wouldn't the two of them be so unfamiliar behind the scenes, and Qin Sishao wouldn't be so indifferent to her.

What about her?Will your temper and personality get better?

Jiang Chi didn't know, what if.

In her previous life, something happened in her family.

"Aunt Chen, where's my aunt?" Jiang Chi thought of Xu Junling again. She made a fuss that night, and he didn't know if his aunt became suspicious and solved Huang Panyun.

Jiang Chi hoped that his aunt would divorce her uncle. Even if the uncle was a biological uncle and related by blood, he was not good enough for his aunt.

But she was afraid that they would really divorce. Jiang Rui and Huang Panyun got married, wouldn't this make them happy?

She could accept it, but what did her aunt think?What if she cares too much about this family and doesn't want to?

And her brother, who thought his family was extremely happy, said every day that he was the happiest person in the world.

Every time a celebrity couple cheats or gets divorced, netizens say they don't believe in love anymore.

Jiang Ping'an would say that he believed in love.

Because he has seen true love, and his parents are true love. After decades, they still love each other very much.

This was a lie woven by the grown-ups, a lie specially shown to their two children. Both she and Jiang Ping'an took it seriously and firmly believed it.

Jiang Chi found out that Jiang Ping'an was the most troublesome in this matter. He let him know that his father was a scumbag without affecting Jiang Ping'an, and even made him a younger brother outside.

This mistress still wants to kill him, Jiang Ping'an is dead, isn't her uncle just the child in mistress' stomach?

Her aunt is so old, if she wants to have a child again, she will risk her life, and she will not be able to have one.

What if something happened to Jiang Ping'an in this life?

Jiang Chi shivered. My aunt will definitely be the same as in her previous life, she will go crazy!

"She went to have a beauty treatment and said she would come over to deliver you lunch at noon." Aunt Chen replied, "Ah Chi, you need to rest if you're not feeling well, and stop looking at your phone."

Jiang Chi sighed in his heart, her aunt hadn't shown anything these days, alas.

Jiang Chi fell asleep.

Jiang Chi woke up when Xu Junling came to deliver the meal, and lay down on the bed to sleep after eating.

After sleeping until four o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Chi checked the time, and Xu Junling was playing with his mobile phone on the sofa not far away.

"Aunt, did anyone come to see me while I was asleep?" Why didn't Qin Sishao come?

Jiang Chi found out, is Qin Sishao coming or not?She's all annoying.

Xu Junling: "No? How do you feel now? Is your head dizzy?"

Jiang Chi shook his head: "I feel very good."

She didn't hit her head at all, and she twisted her foot and it was fine.

She was unresponsive just after waking up, she had just been reborn, her memory was too chaotic and she couldn't get over it, and couldn't figure it out. As a result, everyone thought she had a concussion.

Xu Junling thought for a while: "Let's stay for another two days. It's time to study after that. I've made an appointment with your tutor."

"We'll be moving this Saturday, and we'll live there from now on. You and Pingan don't need to waste so much time on the road. You can just write an extra test paper every day."

Jiang Chi sent this sentence to Jiang Ping'an verbatim.

Jiang Pingan: "Is my mother still human? I love riding in a car. I can play games in a car."

Jiang Chi: "Go to Class [-] to see if anyone has moved my desk?"

Jiang Pingan: "???"

Jiang Chi: "Hurry up."

Jiang Pingan: "What you have in your desk, others have it. Who wants it?"

Jiang Chi: "Go as soon as I tell you."

Of course Jiang Ping'an refused to go, Jiang Chi talked to him a few words and had no choice but to give up.

Jiang Chi: "Didn't you say that Qin Sishao is coming to see me? Why don't you come? It's past four o'clock."

Jiang Pingan: "It's class, she must come after the eighth get out of class."

Jiang Chi: "Didn't it catch up with me for dinner, and I have to invite her to dinner?"

Jiang Pingan: "I found that you are very hostile to her."

Jiang Chi ignored him, saying he was stupid but not stupid, saying that he was not stupid, he would jump off a building in his previous life, and he was so tall in vain.

If it were her, she wouldn't jump off the building, she would definitely beat up the couple, forcing Huang Panyun to kill the child, and want to get married?Don't even think about it.

After beating someone, they have to send the short video of Huang Panyun and Jiang Rui to people they know. They like to shoot and show to others, right?

It was the two of them who were ashamed, not her and Jiang Ping'an.

Jiang Chi waited for Qin Sishao at six o'clock. She was wearing the autumn school uniform of Nancheng No. [-] Middle School, carrying a schoolbag, her short hair was tied into a little jiujiu, and the hair tie was the same as before. There was a red strawberry. When knocking on the door, Jiang Chi, who had been staring at the door for over an hour, saw her.

Jiang Chi hadn't eaten yet, Aunt Chen urged her to eat, she said she would eat later.

After Qin Sishao knocked on the door, Aunt Chen saw her, and seeing the school uniform she was wearing, she asked, "Who are you?"

Qin Sishao smiled and said, "Auntie, I'm Jiang Chi's classmate, I'm here to see her."

Aunt Chen enthusiastically said, "Come in, come in."

She turned her head to look at Jiang Chi who was pretending to be playing with her mobile phone: "Ah Chi, your classmate has come to see you."

Jiang Chi raised his head and glanced over lightly. Seeing that she was fine, Qin Sishao breathed a sigh of relief, pursed her lips and smiled at Jiang Chi. She smiled very obediently, especially the dimple on her cheek, which made people want to poke her.

Jiang Chi: "Ah, it's you."

Qin Sishao entered the ward and put the flowers she bought on the bedside table. It was a bunch of sunflowers. Jiang Chi counted them, and there were eight flowers in total.

She thinks that Qin Sishao is pretty good at buying a bouquet of flowers. If she were to buy a fruit basket, she would never think of buying flowers.

Jiang Chi raised his eyelids: "Why do you buy flowers? You can't eat them, so why not buy two packs of melon seeds with the money."

Qin Sishao's soft eyes fell on Jiang Chi, she smiled and said slowly: "The flowers are beautiful."

Aunt Chen was asking Qin Sishao to sit down, she moved a stool by the hospital bed for Qin Sishao to sit on, and she brought a bunch of fruits and snacks for Qin Sishao to eat.

Qin Sishao nodded, but she didn't take it, but looked at Jiang Chi instead.

"I heard from Jiang Ping'an that you had a fall, are you okay now?"

Jiang Chi pointed to his head: "It's not good, I have a severe concussion, and I don't even recognize who you are now?"

Aunt Chen said beside her, "Don't listen to her nonsense, she's fine."

She looked at Jiang Chi: "There's no one who curses himself."

Jiang Chi shut up and looked at the lunch box eagerly.

Aunt Chen brought over the lunch box and placed the small dining table on the bed, telling Jiang Chi to eat quickly.

She asked Qin Sishao: "Have you eaten?"

Qin Sishao smiled: "I came here after eating."

Jiang Chi sneered, "It's really dishonest."

She was generous, and pushed a few dishes to Qin Sishao: "Let's eat together."

Jiang Chi felt guilty because of what happened in his previous life.

After all, Qin Sishao doesn't like her, so it's fine if she forces her to marry, and let her marry a woman, maybe Qin Sishao's friends and colleagues will call her sick.

Later, she put him to sleep again, and Qin Sishao was crying at that time, but she still didn't stop.

She wanted to apologize, but after a few months, she didn't apologize when she mentioned the divorce, and she didn't say sorry to Qin Sishao until she died.

Thinking of this, the guilt in my heart grew stronger.

Jiang Chi's hand holding the chopsticks shook a few times: "Hurry up, you gave me flowers, I'll treat you to dinner, if you don't eat, I'll throw away the flowers you bought."

She was fierce, pointing to the trash can next to her: "Just throw it there, I will step on it a few more times."

Qin Sishao just smiled: "Okay."

Aunt Chen gave Qin Sishao a pair of chopsticks.

Jiang Chi took a clean bowl, put half of the rice in his own bowl in that bowl, and then, she handed the bowl to Qin Sishao.

She took a mouthful of rice, ate two more pieces of meat, and glanced at Qin Sishao.

Jiang Chi looked at the bunch of sunflowers again. She had received a lot of flowers in the past few days, as well as roses, and sunflowers, but the roses she received were not red, and most of them were white roses.

Jiang Chi was a little depressed, it's fine if others don't send red roses, red roses represent love.

Why didn't Qin Sishao give her red roses? He gave her sunflowers, but they couldn't bear sunflower seeds.

Well, Qin Sishao regards her as a friend, what kind of flower represents friendship?Jiang Chi realized that he didn't know.

But she knew what a red rose meant.

She thought that if Qin Sishao fell ill in the future and she went to visit Qin Sishao, she would send Qin Sishao a bouquet of red roses to scare her to death.

After eating, Qin Sishao took out the books and notebooks and wanted to teach Jiang Chi today's lesson.

Jiang Chi glanced at her.

Qin Sishao: "..." Jiang Chi's eyes are very strange.

"You love studying so much?" Jiang Chi smiled and said, "Only Tsinghua University and Peking University?"

Qin Sishao pursed her lips and smiled, she nodded first, and answered Jiang Chi's first question, then shook her head, and answered the second question.

Which university Jiang Chi will study in the future will be the university she will attend.

Jiang Chi didn't really want to talk to her anymore, especially when he saw Qin Sishao's open math notebook.

With Qin Sishao's grades, she will be recommended in the future.

Jiang Chi in her previous life thought the same way, but when she returned to China, she found out that not only was Qin Sishao not recommended to Tsinghua University or Peking University, she was also not admitted to these two universities. It is also Nancheng University.

After graduating from university, she also stayed in Nancheng to work.

Why did she go later? Why didn't she study hard?

Jiang Chi's heart was filled with depression, which was so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

If it were her, in such a family, the college entrance examination is the only way to get rid of this family. She would definitely go to other places to study and work instead of staying in Nancheng.

Qin Sishao took a physics textbook: "Jiang Chi, which class do you want to take?"

Jiang Chi spread his hands: "I want to sleep."

She was so angry that she wanted to scold her.

Still attend class, still read a book.

She just wants to curse now.

Qin Sishao was surprised, she put down the textbook, she thought for a while, Jiang Chi is a patient and needs to rest now.

When Jiang Chi is well, it's the same if she gives her extra lessons.

"Then you rest, I'm going back to school." Qin Sishao asked in a low voice, "Are you coming to school tomorrow?"

Jiang Chi didn't look at her, but was playing with his fingers: "No."

Qin Sishao thought for a while: "Then I will ask for leave to see you tomorrow."

Jiang Chi was impatient: "No need, just study hard by yourself."

She looked very angry, and even Aunt Chen next to her shook her head helplessly. Why doesn't this child like studying at all?

Jiang Chi also knew that his tone was harsh, and he clearly decided to treat Qin Sishao better, make up for it, and not hurt her.

Jiang Chi cleared her throat, and she said awkwardly, "Go back to school, I will go to school tomorrow."

The joy in Qin Sishao's eyes gradually spread, and she nodded vigorously.

Jiang Chi didn't look at her, but just raised his hand.

Aunt Chen sent Qin Sishao out, and after Qin Sishao entered the elevator, she sent a message to Xu Junling, saying that Jiang Chi's classmate had come to see her.

Xu Junling: "I know that girl, their school is No.1."

Adults have no resistance to children with No.1 grades, and Aunt Chen immediately fell in love with Qin Sishao.

Jiang Chi got down from the hospital bed, holding the bunch of sunflowers in both hands, looking at them, poking the leaves and petals, feeling that the bunch of flowers looked more and more beautiful.

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