In the blink of an eye, it was National Day, Jiang Chi stayed at home to watch the military parade in the morning, slept for half an hour after eating at noon, and wrote three test papers in the afternoon.

Dinner was at six o'clock, and during dinner, Jiang Chi said he was going to watch the fireworks.

Xu Junling was quite surprised, Jiang Chi didn't like to go out, especially when there were many people outside, Jiang Chi wished he could be paralyzed at home.

"It's raining at night, do you still want to go?" Xu Junling's voice was gentle and gentle: "Who are you going with? A boy or a girl?"

Jiang Chi was a bit abnormal, and couldn't tolerate Xu Junling not thinking too much, especially at Jiang Chi's age, Xu Junling would be particularly sensitive if she talked a few words with boys.

"It's a girl, my deskmate." Jiang Chi lowered his head and bit the corn in the bowl, and said vaguely, "I'll go there in a raincoat."

After dinner, Jiang Chi pestered the two nanny aunts to ask for raincoats. After choosing a lot, Jiang Chi chose two orange raincoats, which were very conspicuous. She tried them on at home, and they were as long as her ankles. Yes, Jiang Chi was very satisfied.

She and Qin Sishao made an appointment at seven o'clock, at a hot pot restaurant not far outside the community.

At [-]:[-], Jiang Chi went out wearing a raincoat with his bag on his back. The temperature had dropped at night, in the teens and a little cold.

Jiang Chi wore a pair of blue water shoes, and she also specially wore two pairs of wool socks. As soon as she left the house, the cold wind blew in, and Jiang Chi shivered.

The weather was not good, it was windy and it got dark early.

Jiang Chi gathered the raincoat in his hand and strode outside.

Outside the community, Jiang Chi saw that it was full of people. It was the first time she had seen so many people at close range. Most of the crowd were wearing umbrellas, and a few were wearing raincoats.

On the street, apart from the crowd watching the fireworks, there were traffic police, civilian police, and even special police. Because there were too many people, the city government sent a lot of police to maintain order.

In the city center, cars are already forbidden to drive in. Even if there are cars, they can't drive in at all.

Jiang Chi moved slowly along with the crowd, and she moved for more than 20 minutes to the distance she could walk in a few minutes, and finally saw Qin Sishao at the agreed hot pot restaurant.

Qin Sishao was wearing the winter school uniform of Nancheng No. [-] Middle School, black trousers, and a matte blue down jacket on top. Her hair was tied into a little jiujiu, and there was a red strawberry on the hair tie.

She didn't have a schoolbag on her back, and put her hands in her pockets, trying hard to huddle up, trying to make room for everyone else.

It took another 5 minutes for Jiang Chi to move in front of Qin Sishao. The voices of the people next to him were too loud. Jiang Chi whispered a few words, but Qin Sishao didn't hear them clearly.

Jiang Chi handed over the raincoat in his hand, Qin Sishao put it on, and Jiang Chi pointed to the hat for her to put it on.

Qin Sishao put on the hat, revealing only a delicate and white face, which made her cat's eyes bigger and brighter.

Jiang Chi yawned, and then she looked at Qin Sishao.

Qin Sishao slowly moved over, her shoulder touched Jiang Chi's shoulder, her hands moved, her fingers subconsciously opened, then clenched into a small fist, and opened again.

Qin Sishao lowered her eyes, and she saw Jiang Chi's hand clenched into a fist, which was white and soft, like a soft steamed bun.

Qin Sishao quietly stretched out her hand, she stretched out her right index finger, and lightly poked the back of Jiang Chi Bainen's hand with her cool fingertips, Jiang Chi reacted a bit, her hand trembled twice, she looked over.

Qin Sishao smiled at her, and she pursed her lips and said, "There are so many people, do you want to hold hands? I'm afraid we might get separated."

Jiang Chi didn't speak. She never thought of holding hands. She was wearing an orange raincoat because she was afraid of getting separated accidentally. It was convenient for them to find each other.

But when Qin Sishao spoke, Jiang Chi didn't feel shy, but stretched out his left hand generously.

Qin Sishao was afraid that she would go back on her word, so she quickly grabbed her. Her five fingers inserted into Jiang Chi's, and with a snap, she clasped her fingers tightly.

Qin Sishao pulled Jiang Chi towards her again, Jiang Chi turned his head away and turned his head to the right, she smiled.

On her right was an uncle with an umbrella. The uncle thought she was smiling at him, and looked at Jiang Chi with a puzzled expression. Jiang Chi turned his head back.

Qin Sishao didn't speak, but put Jiang Chi's hand together with hers into the pocket of the down jacket.

Jiang Chi lowered his head and did not speak.

The two followed the crowd to the front and moved at a speed slower than a snail. After moving for a few minutes, Jiang Chi found that they were still at the entrance of the hot pot restaurant, and they had moved about two or three meters away.

The police were asking the people who held umbrellas to put away their umbrellas. A group of people had to put away their umbrellas in order to watch the fireworks.

When it was almost eight o'clock, Jiang Chi and Qin Sishao finally moved tens of meters, and it was impossible to move any further. I heard that some people ran over to occupy the place last night, occupying the best position by the river.

I can't move anymore, so I can only give up.

Jiang Chi looked up, there was still a long distance from the riverside, two streets away, surrounded by tall buildings and bright neon lights, because there were too many people, and the weather made the The street lights here are dim.

Jiang Chi took out his phone with his other hand and looked at it. It was 58:[-].

At 59 minutes, the countdown began on the huge display screen.

The last second is over, eight o'clock sharp.

On the small island in the middle of the river, colorful fireworks rushed directly into the sky, lighting up the huge black curtain on that side, and also illuminating the various buildings and scenery on the island. And the voices of people around.

Jiang Chi looked up at the brilliant fireworks in the distance, watched them rise into the dark sky, explode, illuminate the large black curtain, and bloom again and again.

The fireworks have been blooming all the time, except for the sound of the explosion, it is the conversation of the people around. The voices of the people talking are very noisy, and they are all covered by the sound of the explosion. I can't hear what is said, but it is still noisy.

Watching and watching, suddenly, heavy rain fell from the sky and poured on everyone's heads.

Jiang Chi's face was suddenly covered with cold water, she was stunned, and after a few seconds, she reached out to wipe the rain off her face.

All of a sudden, the charming thoughts of watching fireworks are gone.

She lowered her head, letting the heavy rain drop heavily on her head and body.

A clean and slender hand stretched out in front of Jiang Chi, with a pure white tissue between his fingers, Jiang Chi took it, and casually wiped off the water on his face.

Qin Sishao's voice came, she spoke very loudly, and after several times, Jiang Chi could hear what she said clearly?

Qin Sishao asked her, do you want to leave?

Jiang Chi glanced in the direction of the island. The fireworks were still going on, but they were not as beautiful as before.

It was worth watching for about half an hour.

Jiang Chi nodded.

Qin Sishao took her away, it was much easier to leave, the crowd lessened after a short time, there were dozens of people sparsely, and they were also watching the fireworks.

It is not crowded with most people, and you can watch it under an umbrella.

As for the people huddled together in front, they were all drowned, except for a small number of people wearing raincoats, but they were more excited than each other, and some of them were yelling wantonly.

Jiang Chi and Qin Sishao were standing outside a milk tea shop, and two people were buying milk tea.

Qin Sishao asked her: "Do you want milk tea?"

Jiang Chi said no to drinking.

Qin Sishao asked again: "Go home?"

Jiang Chi said no.

The rain was too heavy, and it was not easy to move around in a raincoat, and people's sight was also blocked.

Jiang Chi was looking in the direction of the subway entrance. Joy was written all over her face when she thought of something: "Let's take the subway back to school. I haven't lived in the school dormitory yet."

Later, she said a few more words, and Qin Sishao agreed to take Jiang Chi back to school.

There were not many people on the subway, and most people were either watching the fireworks or staying at home instead of going out.

When he arrived near the school, Jiang Chi found that the students were on vacation, and the surrounding area was quite deserted.

The rain is still falling, with a tendency to get bigger and bigger.

Jiang Chi bought two cups of hot milk tea, and went to buy two clean towels, a toothbrush, a plastic cup, and she also bought a plastic basin for Qin Sishao to carry.

Jiang Chi also bought a bunch of snacks and fruits, and both of them brought two big bags into school.

There was no one else in the school except the security guard at the gate. They knew that Qin Sishao was staying at the school for the National Day, and they were surprised by Jiang Chi's arrival, but they knew Jiang Chi and let Jiang Chi in.

The campus was quiet and the street lights were dim. Jiang Chi walked all the way to the girls' dormitory, and Jiang Chi knew that the seven-day holiday and his aunt had also returned home. The few students who did not go home on weekends before also returned home this time. The whole school only stayed Qin Sishao was alone.

Qin Sishao opened the gate of the girls' dormitory building with the key given to her by her aunt. After she and Jiang Chi entered, she pinched the iron gate with both hands and looked at Jiang Chi: "Are you sure you don't want to go back? There is no water or electricity in the school."

Jiang Chi thought, but there is you.

Jiang Chi has never experienced this kind of life of suffering with the person he likes, and she faintly can't wait.

From the first floor to the fifth floor, except for the lights in the corridors and stairwells, the dormitory was completely dark.

Jiang Chi was still wearing a raincoat, and the clothes were dripping downwards, and the place they walked was covered with water.

She carried two plastic bags in both hands, both of which were just bought outside.

When he reached the third floor, Jiang Chi took a look at the aisle. It was deep and long, as if he could see the end of the aisle at a glance.

Jiang Chi is very timid. She has never read ghost novels, let alone horror movies. Jiang Chi doesn't even watch funny zombie movies decades ago that Jiang Pingan likes. Jiang Pingan thinks it's funny, but Jiang Chi Scared, she just felt scary.

She was a little scared, and gritted her teeth, but she didn't show it, but said to Qin Sishao, "What kind of milk tea do you like?"

Qin Sishao replied: "Coconut milk."

Jiang Chi let out a cry, and she said that she wanted to go ahead, but she was afraid after walking a few steps, and said she wanted to go behind, but she hadn't gone behind yet, she was afraid again, and said she should go ahead.

After finally arriving at 509, Jiang Chi put the bag in his hand on the ground, stood against the wall, and took out the mobile phone from the bag. She checked the battery, and it was still 90.00% Seven, Jiang Chi flashed the flashlight Opened it, and she took photos around it.

Qin Sishao opened the door, and Jiang Chi took a picture of the inside with his mobile phone. When Qin Sishao closed and locked the door, Jiang Chi had already taken pictures of all the things that frightened her. She was scaring herself. That figure turned out to be a A piece of clothing, the one that looked like a human head turned out to be a throw pillow.

Qin Sishao was touching the flashlight. After she turned it on, she put the flashlight on the desk and Jiang Chi's cell phone on the bed.

The two took off their raincoats and hung them on the balcony.

Qin Sishao found a pair of clean cotton slippers and asked Jiang Chi to change them. After Jiang Chi changed, her clothes were basically not wet, and they were thick enough to not feel cold.

"Do you want to wash it? I have water in the kettle." Qin Sishao asked while holding the kettle.

Jiang Chi shook his head. She wanted to take a bath, a comfortable hot bath, but there was only cold water here.

She ran to the balcony, turned on the faucet, washed her face with two handfuls of water, took out the towel she bought, and wiped her face and hands casually. Jiang Chi put the towel down, and ran to Qin Sishao's bed in a few steps At the side, I began to take off my clothes and pants, leaving only a close-fitting and warm underwear.

Jiang Chi climbed onto the bed, pulled the quilt over her body, lay down, curled up in a ball under the quilt, and wrapped herself tightly.

The bed was hard and cold, and Jiang Chi shivered in it. She began to miss the soft and comfortable big bed at home.

Jiang Chi really wanted to hit herself twice, she was splashed by the rain tonight, so did her head get wet?

Before going to see Qin Sishao, she made up her mind to take Qin Sishao home, let Qin Sishao live in the guest room at home tonight, why did she tell Qin Sishao later that she would come to school?

Jiang Chi couldn't figure it out, she touched her phone, and after looking at the flashlight, Jiang Chi turned off the light on the phone.

She sent a message to Xu Junling, saying that she and her classmates went to live in school and would not go home tonight.

Xu Junling was very angry. Jiang Chi coaxed his aunt for a long time before coaxing her aunt.

Finally, Xu Junling explained that he would pick her up at school at six o'clock tomorrow.

Jiang Chi scrolled through Weibo, and tonight's fireworks were trending three times. A bunch of people posted photos and videos on Weibo, saying that they were drowned.

Jiang Chi looked at it for a while, thinking of the milk tea she bought tonight, she wrapped her coat and went to find the bag, and took out two cups of milk tea, which were already warm.

Jiang Chi took a sip of his cup of milk tea, then went to look for something to eat, took an egg pancake, tore it in half, and kept half for Qin Sishao, after eating the egg pancake, he ate sushi and egg tarts, and ate a few more strawberries.

Qin Sishao drank a cup of milk tea and half an egg pancake. After eating and drinking enough, the two of them brushed their teeth and washed their faces together.

It was almost twelve o'clock, and the two of them went to bed.

Jiang Chi was lying in it, she couldn't sleep.

The dormitory was dark and quiet, and the light of the flashlight disappeared.

Jiang Chi stretched out a hand, unable to see his own fingers.

She retracted her hand again, although she was afraid, she was faintly excited.

"Qin Sishao, weren't you afraid of being here alone last night?" Jiang Chi felt a little sad again for some reason: "You are the only one in school."

Qin Sishao's voice was very soft: "Don't be afraid."

Jiang Chi told herself not to be afraid, she was silently thinking about the core values ​​of socialism in her heart, but she couldn't control her wild thoughts, one moment was that every school was built on top of a tomb, one moment she heard people say that the school was haunted, one moment It will be windy and rainy outside again, like a ghost haunting.

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