Xu Junling turned his head to look at her, his eyes were calm and unwavering: "Why?"

Jiang Chi was playing with his mobile phone: "I like to sit there, it's convenient."

Xu Junling smiled: "It's fun to be a goalkeeper, isn't it?"

Jiang Pingan pricked up his ears, sat in the passenger seat and listened quietly, and even took out his cell phone to send Jiang Chi a message.

"Isn't No.1 Qin Sishao? You two have a good relationship, so I changed it."

"Make requests with my mother and exchange with each other."

Jiang Chi replied: "This is a conversation between two women, you, shut up."

Jiang Pingan: "I am also a member of the family, and I have the right to make suggestions."

Jiang Chi ignored him, and his aunt was still waiting for her answer.

Jiang Chi thought for a while and said, "It's not fun. They keep opening and closing the door during nap time, which annoys me."

But it was really convenient to go out and come in, so she didn't want to change places.

Xu Junling took a deep breath and asked softly, "Then how are you willing to change positions?"

Jiang Chi hadn't thought about it yet, she squinted her eyes and said, "How about I think about it?"

Xu Junling gave her time.

During dinner, Jiang Chi finally made up his mind, and told Xu Junling that it was okay to change places, but she and Jiang Ping'an had to have a holiday tonight and tomorrow.

Xu Junling was used to her bargaining and agreed.

So, back at the Changhe mansion, Jiang Chi and Jiang Pingan went to play basketball on the basketball court at home.

Playing basketball grows taller, she will grow to 1.7 meters.

The night passed quickly.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Xu Junling took Jiang Chi and Jiang Pingan to the commercial street outside for morning tea.

Xu Junling often brings her two children to that morning tea shop, and she is a frequent visitor here.

On the second floor, next to the glass window, Jiang Chi was holding a cup of oolong tea in his hand. On the opposite street, Qin Sishao was wearing the school uniform of No. [-] Middle School, handing out a thick stack of flyers.

Jiang Chi glanced at her several times, then looked away.

She took the chopsticks to pick up the crystal shrimp dumpling. Jiang Ping'an was faster than her, picked up the last shrimp dumpling, and swallowed it in one bite.

Jiang Chi pouted at him: "Childish."

Jiang Pingan grinned: "Mom, I'll take Ah Chi to play today."

Jiang Chi rolled his eyes at him: "Who wants to play with you."

Xu Junling sipped his tea slowly and said, "Let's go see grandparents later, and see grandparents tomorrow."

Don't you want to study?Yes, then I will visit the elderly in these two days.

Jiang Ping'an had a bitter face.

Jiang Chi had no objection, it was nice to see grandparents, it was better than staying at home reading books and doing quizzes.

When she looked across the street again, Xu Junling couldn't help but ask, "Ah Chi, what are you looking at?"

Jiang Pingan got up: "Let me see."

Jiang Chi was about to stop him, but it was too late. Jiang Pingan walked up to Jiang Chi's position and glanced down.

There were a lot of people in the commercial street, mostly young men and women, dressed in exquisite fashion, which made Qin Sishao stand out in school uniform.

Jiang Pingan saw her right away, and he pointed to Qin Sishao to show Xu Junling: "Mom, Jiang Chi's No.1 in her class is down there."

Xu Junling heard what Teacher Fu Yang said about Qin Sishao, and she had a good impression of No.1. After hearing what Jiang Pingan said, she looked at Jiang Chi: "Do you want to go down and say hello?"

Before Jiang Chi could reply, Xu Junling asked softly, "Will you bring her a breakfast?"

Jiang Chi puffed his cheeks and sulked: "I'm not going, I don't know her well."

Jiang Ping'an feared that the world would not be chaotic: "Didn't you eat other people's glutinous rice and chicken yesterday?"

Jiang Chi kicked him angrily.

In the public place, Xu Junling stopped her. She called the waiter over, asked her to pack a breakfast, gave it to Jiang Chi, and asked Jiang Chi to deliver it.

Before Jiang Chi left with his breakfast, he gave Jiang Pingan a vicious look.

She went downstairs and hesitated for a long time on the first floor before leaving the morning tea shop.

Jiang Chi didn't cross the street, but squatted outside in a daze.

Upstairs, Xu Junling glanced down, she also saw Qin Sishao, and asked with a light smile, "How is that girl's character?"

After all, she is going to be at the same table with her own child, and she has been together for so long in the past three years, so she has to find a tablemate with good character and good grades for her child, so as not to spoil her own child.

How did Jiang Pingan understand this? He nodded: "He is a nice person, hardworking and hardworking."

Xu Junling was satisfied: "Let Ah Chi bring her home for dinner some other day."

"He knows how to work-study at such a young age, he is a good boy."

Jiang Ping'an raised his head: "Isn't it good?" He hesitated: "Her family seems to be quite poor. What if there is a bad gap between them when I take her home?"

Xu Junling thought about it for a while, and didn't mention it, saying that he would talk about it later.

Jiang Chi squatted outside for a while, seeing that Qin Sishao's flyer hadn't been handed out yet, she walked over slowly with the flyer.

When she was about ten meters away from Qin Sishao, Qin Sishao saw her, and she jumped up, and waved at Jiang Chi with her right hand.

Jiang Chi felt that her move was stupid.

She walked over with a cold face, Qin Sishao handed out leaflets to passers-by, and asked her, "You're here too."

Jiang Chi pointed to the teahouse opposite: "Well, I'm eating with my family."

Her tone was not very good: "What about you? Have you eaten?"

Qin Sishao was a little embarrassed: "Not yet, I'll eat after the distribution is over."

Jiang Chi handed over the breakfast: "Here, my aunt asked me to give it to you."

Qin Sishao was stunned, and she quickly looked in the direction Jiang Chi pointed just now, and saw a mature and delicate woman smiling at her, then, the woman stretched out her right hand and waved lightly at her.

Qin Sishao blushed, she lowered her head, and soon, she raised her head and smiled at Xu Junling.

Jiang Chi looked at Qin Sishao coldly.

She's sick of it.

He simply took the breakfast and walked under a nearby tree, stood with his back against the big tree, and took out his mobile phone to play.

I can't read gossip, I don't want to read novels, and I don't have much interest in playing with mobile phones.

Anyway, don't want to do anything.

Jiang Chi felt that he was sick, why would she do such a thing, why would she come over to deliver breakfast to Qin Sishao in person?

Let Jiang Ping'an's labor force not be used, so many waiters are not called, why did she come here?

It must be because she played too many games last night, which broke her mind.

Jiang Chi put away his phone and walked up to Qin Sishao: "Here, hurry up, I haven't eaten yet."

Qin Sishao hurriedly picked it up. The leaflets in her hand were too thick to handle, and a small stack fell to the ground.

Jiang Chi knelt down to pick up the leaflets: "You are so stupid."

Qin Sishao hurriedly said, "I'm sorry."

After picking up the flyer, Jiang Chi looked at it. It was a flyer for the gym, which had just opened for a few days and was doing activities.

Jiang Chi said helplessly, "Forget it, I'll send it to you."

She felt that if Qin Sishao was asked to hand out leaflets, she might not be able to finish handing them out all morning, and she would pass one to someone when she saw someone, her mouth was not sweet, her smile was not good-looking, she was a passerby, and she would not answer it.

Jiang Chi snatched all the leaflets from Qin Sishao's hand, and she walked aside with the pile of leaflets, and saw two girls walking over holding hands, Jiang Chi handed over a leaflet: "Sister, look Come see our gym, we have a big discount for the opening, and there are many discounts."

The two girls glanced at her, each asked for one, and after walking a few steps, they were still whispering about Jiang Chi's good looks.

Jiang Chi handed out leaflets whenever he saw anyone, and his mouth was not idle.

Not long after, Jiang Ping'an came over and helped distribute the leaflets together. With the efforts of the three of them, the pile of leaflets was distributed in less than half an hour.

The people in the gym gave Qin Sishao another pile, and Jiang Chi and Jiang Ping'an also helped to distribute it.

When Qin Sishao went to get the money, the people in the gym probably thought that Jiang Chi and Jiang Ping'an were good at handing out leaflets, and asked if they wanted to come tomorrow?

Jiang Pingan agreed without hesitation. Distributing leaflets is a trivial matter, but being able to come out to play is a major event.

Jiang Chi took Jiang Ping'an to the morning tea shop. Xu Junling was waiting for them on the first floor, and saw that the two of them were blushing and there were fine beads of sweat on their foreheads.

Xu Junling passed a tissue alone: ​​"Wipe it quickly."

There was a soft smile on her face.

Jiang Chi wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, and glanced around. There were also people having morning tea on the first floor, but the environment and decoration were not as good as on the second floor, and the price was also cheaper than the second floor.

When I saw the farthest east, there was a middle-aged couple and a young girl sitting there. The girl smiled at Jiang Chi.

Jiang Chi is still a polite and well-bred child most of the time.

Xu Junling disciplined her and Jiang Pingan severely, and would always teach those who should be educated.

Seeing the friendliness of the stranger, Jiang Chi also smiled.

Xu Junling was talking to Jiang Chi: "Where is that classmate of yours outside? Do you want to play with her in the morning?"

There is such a good thing?There was no need to go to grandparents' house to listen to their nagging, Jiang Chi immediately agreed: "Yes, I'll do my homework with her."

"You can only play until twelve o'clock. Then come to grandpa's house for dinner. I'll ask the driver to pick you up."

Jiang Chi kept nodding.

Jiang Pingan next to him looked envious.

Huang Panyun took a photo of Jiang Chi and the three of them with her mobile phone. After taking the photo, she looked at the photo and her gaze stayed on Xu Junling's face.

Xu Junling is almost 50 years old and has been well maintained. She spends a lot of money on her face and body every month. She looks like a woman in her 30s. Her skin is still firm and fair, her temperament is elegant, and she feels very comfortable.

Huang Panyun stared at the smile on Xu Junling's lips. Crazy hatred gradually appeared in her eyes. Why?

That woman is so old, older than her parents, why should she keep Jiang Rui's people, why should she live so happily?Huang Panyun is jealous of having children and money.

She sent this photo to Jiang Rui.

"Having morning tea with my parents, I met your wife and children."

"Your two children are fine and have been taught well."

A few minutes later, Jiang Chi and the others left the teahouse before Jiang Rui replied.

"Pan Yun, what do you want to do? Don't mess around."

Huang Panyun: "When will you get divorced? My parents are urging the marriage today, let's get married quickly."

Jiang Rui never thought about getting a divorce at all. Huang Panyun is young, good-looking, and will please people. He spent money on finding her, just like raising a pet, the purpose is to make him happy.

Xu Junling is his wife, someone he respects and loves.

Not to mention there is a child between the two of them, Jiang Chi is not his daughter, but also his niece, after so many years, she is no different from her own daughter.

Even if he has no feelings for Xu Junling, he will not divorce for the sake of his two children.

Jiang Rui: "Don't mess around, you've always been sensible."

The hatred in Huang Panyun's heart flashed past, Jiang Rui looked for her, didn't it mean that she was sensible and would look at Jiang Rui's face?

She has been pretending for so long, there is no need to pretend now.

Huang Panyun: "I'm pregnant, it's been a month."

Jiang Rui: "..."

Huang Panyun: "Do you want this child? If not, I'll kill it."

Jiang Rui: "Yes."

Jiang Rui thought of his friends, none of whom had a lover outside and several illegitimate children.

If you are rich, you can afford it.

The wife at home knows and gets along very well.

As for him, Jiang Ping'an is the only son.

He has fewer children, and suddenly he has a son when he grows old. Jiang Rui is still very happy, and it would be nice to have another son.

Huang Panyun: "Your son wants to live in a big house, will you buy it?"

Jiang Rui: "Buy."

After eating, Huang Panyun and her parents left the teahouse, and the three got into the car.

Huang's mother drove, Huang's father sat in the passenger seat, and Huang Panyun sat in the back.

They came to this teahouse specially today, because they learned that Xu Junling often brought two children here for morning tea, and it was the first time for them to come here. stuff, the money is gone.

Huang's father glanced back: "Now that you are pregnant, you must force Jiang Rui to divorce. When he divorces, the money will belong to you and the child in your belly."

Huang Panyun sneered: "He has three children."

Huang's mother, who was driving the car, analyzed: "Generally in this kind of family, the son gets the big part of the family property and the small part goes to the daughter. If you don't marry him, you will give birth to an illegitimate child. How much money can the illegitimate child share?"

Huang Panyun thought that Xu Junling lived in the Changhe mansion again.

She asked Jiang Rui to buy her a villa in the Changhe mansion, but Jiang Rui disagreed, she hadn't been there yet, and she only heard people say that this is the best neighborhood in Nancheng.

Father Huang thought for a while and said, "Don't those two children go to and from school by car every day? There are five or six million people who die in car accidents every year in our country. Why are they the special ones?"

Huang Panyun was taken aback, and shouted anxiously: "Dad, don't mess around, you will go to jail if you kill someone."

Father Huang grinned: "I'm just saying, how can I really do such a thing by myself."

Huang's mother looked at Huang Panyun through the rearview mirror: "Panyun, it's not easy for me and your father to raise you, you must listen to us."

Huang Panyun nodded.

Xu Junling asked Jiang Chi to go and play with Qin Sishao, and she took Jiang Pingan away. Grandpa Jiang and Grandma Jiang lived in the university town, some distance away.

On the way, Xu Junling called the old man and said that he would bring the child.

The two old people were very happy.

Qin Sishao was standing outside a milk tea shop waiting for Jiang Chi. When Jiang Chi came home, she changed into a white dress at home, which was as long as the kneecaps, revealing a pair of straight and slender legs. She wore a pair of small white shoes on her feet. There are a few pink peach blossoms embroidered on the face.

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