When Yu Ang arrived at the R.star base, Nan Xu was standing at the door pushing the suitcase and talking to Jiang Bohan, looking into the distance from time to time, wondering if she was waiting for the bus or something else.

Jiang Bohan is taller and stronger than Nanxu, and has a serious face and cold eyes, giving people a cool expression.

Standing next to him, Nan Xu is much weaker. Fortunately, her silver hair is eye-catching enough, and the diamonds on her ears are more eye-catching than her hair. She rests on the suitcase with one hand and shakes her phone with the other. Eye.

Yu Ang drove over and honked the horn. Nan Xu and Jiang Bohan turned their heads at the same time. The smile on Nan Xu's face faded instantly, and she looked at Yu Ang with some restraint.

This kind of look at strangers made Yu Ang feel uncomfortable, so he got out of the car and walked over, habitually stroking Nan Xu's head, who knew, Nan Xu leaned back and dodged it.

Yu Ang stared at his hand hanging in the air for a few seconds, and put his hand on Nan Xu's shoulder, he clearly felt Nan Xu's body tense.

Nan Xu subconsciously wanted to avoid it, Yu Ang felt that it might be because the words he said last night made the children sad.But what he said was the truth, even if they couldn't be a couple, they still had to be colleagues, if they couldn't see each other, they would just hide.

"I'll take you there." Nan Xu said to the two of them.

Jiang Bohan was very polite. He said, "Mr. Yu, I'll take the bus."

Nan Xu also said, "I also take the bus."

Jiang Bohan glanced at the two of them, "Wouldn't it be nice for Teacher Yu to see you off, you don't have to take the bus with me."

After hearing this, Yu Ang squinted his eyes. Nan Xu took the lead and said, "No, I wanted to take the shuttle bus from the very beginning. Teacher Yu said that you can't do something special if you haven't joined the program group yet."

Nan Xu's seriousness made Yu Ang wonder if he really said such a thing.Since Nan Xu wants to take the shuttle bus, he can take the shuttle bus. It's not a problem. He pulled the suitcase and held it in his hand, "Okay, I'll take the shuttle bus with you."

Nan Xu turned to look at Yu Ang, Yu Ang said, "I have to send you here, so I can feel at ease."

When the bus arrived, Nan Xu snatched the suitcase and stuffed it under the bus by herself. Then, regardless of whether Yu Ang followed or not, she got on the bus and found a seat by the window.

He got dizzy on the bus, so he prepared chewing gum in advance, stuffed a piece into his mouth, leaned on the seat and chewed with his eyes closed.

Yu Ang saw Nan Xu hiding in the seat when he got in the car, he strode over and sat down beside him.

Nanxu's eyelids trembled violently, and his eyes fluttered under the eyelids, and he didn't fall asleep when he saw it.

Yu Ang didn't care whether he was asleep or not, he took out his phone and started replying messages.

After a while, he felt Nan Xu grabbing the hem of his clothes, and then he lowered his voice, "Are you going to send me off?"

Yu Ang said: "Yes."


There is no reason, Yu Ang felt that Nan Xu had too many problems, and he was afraid that this ambiguous attitude would make him misunderstand, so he confessed directly: "Do you know that Fu Wen is in the same dormitory as you?"

"I know. The logistics teacher contacted me this morning and sent me the dormitory arrangement." Nan Xu's tone was relaxed, and there was no sign of dissatisfaction.

Yu Ang said, "Do you want to change the dormitory?" If Nan Xu doesn't want to live with Fu Wen, for the sake of the artist's safety, he can coordinate with it.

"No need." Nan Xu said blankly, "I completely follow the arrangement of the program group. I can live with anyone."

Yu Ang always felt that Nan Xu was angry. He wanted to persuade him not to cooperate with the work just because he was rejected. After thinking about it, he couldn't say anything. He really had been an agent for so many years, and it was the first time he brought such a difficult job. Artists are in a dilemma.

"Okay." Yu Ang clicked on the dormitory arrangement map, "It's fine if you think there is no problem."

"Brother." Nan Xu called him.

Yu Ang raised his head to look at him, the faces of the two were very close, as if Nan Xu could kiss the corner of his mouth as long as he took a step forward, but on the contrary, Nan Xu stepped back a little distance, the light in his eyes was bright, " Brother, you came to see me off just because you are my manager?"

"Or are you afraid that Fu Wen will bully me, so you came to see me off?"

There is no essential difference between these two questions, and Yu Ang also heard the implicit expectation in his words, but unfortunately, he is destined to be unable to respond to this hidden expectation.

"Both." Yu Ang lowered his eyes, not looking at Nan Xu's expression.

"Oh. Got it." Nan Xu withdrew her hand, fell back on the seat, took out the earphone strap from her pocket, and closed her eyes to seal herself in a quiet environment.

Yu Ang rubbed his fingers and sighed, obviously Nanxu was obedient, but he still felt uncomfortable, the irritability was stuck in his heart, the car started running, he still couldn't smoke, so he gritted his teeth and endured it.

Along the way, the two had no communication. When they arrived at the collective dormitory arranged by the program group, all the contestants gathered at the door. When Nan Xu got off the car, a boy called him and ran over excitedly.

It was only then that Nan Xu recognized that the other party was actually his college classmate, "Lin Ke, you also participated in this?"

Lin Ke was smiling all over his face. His sunny, handsome smile was very contagious. He said, "Yes. I didn't expect you to participate. When I saw your name, I thought it was just the same name."

Nan Xu smiled and said, "I saw it on the dormitory schedule. I feel the same way."

The two were originally classmates, and they joined a club, so they hit it off.Lin Ke was warm and generous, full of youthful vigor, and even Nan Xu was infected by him and couldn't stop laughing.

Yu Ang stared at the two of them for a while, and his eyes sharply caught Fu Wen who was sitting on the suitcase not far away, playing with his mobile phone.

I haven't seen him for a while, but Fu Wen's image has changed drastically. It seems that the brokerage company intends to make him look like a trendy hip-hop guy. He looks at his phone with his eyes downcast.

The appearance has changed, but I don't know if the person has changed, whether he is so arrogant and domineering.

Maybe because he sensed the gaze, Fu Wen raised his head and looked at Yu Ang. He stood up with the suitcase in his hand, stuffed his phone into his trouser pocket, and walked over coolly, "Isn't this Teacher Yu?"

Yu Ang greeted him with a nod, "I heard that your current company is pretty good."

Fu Wen flipped his collar and smiled, "Thanks to Teacher, otherwise I would never have found such a good company."

No matter how a person's appearance changes, the core will not change accordingly. Fu Wen is like this now, but he is still a fool inside.

Yu Ang was too lazy to follow him and turned around to find Nan Xu, Fu Wen called to stop Yu Ang, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, "Teacher Yu, Nan Xu shares a dormitory with me."

Yu Ang didn't know what he was going to say, and waited quietly for him to continue, but Fu Wen grinned, "It's fun."

Yu Ang looked at Fu Wen for a few seconds and felt that he was extremely bored, so he turned and walked towards Nan Xu.

Nan Xu and Lin Ke were chatting happily. Lin Ke raised his head to see Yu Ang first, his voice trembling in surprise, "Yu...Teacher Yu."

Yu Ang smiled and nodded.

He raised his eyelids to look at Nan Xu, and asked him, "Which floor is the dormitory, and when can I go up?"

"On the third floor, there are still two people who haven't arrived." Whatever Yu Ang asked, he would answer.

Yu Ang said "hmm", Lin Ke tugged Nan Xu's arm, and muttered in a low voice, "They said Yu Ang was your manager, so it's true?"

Nan Xu said yes, Yu Ang was just his manager, and he bit the last three words very hard, so he and Yu Ang, the two parties, understood what it meant, especially when he saw the expression change on Yu Ang's face, he was even more proud .

Yu Ang waited with them, and chatted with a few managers for a while, but finally got impatient and went to the trash can to smoke.

In the smog, he saw Lin Ke and Nan Xu were very close to each other. The two of them whispered something funny, and raised the corners of their mouths at the same time.

It's good, it's good to be young.

If he was five years younger, five years younger, he wouldn't be with Nan Xu.

Yu Ang didn't know why he thought of this, he took a deep breath, squeezed the cigarette butt to put it out on the trash can, and then exhaled hot air.

The last two arrived, and the program team announced the basic check-in matters, and then the contestants bid farewell to the agent, handed in the electronic equipment during the game, and opened a fixed visiting day for the agent every week.

The other players were dragged aside by their managers or assistants to explain, and Yu Ang naturally had to explain a few words. Before he could speak, Nan Xu said, "Brother, I know what you want to say."

"I will reflect on why I must have you." Nan Xu said in a low voice, "I will also learn to control my emotions with you."

He grabbed the suitcase, took a step back, waved and said, "Brother, I will perform well and get you a position C."

Yu Ang had mixed feelings for a while, and he wanted to explain something, but Nan Xu dragged his suitcase and ran to the staff, took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and handed it in, and then dragged his suitcase to the dormitory without hesitation.

Yu Ang looked at his back as he walked all the way, the young man was bright and flamboyant, and his youth was at the right time.

After Nan Xu disappeared at the door of the dormitory, Yu Ang went to get in touch with the staff before driving back.

As soon as he drove out of the park, Yu Ang received a WeChat message from Nan Xu.

Charon: Bro, drive carefully.

Yu Ang really wanted to ask him if he hadn't handed in his mobile phone, how could he still send WeChat.

I don't know if Nan Xu has telepathy, but he sent another message soon.

Charon: I went to the staff to get my phone back, but it only took 3 minutes. I think sending you a message is enough.Brother, I miss you.

Yu Ang put down his phone and held the steering wheel. Nan Xu's words about him lingered in his mind for a long time, so long that he fell asleep with this lingering depression.

On the third day, Nan Xu officially started recording the program. First, she took makeup photos and a pilot video, and the whole day was fully scheduled.

Because everyone has no electronic equipment, even if earth-shaking things happen outside, no one knows.In the evening, you can go back to the dormitory and watch TV for a while. Nan Xu and Fu Wen are at odds. The group wants me to fire CP with you, are you willing?"

Nan Xu is naturally unwilling, but if the program group insists on guiding in this direction, he can't control it.

What's more, Yu Ang asked him to cooperate with the program.

Lin Ke has a carefree personality, and he has no opinion on this kind of behavior. Nan Xu's attitude is ambiguous, and he doesn't say whether he is willing or not.

While washing up, Fu Wen, who had been quiet all night, finally leaned against the door while Nan Xu was brushing his teeth and said with a scornful face: "I've seen it all, is it fun to be fucked by a man?"

The author has something to say:

Straight ball Xu, keep going.

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