Xiao Shou, take it off!

083 Another Confession

083 Another Man's Confession

Occasionally, it may be thinking day by day and dreaming at night, having such a dream every day... Is it because the body has endocrine disorders, and the spring/dream is too serious?

Finally on Friday, Cai Yiwen suffered from insomnia. He would feel embarrassed when he saw Zhang Sihan every day. Thinking that tomorrow is Saturday, during dinner, Zhang Sihan said cheerfully, "Let's go out for an outing together tomorrow. It's a rare weekend, and the weather like this It is most suitable for outdoor activities. Proper aerobic exercise is good for your body..."

Finally, when Zhang Sihan finished speaking, Cai Yiwen suddenly realized: So he even prepared the location and the things he needed, and he just told him in this way.

Cai Yiwen felt that he had no idea, facing Zhang Sihan like this every day, when would he be unable to bear it?

After lying down for a long time, he couldn't fall asleep, so he had to close his eyes and try to convince himself that he was sleepy. Suddenly, there was a soft sound of the door being opened, and someone came in tiptoeing outside.

That person stopped moving when he reached the head of the bed, and Cai Yiwen could clearly feel a pair of eyes watching him passionately.

"Awen, you don't know that I like you. I guess you don't know. How could you know? I never told you." Zhang Sihan looked at Cai Yiwen and said softly .

Cai Yiwen's heart "thumped", there was a strange feeling, how could Senior Sihan...

Zhang Sihan: "When I was in school, at first I felt that I treated you as a junior, but later on, I felt that I treated you more and more differently. I don't know what happened. When I When I found out, I avoided you on purpose, I was afraid to scare you... I don't know if you feel it?"

Do you feel it... For a while, senior Sihan didn't contact him. He took the initiative to find the senior. He said he was very busy, so he didn't dare to disturb him too much.However, at that time, how could he think about that.

Zhang Sihan: "But, I didn't expect that after so long, we still came back. I don't know what happened to you and that Wang Junxin, and I don't want to know or want to ask. I just know that you gave me that night It’s a wonderful feeling like never before.”

That night... Cai Yiwen's heart sank even more.

"I know you drank too much that night, you don't remember anything, but I still remember, and I will always remember it firmly, and I will never forget it. If you knew, would you regret what happened to me? That kind of relationship? I think, it should be..." Zhang Sihan couldn't help but sigh softly as he said, there was a lot of worry in it.

Cai Yiwen couldn't help but want to sigh, but he still can't move, senior Sihan... what kind of feeling does he have towards himself?

Zhang Sihan: "Awen, you are destined to belong to another person. I dare not force you to be with me. I only hope that when you are by my side, I can take good care of you and give you the warmest and happiest. Sunshine, I am satisfied. Looking at your satisfied expression when eating, I feel that even if you ask me to cook for you for a lifetime, I am willing."

Why do you have to be so warm?Cai Yiwen felt that she couldn't hold back anymore.The warm feeling in his heart made him burst into tears.

Zhang Sihan: "Wang Junxin, who is he? How did he win your heart and make you dream of him, what is his charm? Ah Wen, I envy him, I envy him too, I can't wait I am him, so I can give you happiness."

Wang Junxin... Actually, they are nothing, there is not even a formal status between the two of them.What he is, he himself does not know.

Zhang Sihan thought that Cai Yiwen was asleep, so he spoke vividly and emotionally, but Cai Yiwen was awake, and the more he listened, the heavier he listened.

"However, I also want to thank him. If it weren't for him, I couldn't hold you like that that night...Thank him..."

Then, Zhang Sihan leaned over and kissed him lightly on the forehead, and then, the heat couldn't be contained, and he couldn't help following the curve to Cai Yiwen's slightly parted lips.

Zhang Sihan kissed him without hesitation, with deep affection.

Cai Yiwen couldn't help gasping... Then, she knew she couldn't pretend anymore.

When he opened his eyes, Zhang Sihan took several steps back in fright, "You...I..."

He was the one who attacked him, why did he act like a victim?

Cai Yiwen looked at him and said, "Senior, what are you doing?" His voice was calm and steady, and he couldn't tell whether he was angry, sad or sad.

Zhang Sihan leaned against the wall, he didn't know whether it was shame or embarrassment against the wall, he lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Cai Yiwen, he hesitated and said: "Awen, I... I didn't mean that, I didn't mean to... I'm sorry for treating you that way, I... I just..."

Is this too honest, or too sophisticated?Zhang Sihan stuttered badly.

"So, these past few days, I haven't been dreaming, you really did insult me?" Cai Yiwen looked at him and said firmly.

"I, I, I... I... I didn't, I just..." Zhang Sihan suddenly became confused, stuttering at a loss, unable to speak a word, his face was as red as a burning cloud.

I really didn't expect him to have such a side.

"Senior, how do you feel about me?" Cai Yiwen looked at him and asked.

"I...I like you." Zhang Sihan summoned up his courage and finally said it.

I like you.In this case, why did Zhang Sihan say it, and why not Wang Junxin?Only now did Cai Yiwen discover that Wang Junxin had never said anything like this to him.

The two of them spend most of their time together in bed. Wang Junxin's domineering and dissatisfied desires, he can only bear the burden. Every time he is seduced, he is full of fire, and he is also responsible for being ridiculed for being lustful. When two people are together, these are nothing.

However, now that Zhang Sihan is in front of him, it seems... The contrast is so sharp.

Involuntarily, Cai Yiwen shed tears, "Why... why did you say such things to me..." After crying, she couldn't stop.

"Awen, what's wrong with you, Awen?" Zhang Sihan panicked, "I'm sorry, did I scare you? I'm sorry...I take back what I just said, don't do this...or I'll go out right away, don't cry ..."

Zhang Sihan was at a loss, seeing Cai Yiwen bursting into tears, he didn't know what to do at all, he didn't have enough courage to go up to wipe his tears for him.I want to quit, but I am afraid that he will be alone, and I will worry...

"Senior, why are you being so kind to me? I don't deserve you to be so kind to me! Senior, do you know what kind of person I am?" Cai Yiwen cried more and more violently, and really couldn't stop Now, full of sadness and grievances, at this moment, it seems that everything is about to vent.

"Awen, I'm not..." Zhang Sihan didn't know what to say.

Cai Yiwen was crying and laughing, dumbfounded, "Senior, that Wang Junxin, he is my boss and my lover. We were together half a year ago, and we were discovered by his brother. In the office... But, I thought we would get better, do you remember when I called you that night?" Cai Yiwen looked at him with teary eyes.

"Remember...remember." Zhang Sihan said stutteringly, "Didn't you... forget to bring the key that night?"

"No, no, I received a call that night, and then I saw him having sex with a woman in the hotel. I saw it with my own eyes. At that time, I didn't know where to go, so I could only give you I made a phone call... I'm sorry, I don't want to lie to you, but at that time, I really didn't know where I should go." Cai Yiwen tugged on the quilt excitedly, tightly.

"Awen, don't be like this. I'm very glad that you can think of me when you don't know where to go, and you can think of me. I'm very happy. I don't mind at all, I really don't mind..." Zhang Sihan wanted to comfort him Yes, but he also knew in his heart that these words were of no help, no comfort at all.

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