062 So Worried

"Come in." After knocking on the door, what I got was just such a word, which belonged to Wang Junxin's voice.

Cai Yiwen hesitated again and again, but pushed the door open and entered.

"Put your things down and go out." Wang Junxin said so when he heard the sound of the door opening without even raising his head.

Cai Yiwen stood there with a lot of documents and materials in his arms, but he didn't know whether he should go forward or put down the things and leave.

"You didn't listen to what I was talking to you..." Feeling that the person who came in hadn't moved for a long time, Wang Junxin thought it was Li Yun who was procrastinating and being lazy, but as soon as he looked up, he met Cai Yiwen's worried eyes, and immediately Lowering his eyes, "Why are you here?"

"I... I came to see you..." Cai Yiwen took a step forward as he spoke.

"Stop." Wang Junxin called him suddenly, "Shouldn't you be gossiping with your good colleagues downstairs at this time? What are you doing here?"

Cai Yiwen stayed where she was, didn't move forward, only looked at Wang Junxin from a distance, and said, "You went out early this morning, didn't you have breakfast?"

"Then what does it matter to you?" Wang Junxin said coldly, listening to this tone means to reject people thousands of miles away.

"..." Cai Yiwen suddenly didn't know how to answer him.

"If you are here to deliver something, you can leave after putting it down. I will deal with what needs to be signed and read, and Xiaoyun will deliver what needs to be delivered." Wang Junxin said coldly, and the swivel chair turned as he spoke. , turn your back.

"But I still have something to say..." Cai Yiwen held the document in his hand, and did not leave for a long time.

"I let you go, can't you hear me!" Wang Junxin suddenly shouted sharply.

Cai Yiwen was startled, and the folder he was holding fell to the ground. After standing there for a long time, he squatted down and picked up all the things, and put them on Wang Junxin's office, "The things are here."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

When I went out, I didn't know why I felt a sharp pain in my heart. The moment I closed the office door, I couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Ah Wen, are you okay?" Li Yun had been waiting at the door, and saw Cai Yiwen was facing the door without turning around. Seeing the way his shoulders trembled, he probably guessed it.

"No... I'm fine." Cai Yiwen hurriedly wiped away tears with the back of his hand before turning around, "Well, the documents are all inside, Mr. Wang said he will handle it by himself, and he will notify later. If there is nothing else, I will go first gone back."

Li Yun stretched out his hand to grab him, "But you... Junxin, is he still angry?"

Cai Yiwen smiled awkwardly, "It should be... right, you go in and have a look, I really have to go first." After finishing speaking, she persistently gave up on the elevator and went directly down the corridor.

Li Yun looked at his back, pursed her lips, even she felt it, brother Junxin and Cai Yiwen were both sad, but were they feeling sorry for each other, or were they obsessed with something?

Although, she has never met a boy like them before... She still thinks the word lover is far-fetched, so she can barely call it a couple. Although they are both boys, but in front of them, she saw I feel the same way as other boyfriends and girlfriends.

Especially after Brother Ze Si appeared yesterday, she couldn't help but feel distressed seeing Cai Yiwen's bewildered panic, so when he ran away, she didn't dare to stop him. At that time, let him go alone It is better for people to be calm and calm.

And Junxin brother, Junxin brother is the calmest person among all the men she knows, even the chairman is not as calm and steady as him, he looks young, but he is very powerful, just like Brother Zesi yesterday It was the first time she saw such a big quarrel after staying here for more than a year. She had never seen Brother Junxin so emotionally intense.

Afterwards, Brother Ze Si left, and Brother Junxin did not chase after him, but came back to look for Cai Yiwen, but when he couldn't find anyone, that feeling of loss...

She felt as if the world had gone dark.

Now that Ah Wen is leaving, the two of them seem to be equally sad for each other, but why... She really doesn't understand, maybe it's because she is still young and has never been in a relationship?

Maybe she will understand when she falls in love in the future.But at that time, maybe she would be so sad.

Throughout the morning, everyone saw it for all to see: Cai Yiwen had been in a daze, she didn't know why she was calm and dazed, as if she had been seduced by something.

After he returned from delivering the things upstairs, he stared at a certain place in a daze, and he basically couldn't hear what others said.

Today is not a weekend, and the morning is not so busy. Everyone is sitting in the office, chatting about this person's gossip and that person's embarrassing things, and finally can't help but turn their attention to Cai Yiwen.

It seems that everyone's opinion is the same: "He must have been frustrated emotionally. Seeing his sad appearance, he must have been dumped, right?"

"Which girl is so blind? There are very few boys who are as good-looking as Ah Wen now."

"But it's hard to say that other girls have richer and more promising partners."

This... seems to be true.

So, after taking a look at Cai Yiwen, everyone continued to gossip, anyway, while gossiping and busy with the things at hand, it was the same.Especially the room manager and the lobby manager, their written work is the least.

It was almost twelve o'clock, and Li Yun made a phone call from above, "Awen, it's me, I'm Li Yun, you... you better come up."

"Okay, wait for me." Cai Yiwen hung up the phone and ran up.

"Originally, I wanted to send it to you, but I have a few words to tell you. There are too many people below, so it's not very convenient." Li Yun said, and handed the folder to Cai Yiwen, " I'm sorry, but let you take a trip."

"It's okay." Cai Yiwen shook his head, "What do you want to tell me?"

Li Yun pursed her lips, hesitated again and again, and said, "It's about Brother Junxin, I know, the sudden appearance of Brother Zesi yesterday may be... well, anyway, it's you and Brother Junxin. There may be some misunderstanding between two people, and I can't see this kind of thing, so I want to tell you something."

"It's... what?" Cai Yiwen was actually surprised that Li Yun didn't look at him with contempt.

Li Yun said: "Do you think Brother Junxin is very angry today and doesn't want to talk to you. But, you don't know that after you left yesterday, Brother Junxin and Brother Zesi had a very stiff fight, and they were still arguing." For a long time, and finally almost quarreled the security guards, the chair in my office was dropped and almost broke."

Uh... how is it possible?How could Wang Junxin be that kind of...

Li Yun glanced at him and continued: "After Brother Zesi left, Brother Junxin looked for you for a long time, but he didn't bother to listen to me. In the end, I ran all the way to stop him and tell him you The matter of asking for leave and leaving first. Do you know how frustrated he was at that time, he just said - why didn't you wait for me? After being depressed for a long time, he went back by himself."

Why didn't you wait for me?

Why did he say "why didn't you wait for me"?Cai Yiwen's heart was touched, he seemed to be able to see Wang Junxin's lost expression at that moment.

Yeah, why not wait for him?Because he didn't have confidence, he didn't have any capital to stand there and wait for him, Cai Yiwen didn't have any confidence to stand there and wait for Wang Junxin!

He has always felt that the affairs of the two of them are their own affairs and have nothing to do with others, but the appearance of Wan Zesi undoubtedly woke him up with a stick.

From the very beginning, his relationship with Wang Junxin was shady and unrecognizable to the world, and Wang Zesi's anger and contempt were the best explanations.

Wang Junxin is a rich second generation, a rich and handsome returnee. He has a family background and a bright future... But Cai Yiwen is just an ordinary person. Even if he is a girl, they can't do it directly. What's more, he is a boy. .

If he continues to be with Wang Junxin... what will happen to them in the end?Both sides will suffer, or will the merits and virtues be completed?

Cai Yiwen knew the answer very well.No one else needs to tell him this.

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