For the promotion song of "Secret Fragrance", Rong Rong not only wanted to give it to Qiu Zhishan to sing, but also wanted Qiu Zhishan to compose the song and write the lyrics.She originally wanted to let her sister take advantage of the popularity of this movie to officially debut and stir up the popularity.But who knew that Qiu Zhishan didn't appreciate it at all, he didn't want to have a company with her, and he didn't want to write songs for her movies.

Hearing that she wished she had nothing to do with him and rejected him one after another, she was really a little sad, and the expression on her face could hardly be maintained.

Unexpectedly, they overheard Chang Xinfan's conversation at the door. Although they misunderstood their relationship with their sister, it didn't matter, as long as they could help at the right time.

The promotion song for this song must belong to my sister, and she is looking forward to it.

She stubbornly wanted to have more relationship with Qiu Zhishan, just like when their names appeared side by side on the hot search some time ago.

The little sisters also lived up to Rongrong's high expectations, spitting, stalking and eloquent finally persuaded Qiu Zhishan.

"Okay, okay, shut up, I'll sing, I'll sing!" Qiu Zhishan helplessly broke away from their tightly clenched hands, and plucked his ears, "You guys are so noisy."

The little sister quickly crossed her index fingers to seal her mouth, and obediently said, "Let's shut the mic."

Qiu Zhishan squinted at them: "How much benefit did Rong Rong give you?"

"We can confiscate any benefits, don't wrong us." Chang Xinfan said, "It's because of this promotional song, it's very popular, and..."

Hearing that she was about to start a bunch of things again, Qiu Zhishan interrupted impatiently: "I know, I know."

The little sisters left after staying for a while, and the noisy ward began to return to peace.Such a quiet and silent ward made Qiu Zhishan panic again.

Lonely, helpless, and even a little bit of panic that she couldn't escape the plot squeezed her heart.

Just like this Night of Reaching the Stars, she thought she was firmly in the first place, and Rong Rong didn't trip her up, so it should be able to break through the direction of the plot and change the result of the original owner not being in a group.Who knew that she suddenly fainted, and her grades were retained, but she still didn't have a place in the group.

Although she said she didn't want to be a girl group, the unchangeable ending of the plot made her anxious and flustered, and she wanted to escape from this situation that was completely out of her control.But God sent the original owner over again and took away her home.She couldn't go back, let alone escape.

Forget it, she is all in the book, where can she escape to?

As long as it comes, it will be safe, Qiu Zhishan secretly sighed.It doesn't matter whether it's a promotional song or signing a company, after all, she also wants to sing, so let's let it go in the book and let more people listen to more songs.

Qiu Zhishan is Qiu Zhishan, not the vicious female supporting role in the book, let alone a cowardly shrinking turtle, she can always find a way for herself to move on, even if she is the only one walking, walking in the dark while walking for herself cheer.

It's like entering a funeral orchestra without hesitation, or resolutely dropping out of a music school to form a band.

Go straight ahead, always crisp and neat, without sloppy hypocrisy.

Suona maker Qiu Zhishan, please continue to work hard in the new world!

Qiu Zhishan raised his hands to cheer himself up, and put a faint smile on his face again.She packed up her things and left from the hospital.

Being alone is very free, but this freedom made her no longer know how to arrange her life. After leaving the program group, she didn't even have a place to live.Qiu Zhishan quickly contacted Yue Yue, and borrowed money to find a small house in a remote urban village in half the city.

The house is big and clean, with bright windows, a big balcony, and one bedroom and one living room are fully furnished. The only downside is that it is very remote, and it is very inconvenient if you go out.

But Qiu Zhishan will talk about whether she wants to go out or not, at least now she has a place to stay.Lying on the big bed, Qiu Zhishan let out a comfortable oh.

She couldn't stay idle, took out her little baby suona, and blew it in the new house.

Oh yes, there is another advantage of this house, the sound insulation is very good, and it is a small bungalow, the left collar is far away from the right, she can play with her little suona, little flute, and little cymbals...

"enennen, be happy!" Qiu Zhishan bounced back and forth in the small room, pinching the little suona and not knowing where to hang it.

Hang a balcony?Much gray.

Hang on the wall?Not bright.

Hang the head of the bed?

Hey!Looking up, you can see that the bedroom is still sunny, bright enough not to bask in her little baby.

Xiao Suona hangs the trumpet obediently, and Qiu Zhishan solemnly hangs it at the head of the bed where he can see it when he raises his eyes.

After fiddling with the small house, Qiu Zhishan went out to the vegetable market and supermarket in the village in the city to buy some daily necessities for herself. She came back humming a song with bags of things, and bargained and teased with her uncles and aunts in the vegetable market. She felt something real in the world.

After placing the things and spreading them on the big bed with the setting sun, a softness spread from Qiu Zhishan's heart.

Although I may never see my parents again, I feel a little better knowing that "Qiu Zhishan" will be with them.That way she doesn't have to worry about her father and stepmother being sad when they find out she's gone.

Speaking of which, she was a little luckier than the original owner. She knew where she was at least, and recognized the heroine and heroine. The original owner probably didn't know anyone after he passed.

Thinking of this, Qiu Zhishan finally remembered that he agreed to write a promotional song for the heroine Rong Rong's movie.

The movie "Secret Fragrance" has won awards abroad, but it has not yet been released in China. Although there are many stills and trailers on the Internet, the full feature film is temporarily unavailable.If she wanted to write a promotional song, she would have to watch the entire movie before she could create it.

It's been a long time since I wrote a song. In addition to going to the mourning band with my father, Qiu Zhishan also had his own small band, which often wandered around various bars.No one knows about this except the stepmother.Almost all the songs sung in the bar were written by herself, and sometimes her stepmother would give some suggestions.

Qiu Zhishan sent a private message to Rong Rong's Weibo: "Mei Rong, do you have a CD for your movie? I have to watch it before writing."

Rong Rong should be busy, and it took a while before she replied: "Sister, did you agree?!"

Qiu Zhishan replied: "Yes."

Rong Rong posted several happy emoticons, and she could feel her happiness through the screen.

Peppermint Panna Cotta: "Sister, please give me an address, I'll send it to you when it's over here!!!"

Qiu Zhishan smiled, sent her an address, and replied: "Okay."

Thinking that this was the end of the topic, Qiu Zhishan was about to turn off his phone, but who knew that the mint panna cotta sent another message.

Mint Panna Cotta: "[Grievance] My sister is still unwilling to release my WeChat from the blacklist?"


The author has something to say:

During this period of time, the number of words is relatively small, so don’t worry, cuties, I will add more later, long and thick!I also hope that you can give me more motivation~ The author and Ah Shan work together!

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