Thousands of people kneeled on the ground and were forced to watch this horrified scene, sweat raining down on the ground, and the unspeakable fear completely overwhelmed them.

Only then did Su Yao gently raise his hand, and a soft wind swirled out of his hand, and the slightly cold touch that fell on thousands of people's bodies strangely soothed their emotions about to collapse.

"I am the envoy of God Blessing the Tribe. God heard your pain, so he sent me and the Son of God to help you." Su Yao's gentle voice sounded above everyone's heads, with a sense of compassion.

The crowd was soothed by the voice, and the bolder ones slowly raised their heads to look at the white horned horse and the four figures floating in the air.It's just that under the background of the moonlight, they couldn't see the appearance of the two people clearly, they could only see the two teenagers beside them.

"It's Xilou and Wuhe." "Why are they beside the gods?"

A few murmurs disappeared in an instant, and everyone no longer had the guts to make other sounds.

Su Yao continued to play his role as an envoy, and clearly conveyed to everyone present with a voice diffused by spiritual power: "Xi Lin of the Xihe Tribe slaughtered the leaders and priests of the former tribe, provoked tribal civil wars and wantonly killed people. , according to the will of the gods, to be sentenced to be devoured by flames."

"Accomplices with Xilin will also be sentenced to the punishment of engulfing in flames. After death, the souls of these people will not be allowed to go to the Kingdom of God and have no peace."

After Su Yao's words fell, the bodies of all the people present trembled. In their long-standing concept, going to the kingdom of God is the most glorious place to return after death. If they can't return to the embrace of the gods, they will go to the dark abyss Forever lonely.

"Afterwards, the Xihe Tribe was handed over to the former leader and the son of the priest. The two of them led the Xihe Tribe to continue to survive. You should follow their leadership and have no objections."

In the bright light, Xilou and Wuhe landed on the ground hand in hand.

Everyone looked up at the two, their eyes full of disbelief: "They obviously..."

"They are obviously dead." The warriors who knew the inside story opened their mouths in horror.

As early as three days ago, Xilin announced in front of everyone that Xilou and Wuhe had been killed by those who went to capture them, and their right hands were still hanging on the mound outside the tribe.

"What's going on?" "Did they see the gods after they died?" "Did the gods save them?"

"It must be like this." Everyone reached a strange consensus in their hearts: "Only gods can bring people back from the dead, and only gods can hear their suffering and send people to rescue them."

"The god has really appeared, and he must have heard our prayers." Different from the panic of the warriors, the third-class citizens and slaves almost couldn't wait to shout loudly:

"We obey the orders of the gods and ask the gods to bless us."

Su Yao smiled gently, looking at everyone with peach blossom eyes was very soothing: "Since you are so sincere, then I will point you to a bright road: from now on, if the Xihe tribe encounters a super tribe named 'God's Blessing', they can belong to it." Next, I can bless you to wait for the weather to be smooth, and you will not worry about eating and drinking."

He blatantly sold a piece of Amway to the Huangping tribe, and by the way, helped Xilou and Wuhe to lead the tribe to surrender. If they couldn't bring the Xihe tribe to surrender, then he would doubt Zhong Lishou's younger brother's vision .

"Yes, follow the instructions of the gods." At this time, the people had already lost the ability to think because of the successive changes and shocks, and only knew to blindly respond to the angels in their eyes.

In their eyes: the white horse neighed long in the air, and the envoy and the son of God stepped on the horses and slowly rose into the air until they disappeared.

The bright brilliance dissipated, and there was still silence in the tribe, only the breeze fell slowly on the shoulders.

Xilou and Wuhe looked at the direction they were leaving for a long time and couldn't come back to their senses. A voice in their minds carried familiar confidence: "Youths, I have already avenged your revenge. The future of the Xihe tribe I will leave it to you two, and when the early autumn is approaching, I hope you can fulfill your promise."

There were still some strange words in Wu He's mind. After sorting out those words bit by bit, he realized that they were the inheritance of the witch's blood, and he had already activated the priest's bloodline at this time.

The blood of witches becomes the blood of priests, which is something that only priests with powerful witches can do.Ever since his father, who was a priest, died, Wu He thought that he would never be able to improve his blood of the Wu clan.

"Thank you, sir." Wu He shed tears, folded his arms and bowed deeply towards the distance, and Xilou responded in the same way as him.

The difference is that what is in his mind is not the inheritance of the Wu clan, but a few cold sentences: "Absolute power needs the assistance of strategies, and a powerful tribe needs the obedience of the people."

It was Zhongli's warning to him, and it was also a strategy to subdue the tribe's hearts.

"Get up, the Envoy and Son of God have already left." The two teenagers looked at each other, and Xilou spoke first.

Everyone subconsciously stood up, but they didn't know how to respond.

Seeing everyone's embarrassment, especially the dodging eyes of the warriors, Wu He looked sarcastically, and stopped talking after a sneer.

Knowing his temperament, Xilou took Wuhe's hand, shook it lightly, then held it tightly, and then continued: "The envoy of the gods ordered us to obey. From today onwards, the Xihe tribe abolishes the citizen hierarchy."

As soon as this remark came out, the second-class citizens showed strange expressions, and several people who had friendship with Xilin before immediately said: "Even if the envoy of the gods ordered you two yellow-haired children to lead us, but the citizenship level The system is a thing made by your father, don't you even listen to your father's words?"

These words carried a sense of humiliation, and everyone in the Xihe Tribe knew what happened to their fathers.

Before Xilou could answer, Wu He had already made a move, and the witch power that was more powerful than that of the previous priest was shot out in his hands. The people who spoke were instantly knocked down to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Wu He's eyes seemed to be poisoned: "You guys, listen to me, if you dare to talk to my father about the envoy again, this priest will kill you."

Everyone never expected that these two teenagers not only received the mercy of the gods, but Wuhe was also endowed with such magical powers.

Since these two teenagers are blessed by the gods, if they obey the envoys of the gods, will they also be blessed by the gods?

This idea took root in everyone's minds, and they no longer resisted the positions of leaders of Xilou and Wuhe, but followed them wholeheartedly.

Seeing that the two teenagers had indeed gained a firm foothold in the Xihe Tribe, Su Yao and Zhong Li, who were hiding in the dark, swaggered away on white horned horses.

"The Xihe Tribe was successfully captured. Congratulations to Son of God Zhongli for expanding his territory." Su Yao patted Zhongli on the shoulder and jumped off the horse with his strength.

Zhong Li immediately dismounted, but his expression was somewhat puzzled: "Ah Yao, why did you call me the Son of God?"

"Because our tribe will be the god-blessed tribe in the future, I am the envoy of the gods in the tribe, and you are the son of God in the tribe." Su Yao's expression was serious: "I thought about this problem before, and I just want to tell you now .”

"Sooner or later, the Huangping tribe will develop into a super tribe. It must have a famous name." Su Yao suddenly raised an eyebrow and smirked: "Of course this is out of my selfishness. I don't think this name sounds good."

"In the eyes of others, I am an envoy of the gods, and you are the future patriarch and leader of the tribe. But this is not the case. I am the envoy sent by the gods, and you are actually the child that the gods fancy, so in a sense, you He is the son of the gods."

Su Yao simply confused the concept, what he said was the truth, isn't the son of luck the son of heaven.

Zhong Li looked at Su Yao deeply, and answered "Yes" after a long time.

"Then it's settled. We'll change the name of the tribe when we go back, and we'll call it 'God Bless the Tribe' from now on."

The matter of changing the name was initially decided in this way. The two stopped and returned along the road with a large number of wildebeests. If someone looked closely, they would find a pair of palm-sized black birds resting on their shoulders.

This black bird is the messenger bird used by the Xihe Tribe to report messages.

When the white yurts were set on fire, Su Yao's spiritual consciousness had already swept through them. In the middle yurt, he found the pair of black letter birds and more than a dozen eggs beside them.

Speaking of which, the people of the Xihe tribe are still very talented in domestication. Whether it is the sheep that have been tamed on the grassland, the wildebeest that is about to be tamed successfully, or the messenger bird that has been used to deliver messages, these all make Su Yao feel ashamed Not as good.

"Let's contract one pair of letter birds each, and we can send messages at any time in the future." Su Yao stretched out his hand to tease the little bird on his shoulder, and then released a little bit of spiritual power to comb the bird's feathers.

The talent of the letter birds is very special. A pair of letter birds have very powerful communication skills. No matter how far apart, as long as the two birds get together, they will share the route they flew with their partner, and the other party will remember this route. Yu walked through it himself.

Su Yao didn't know how the leader of the Xihe Tribe found out about this. Now that the pair of birds fell into his hands, he naturally wouldn't leave them to those two idiots for nothing.

The existence of the letter bird is too precious, so Su Yao and Zhong Li used magic to contract the two birds. The power brought by the contract will protect the two birds from being killed in case of danger.

Seeing Su Yao focus on the fluffy bird again, Zhong Li reluctantly continued to change the subject: "Ah Yao, we should go back after being out for so long."

Su Yao came back to his senses instantly: "Yes, let's go back quickly, I don't know how Chushan and the others are doing with their salt refining."

The big wildebeest is tall and strong, suitable for running and fighting on the plains, while the white-hoofed wildebeest has long-lasting endurance, and its short stature is more suitable for walking in the mountains.

"This trip has been rewarding, and those bastards will surely be happy to the sky later." The sky was dark, and after turning over another mountain, they would reach the valley where they refined salt. Su Yao could almost guess Chu Shan's reaction.

"They dare not." Zhong Li said softly.

"That's right." Su Yao clicked his tongue twice: "With a leader like you like an ice cube in charge, they will definitely not be able to fly."

While the two were talking, there was a sudden sound of a buffalo drum in the valley, which was a signal to the tribe when it was in danger.

"Oops, let's go and have a look." Su Yao told the white-horned horse to fly to the valley with Zhongli.

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