Starting from the mountain, they have been heading southwest. The place where the tent is set up tonight is a huge canyon. According to the two teenagers, going out from this canyon is a grassland.

The weird voice that Su Yao and Zhongli heard came from all the way from the canyon. When they walked out of the tent, they couldn't see too far away in the dark canyon.

Su Yao's spiritual consciousness was explored for a mile, but he didn't find any clues.

It's just that the weird sound was getting closer and closer, dull and impatient, like the sound made by dozens of wild cowhide drums beating together.

When the sound reached the point where he could hear it without spiritual knowledge, Zhong Li's face suddenly changed: "This is the sound of a large herd of animals running. There are herds of animals coming to the canyon."

Su Yao also realized that the place where their tent was set up happened to be on the flat ground in the middle of the canyon. If there is a large herd of animals passing through the canyon, it is unlikely that they will bypass the tent.

"Let's move to the side." Su Yao said and put away the tent.

It's not that he can't do anything with the herd, it's just that they are the intruders to the creatures and herds in the canyon in the middle of the night, and one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Of course, if the herd of beasts rushing in were beasts with delicious meat and good taste, Su Yao would unceremoniously slaughter a few of them for a tooth-dashing sacrifice.

While the two were talking, the sound of the herd of beasts was getting closer and closer, and Xilou and Wuhe also heard the sound, and then they changed their faces and said to Zhongli hurriedly: "The herd of wildebeests is coming, master, please leave here and go to a higher place." Walk."

The anxious expressions of the two of them did not seem to be fake, Su Yao listened to the persuasion of the two and prepared to take the two of them to hide in the big tree not far away.

As a result, the hand he stretched out to grab Wu He missed.

Zhongli was faster than him, and leaped up the big tree in three or two steps with a boy in one hand.

Su Yao knew that this person's old habit of being jealous had recurred.He rolled his eyes and followed, but the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be concealed no matter what.

Two or three minutes later, the sound of the herd of beasts galloping in the canyon under the moonlight was close to my ears, and Su Yao finally saw the true appearance of the herd of beasts.

It was a group of desolate beasts that looked like wild horses. In Su Yao's eyes that gathered spiritual power, the tall bodies and smooth lines of the desolate beasts looked particularly beautiful in the fast running.

What made him even more surprised was that there was a two-inch bulge in the center of the forehead of the desolate beast. It was as fleshy as deer antler and didn't look very sharp, but the blood stains on it proclaimed the extraordinary power of the bulging horns. place.

A huge surprise fell on his head, Su Yao was so excited that he couldn't even speak at the moment, isn't this the horse he has been thinking about for a long time.

He thought about looking for horse-like creatures on the wild grassland in the future, but he didn't expect to see a whole group of them today.

The tall and strong horse ran in front, and the cubs followed neatly behind. The cubs were shorter than the horse running in front, and all of them were chubby and cute.

Su Yao winked at Zhongli, meaning that he wanted to keep a few of these beautiful creatures.

Zhongli understood, but when he was about to make a move, he heard Wu He yelling in a low voice: "It's the wildebeest and the white-hoofed wildebeest, why are they all running into the canyon?"

Only now did the horses come into the sight of the two teenagers. They had a lot of contact with wildebeests in their tribe, so they recognized the type of horses at a glance.

Su Yao turned to look at Wu He: "Are they two species?"

"Yes." Wu He replied in a low voice: "The bigger one is the big wildebeest, and the smaller one is the white-hoofed wildebeest. They gather in different places, and they don't usually graze together."

Is there any reason to bring them together today?

Subconsciously, Su Yao followed the horses and jumped forward, and Zhong Li followed closely.

There were only two teenagers left on the big tree looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

The speed of the horses was not slow. Su Yao estimated that Zhong Li would have a hard time following him, so he reached out to wrap his arms around his waist and took out a talisman from the space and hung it above the two of them.

Zhong Li's body was tall, Su Yao was not easy to grasp, Zhong Li took the initiative to hold Su Yao in his arms very sensiblely, and leaned his head on his shoulder.

With things in mind now, Su Yao didn't notice Zhongli's little move.

The name of the talisman is 'Ji Xing Talisman', which was drawn by Su Yao in his spare time. Now it is not too difficult for a single talisman to carry two people forward.

After running fast for more than half an hour, the horses finally slowed down when they reached the end of the canyon, and Su Yao also discovered the reason why the horses were so crazy.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, a large area of ​​extremely beautiful plants grew in the depths of the canyon. Against the illumination of the moonlight, they slowly opened their petals and bloomed to their heart's content.

Moreover, Su Yao also found that not far from the plant, a snow-white wildebeest was already standing there quietly waiting.

The figure of the white horned horse is even taller and more beautiful. Under the moonlight, it looks like an elf walking out of a fairy tale, with elegance and mystery.

The horses were getting slower and slower, but they stopped when they approached the plant, and then a miraculous scene appeared, all the horses stood behind the white horse and lowered their heads slightly towards the white horse.

Hundreds of horses in the entire herd wanted to bow down to the white horse, as if they were afraid of the white horse.

"In the herd, those with different colors are either born with disabilities and don't live long, or they are extremely strong and stronger than ordinary beasts." Zhongli said softly.

"Although this white wildebeest is a different species, it is far superior to other wildebeests in terms of bone strength, running speed and endurance, so it is a well-deserved leader of the horse group, and the horse group is willing to submit to him."

The herd of wildebeest stood and waited quietly, while Su Yao and Zhongli were quietly watching the next development.

The moonlight was getting brighter and brighter, and the plant fully opened its petals under the moonlight, exuding a sweet fragrance.

"Huh?" Su Yao snorted lightly, with a puzzled expression.

After the flowers bloomed, they actually carried a little spiritual power. He thought he had found the reason why these wildebeests were running here crazily.

At this time, Su Yao keenly noticed that the mountains around the canyon were also commotion, and many herbivorous animals came here.

When the fragrance reached its peak, the white wildebeest took the lead to take a petal and ate it in its mouth, and then the other wildebeests stepped forward to surround the plant.

Immediately afterwards, the horses enjoyed the flowers in a hurry. At this time, they also noticed that the animals on the mountain wanted to share with them, so they ate faster.

The fastest comers on the ground turned out to be rabbits. Wild rabbits, big and small, came out of their burrows in the woods, squeezed among the herd of wildebeests and snatched flower petals.

Not far away, deer-like animals and wild pigs and sheep also rushed over. When they arrived, half of the plants had been wiped out by the horses. Animals of different races were fighting for the flowers.

An even more surprising thing happened. The white horse raised its head and let out a long neigh, and the group of horses withdrew from the field of robbing flowers in a well-trained manner and gathered in the open space beside it.

It looks like he wants to leave.

"You can't let the horses leave." A thought flashed through Su Yao's mind.

Missing this opportunity, he didn't know where to get so many wildebeest.

He caught a plant in the distance, and after confirming that it was just an ordinary plant, Su Yao quickly spawned it, and the plant that had already bloomed and was about to wither condensed into small flower buds again.

And Su Yao felt more clearly that the flower bone will absorb the spiritual power in the air when it blooms.

It turned out that it was spiritual power rather than flowers that attracted wildebeests. After confirming this, Su Yao rearranged his plan. At this time, the white wildebeest seemed to have discovered something, and shook its small round horn towards the two of them. Come to the hiding place.

Su Yao narrowed his eyes, and with a touch of spiritual power, he quietly shot out to the left, and the white wildebeest really went to the left.

"The horns of the wildebeest can detect spiritual power." Su Yao whispered.

It seems that it is not irregular for the wildebeest herd to find this plant first, and the secret lies in the small horns of the white wildebeest.

It's a pity that the other wildebeests in the herd didn't move much, and they seemed to have lost the ability to search for spiritual power.

The white horse followed the trail of spiritual power left by Su Yao and walked in front of the two. Seeing Su Yao and Zhongli, the white-horned horse took a step back, but seeing that neither of them was moving, they stopped and tilted their heads slightly.

The beautiful big eyes looked at Su Yao flickeringly, as if wondering why this two-legged beast had a sweet smell that could make it stronger.

Su Yao gently raised his hand, and a wood-type spiritual power gathered in his palm. Seeing that the white-horned horse had no intention of dodging, Su Yao gently stretched out his hand in front of the white-horned horse.

"Sweet, I want to eat." The white horned horse's vague consciousness was passed on to Su Yao, causing him to let out a soft laugh: "Come home with me, I will give you delicious food every day."

"Twolegs, be afraid..." The white horned horse was smarter than expected.

Su Yao signaled to Kong Kong behind him: "Don't be afraid, we don't carry weapons, and we won't hurt you, so eat at ease!"

In the end, the white horned horse couldn't resist the temptation of spiritual power, stretched out its tongue and licked the spirit ball in Su Yao's hand, and Su Yao took the opportunity to pass his consciousness to the white horned horse.

The white-horned horse didn't seem to have encountered such a situation before. After a brief moment of stupefaction, he turned to look at the group of horses behind him. Su Yao took the opportunity to say, "If you can take your little brother back with me, I will give it to you every day." You eat such flowers."

As expected by Su Yao, the white horned horse turned back to the herd after hesitating for a moment, the horned horse's unique neigh sounded, and the horse herd began to stir.

Not far away, the flowers have been eaten clean, and the feast in the depths of the canyon is coming to an end.

Su Yao held Zhongli's hand tightly and looked at the horses. He was a little nervous. The wildebeests were so beautiful, and with them, he could complete his mission faster.

The neighing sound gradually weakened, some of the wildebeest and white-hoofed wildebeest left the canyon, and the rest followed behind the white-horned horse and walked slowly in front of Su Yao.

Su Yao's beating heart finally calmed down, and he generously sprinkled a large group of spirit energy on the wildebeest. The spirit energy fell among the horses and automatically dispersed into small spirit balls, which fell into the mouths of each wildebeest.

Soon these anxious wildebeests calmed down under the comfort of spiritual energy, and the white horned horses obediently followed behind Su Yao, and the two of them and the horses walked out of the canyon at a leisurely pace.

At this time, the two teenagers who came from behind excitedly waved to Su Yaozhongli who came under the moonlight.

However, when they walked in, the two opened their mouths in surprise and were stunned. They saw the white wildebeest.

After a long time, the two people shouted: "This is impossible, how can there be a white horned horse?"

The author has something to say:

I'm a bit busy these days, and everyone's comments will not be replied in time.But I watched it seriously, I love you guys!

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