The mountain road from the Huangping tribe to the iron mine is winding, and many of the places it passes are rocky mountains. It is not easy to build the road, so building the mountain road is not feasible for the time being.

Although the waterway is short, the riverbed is too steep and the water volume is not enough to support the boats, so the waterway is also difficult to walk.

In order to save time and effort, Su Yao decided to build a road along the river directly to the mine, so that the distance to the mine was shortened by more than half, and the mountain road by the river was less difficult to build.

It’s just that there are more heavy rains in summer, and when the mountain road is inevitably blocked and impassable, at this time, people around need to maintain and inspect the mountain road frequently, and in addition, they can guard the iron mine nearby.

Su Yao gathered the young slaves together, and the condition for exempting them from slave status was to let them leave the tribe after the mountain road was repaired, and choose a suitable place on the way between the tribe and the iron mine to build houses to guard the iron mine and the mountain road .

These people naturally wished to be freed from their status as slaves.There are more than 600 married slaves. According to the principle of two people, one household, a total of three garrison points are needed to maintain the mountain road on the way between the tribe and the iron mine.

There are just over 100 people in each garrison point, and Su Yao collectively refers to these garrison points as 'villages'.

Each village is responsible for maintaining and repairing the road section it is responsible for, ensuring smooth mountain roads, so as to offset the food provided to the tribe every year, and the tribe will also distribute a certain amount of food and cotton cloth as rewards according to their own conditions.

As long as they worked hard, they could get free status and food in the tribe. This news was good news for the slaves, and the expressions of the slaves became relaxed.

Although there are other difficulties to go there, for example, the maintenance of the mountain road in summer is definitely difficult and troublesome, and the need to patrol the road frequently reduces the hunting time and other difficulties.

These can be overcome, and now the tribe has begun to grow vegetables and food, as long as they are willing to work hard, open up a few pieces of mountain land to grow food and vegetables like the tribe, and occasionally go hunting in the mountains, they can fill their stomachs no matter what.

The slaves agreed to the request without the slightest hesitation, and they even couldn't wait to think that the mountain road would be repaired soon, so that they could immediately abandon their status as slaves.

In this way, the matter of building the mountain road was settled. Dawu took the hoes, shovels, hammers, and various iron tools for lifting stones to start repairing. road process.

Along the river, the height of the mountain road is selected at a height of five meters from the river bed. If the height is too low, it will be easily broken by the river during floods. If it is too high, it will take too much time to build.

More than 4000 people in the tribe were divided into three groups, two waves started from the two ends and built in the middle, and the other wave directly extended from the middle to the two ends.

The mountain road doesn't need to be wide, four to five meters wide is enough, and it doesn't need to be very beautiful, as long as the road surface is strong enough that a wooden cart pulled by a bull will not collapse.

The only thing that took a lot of effort was to reduce the problem of slippery and unsafe roads when it rained. Everyone spread finely divided sand on the road, and then mixed the sand with the top layer of clay with black mud fruit pulp. The stones are glued together, and the muddy road becomes a firm and smooth gravel road.

The advantage of the gravel pavement is that it is non-slip and smooth. Although it is not as good-looking as the brick pavement, the entire river dam is filled with sand and pebbles. It saves time and effort to build, and it is much more convenient than the brick pavement.

Iron tools are solid when used, and a lot of soil can be dug out with a hoe. The person with the hoe digs the soil in front, and the person with the shovel throws the soil on the side of the road. .

Occasionally, when a large stone blocked the road, dozens of people would dig and lift it with iron sticks and shovels. The stones dug out were piled under the roadbed, and could protect the mountain road from the flood when the mountain torrent came down.

Every time we reach a ravine, the pavement is built into a slightly shallow 'concave' shape, so that when it rains, there is a place for the flood from the mountain to flow out, without destroying the road surface. There is also a special place for water to flow inside the mountain road.

Because the road construction process is simple and the road surface is not wide, although the mountain road built by the Huangping tribe does not have modern machines, it is much faster than modern road construction.

And the weather is also very good. The mountain road has been built for half a month without a single drop of rain. It is sunny and warm every day. Can't dig it out.

With the appearance of a wide hill, the place to build the first village arrived, and two bulls pulled the cart to move the green bricks to the hill, and everyone had already leveled the foundation.

It took the two bulls more than a dozen back and forth to pull enough big green bricks to build the house. The mortar for the bricks was carried by the slaves themselves in their backs.

There are only three houses in the village, which is more than enough for two people to live in.Although it took a lot of time to build the house, the people in the tribe were very motivated and didn't think there was anything to complain about.

Su Yao took care of the road construction in the tribe for a while, and then handed it over to Zhongli, but he had a new trouble: "The population in the tribe is increasing too fast, and the salt stored last year is not enough."

Salt has always been a big problem in the tribe. Every year from summer to autumn, some tribes will unite to hold tribal gatherings. The salt of the Huangping tribe is exchanged during the tribal gatherings.

"In the past few years, there are few people in our tribe, and there are no extra slaves to exchange, so the salt exchanged is only enough for one year. Now the population of the tribe has doubled and the salt cannot be continued. Fortunately, last year When bacon is used less salt, otherwise there would be no salt to eat.”

The priest said slowly, he didn't mention this before because he estimated that the remaining salt in the tribe could last until the tribal assembly, but now more than 1000 slaves came, and the remaining salt was really difficult to last until summer .

"Where is the tribe with the salt in their hands, does the priest know?"

The priest shook his head: "I asked them a few years ago, and they said that it would take nearly two months to travel from home to the tribal meeting place, and if it goes smoothly, it will take less than two months. "

Su Yao fell into deep thought. He had considered the source of salt in the tribe before, but he put it aside because of the constraints at the time. Later, he got busy and forgot about it.

It's just that he still has questions: "How long did the tribal gathering last?"

The priest stroked his beard and recalled carefully: "It has been more than 30 years. When I was young, thousands of people suddenly came to the Dahuang Mountains. They all carried big baskets and called themselves 'salt people'. They exchanged salt and held tribal meetings. That's when it started."

According to the information given by the priest, Su Yao estimated that the tribes who come to exchange salt during the annual assembly should be the tribes living by the sea, and the Dahuang Mountains should be quite far from the sea.

It seems that the purpose of relying on other tribes to exchange salt is not enough, and I still have to find a way by myself.

Su Yao thought of the neglected point again: "Before the tribal assembly, where did the salt that the tribe ate come from?"

The priest was stunned for a long time, which was rare, and then said: "I am getting more and more confused. At that time, I was still young and hadn't become a priest. Every year in the tribe, I went to a far place to carry soil, and the soil was carried back to sieve. Remove the stones and grass leaves, and the salty earth powder left is the salt that the tribes often ate at that time."

Su Yao's eyes lit up. In his memory, the source of salt is not only sea salt, but also well salt and soil salt. Many places living in inland areas rely on soil salt and well salt for their salt intake.

The earth powder described by the priest is likely to be the raw material for making earth salt.

"Does the priest still remember where the soil was fetched, and how far is it from the tribe?"

The priest was silent for a long time before he said: "Start from the plain and go straight east. After walking for seven or eight days, you will see a mountain with few trees along the road. The soil at the bottom of the mountain is white and tastes salty. , that is the salt that the old priest asked us to find."

"It's just that this road has not been traveled for more than 30 years. I don't know if there are new tribes that have passed this road. I still don't trust you to find salt."

The priest spoke earnestly. More than 30 years ago, the Huangping tribe was a well-known large tribe near the Dahuang Mountains. At that time, the small tribes did not dare to provoke them at will, so the process of obtaining salt was smooth.

But now they don't know what's going on on that road. If they encounter a tribe bigger than the Huangping tribe, they may suffer a disadvantage.

Su Yao knew the priest's concerns, but he was still very relieved of the fighters trained by Zhongli: "Priest, don't worry. Although the number of Huangping tribes today is not as large as that of the past, it is not a small tribe, let alone the warriors in the tribe. It was you who saw it step by step to today with your own eyes, so you should rest assured of them."

"That's what you said." The priest chuckled a few times: "I'm old, no matter how strong my heart is, I can't avoid looking forward and backward. I've lost a little bit of the drive of you young people, and you're timid and useless."

Su Yao gave birth to a soft peach with spiritual power and handed it to the priest: "If the priest is worthless, then there will not be many promising people in the Great Wilderness Mountains, even if the old enemy, the Huangshui tribe, is in your hands. Didn't ask for much benefit."

The priest smiled even more proudly: "Speaking of which, the Huangshui tribe was still inhabited by our tribe a hundred years ago, but later the priests of our tribe moved here with a group of people, and they have no contact with the Huangshui tribe. After so many years It's not easy for either tribe."

"A few years ago when the old priest of the Huangshui tribe was there, their tribe still had a reputation. Now that the old priest is gone, so is the Huangshui tribe. In the end, my life is better, and I have received the favor of the gods to live. I am also old, and I can see with my own eyes that the Huangshui tribe is gone, so I am very proud."

The priest who mentioned the defeat of the enemy was happy, and he was not so anxious about the lack of salt: "I am very relieved that you have the big idea, just ask me if you are unclear. This salt can last for a month Yes, you don't have to worry too much."

The road to the mine has not been repaired yet, and Su Yao and Zhongli cannot leave the tribe. What they can do now is to reduce the amount of salt first.

With a plan in mind, Su Yao stayed at home and began to study the methods and tools used by the ancients to refine salt, as well as the points that need to be paid attention to during the salt refining process. All these must be clarified.

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