The first batch of fired bricks was not many, and the simplest one-time cave was used. The bricks were piled up layer by layer, and some holes were left near the ground to burn firewood. The top was an arc-shaped bag. A layer of mud was applied to seal it.

Such a brick kiln did not meet Su Yao's expectations. According to ancient records, a good brick kiln needs bricks to support the wall of the kiln, so Su Yao decided to use a simple kiln to burn bricks to build the head first, and then build a brick kiln with a high safety factor.

The dead branches and dry grass ignited the firewood, and thick smoke soon rose from the brick kiln. It took three days and three nights of continuous calcination to burn out the fineness of the bricks.

"Master God Envoy, the fire has been simmered steadily, we are here to take care of it, why don't you go back and have a rest first?" Big Bear said to Su Yao naively.

Seeing his big man of more than two meters, Su Yao felt that the name was really suitable. Anyway, there was only a fire left here, so he didn't have to stare at it all the time, so he smiled and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you here. "

Daxiong was dazzled by Su Yao's smile, and just nodded foolishly.

As soon as Su Yao came to the tribe, he ran into Su Ya who wanted to look for him: "My lord, the soil in Pingpo has been paved, do you want to go over and have a look?"

Su Yao followed to the flat slope. The soil layer in the field was evenly paved, and the high-quality humus soil was dark and fertile at first glance.

"Good job." Su Yao didn't hesitate to praise himself: "You guys follow me to carry sweet potatoes and ground roots."

The Huangping tribe now has more than 5000 people, and the seeds alone cost tens of thousands of catties. Fortunately, the seeds in the space are inexhaustible, otherwise Su Yao really doesn't know where to find so many seeds.

The chubby sweet potatoes piled up nearly half of the cave, and Su Ya couldn't help picking up a big one and touching it again and again.

Aunt Nan on the side also jokingly said: "This sweet potato is really big, it is worthy of being the item of the envoy of God, one is enough for us to eat."

Su Ya glanced at Aunt Nan, but said nothing.

Ever since Su Yao became the envoy of God, the status of the patriarch in the tribe has deteriorated day by day. Aunt Nan felt uncomfortable, so she often said specious things among the women.

Coupled with the fact that Zhong Kuo and Hu Zi were punished together later, Aunt Nan felt angry with Su Yao in her heart, often said some bitter words, and accused the people around her of being ungrateful inside and out.

He said that the patriarch worked hard for the tribe all his life, but now that the envoy came, the big guys don't pay attention to the patriarch. It seems that the patriarch has made a lot of contributions to the tribe in the past.

Obviously, before the envoy came, the priests had the final say on the important affairs of the clan, and the clan leader only took care of the general matters of hunting and distribution.

Everyone is not saying that the patriarch has no credit, but that the patriarch has paid and received corresponding rewards. The food and drink are the best and there is no need to hunt. Up to now, Zhong Kuo does not work with the big guy. Everyone sees that the patriarch He didn't say anything in face.

Seeing that no one answered, Aunt Nan's expression was a little embarrassing.

Su Yao didn't seem to notice the weird atmosphere between them, so he took out a pot of grapes that had been ripened a few days ago and handed it to Su Ya: "Take these fruits and taste them, they taste pretty good."

"Thank you, Lord Envoy." Su Ya likes to eat the fruit from Su Yao's place the most, it is much sweeter than the wild fruit in the forest.

The grapes were picked one by one, with stems on them. They were big and juicy, and each of them lost two or three grapes.

There was no shortage of Aunt Nan when they were handing out things, and she took them generously.

The main reason is that Aunt Nan can now see clearly that her son will definitely not be able to be the patriarch in the future, and it will not be good for her to offend Su Yao any more.

And now the entire Huangping tribe relies on Su Yao for their livelihood, and Zhongli is also capable. If she is the same as before, she might not even be able to stay in the tribe.

Thinking of what the priest said a few days ago, Aunt Nan felt uncomfortable. How did her son, who is so promising, become what he is now?Is it true that what your son said is Hualian's problem?

Aunt Nan fell into deep thought, and she didn't come back to her senses until she was pushed by her companion behind her: "Why push me?"

A Shan happened to be behind her. Seeing that Aunt Nan's tone was not good, she rolled her eyes and said, "Everyone has to go to the front to pick up sweet potatoes. You are blocking the way here."

Aunt Nan looked around and found that everyone was picking up sweet potatoes with their backpacks, only the space in front of her was empty.

"I'm confused." Aunt Nan was also quick to respond: "Come on, let's pick together. Such a good sweet potato must be delicious when grown."

The chubby sweet potato was carrying a large basket full of weight, but fortunately, women in the wild were generally stronger, so this basket of sweet potato was not particularly heavy for them, and it was not too strenuous to carry.

After going back and forth twice, there are still half of the sweet potato seeds in the cave. If this continues, it will take a lot of time to transport the seeds to the field when planting potatoes.

It would be great if there was a car, Su Yao thought.It's just that the road to Pingba is too narrow and difficult to walk, and it is difficult for ordinary wooden vehicles to get off.

Thinking of the wooden frame cart, Su Yao suddenly remembered the unicycle. He had seen the video of the unicycle before, and the one-wheeled cart was more convenient than the two-wheeled wooden frame cart on the narrow and gentle slope road.

Just do what you say, and it happens that there are ready-made wooden carriages in the tribe, so Su Yao tries to modify them according to the drawings of wooden carriages.

It’s just that the half-change effect is not good. Su Yao’s mind flashed. Instead of just making an old-fashioned wheelbarrow, it’s better to combine it with a modern flat-bed cart and transform it into a factory version of the wooden frame cart, which is more convenient to use.

So in half an hour, Su Yao used various methods to open and hang it, splitting the board and sharpening the wheels, and finally made a flat wheelbarrow with modern characteristics.

The large and thick wheels support the wooden planks above, and the wooden planks are reinforced with small baffles to prevent the goods being pulled from falling, and wooden stakes are added at the front and rear to prevent the wheelbarrow from losing its balance and rolling over. Su Yao has considered the details carefully.

As soon as the wheelbarrow was finished, Su Yao was about to drag it out for a try, when the third group of people carrying sweet potatoes came, and the ones walking in front were Su Ya and A Shan.

Seeing the cart in Su Yao's hand, Ah Shan immediately stepped forward and rushed in front of Su Yao. While excited, he did not forget to salute Su Yao: "My lord envoy, what is this for?"

Su Yao smiled and said, "It's called a wheelbarrow, and it's just ready for you to transport sweet potatoes."

As soon as Ah Shan was happy, he stretched out his hand to grab the handle of the unicycle, but when he stretched his hand halfway, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't got Su Yao's permission, so he retracted it embarrassingly.

"You're welcome, I planned to let you try it." Su Yao looked at Ah Shan encouragingly.

Ah Shan didn't hesitate, he put down his back basket and pushed the handle of the wheelbarrow to try to move forward.

The unicycle is surprisingly easy to push, and the two vertical supports at the front and rear can be laid flat to rest when you are tired from walking.

Ah Shan tried to put a pannier full of sweet potatoes on the cart, and it was effortless to push it. He added two full panniers with acceptable strength.

It wasn't until I put four big back baskets full that I felt a little hard to push it up, even if such a unicycle can hold the strength of three people.

"This cart is really nice, my lord, can I push it to transport sweet potatoes now?" Ah Shan asked excitedly.

"Yes, but the road outside is not easy to walk, be careful of slippery, let Su Ya follow you." Su Yao instructed.

A unicycle has been successfully transformed, and the rest is very simple to build, just follow the steps just assembled.

When the tribe needs to vigorously build and plant, more wheelbarrows should be built.Su Yao handed over the task of building a wheelbarrow to Chu Shan, and went to see the situation of sweet potato seedlings.

The sweet potatoes that had been transported to the flat slope had been neatly planted in the soft soil.

Pingpo's land is very large, so Su Yao divided them into four plots, two plots for raising sweet potato seedlings and two plots for planting roots.

Plant sweet potatoes densely together, and cover with a layer of humus soil. The soil layer does not need to be too thick, as long as it can cover the sweet potatoes below.

After the soil is covered, sprinkle a layer of water directly on it to keep the soil moist, and finally press the leaves of wild grass for heat preservation and antifreeze, and a small piece of sweet potato will be bred.

A large group of people worked hard for a whole day to raise a quarter of the sweet potatoes, and the rest will have to wait until tomorrow.

Before leaving, Su Yao thought of another thing: "Su Ya, go back and tell Shishi to bring a few people over to guard tonight, lest wild pigs and rabbits in the mountains come to dig sweet potatoes from the field to eat."

The animals in the mountains have sharp noses. Now there is a shortage of food in the mountains, maybe they will venture down the mountains. If they smell sweet potatoes and come digging in the ground, they will die.

"I remember Master Angel!" Su Ya nodded and agreed, Su Ya has always been very well-behaved in front of Su Yao.

When the sun was setting, Su Yao came to the brick kiln again, followed by Qing Shui and five or six people in his team.

"You look at putting up the shed."

Once the fire in the brick kiln is burning, it cannot be stopped in the middle. Someone needs to be here to add firewood and watch the fire in the middle of the night. The temperature at night is still too low, and the sheds where these people live at night have to be very warm.

The shed is not big. The thick branches are nailed deep into the soil, and the top is firmly fixed with ropes. Then it is covered with several thick layers of gray cotton cloth, and a layer of animal skin blanket is also covered outside the gray cotton cloth. Finally, use the branches and leaves to form a dome to prevent water.

The warm shed like a yurt was set up, with thick straw mats and animal skins covered inside, and cotton blankets covered, so that the night watchmen lived in it at night without feeling cold.

"Hey, it's better for the envoy to think of a way." Daxiong and the others smiled and thanked.

For two consecutive days, Su Yao focused most of his attention on the brick kiln, and every once in a while he would release his spiritual consciousness to check the situation in the brick kiln.

On the morning of the fourth day, the sun had just shone on Pingba. Hundreds of soldiers stood outside the brick kiln with wooden barrels filled with water in their hands, waiting for the kiln to open.

Brick kilns need to use cold water to cool down the temperature. The only disadvantage of building brick kilns here is that they are far away from water sources and water is not convenient.

Su Yao once again reached out his spiritual sense to check the situation in the brick kiln, and everyone looked nervously at the expression on his face.

"Okay, put out the fire!" Su Yao gave an order.

Everyone immediately pulled out the burning firewood, and then waited for the fire in the kiln to drop a little.

"Water." After the anger dissipated, everyone carried buckets and poured cold water into the hole left in advance in the brick kiln.

When the cold water goes in, it is steamed by the heat and turns into water vapor that falls on the bricks. The red bricks that have just been fired will turn into green bricks. After the temperature drops again, the brick kiln can be opened to get bricks.

Seeing that the heat in the chimney of the cave dwelling gradually disappeared, everyone turned their expectant eyes to Su Yao again.

The author has something to say:

Happy Lantern Festival, Year of the Tiger reunion is sweet and sweet, good night everyone, go to bed early!

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