Su Yao realized a problem. With Zhongli's sensitivity, he might have known about his acting and use from the very beginning, so he treated him so roughly, but why didn't Zhongli expose it?

"Zhongli, you knew that I didn't really want to follow you back then, didn't you?"

I don't know why Su Yao brought up this topic, but Zhong Li still nodded sincerely: "I know you are lying to me."

"Sure enough." Su Yao laughed, and besides being funny, she felt that Zhong Li was cute and silly: "Then why did you keep me?"

The wooden sword in Zhongli's hand was unconsciously clenched, and he paused before telling the truth: "At that time, you really wanted to go with me, looked at me differently from theirs, and you weren't afraid of me."

This reason is really simple and straightforward, after all, Zhongli is just too lonely.

Seeing that Su Yao didn't answer, Zhong Li felt uneasy and impulsive. He was afraid that what he said would make Su Yao unhappy, and he would no longer be close to him from now on.But he was eager to let Su Yao understand him, and he didn't want Su Yao to have a grudge against him because of his concealment.

The impulse in his heart could not be suppressed, and even his usually gloomy face was stained with a bit of helplessness and anxiety.

Su Yao saw that his expression was wrong, thinking that he remembered the bad experience before, and was about to change the subject, but saw Zhong Li suddenly raised his head and looked into his eyes, his eyes were unprecedentedly serious:

"A Yao, do you want to hear about my childhood?"

Su Yao froze for a moment, then raised a smile: "Of course, may I know?"

Zhongli nodded, his tone calm: "At that time the tribe was still very powerful, my father was the tribe's number one warrior, and my mother was the bravest female warrior in the tribe."

In the past, the Huangping tribe had a strong population and a large number of slaves. Both men and women could fight and hunt outside.

"They formed a bond during the great sacrifice, and they had me in that cold winter. On the day my mother confirmed that she was pregnant with me, there was an unprecedented heavy snowfall in the tribe. I heard from the priests that more than 500 people died in the tribe that year. "

"Later, as I grew up, my mother often left me and my father to go hunting until I was three years old." Zhongli's eyes were fixed on the corner of the cave, as if there were his happy childhood memories there: "The priest said The harvest season was rainy that year, the tribe was busy storing food, and the parents were busier than before."

A three-year-old child has already begun to remember things. Zhongli is born with precocious intelligence, and his memory is clearer than others. He remembers that his parents often foster him at the neighbor's house and ask them to help him take care of himself. He also remembers that the neighbors often leave his food with him. My own son, let him go hungry.

When he was young, he didn't know what it meant, he just kept saying that he was hungry in front of his parents, and in return he was scolded by his parents and warned him not to be picky eaters. After each warning, his parents would send more food.

He didn't know what those warnings meant until he was older, but it didn't make sense by then.

Later, when another cold winter came, he was so hungry that his parents, who hadn’t returned home for a long time, sneaked out of the tribe to find them, and got lost not far from the tribe.

Tired of walking, he saw a fluffy 'frozen' cub in the dense forest. As a young man, he carried the cub for a long time along the mountain stream, and finally fell tired on the big rock by the stream He fell asleep, and when he woke up, he faced everyone's glaring and accusations.

It turned out that the tribe was surrounded by wolves that night, and many people died. Only then did he know that the 'frozen' cub he held in his arms was the dead wolf cub of the wolf king.

The wolf king smelled the smell of humans and thought it was humans who killed the wolf cubs, and because the stream washed away the scent of him and the wolf cubs, the wolf king went directly to the tribe to avenge the cubs.

His mischievousness caused irreparable damage to the tribe.

For this reason, his parents became sinners in the tribe. Many people scolded Zhongli as a disaster star and clamored to drive his family out of the tribe. Offer large amounts of food in exchange for their eligibility to remain in the tribe.

That winter was extremely cold, and he could often see his parents' hands and feet that were rotten from the cold and their tired gazes. The young Zhongli couldn't understand the way his mother looked at him, but he could vaguely feel her mother's blame for him.

Zhongli stretched out his hand to touch the ground, his hand was covered with dust on the ground: "This is the cave they bought in exchange for ten wild pigs and twenty savage birds. It was given to us because it was too remote."

"Later, when the cold winter ended, the tribe was attacked in spring, and my parents and neighbors all died."

At this time, Zhong Li was expressionless, but Su Yao could feel his sadness, and he didn't know how to comfort him.

The little Zhongli is right, but everyone thinks that he has brought bad luck: If Zhongli hadn’t attracted the wolves, there would be no casualties in the tribe in the cold winter, and perhaps the Huangshui tribe would not have lost in a surprise attack. .

"And then I was adopted by Uncle Zhong Yun, he is the patriarch's younger brother." Zhong Li looked a little weird, Su Yao didn't notice: "Uncle Zhong Yun likes me very much, he taught me hunting, archery, and told me story. Then he was gone, and I lived alone in this cave until I met you."

Zhong Li's eyes were on Su Yao, and his tone was gentle: "A Yao, you will stay with me, right?"

Su Yao was a little uncomfortable being looked at by this straightforward gaze, but his tolerance for Zhongli all the time still made him ignore these things. He couldn't promise Zhongli, so he only tried his best to promise:

"If there are no special circumstances, I will always be by your side." Feeling that this was too ambiguous, he added: "Even if we separate due to other things in the future, I will still miss you."

Zhongli, who was agitated by the word 'separate', was soothed when he heard Su Yao's last words. He would not give Su Yao a chance to separate, and he would follow Su Yao no matter where he went.

"Okay, I believe you." Zhong Li smiled sincerely, as if he believed in Su Yao's words.

In order to help Zhongli formulate a complete training plan, Su Yao specially found relevant books and copied them on the bamboo slips for Zhongli's reference. Coupled with his knowledge and experience of modern times, Zhongli quickly finalized the whole plan.

It's just that the winter is deep and the snow is deep, and the withered grass in the mountains and forests is buried in the snow. There are not many suitable grass blades in the tribe to use as targets and straw men.

Just when Su Yao was considering whether to give birth to grass seeds, Zhong Li seemed to think of something: "I remember that some potato seedlings on the ridge of the field have not been taken back."

When he said this, Su Yao also remembered that before the snow fell, the tribe was busy cutting down trees to collect firewood, and only part of the potato seedlings were collected for firewood, and the rest were still buried in the snow.

"Why don't you try to see if a potato seedling can make a straw man?"

The two of them put on cloaks and braved the snowflakes to dig potato seedlings on the field ridge. The snow was too deep. In order to save effort, Su Yao used his spiritual power to blow away the knee-deep snowflakes with a small whirlwind, exposing the wet seedlings underneath. .

The seedlings soaked in snow water were flexible and slightly elastic. Zhong Li didn't mind the cold, so he grabbed a handful and twisted them vigorously. The black-green flesh on the surface of the seedlings was weathered, and the remaining coarse fibers were just right for straw figures and targets.

Soon everyone in the tribe received another order from the envoy: to dig potato seedlings.They were very convinced by Su Yao now, and after hearing the order, they all came to the ridge with big wooden shovels and straw ropes.

Those who shoveled the snow shoveled the snow, those who carried the seedlings carried the seedlings, and soon carried all the seedlings on the ridge back to the tribe.

It is actually not difficult to use potato stalks to pierce weeds, but you need to have strong hands when pricking, so that the pricked grass will be strong and durable.

It is a bit more troublesome to tie up the target. First, the potato seedlings must be neatly arranged, and then they are braided in large quantities like braids. Finally, they are tied into a large grass plate, and black marks are placed on the center of the grass plate with plant ash. The target is done.

The women tidied up the potato stalks, the men tied the straw trays, and the slaves selected suitable wood and tied it into a "ten" pattern, which was used to fix the height of the straw man for practice.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, pieces of straw men and targets were erected on the field. A total of [-] warriors participated in the training. In order to call them uniformly, these warriors were given a new name: "Warrior", which means for the tribe. Warriors of war.

Under Zhongli's arrangement, the 50 fighters who participated in the training were divided into a team, and their respective captains uniformly organized and took turns training.

The soldiers are of different ages, some are still in school and some are already [-] years old. For the convenience of management, all the soldiers gathered in the school at [-] o'clock in the morning, and Shi Shi led them to learn how to read. They gathered in the big field at [-] o'clock. Force training.

For a full six hours, these fighters had to complete four training tasks: running training, puncture training, archery training and two-two fighting, which required a lot of physical exertion.

However, for the savage men, these consumptions did not completely knock them down, but stimulated the blood in their bones. Just like a pack of wolves, these fighters became more sharp, obedient and patient during training, turning from a mess of loose sand to a Only iron buckets, discipline and responsibility are gradually reflected in them.

Halfway through the cold winter, the priest was surprised to find that the Huangping tribe was completely different from the past. Today's Huangping tribe has vaguely looked like the large tribes he had seen.

And the person who brought about all these changes was Su Yao, the envoy, and Zhongli who stood behind Su Yao like a guard.

Thinking of Zhongli, the priest couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Zhongli was not at fault for what happened back then, but in the end he let Zhongli bear all the pain alone. As a priest, he couldn't help Zhongli after all.

Now it seems that Zhong Li is at the end of his life, and he will not be too sad after meeting the envoy.

"My lord priest, Hua Lian has come to fetch the medicine." Ah Huo's voice brought back the priest's thoughts.

"Who's sick again?" the priest leaned on a cane and asked Hua Lian outside the door.

Hua Lian's pale face had long since lost the glory it had when Yao first arrived, and there was a bruise at the corner of his mouth, as if he had been beaten.

"Grandpa Priest, Zhong Kuo has a headache again, and the patriarch asked me to bring some medicine back."

The author has something to say:

Wild animals cannot be eaten, thank you for your support, I love you!

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