The mighty task of collecting cotton and digging potatoes has begun. Because cotton has adapted to the wild growth environment, it grows extraordinarily tall, and it is very troublesome to collect.

However, when the cotton tree is bigger, the cotton yield is also much higher. The cotton knotted on a cotton tree is enough to make a thin cotton robe.

Cotton trees are densely branched. Women and children shuttle around with animal skin bags hanging on their waists and wooden hooks in their hands to pick cotton. More than a dozen men pull five wooden carts to deliver the picked cotton to the tribal public treasury. to go.

Bag after bag of cotton was dumped on the ground covered with animal skins, and soon a high hill was piled up, which looked soft when it was white and snowy.

In addition to transporting cotton, there are more than a dozen wooden carts in the tribe in the potato field.With a sharp machete and an axe, it is not difficult to imitate the wooden frame cart. Chu Shan and the others spent the night studying and pondering, and they really made a copy of the wooden frame cart. Although it looks ugly, it uses not bad.

Now all the tribes use are wooden carts made by Chushan and the others. They are reluctant to use the cart bestowed by the gods, and put it in the tribe's public treasury.

Not far away, more than 30 young and strong men are digging potatoes shirtless. Ever since they ate potato stew, they have completely fallen in love with the soft and sticky taste of potatoes, and they are particularly powerful when working.

The vines and leaves of potatoes are not edible, but the vines are easy to ignite if they are dried and used to ignite the fire, and the potato leaves can be fertilized, so after being reminded by Su Yao, these people piled up the vines on the ridge of the field to dry in the sun. Dry it and take it to the firewood room.

Like cotton, the potatoes adapted to the wilderness grow extraordinarily large. Originally, the potato seeds that Su Yao took out were not small, but now the potatoes grown are the size of two fists, which is very pleasing to the eye.

The large yield of potatoes has also increased a lot. Three or four fruits are hung on one potato seedling, and the potatoes produced by four or five potato seedlings can be loaded into a basket.

The man who dug the potatoes could not close his mouth from ear to ear, and the man who carried the potatoes from the field to the ridge was sweating profusely, and his legs were tired from running, but he still couldn't keep up with the speed of digging potatoes.

Fortunately, there is a wooden cart to help transport it to the public warehouse, otherwise it will be carried by manpower to the public warehouse, and twice as many people will not be able to handle it.

Wooden carts go back and forth between the public warehouse and the field, everyone's face is full of joy of harvest, and occasionally some people talk about it, and what they talk about is the magic of the God Envoy and their worship of the God Envoy .

And the God Envoy they are talking about is busy in the cave at this time. There are a lot of cotton seeds in the cotton, but it is too time-consuming and labor-intensive to take the cotton seeds by hand, so he wants to restore the cotton gin that was recorded in the book in the space. .

But there is only a blueprint of the cotton gin in the book, and the production steps are not clearly marked. Su Yao is not a serious carpenter. He studied it for two days but failed to make it. He simply sat on the animal skin and pretended to be dead.

Zhong Li looked at Su Yao in distress, and silently tidied up the messy wooden boards and pieces on the ground. He wanted to help Su Yao, but he didn't even know what Su Yao was going to do, so how could he help?

Zhongli, who had always been stubborn, suddenly realized at this moment that the gap between him and Su Yao was too great. Su Yao was an envoy of God and had the wisdom bestowed by the gods, while he had nothing.

Everything about him was given by Su Yao, even the sword in his hand was given by Su Yao, he has nothing but Su Yao, if one day Su Yao wants to leave...

Zhong Li didn't dare to think about the consequences, because he knew that once Su Yao left, he couldn't keep up with Su Yao's footsteps, and he would definitely not be able to find Su Yao.

The gnawing gloom melted in Zhongli's eyes, he wanted to imprison Su Yao desperately, lock him up, make him only see himself, and never let him out.

But Zhongli is also very clear that this is just a delusion, if he really does this, he will have no chance with Su Yao.

Countless thoughts flashed through Zhongli's mind, and he finally chose the slowest but most likely to succeed method.

"A Yao, can I learn this from you?" Zhongli's voice was very soft, he was probing for something.

Although Su Yao heard that Zhongli had changed his address, he didn't take it seriously: "Are you talking about writing?"

On the ground is the working principle of the cotton gin written by Su Yao with charcoal and the installation steps he analyzed.

Zhongli nodded, pursing his lips in embarrassment.

Su Yao was extraordinarily tolerant towards Zhongli. In addition, his thinking had reached a bottleneck, and he wanted to relax for a while, so he began to teach Zhongli how to write:

"Okay, I happen to be able to teach you when I'm free, so let's start with pinyin."

The Huangping tribe's way of keeping records is to tie ropes and draw pictures, which is not as good as oracle bone inscriptions. Zhong Li's request reminded Su Yao that when the tribe settles down, learning characters will also be on the agenda.

Su Yao thought that Zhongli, a barbarian, would be slower to learn pinyin and characters, but in Zhongli's memory, it was as if he had been turned on, 63 pinyin were passed in one pass, and difficult words could be written three times. Remember, and the handwriting is extremely similar to Su Yao, and the ability to imitate is simply terrifying.

In less than an hour, Zhongli memorized [-] Chinese characters and all the pinyin, and wrote domineering handwriting without a teacher. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a genius.

"After all, he is the son of luck, and his learning ability is amazing," Su Yao sighed: "God has arranged the best for Zhongli!" '

Just after thinking like this, Su Yao suddenly remembered Zhongli's life experience, and the ridicule he was about to say was suppressed in his heart: for Zhongli, being ordinary is the happiest thing.

Sighing in his heart, Su Yao adjusted his mentality and tried hard again. He was afraid that if he didn't work hard, he would be overtaken by Zhongli, a barbarian.

Seeing that he started to study again, Zhong Li also put down the charcoal he was writing on to help him.

The two work together, and Zhong Li can occasionally express his own opinion, and sometimes a casual sentence can just bring Su Yao a new idea.

It was easier for someone to give advice, and Su Yao quickly figured out the reason for the failure of life and death before. Those wooden round shafts were quickly assembled in his hands, and a rough-looking cotton gin slowly appeared between the two of them. before.

The last wooden nail was inserted into the round shaft, Su Yao lightly stepped on the pedal, and the cotton gin started to rotate as expected.

"Successful!" Su Yao patted Zhongli's shoulder happily, and impatiently took out a cotton seed to be born with spiritual power, and within a breath, the cotton seed broke through the ground and sprouted a tree full of cotton flowers.

Pick one and put it between the two rollers of the cotton gin, the cotton rolls through the gap, and the cottonseed is squeezed out.

"It's ok." Su Yao patted the cotton on his hands proudly: "I'll ask the stones to carry them out and make a few sets later. I can take a rest and remember to let them keep the cotton seeds and plant cotton next year." .”

As he said that, he went to the stone bed for a trip, and then stopped moving.

Cotton cushions and thin quilts were laid on the stone bed, and the seed-removed cotton, which was born with spiritual power, was soft, and there was still a trace of spiritual power in it. Su Yao fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

Zhong Li covered him with a quilt and turned to cook.

After all the potatoes in the field were dug out, the meat was smoked for the first time and the last time. After two days of strong winds, the weather suddenly became gloomy.

The green and dense forests in the past have become green and yellow, and the green ones are evergreen plants such as pines and cypresses, and the yellow leaves are blown by the wind and rustle on the ground.

The patriarch ordered the largest cave in the tribe to be emptied, which was prepared for the tribe's public slaves and unattended orphans, old and weak, and they would spend the whole winter here.

In several other huge stone caves, there are piles of bacon and dried wild vegetable roots piled up like hills, as well as fresh potatoes that have just been brought back. The patriarch and priests are sprinkling medicine powder all over the caves.

These medicinal powders are used to smoke rats and ants. Although there are no gaps in the stone cave, it is difficult to guarantee that the rats will not sneak in through the cave and eat food.

The smelly medicine powder was evenly scattered everywhere, and the priest and the patriarch repeatedly confirmed that there was nothing unusual in the cave before asking the people waiting outside to seal the cave with stones.

After the first heavy snow falls, these caves will be opened again, and then the cold winter will really start.

The temperature of getting up in the morning has already started to freeze hands. All the young and strong in the tribe went up the mountain together with the slaves. They had to cut enough firewood to bring back to the tribe before the snow fell, otherwise they would not be able to carry the firewood after the snow closed the mountain.

A group of people rushed into the forest in twos and threes, Chu Shan shouted and shook away the birds perched on the tree, holding the ax in his hand, Chu Shan couldn't help but proudly said: "Zhongli, let's compare, we are here before the sun goes down Let's gather and see whose hunting team cuts the most trees, whoever wins, how about it?"

Zhong Li ignored him, turned around and left.Unexpectedly, Chu Shan yelled behind him again: "The winner can make a request, as long as he doesn't betray the tribe and the envoy, the loser must agree, how about it?"

Zhong Xin moved his mind slightly, nodded and agreed: "Yes, you keep your word?"

Chu Shan smiled heartily, and said boldly: "I am a good man in the wilderness, so naturally I keep my word!"

"Then start!"

The two each took an iron ax and led their team into the inner forest, leaving Ake's team staring at each other. A burly man smiled and shouted: "Captain Ake, what shall we do?" ah?"

Ake raised the iron ax in his hand and laughed at himself: "The two god axes are kept by myself, so I dare to bet that our god ax was borrowed from the tribe, so I dare not break it."

Everyone laughed, they were just a temporary team, and they were indeed incomparable with other teams.

Seeing that everyone was depressed, Ake said loudly again: "But the Lord God Envoy said that if we behave well, we will become a hunting team when spring comes. You must perform well."

"Hey, God Envoy is so kind, thank you, God Envoy!" There was much chatter of thanks.

Ake waved his ax and said in a loud voice: "Chong, according to the command of the envoy, only dead and miscellaneous trees can be cut down. Those who are disobedient will be punished according to the rules, and I will remember them all."

The author has something to say:

I wish you all a new year, all wishes come true, love you!

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