The bonfire sacrifice at night woke up Su Yao. When he woke up, he was the only one left in the cave, with his body intact and nothing happened.

The herbs were boiled in the stone pot, and the bitter smell made Su Yao's scalp tingle.At this moment, he was in a bad mood, not only because of the medicine, but also because of the bizarre dream he just had.

He dreamed that there was a golden light claiming to be the Dao of Heaven in the Wild Continent, and it said that Su Yao was the chosen son it picked out to complete the task of unifying the Wild, otherwise it would let Su Yao be reincarnated as a pig with memories from generation to generation.

In the dream, Su Yao was very knowledgeable about current affairs, and accepted the task with a smile. Only he knew what he was thinking.

In order to help Su Yao complete the task, Tiandao also gave him two golden fingers: a space ring and a chaotic root that can fight milk.

You know, in modern times, spiritual power is thin, and Su Yao only has dual spiritual roots of wood and fire. Even if he is very talented, he has only reached the second level of Qi training since he was a child. As long as his cultivation base increases, he will soon be able to complete the task and return to modern times.

However, he didn't expect the barbaric way of heaven to be so obstinate.

There are only various books and some common food and textile seeds on the earth in the so-called space ring.There are a lot of books but they can't get them out. Su Yao needs to grow the food himself with seeds if he wants to eat it.

The most deceitful thing is that the Heavenly Dao has imposed a restriction, and before Su Yao completes the task, his cultivation level can never exceed the foundation.

That is to say, no matter what level Su Yao has cultivated to, as long as the mission of Heavenly Dao is not completed, Su Yao will die of old age in the wilderness, and will be reincarnated as a pig with his memory for life after life.

God you are so cute.Su Yao closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

The sound of water gradually disappeared in the stone pot, probably because the medicine was cooked, and Su Yao noticed that Zhong Li had returned.

The cave was very dark, and Zhong Li didn't notice that Su Yao had woken up. Su Yao heard the sound of the liquid medicine being poured into the wooden bowl, and the sound of the wooden bowl being shaken, but he just didn't want to move.

Tiandao's mission completely disrupted his plan, and the existence of the Son of Destiny also completely tied him to the Huangping tribe.

The space ring on the finger turned into a tattoo, Su Yao rubbed his finger and lost his mind accidentally.

Suddenly, his chin was grabbed by a hand, Su Yao was forced to open his mouth, and the bitter medicine poured directly into his throat.

Su Yao quickly opened his eyes, holding the wooden bowl with one hand and gently supporting Zhongli's wrist with the other, smiling defenselessly at Zhongli's gloomy eyes: "Thank you for cooking the medicine for me, can you help me sit up, I want to drink."

He showed his harmless side and wanted to reduce Zhongli's defense against him. He could see that Zhongli was very vigilant and insecure, and it was difficult for such a person to trust others.

If Su Yao wanted to stay in the Huangping tribe, the first thing he had to do was to establish a good relationship with Zhongli, a native. He needed the help of the son of luck, and wanted to treat Zhongli as sincerely as possible.

As he expected, Zhong Li just took a few fixed glances at him and then withdrew his wrist to help Su Yao up.

The bonfire festival in the Dachang is at its busiest time. I heard that at this time, men and women in the tribe will sing, dance and share food together.

After drinking the medicine, Su Yao curiously asked Zhong Li who was standing by, "Aren't you going to the bonfire festival? It seems very lively."

However, this sentence did not know which strange point in Zhongli was ignited. Su Yao watched Zhongli stand up suddenly, and the next second he was pushed on the bed. In Zhongli's depressed eyes, there was a dark and devouring storm. One sentence said viciously: "You are mine, you are not allowed to run away, you are not allowed to go anywhere."

Su Yao was taken aback by his attitude, and after regaining his senses, he quickly responded: "I won't run, I won't go anywhere, please calm down, I even defied the patriarch's arrangement and came back with you, you still don't believe it me?"

Su Yao deliberately brought up what happened during the day in order to reduce Zhongli's vigilance and make him less prepared for himself.

Sure enough, Zhongli's eyes flickered when he heard Su Yao's words, and he loosened his hand against Su Yao.

Su Yao showed his loyalty while the iron was hot: "We are one now, I will not leave easily, I will tell you where I go, okay?"

Zhong Li didn't speak, Su Yao tentatively continued, "What I'm telling is the truth, you have to try to trust me."

Seeing that Zhong Li was frowning again because of the latter sentence, Su Yao changed the subject and said, "I'm hungry. I heard that there is meat for the bonfire festival. Zhong Li, do you have anything to eat?"

This is also true. After Su Yao ate a fruit the size of a tomato in the morning, he never ate anything else. He was so hungry that his stomach hurts and he just wanted to eat meat.

Zhong Li looked deeply at Su Yao's face, was silent for a while, then turned and walked out of the cave.Su Yao smiled slightly towards his back to celebrate his success in gaining Zhongli's trust in the initial stage.

Such days passed for seven or eight days in a row, and under Zhongli's care, Su Yao's leg injury healed a lot, and he was able to get out of bed and walk.

Su Yao obsessed Zhongli and opened up an open space in front of his cave, on which he planted the cotton seeds he took out from the space.Although the season of cotton growth has passed, Su Yao has a spiritual power plug-in, and the cotton grows very luxuriantly as soon as he uses his spiritual power to produce small flower buds.

Zhong Li discovered the abnormal growth of Cotton, but he didn't ask, and Su Yao didn't explain too much, and cheerfully sent all the spiritual power left over from the treatment of the leg injury to Cotton.

In fact, Su Yao also wanted to plant something else, but he didn't have enough spiritual power left after healed his leg.

The main reason is that he is not used to wearing wild clothes. The temperature is more than 30 degrees, wrapped in animal skins, and there are gaps hanging under the animal skins. Su Yao feels very insecure, and urgently wants to grow cotton to make clothes.

After several days of spawning, the cotton bolls were about to bloom, and Zhongli also took advantage of the night to go out to hunt.

Seeing no one around, Su Yao injected a lot of spiritual power in one breath, and the cotton boll tremblingly opened its shell, revealing the pure white cotton inside.

The plants and animals on the barren continent were more than twice as large as those grown in modern times, and the cotton bolls they produced were the same. Cotton flowers the size of a sea bowl bloomed, and a dozen cotton trees picked up an armful of cotton.

Quickly removing the cotton seeds, Su Yao pinched a simple trick to wind the cotton into a cotton thread with the thickness of a data line. Such a simple action drained all of Su Yao's spiritual power, so he had to weave the cloth by hand.

The loom was secretly made by Su Yao himself according to the pictures drawn in the book. It is less than one meter long, and it is not bad for weaving a short cloth.

Cotton thread is thick and fast to weave. It took Su Yao more than half a night to weave a piece of cloth. He cut and slit the cloth neatly and made a simple trouser top.

Finally, there is no need to switch to idle, Su Yao sighed in satisfaction.

Zhongli, who was hiding in the dark, looked at the direction of the tribe gloomyly. He guessed that the hypocritical and cunning person must have left the tribe while he was away, and when he went back to the cave, there would be nothing but emptiness.

No one wanted to stay with him, neither his parents nor his adoptive parents.After tonight, the slave who ate and slept with him for more than ten days will be like this, even though the slave kept saying that he would not leave and would stay with him all the time, Zhongli could feel the slave's deception to him.

The slave is not sincere, Zhongli knows.

He still wants to try it, but the result is the same anyway, and he will always live alone in the future.

Abandoned and isolated, cheated and indifferent, he has long been used to it.

Zhongli looked in the direction of the tribe, waiting for the prey to be caught, and also waiting for the last hope in his heart to be wiped out.

Just after dawn, Su Yao brought the animal skin that he had covered for several days and had already given off a bad smell to the river. He knew that the animal skin could not be washed with water, so he took the remaining rags and prepared to wipe it.

The mountain spring water in the morning was still a bit cold, but Su Yao liked the temperature quite a bit. After wiping his skin, he took advantage of the lack of people and quickly washed his face.

Before he could wipe off the water from his face, two voices appeared not far from him, one male and one female.

Su Yao didn't have a habit of eavesdropping on other people's conversations, but he couldn't hold back the loud voices of those two people, so the content of what they said was transmitted directly to Su Yao's ears: "It's just a small slave, but it's such a big air, I can't stand it when I see you!" No courtesy, Hua Lian, you will be our young patriarch's wife in the future."

It was a female voice who spoke, followed by a male voice, with a soft tone: "Ah Qing, don't say that, he is brother Zhongli's partner now, we have to get along with him well in the future, even if there is something wrong with him We have to accommodate him too."

Su Yao stopped in the gesture of wiping his face. He felt that the two people were talking about him inside and out, but it didn't look like him. He is not Zhongli's partner. Could it be that Zhongli has formed a bond with someone else?

Just as he was curious, Xiaoqing didn't stop: "I want to say, Hualian, you still speak for him. People in the tribe say that Zhongli is a villain, who killed his parents who gave birth to him and the people who raised him. Parents, is a scourge, and I will not tolerate his slave companion."

Very good, the information can basically be matched, and now I can be sure that they are talking about me, Su Yao turned to look at the speaker.

A man and a woman, the man looks about the same height as Su Yao, his skin is a little fairer than that of ordinary barbarians, he looks neutral, and he is quite good-looking.The woman is more ordinary, but her big eyes are dark and look very energetic.

Ah Qing looked at Su Yao who turned around, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she swallowed back the evil words she was about to utter.

It was Hua Lian who said, "Don't be angry with Ah Qing, she always speaks straightforwardly and sometimes offends people, are you not angry?"

There seems to be nothing wrong with these words at first, but when I think about it carefully, there are flaws everywhere. Su Yao squinted her eyes, and thought about the way Hua Lian spoke in front of her, and finally remembered, isn't this just a legend? What about green tea?

"I heard that your name is Su Yao, so I decided to call you Brother Su Yao on my own. You won't be angry, will you?"

Su Yao raised his eyebrows and smiled softly, Tao Hua looked very affectionate: "Of course, what's the matter?"

Ah Qing, who was on the side, blushed with embarrassment at the smile, and quickly lowered her head without speaking.On the other hand, Hua Lian's smile froze and he quickly came back to his senses: "Can I have a look at what you are holding in your hand? It looks very nice, and I've never seen it before."

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