The waste firewood of the five family

Chapter 166 Disguise and Anger

"What's going on?" the winery boss asked.

"No, I don't know..." The staff wanted to cry but had no tears. "Boss, could it be that there are too many people accepting the flames today, causing the machine to be overloaded?"

The more he talked, the more he felt that it made sense, and he simply talked about it: "Boss, when we officially opened the device for the first time, only Lord Gin and Lord Belmode accepted the flame, and only Bourbon accepted the flame the second time, but today in Before Sour went in, three people had received the flame, and Master Amaroni went in twice."

"I think Master Sour should also be someone who can withstand extremely high flame ceilings." The staff member said, "Therefore, the flame energy delivered by the device for the first two times is far from enough."

"Then how do you explain the current situation?" Qin Jiu said with a gloomy face, watching the machine shaking more and more violently.

"It may be that after the device is overloaded, the conversion speed of the flame has slowed down," the staff member said guiltily, "The conversion rate cannot keep up with Master Sour's absorption rate of the flame, so the components inside the device are running crazily..."

He glanced again and was horrified to see that the flame device had started to smoke.

"Boss," the staff member's hands were suspended in the air tremblingly, "shall we wait another day..."

Osamu Dazai also put his hand on the side of the machine, as if he would press the boss of the winery as soon as he gave the order.

Just then, the machine stopped shaking.

The white light disappeared, revealing Tsuna's bewildered face.

"Huh?" Osamu Dazai tilted his head suspiciously.

Tsuna opened the door and walked out of the device, smiling weakly at the others.

"Sour!" Prison Temple Hayato walked quickly, twisting his meaning forcefully and asked, "Did you get the flame?"

"I..." Gang Ji looked very depressed, "I don't seem to have..."

"Huh? It shouldn't be?" The staff looked at Gangji suspiciously, and then looked at the relevant indicators on the screen of the connecting device, "But the energy inside has been exhausted."

"I really..." Gang Ji looked at his hands, a lock of broken hair hanging down to cover his eyes, "I can't use it..."

"What?" Chianti was extremely disappointed, "It's a waste of emotion to make such a big battle."

"Shut up, Chianti." Gin stopped her, "Sour, come here."

Gang Ji obediently stood in front of Qin Jiu, raised his head and looked at him.

A few seconds later, Gin looked away: "I really can't feel the flame energy in his body."

Generally speaking, no one can perfectly control the flames just after getting them, like Chianti and Cohen, their flames will burst out from time to time, and although Amarone can suppress the flames from bursting out, but Gin can still feel the huge energy hidden in his body.

But on Sour, he didn't feel a breath of flames, as if the energy sent out by the flame device was all gone.

Very abnormal.

"Boss, I'm applying to let Sour try again tomorrow." Gin said, "As you can see, he has great potential."

"Alright." The boss thought for a while, "When you turn on the device tomorrow, make sure to make a record. No matter whether it succeeds or not, you must ensure the integrity of the data."

"Yes!" The staff looked at the flame device that seemed to be malfunctioning, and agreed heartily.

Osamu Dazai curled his lips aside.


Ground floor staff quarters.

Tsuna slammed himself onto the chair like a salted fish.

"It seems that I can't get away with it next time." Tsunaji looked at Hayato Gudera apologetically, "There is something wrong with Gin."

"It's not Judaime-sama's fault." Hayato Kikuji stood up immediately, "You don't want to do this."

"Is the flame energy transmitted by the machine to the prison temple also absorbed by Lan Zhiyan?" Tsuna asked.

"Yes." Hayato Kokuji nodded, "The flame energy is particularly repulsive to the flames of Arashi. At first I was worried that the contact between the two would explode, but I didn't expect it to be so weak that it was directly swallowed by the flames of Arashi. The same is true for Judaime ?"

"It's almost the same, but it doesn't seem to be the same." Tsuna recalled, "The process on my side is more gentle."

"What I can be sure of is that the flames in the device do not come entirely from me." Gang Ji said, "The Prison Temple should have discovered that those flames are not pure."

"That's right, it feels a bit like it was transformed from other energies." Hayato was a little confused, "But since they are all special energies, why does the winery insist on transforming them into the form of flames?"

"Wait, you said other energies?" Tsuna suddenly had a guess in his mind, "I think the original source of the winery's flames may be the energy of this world."

"You mean..." Hayato's eyes revealed a clear look.

"Yes." Tsuna said, more and more affirming his own thoughts, "Born said before that when the two worlds merged due to mutual repulsion, they would constantly rub against each other, and the overflowing energy would cause the balance of this world to emerge. Something unstable."

"This world has extracted my flame before, and the amount of extraction is huge. I suspect that it has not fully converted it into its own energy, and it was rubbed away because of the fusion of the two worlds." Tsuna smiled wryly. For a moment, "Then it was accidentally obtained by the winery."

"But I feel that the energy in the flame device is very strange." Hayato Guiji asked, "If there is a flame of Judai in it, I should be able to detect it."

"If I'm not mistaken, the original energy source of the flame device is my flame." Gang Ji said this with a slightly cold tone, "It's a pity that it doesn't contain that much in the overflowing energy."

"So..." Yuji Hayato frowned.

"That is to say, the so-called flame device in the winery should have been just a collection device at first." Tsuna said in a low voice, "Then the flame energy was gone, so they had to improve the device, trying to collect the energy of this world that could be collected. into flames."

"The converted flame will definitely not be as pure as our flame." Tsuna twitched the corner of his mouth, "On the other hand, although the flame extracted from me by this world has been transformed into its own energy, the difference between the two And it's not really irrelevant, which is why I find the flames of the distillery both foreign and familiar."

"As for the question before the Prison Temple." Gangji paused, with a trace of unbearable expression on his brows, "They must have tried whether they could collect the original energy of this world and use it on people, but they failed too many times before. Make up your mind to transform it into flames."

In other words, in this process, countless experimental subjects died.

Tsunade closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down.

"They are so anxious to endow everyone with flames. Apart from finding out that the police have a connection with the ability user organization, there may be another reason."

Tsunayoshi looked at Hayato Prison Temple, "That is, with the gradual fusion of the two worlds, the energy that can be collected from friction and overflow is getting less and less, which means that they will soon stop the flame device and can no longer cultivate their abilities. the one."

"So when the second kind of energy appeared on Mr. Zero, they used their brains again." Gang Ji said with a cold face, "Although I don't know what the winery is thinking, but I will not allow them to continue .”

"Judaime!" Hayato's eyes lit up.

"Juji, please prepare for tomorrow's battle." Tsuna stood up, a cluster of orange flames flashed in his pupils, "I will notify Mukuro and Yamamoto when I enter the flame device again."

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