white building.

Ground floor member quarters.

After Tsunayoshi closed the door of his room, after confirming that there was no bug in the room, Hayato grabbed Tsunayoshi, but his movements were very gentle.

"Judaime!" Gokuji Hayato looked at Tsunayoshi who was covered in bandages, his fists were trembling because he clenched too tightly, "It's all my fault that I didn't..."

"It's all right, Prison Temple," here Tsuna Kichi could finally tell the truth, he said apologetically, "I'm sorry, but I wasn't actually injured."

"Huh?" Prisoner Hayato was stunned for a moment, "Then what I saw before..."

"It's Mukuro's illusion." Tsuna explained with a smile, "He's already here."

"That guy..." Hayato Guji was surprised, but at the same time he was inexplicably relieved.

"In short, a lot of things happened after I was taken out by Bourbon." Tsuna said, "Do you feel that the flame in your body has become smoother?"

"Yes," Hayato Yuji nodded, "Is the fusion of the two worlds about to be completed?"

"Li Baoen said that the mutual repulsion between the two worlds has reached its weakest point." Gangji said, "But you can continue to teleport."

"Should be able to see everyone soon." Tsuna smiled.

"That's really great." Hayato Gakuji was also very happy, "When the time comes, the distillery..."

If Peng Ge was listed here, where would it take Judaime to work so hard.

Although the power of the winery is indeed intertwined, it is still insignificant compared with Pengelie. Even if the winery did come up with relatively novel things such as elixir of life and flames, Hayato Heoji didn't think it could Continue to contend with Pengo Lie.

Not to mention that what flame still seems to be a fake.

To be honest, he was looking forward to what the winery would bestow on him and Judaime tomorrow.

Give the pirated flame to the owner of the genuine flame, will the machine really be safe?

"You're also thinking about tomorrow, right?" Tsunaji looked at Hayato Gudera, "Actually, I'm curious too."

"That flame probably originally came from me." Tsuna said.

"What?" Prisoner Hayato was startled, "Have you been drawn from flames before?"

"Yeah." Tsuna nodded, "I was in a coma for a while after I came here. Because the consciousness of this world extracted my flame to maintain its own stability."

"So I think the flames of the winery are likely to use the energy overflowed by the friction between the two worlds." Gang Ji said, "I just don't know why it happened to be in the form of flames after they got into their hands."

"Master Judaime..." Hayato Kikuji looked at Tsunayoshi with tears in his eyes, "You have worked too hard here."

"Haha, it's okay." Gang Ji scratched his head, "Anyway, they're all here."

Worried that Hayato would think more about it, Tsuna quickly changed the subject: "Let me tell you about what happened a while ago, and I will gain a lot from talking about it."

Hayato Gokuji nodded.

So he heard about another adventure experience that he did not participate in.


the next day.

"The members of this batch of bestowing flames are Vodka, Chianti, Cohen, Amarone and Sour." Gin said to the boss, "People have already brought them here."

Several people were allowed to take off the black belts that blindfolded them.

So it's not that there is no chance to remember the position of the flame device.

Tsunaki sighed, and after his eyes re-adapted to the light source, he began to look around.


Except for one gigantic machine.

There is nothing special about the machine, if anything, it is completely transparent on the outside.

The state of the people inside is clear at a glance.

Gangji was a little worried.

There is already a flame in my body, if it behaves differently from others, it will be easily exposed.

He tilted his head to look at Prison Temple Hayato, and found that the latter was also frowning.

"Sour, Amarone." The boss said abruptly.

"Here!" Tsuna subconsciously straightened his body.

"What's that look on your face?" Boss continued to ask in an emotionless mechanical voice.

Gang Ji was startled, but he didn't show it on his face, and showed a kind of embarrassment of being discovered: "I, I'm too nervous..."

"The appearance of this machine is transparent, and I feel even more nervous when I think of being watched by everyone." Tsuna said half-truthfully, "If the time comes to make some unsightly expressions..."

"Sour is right." Hayato Kikuji said simply and directly, "This device gives me the feeling of watching monkeys in a zoo."

Vodka and the others present felt a little admiration while being shocked.

That's the grown-up.

These two newcomers are really newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, and dare to talk to the boss like that.

Although they also want to be so presumptuous, they just think about it.

The boss hiding in the dark was obviously choked by Hayato's statement, he calmed down and gave up the topic: "Continue if there is no problem."

Tsuna breathed a sigh of relief and continued to look at the machine.

There is a palm-shaped depression on one side of the machine, which is probably the special place for Osamu Dazai.

Speaking of which, Osamu Dazai's human disqualification can nullify any other supernatural powers that touch his body, so his role here should be to stop these members in time if their bodies can't bear it when they receive the flames.

"Everything is ready." The staff looked at the group of people next to him, "The first one is vodka."

Gin nodded to him.

Vodka just walked into the machine, and when he stood still, a dazzling light enveloped him.

Gangji watched silently from the side.

This step is exactly the same as Mr. Zero described.

However, in the next second, as the light disappeared, Vodka's painful face appeared in front of everyone.

His expression was extremely distorted, his right hand kept tearing his clothes, and his left hand slowly climbed up his neck, leaving red marks one after another on it.

Perhaps this could not relieve the pain of vodka, he let out a roar in his throat, he threw his head back heavily, hit the machine hard and made a bang sound, and then slammed into his body again, but it didn't seem enough, he raised his head Gao Di raised his fist, as if to hammer his chest——

"Osamu Dazai." The boss said.

"Understood." Osamu Dazai said, putting his hand on the side of the machine.

The pain of vodka disappeared visibly to the naked eye.

He sat slumped on the ground, sweating profusely, his eyes glazed over, and he breathed heavily as if lacking oxygen.

Then it was dragged out of the machine like a dead fish.

"Vodka, failed." The staff said, "Next, Chianti."

Chianti's heart, which was eager to try, became more honest after seeing the situation of Vodka. She glanced at Vodka again in shock, and then walked in.

Unexpectedly, it went well.

After the white light ended, a red flame instantly filled the entire transparent machine, and then gradually extinguished.

Osamu Dazai withdrew his hand: "This is a success."

The staff member nodded: "Chianti, red flame. Next, Cohen."

Chianti stepped out of the machine happily, and then patted his partner on the shoulder in a good mood: "Come on."

Cohen was silent and didn't speak, he went straight into the machine.

1 minute later.

"Korn, Green Flame." There was a hint of excitement in the staff's voice.

So far, only one has failed. Could this be the strength of the code-named members?

After Cohen came out, Chianti raised his hands happily, and after the two clapped hands, the flames on their bodies burst out uncontrollably.

"Huh?" Chianti tried to extinguish the flames. "What's going on?"

Cohen shook his head after working hard for a while: "The flame is out of my control."

"Normal." After placing the vodka, Gin looked at the panicked two and said, "You must use the next period of time to learn to control the flame."

"No problem." Chianti didn't care, "Don't worry."

Cohen nodded.

"I hope you can do what you say." After Gin finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Tsunaki and Hayato.

"Go on," he said.

"Concentrate and see how many people can succeed today." The boss also said, "I hope you two won't let me down."

Tsuna's throat rolled unconsciously.

Hayato's expression became more and more serious.

"Next, Amarone." The staff member said.

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