Bian Yingning's red lips parted slightly, she had already forgotten how to breathe through her nose, and could only pant heavily again and again.

She knew she must be in a mess right now.

Warm hands touched her cold cheeks, giving her a sense of reality that she was still alive.

Her eyes became hot, and she even wanted to cry wantonly at this moment.

It's not cowardly, it's not trying to escape, it's just wanting to cry presumptuously.

But she can't.

"Where is it uncomfortable?"

The gentle voice is expressing his concern for himself.

Before Bian Yingning could reply, Shang Qinghui took out her mobile phone and wanted to call someone, but she grabbed her hand with all her strength.

The two looked at each other in the dark, the things around them, and the expressions of each other, could not be seen clearly, but all the senses were magnified.

Including heartbeat, including touch.

Shang Qinghui stopped moving.

There are too many things in Bian Yingning's eyes, so much that she only has one thought at the moment.

Although she didn't know what happened to Bian Yingning, but... in her eyes full of steam, she seemed to need a hug very much at this moment.

Thinking of this, Shang Qinghui didn't hesitate, put away her phone, and hugged Bian Yingning into her arms.

Enclose her completely in her own world.

Bian Yingning was tied up with her hands, and the heat from Shang Qinghui enveloped her with the fragrance of roses.

She was deadlocked with her for a while, feeling all this.

In the end, Bian Yingning lowered her head slowly, and her whole body relaxed accordingly, resting her chin on Shang Qinghui's shoulder.

She suddenly wanted to take a break, so she just took a break.

Sensing her movements, Shang Qinghui hugged her a little tighter.

"Did someone bully you?" Shang Qinghui's voice rang in his ears.

The two are like two swans leaning on each other, each facing the darkness behind the other.

In the silence, Shang Qinghui began to chatter.

"Who can bully you with such great ability." Shang Qinghui dispelled his guess.

"Is that unwell?"

"Why are you here alone?"

"Still cheating?"

"And didn't you steal it?"

"Still fishing for another fish?"

The last sentence made Bian Yingning almost pass without breathing.

"Has anyone ever told you that you talk a lot?" Bian Yingning regained her strength and asked dissatisfied.


"Well, now someone has said it."

Shang Qinghui: "..."

Can she let her go now, she suddenly wants to go back and take a shower.

"Then what happened to you?" Shang Qinghui asked unbearably.

There are so many secrets about her that she doesn't know, so much that sometimes she doesn't know how to tell what kind of person she is.

Shang Qinghui wanted to let go of his hand as he said that, and let the two of them distance themselves, but Bian Yingning raised his hand to hold his back, and then pressed back to the state of body-to-body contact.

"Hold for a while longer." Bian Yingning said.

Shang Qinghui pursed her lips where she couldn't see, and suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Why, I suddenly feel that I can't stay in my arms, and I'm afraid I'll be addicted to it after a long time?" She said dryly.

"No, I just want to feel how flat your airport is."


Shang Qinghui never thought that one day the story of the farmer and the snake would be staged on her.

"Bian Yingning." Shang Qinghui called her.


"I really want to strangle you."

"bring it on."

Upon hearing this, Shang Qinghui immediately tightened his arms and hugged Bian Yingning tightly.

"Uh... wait a minute, enough is enough..." I didn't expect that the person looked like a kid, and his strength was not weak.

Shang Qinghui let go of her, and looked at her quietly for a while.

Bian Yingning also looked back at her.

"Will there come a day when you are willing to tell me everything?" Shang Qinghui asked seriously after putting away her laughter.

Bian Yingning also put away the smile on her face.

She was silent.

Shang Qingfen was also silent.

can you?

She doesn't know either.

"Do you like me before you went to college, or after you went to college?"

Bian Yingning asked back.

Shang Qinghui was silent.

Time passed in silence.

"Attention the host, the mission of the female supporting role Duanmu Zhengjie is still in progress."

The sound of the system sounded at the right time.

Bian Yingning stood up, but Shang Qinghui was still squatting on the ground looking at her.

She reaches out.

Clasping palms together, Shang Qinghui held her outstretched hand, and Bian Yingning pushed hard, and Shang Qinghui stood up.

"I still have something to do, so I have to go first." Bian Yingning wanted to leave first as she spoke.

Shang Qinghui still held her hand tightly.

Bian Yingning turned her head, waiting for Shang Qinghui's next words.

Without further words, Shang Qinghui let go of her hand.

Bian Yingning wanted to say something, but when she opened her mouth, she didn't know where to start.

"Go back early." After she finished, she turned and left.

Shang Qinghui looked at her receding back.

Walking out from the dark place of the tree shade, and then walking into the bright school road, the back is in a hurry.

What's the rush?

Is it because I don't want to stay here with her, and I don't want to talk to her two more, or is there really something wrong?

【Do you like the me before you went to college, or the me after you went to college? 】

"I like you."

Late autumn is here, can winter be far behind?


Bian Yingning found that she and the bar were really destined, every day she was either in the bar or on the way to the bar.

She had just arrived at the location provided by the system when she saw several police cars approaching behind her with lights flashing.

Bian Yingning shuddered, and immediately rushed into the bar without looking back.

The security guard at the door also saw the police car approaching quickly, so he didn't care to stop Bian Yingning, and ran to report the news.

As soon as Bian Yingning entered the room, she found that everyone was ignorant of what was about to be greeted, and they were still playing happily.

There were a lot of people, Bian Yingning looked for the stairs and wanted to go up to the third floor. She walked past all kinds of people with difficulty, and even a bodyguard following her couldn't catch up with her.

Before reaching the door of the private room in 305, the sound of panic came from downstairs, and all kinds of people ran down from downstairs or looked for places to hide.

She heard a policeman yelling: "The police are sweeping pornography, all squatting down with their heads in their hands!"

The people upstairs were all running downstairs, Bian Yingning was rushed by the crowd and couldn't move an inch, she didn't even dare to look back, she just wanted to find Duanmu Zhengjie before the police.

"Crazy, what are you running on at this time!"

Bian Yingning was squeezing, and a person coming down from above was blocked by Bian Yingning, who cursed impatiently and tried to push her away.

Bian Yingning grabbed his hand with her backhand, and leaned against the wall to make him fall in the middle of the corridor.

The crowd was squeezed into a ball by the people who suddenly bumped into them, and they had to stop their steps.

Bian Yingning rushed up quickly.

As soon as she ran past the corner of the stairs, she heard the voice of the police shouting not to move at the corridor below.

Stumbling, Bian Yingning's heart was beating so hard that it was about to pop out of her throat, and the bodyguards following her had no idea where they were rushed by the panicked crowd.

She contacted the other bodyguards at home when she came over, but it would take time for them to come over.

Bian Yingning didn't have so much time to wait for them to arrive.

Nangong Jin's plan was very good. He called Duanmu Zhengjie to this place, bought some ducks and gave them to her.

You don't need to take the medicine, and if you take it, it will be easy to say that you have been framed if you are found out.

At this time, you only need to report to the police, saying that someone in a certain place is suspected of prostitution (sex) trading, and the police will come soon.

He only needed to ensure that Duanmu Zhengjie did not leave during this time, and that she was in the same room with a few professional ducks when the police arrived, and that was enough.

A person like Duanmu Zhengjie is very sensitive to such incidents. If such incidents are exposed, her career will basically be ruined.

And she couldn't even say what she came here for, what she came here for.


Finally arrived at Room 305, Bian Yingning knocked on the door hastily, the people inside probably thought it was the police coming, so they opened the door quickly without any further questioning.

As soon as the door was opened a crack, Bian Yingning kicked the door wide open, finally seeing the scene inside the private room.

There were two men in total. There was a small table at the entrance of the private room, surrounded by two sofas. There were three cups and several opened bottles of wine on the table, and a bed after entering.

The tone of the entire private room is a very suggestive red.

At this time, a man was standing by the door with his upper body naked, he should be the one who opened the door just now.

The other one dragged Duanmu Zhengjie and the two of them to tangle on the carpet beside the bed. Bian Yingning was so angry that she rushed over to grab the man and punched him in the face first.

Duanmu Zhengjie folded his clothes and didn't react for a moment.

When the person by the door probably realized that it was not the person they expected to be waiting for, he kicked the door and slammed it shut, turning his head and approaching Bian Yingning.

"Who are you?"

He came over and grabbed Bian Yingning's clothes by the shoulders, trying to tear her away, but he didn't expect Bian Yingning to be so strong.

She clasped her hand behind her back and twisted it, and the man screamed like a pig being slaughtered. Bian Yingning took his hand and pulled it, giving the man a perfect over-the-shoulder throw.

The person who fell heavily to the ground after rolling over was dumbfounded, clutching his back in pain and unable to move, while the person who had been punched in the face froze.

"You... who are you and what do you want to do?"

Both of them are not strong men who can fight, but they are just ostentatious prostitution workers. How can they be the opponents of Bian Yingning who has exchanged "Li Da Neng Da Wan".

"Why are you here..." Duanmu Zhengjie pulled his clothes and got up, his usual calm expression was now filled with surprise.

"There's no time to explain, you hide now!" Bian Yingning said anxiously.

Tonight she has been under the same word as "urgent".

But this room is only this big, the bottom of the bed is not high enough for people to fit in, and there is nothing but a window.



"Police, all kneel down!"

The door of the private room was kicked open again in the next second, and several police officers filed in.

At this time, Bian Yingning was holding the small leather whip in the room and beating the two ducks on the bed who were gagged and on the verge of coma.

"Huh?" Bian Yingning, who was holding something, looked astonished, and at the same time, a flashlight flashed across her face.

"Police! We have received a report that you are involved in illegal sex transactions! Now, kneel down with your head in your arms!"

A police uncle in front came in and was stunned when he saw this scene, but his good professionalism made him react quickly.

Just... There are three people in the red-pink room.

On the big red and pink bed, lay two bare-chested men wearing only a pair of trousers. At this moment, they were lying side by side, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The eyes of the two people lost focus, and one hand was still handcuffed to the handcuffs beside the bed. The gag in their mouths made them not only unable to speak, but also drooling.

A huge mirror on top of the bed reflects all this.

And the instigator of this scene, wearing a thin white sweater, seemed to be a student who hadn't left school yet, waving the whip in his hand very happily when they entered.

There were already several scars on the bodies of the two people on the bed.

The policemen who saw this scene frowned.

Bian Ying threw away the whip with a bang, and submissively knelt down with her head in her arms.

"Take it away, find them...some clothes." A boss who seemed to have the right to speak said to the people around him. By the way, he glanced at Bian Yingning in disgust, and went to the next private room.

She looks young and looks pretty good, so why is she playing so fancy.



When Bian Yingning was taken to the police station, she realized that quite a few people had been arrested.

It seems that what is called a formal place is actually not very formal.

Bian Yingning sat on the chair, in a good mood, and even thought about things.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he watched the dejected people around him being interrogated, released on bail, etc. going through the process one by one.

This can be regarded as a long experience for her, after all, she has never had such an experience.

Soon, she couldn't laugh anymore.

She saw Duanmu Zhenghao staring at her in shock.

Bian Yingning: "..." She could also understand the shocked expression on his face when he looked at her, that is, can the chin not be so wide, and how much should it be closed?

"You..." Duanmu Zhenghao walked up to Bian Yingning, hesitant to speak.

Although he didn't take action with him today, he still knows the theme of tonight's action.

"You actually?"

Duanmu Zhenghao couldn't understand.

He always thought she was a simple and cute little girl, but when he saw her and Hua Jiangrong in the room like that in Suowei Hotel last time, he vaguely understood something, but he really didn't expect that she still...

Did he see the wrong person?

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding." Bian Yingning touched her forehead, half-covering her face with her fingers in this way.

Actually, this is more or less embarrassing.

Duanmu Zhenghao didn't speak, but just moved his eyes away, using actions to deduce what it means to "can't bear to look directly".

Bian Yingning: "..."

Others can look at her with colored eyes, but he is the only one who can't!

He had no idea what he had sacrificed for his sister.


Bian Yingning sighed heavily, and finally realized how difficult it is to be a good person and not leave your name.

Hats off to the good guys.

Before Bian Yingning was arrested and interrogated by education, her family's lawyer came, and the rest of the matter was left to professional personnel to handle for her.

Anyway, she was doing well and sitting upright, and she didn't do any illegal transactions.

It's just reputation, it's not very nice.

It was already midnight when he came out of the police station, Bian Yingning was froze by the cold air of the night, and couldn't help shaking her arms tightly.

There was a main road in front of the police station, and a low-key black car was parked by the side of the road, and I saw Bian Yingning come out and turn on the headlights for her.

Bian Yingning turned her head to look at the bodyguards who were waiting beside her, and waved her hand, signaling them to follow behind.

She went over and opened the rear door of the car by herself, and got in.

The temperature in the car was just right, Bian Yingning's teeth were chattering, but now she suddenly calmed down.

The lights in the car were not turned on, but the situation in the car could be clearly seen.

Duanmu Zhengjie sat on the other side. The window glass was specially made, so the situation inside could not be seen clearly from the outside.

Duanmu Zhengjie looked at the lighted police station not far away with deep eyes, and the driver started the car automatically without the two of them telling him.

After walking for a long time, the two of them did not speak, and each looked at the scenery outside the car window on their respective sides.

When they arrived at Bian's house, Bian Yingning lowered her eyes and went to touch the car door.

"Bian Yingning." Duanmu Zhengjie finally spoke.

Bian Yingning withdrew her hand: "Yes."


A sentence without beginning or end.

"I don't know." Bian Yingning said softly.

"Then what do you know?" Duanmu Zhengjie's tone was a little more impatient than usual.

But this is also normal. Anyone who has gone through such a night and is not impatient is not a human being.

"Who do you think is the mastermind behind the scenes?" Bian Yingning asked back.

She understood it all, and when she encountered a question that was difficult to answer, she should ask it rhetorically.

"...I'm not sure yet."

The big tree attracts the wind, and the Duanmu family has been prosperous for so many years. She dare not say that she has never made any enemies. Many people think that their family will decline.

"Do you remember when I first appeared in your world?"

These words kept echoing in Duanmu Zhengjie's mind.

The doors were opened and closed, and the car started again.

The clothes on her body hadn't been changed yet, they were covered with dust, and some places were still frizzy from friction. Her short hair, which was normally well-groomed, was not blown apart at this time, but traces of mess could still be seen.

When will it appear in her world?

At her brother's engagement party.

That was the first time she saw Bian Yingning.

She still remembered that at that time, like a small cannonball, she rushed straight to Nangong Jin, kicked him, and then pulled Hua Jiangrong around like a movie.

The hem of the skirt fluttered, and her face was full of youthful willfulness.

Later, she wanted to talk to Nangong Jin, but she ran over and said that she would take her to the bathroom by herself, and what else did she say, she hoped that she would be single forever.

Later, she began to approach her in a roundabout way from her younger brother.

One bite and one sister, pretending to be well-behaved, sensible and sweet.

Just like a little sun, people can't help but want to be shone warmly by her all the time.

When Nangong Jin invited her to dinner, she secretly did all kinds of tricks to disturb her heart.

One thing after another, she gradually changed her view of the savior who had a good impression until she became displeased.

... She meant that Nangong Jin was the mastermind behind this incident?

There was no time to think about why he did this, Duanmu Zhengjie felt heavy in his heart after everything went smoothly.

She has never felt like this when encountering various difficult things.

The tip of the nose is slightly sour, and what I still hoped for has disappeared.

Thinking that Bian Yingning seemed to have a lot of quarrels with Nangong Jin, Duanmu Zhengjie understood.

So, her appearance in her own world was premeditated, right?

All of this was just because she didn't want Nangong Jin's plan to succeed, and it had nothing to do with her.

Even if this person is not herself, what she does to herself will also be done to others.


The author has something to say:

Happy New Years Eve!Mouth one mouth one my treasure son muamuamua (dog head saves life)

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