Duanmu Zhengjie went outside, the sun was shining, she raised her hand to cover her forehead.

After she got used to the light, she looked towards the hot spring pool in the farthest corner.

The open-air hot spring pool has been cleared, and there are still a few people around the pool in the corner, and the faces of two foreign friends in the center can be vaguely seen, chatting with an elder who seems to have the air of a superior.

She gathered her bathrobe and walked over with an impeccable smile.

The country of Leni is located deep in the ocean, and its land area is less than one tenth of its own. However, because of its rich deposits of rare earth deposits on the seabed, its economic strength ranks among the top ten in the world.

And because their entire population joins the army, their military strength should not be underestimated. Although other countries are eyeing their treasures, they dare not act rashly.

However, some of their construction is still relatively backward compared with our country, which is why their senior leaders made this secret visit.


It was only when Bian Yingning was looking at her mobile phone that she realized that a big leader had secretly stayed in the hotel where she was now, which was actually the reason why Bian Jiageng asked her to come here.

It's just that as soon as she got off the plane, she got busy with the people below, and didn't have time to look at her phone, and Father Bian was probably afraid that she would know the news and didn't want to come, so he waited until she had arrived in S City before sending her a message.

No wonder I saw Duanmu Zhengjie here.

Bian Yingning finished visiting the open-air restaurant and some other departments, thinking that she could go to the conference room for a meeting, but unexpectedly received a call from Bian's father.

He called Bian Yingning because the phone was turned off, so he called the person in charge of the hotel, and the person in charge told Bian Yingning.

After hanging up Bian Jiageng's phone call, Bian Yingning rubbed her head: "Check it out, where is the person who checked in under the name of Mitt, I'll go and visit."

It's cold, what's the use of running so fast just now, it's not like I have to deliver it to my door now.

Bian Yingning poured herself two glasses of ice water before walking towards the open-air restaurant with a straight face.

The open-air restaurant is built on the top of the mountain, next to the cliff, and on the other side, you can see the city scenery of S City in the distance, which is a little bit like a glimpse of the small mountains.

There were no people in the hotel at first, and now there is a sign outside that says no entry is reserved.

Several tall and burly waiters stood guard at the door, and when they saw Bian Yingning coming with a person in charge, their eyes immediately pierced.

The person in charge went over to talk to them, and one of them went into the restaurant to ask them to wait.

Bian Yingning showed no expression, and looked in through the glass door. There were four tables inside, but except for the main character at the table at the best viewing position, the others were bodyguards and guards in disguise.

The one who asked came out and made a gesture of invitation to Bian Yingning.

Bian Yingning walked in with the person in charge.

Four people, two foreigners, one Duanmu Zhengjie, and an old man who looked a little familiar.

Several people had already changed their clothes, and Duanmu Zhengjie also changed into a low-key yet dignified black suit.

The hair is tied behind the ears, revealing the ears with a pair of small butterfly-shaped stud earrings.

When he saw Bian Yingning approaching, Duanmu Zhengjie's eyes flashed with surprise.

But within an hour or two, the person who fled just now changed his appearance.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Mitt, Mr. Sif, Ms. Duanmu, hello, my name is Bian Yingning, and I am the owner of this hotel. Welcome to the small shop. Sorry for the poor hospitality."

Duanmu Zhengjie looked straight at Bian Yingning, and translated her words in Leni language. His tone was unhurried and fluent, making people look sideways.

But Bian Yingning didn't look at her, and turned a blind eye to her fiery eyes.

Mr. Mu is the old man, and he invited Bian Yingning to sit down: "I have heard that the Bian family has a woman with outstanding qualifications, and she does not give in to men. When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary."

Even at such a young age, this appearance of being calm and composed even when meeting big shots is not something ordinary people can have.

"Mr. Mu's praise, I have always respected Mr. Mu..."

The two chatted for a while, Duanmu Zhengjie also introduced Bian Yingning's identity to the other two foreign friends, one of them smiled kindly and said... Bian Yingning didn't understand at all.

It was Duanmu Zhengjie who spoke after he finished speaking: "Mr. Mitt said that your hotel is very good, with complete facilities and everything you need. It is very comfortable to live here. I asked if you plan to open a multinational hotel chain. Lenny welcomes you."

Bian Yingning was taken aback.

Mr. Mu saw Bian Yingning's stupefaction, and said, "The Bian family's catering and hotel businesses are doing very well, since our country has foreign-funded enterprises, we can also go to their sites.

And you don’t have to worry, we have our embassy in Leni, and now the two gentlemen want to invite Duanmu to be ambassador extraordinarily and plenipotentiary there, the Bian family can think about it. "

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary... Where is the curator.

After coming here, Bian Yingning looked at Duanmu Zhengjie for the first time.

Duanmu Zhengjie slightly curled his lips at her.

"It's my honor. If it's possible, I'd be extremely happy." Bian Yingning heard herself reply.


After the conversation, they said they wanted to go back to rest. When they left, Bian Yingning was a few steps behind, and Duanmu Zhengjie didn't walk too fast.

"Stop running?" Duanmu Zhengjie and Bian Yingning slowly said as they stood side by side.

Bian Yingning turned her head aside: "Sister...don't do this."

She didn't even take what happened that night to settle accounts, why is she still holding on to it.

Duanmu Zhengjie was almost amused by her appearance of trying to get rid of the relationship: "Bian Yingning, don't forget, you were the one who provoked me first."

"I..." Bian Yingning was in distress.

"I also... I don't want to be... like you."

"Hua Jiangrong can do it, can't I?" Duanmu Zhengjie kept saying the same thing without getting a definite answer. She stared at Bian Yingning bluntly, not letting go of any subtle expression on her face.

Bian Yingning took a deep breath, seeing that the people in front had been taken back to their rooms, she stopped and said to Duanmu Zhengjie seriously.

"Is it because you think Hua Jiangrong and I have something to do?" "Are you jealous?"

There was a crack in Duanmu Zhengjie's usual easy-going posture, and she didn't make a sound.

Jealousy, being said so unabashedly, makes people feel a little embarrassed.

Bian Yingning continued: "Aunt Hua and I have nothing to do, I don't know where you got the news, and that night at the Sovey Hotel was not what you thought..."

Duanmu Zhengjie's face softened a bit, and Bian Yingning continued:

"Please don't involve me in any love-hate entanglement between you, I am innocent, I have nothing to do with my aunt, and you don't need to get back from me."

Duanmuzheng's face turned black: "?"

What nonsense is she talking about.

She thought she kept talking about Hua Jiangrong because she was upset about what happened between them that night because of what she had with Hua Jiangrong?

"Don't involve me in the games between you adults, I'm just a child."

Duanmu Zhengjie's face became even darker.

"Are you calling me the youngest?" She asked softly with a half-smile.

Bian Yingning looked at her strangely: "Aren't I a little sister to you?"

"Heh," Duanmu Zhengjie brushed his hair, "Don't you know, the younger you are, the more attractive you are."

"Also, I'm not familiar with Hua Jiangrong, and everything I did was not because of her." After finishing speaking, Duanmu Zhengjie raised his foot and left.

Bian Ying froze in place.

It's not that she hasn't assumed this possibility, it's just that she doesn't want to think about it.

For some reason, Bian Yingning quickly caught up with Duanmu Zhengjie, and squeezed into an elevator with her.

The elevator doors closed slowly, and there were only the two of them in the small space.

Each other's breath is close at hand.

Bian Yingning pinched the hem of her clothes: "So... sister, are you going to Lenny?"

Tranquility is like a ball of ink, which gradually spreads out after entering the water, covering the two of them.

"Is it related to you?" Duanmu Zhengjie said in a low voice.

The elevator dinged, and Duanmu Zhengjie arrived at her floor. The moment the elevator door opened, Bian Yingning opened her mouth: "Sister, you are a better person."

Duanmu Zhengjie paused for a moment, but finally did not look back.

"Don't take yourself too seriously."

This is the dignity she left for herself.

The elevator door closed again, because Bian Yingning didn't press the floor, the elevator didn't move.

She stayed quietly in this space.

After a long time, he took a deep breath.

Know everything, but don't want to understand anything.


As night fell, in the luxurious and spacious performance hall, Shang Qinghui poked her head out from the corner, and the seat of her family ticket was still vacant.

Wang Yu held her coat: "What are you looking at, don't you feel cold?"

She was only wearing a slim midriff skirt and thin dancing shoes on her feet.

She lied to Bian Yingning that she did not come to the competition alone.

But she did only have one family ticket, and Wang Yu came as her makeup artist.

"It's nothing." Shang Qinghui retracted her body, took the clothes from Wang Yu's hands and put them on.

The host is already talking about the opening remarks, and the guests in the audience are all seated.

Her position had a good view, in the middle of the third row, but now it was empty.

Is she not coming?

Shang Qinghui asked herself this way.

It's normal not to come.

What is the relationship between the two, and why did she waste time watching her performance.

Besides, maybe she has unfinished business of her own, so she doesn't have time to come.

She thought about all the excuses and reasons for her, but Shang Qinghui still felt irritable.

There is the depression of not inviting others, or the embarrassment of being silently rejected when one's own favor is rejected.

She was holding the phone, on the screen was the chat interface between her and Bian Yingning.

She didn't text herself either.

What are you busy with? It's already night and you still have to be busy? Isn't it enough to be busy all day?

Still really hate myself so much...

In the last campus talent competition, did she watch her performance seriously? She seemed to be hiding in the dressing room looking for evidence.

She just thought, since she didn't watch her dance last time, she must not know how good she is, so she just wanted to let her know herself...

Not for nothing.

But why doesn't she come.

Shang Qinghui's entire body, visible to the naked eye, was in anxiety.

Wang Yu handed her the thermos: "Don't be nervous, haven't you participated in this kind of activity many times? Drink some water to calm your mood."

Taking the water glass, Shang Qinghui took a sip absentmindedly, and suddenly asked, "Wang Yu, am I annoying?"

Wang Yu paused: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Shang Qinghui closed the water glass: "I suddenly thought of this, and wanted to ask." There was a bit of a nasal sound in her words, she didn't know if she had caught a cold.

Wang Yu thought carefully: "I don't think you hate it, if you really hate it, I wouldn't be here with you now.

Others may think you are unruly and willful if they don't know, but I know that you are very good to your friends. "

Anything good will be thought of them.

She was born with a special status, and she couldn't be the kind of amiable person.

"I think you are very simple, you don't have so many tricky thoughts, and you don't deliberately say that you will do something to frame others. You only act when you don't like it or think there is a problem.

You laugh when you are happy, and get angry when you are unhappy, very straightforward.

When you are with you, you don't have to think about whether you will say something that will make you unhappy, and make you secretly think about how to get revenge, because you will get angry directly because you are unhappy. "

Wang Yu laughed first when she said that.

For example, when it came to finding a tutor for her cousin, she could tell that Shang Qinghui deliberately asked her to go to Ji Xiaoxue to provide her with opportunities.

Infected by her, Shang Qinghui unconsciously pursed her lips and smiled, making her delicate face even more charming.

She looked at the auditorium seats.

So, she is so good, someone turned a blind eye to her overtures, hmph, that was that person's loss.


As the contestants came to the stage one by one, the judges scored and commented, and the time passed quickly.

Finally arrived at Shang Qinghui.

Wang Yu clenched her fist and shouted cheers.

Shang Qinghui nodded to her.

She has seen many scenes since she was a child, and in her opinion, such an occasion is not enough to make her nervous.

Stepping onto the stage lightly, she put on a posture and nodded slightly to the audience as a polite gesture.

When her eyes flicked across the auditorium, she seemed to see someone sitting in the empty seat.

Before she could take a closer look, the lights turned on in the next second.

On the stage, she couldn't see the audience, because there was a big lamp that just illuminated her from below the stage, so she couldn't see the faces of the audience below, and only had layers of light and layers of light in her eyes. Her stage environment.

You are wrong.


The music is ringing.

Shang Qingfen's last thought was this.

Then she followed the beat of the music and practiced herself for a long time. The dance steps that had been engraved in her bones were revealed little by little.

There are layers of light in front of my eyes, or gold or green, or blue or red.

At the moment of the final spin, she couldn't help but lose her mind.

If the seat under the stage is not empty at this time, what kind of her will the people sitting below see.

She was distracted, she forgot to keep her head on, she was dizzy, she didn't know how many times she had turned, she threw her head back and stopped dancing.

In the eyes of the audience, she is like a fallen leaf that has lost its support in the wind, falling gently with the wind.

Someone exclaimed.

Bian Yingning couldn't help standing up.

what happened.

When everyone thought there was a stage accident, the person on the stage moved.

Standing up in a posture of lying down and raising the waist, the waist is as soft and boneless as a flower blooming and stretching back, and finally pulls out a flower finger with the backhand and slowly stops the movement amidst the sound of music.


There was thunderous applause.

No one knew whether it was a deliberate arrangement or an accident, but everyone was impressed by her dance.

The lights under the auditorium dispersed and hit the judges. Shang Qinghui finally saw the position, a man dressed in green was sitting there, clapping desperately.

She didn't pay much attention to the judges' comments, and her eyes fell on her from time to time.

She is coming.

After the end, Shang Qinghui immediately ran backstage and told Wang Yu to go back to the hotel first.

Wang Yu: "What are you doing? What's the matter? Am I ashamed? Are you caught and raped in bed?"

"It's almost the same." Shang Qinghui, who had crossed the river and demolished the bridge, didn't hide it at all: "You go first, I can't let people see that I have sisters to accompany me."

Wang Yu didn't understand: "Why! I'm not shameless!"

"No, you just can't see people."

Wang Yu: "?"

When Bian Yingning arrived on the stage, Shang Qinghui had already packed her things.

Bian Yingning frowned: "Are you planning to leave?"

Shang Qinghui pulled her bag, her eyes dodged a little: "Isn't it because you, a busy person, don't have time to stay here?"

"What, why do you have to wait for the results? If you have an award, don't you still have to go up to receive the award?" Bian Yingning recalled the last campus competition, even though she won No.1, she did not come to the stage to receive the award prize.

"If not."

"If so."

The two glared at each other, neither letting the other go.

Finally, Shang Qingfen put down the bag again.

Only then was Bian Yingning satisfied, and said happily, "To be a human being, you must have some confidence in yourself."

Shang Qinghui rolled her eyes: "When did you come?"

This question is more or less embarrassing: "Anyway... the one who came before you performed on stage."

"Hmph, you really don't want to waste every minute."

"That's for sure. I won't come to this kind of game if I have nothing to do. I think I came just right. I just came to see your game and don't need to waste time watching others."

In fact, she struggled for a long time whether to come or not.

Thinking of how pitiful she was all alone, that's why she kindly came here.

The two of them didn't speak, and the atmosphere became a little stagnant.

Bian Yingning thought for a while, then praised: "You...you dance well."

Shang Qing started with red ears: "It's up to you to say."

Because the light can eat makeup, the makeup on her face is thicker, which adds a bit of confusion to her originally lovely face.

Coupled with this shy and timid posture, it is much different from the usual fangs and claws.

"when are you going back?"

Before coming here, Bian Yingning had thought about it. After she came, she definitely couldn't just leave after watching her performance. Shang Qinghui was alone in a strange city. They were fine before they met. If they met and then separated, they definitely shouldn't.


Bian Yingning nodded.

There are quite a lot of contestants around after the performance, some of them are still crying, they are all accompanied by family members or friends, and there are also boyfriends, anyway, it is a warm place.

"I'm back in my seat." The vibe didn't suit her.

When she turned around, Shang Qinghui couldn't help asking: "When are you going back?"

"Me? I have to watch for a few days."

Originally, she planned to come for only two days, but now that Mr. Mitt and the others are here, she is not sure when they will leave. She has to leave by herself.

"Are you familiar with City S?" Shang Qinghui lowered her head and tugged at the hem of her skirt, as if she was just asking casually.

"I'm not familiar with you, it's my first time here." This is the truth.

"Oh." Shang Qinghui didn't make another sound, and Bian Yingning also returned to the auditorium below.


Determined that he didn't need to translate by himself tonight, Duanmu Zhengjie drove out of the urban area, and he didn't have any place he wanted to go, so he just drove endlessly blowing the cold wind.

It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you don't let yourself stay quietly.

Is she wrong?

But was the tenderness she gave herself at that time all fake?

"Shabi." Duanmu Zhengjie couldn't help laughing at herself while driving the car. This was the first time she had swearing, and she was scolding herself.

What do people give to themselves, and they think that others like themselves.

Isn't it just to change you a rose when you eat, draw a heart for you under your steak, cook you something to eat, and say something nice to you...

Looking at you with eyes of admiration and liking, approaching you...

"you deserve better……"

She didn't expect that one day, she would hear such words. Such words are really rotten.


Funny, would she, Duanmu Zhengjie, leave for another country because she couldn't get love?


It is undeniable that she is just a small translator now. If she goes to Lennie... she only needs to stay for two or three years, and she can be a person with a right to speak in the foreign service immediately after returning...

The post of minister is also only a matter of time.

However, even if she didn't go, she, Duanmu Zhengjie, wouldn't fail to climb up.

time, time.

How much time is there.

Thinking of this, she felt even more frustrated. She stepped on the accelerator again, and the car roared away.


The venue for the dance competition is huge, which also means that it is definitely not in a place where every inch of land is so expensive in the city center.

It's pretty biased.

Shang Qinghui won the first prize.

The trophy is made of crystal, and there is a villain dancing on it, which is very beautiful.

When leaving the arena, Bian Yingning couldn't help staring at him twice more.

To be honest, whether it was the former self or the original owner, things like trophies seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"Here." Shang Qinghui noticed Bian Yingning's gaze, and directly handed the trophy to her.

Bian Yingning didn't hesitate to take it over and take a closer look: "The little thing is quite heavy."

"This trophy is also a symbol..." A symbol of strength.

Shang Qinghui thought for a while and said, "It can also be said to be a kind of reward." Every hardworking person's reward for practicing day and night.

Bian Yingning returned it to Shang Qingfen after reading it, but Shang Qinghui didn't answer it: "Here you are."

"Give it to me?" Bian Yingning raised her eyebrows.

"Hmm," Shang Qinghui didn't look at Bian Yingning, but stared at the road ahead under the street lights, and said without seeming to care at all:

"I can't put this kind of thing in my house, and taking it back will only take up space. Giving it to you is still helping me...to deal with it."

The two of them were standing outside at the roadside intersection, waiting for Bian Yingning's driver to drive over.

Now that the field is over here, many people are leaving, there are too many cars and people, the driver is blocked inside and did not come so fast.

"Is that so..." Bian Yingning was hesitating, wondering whether she should accept this thing or not.

Accept it, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, it's useless to take it back, it's just a decoration, don't accept it, it seems quite embarrassing.

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