The morning sun is just emerging, and the sky is just right.

The Yecheng government office has been busy for several days, Tai Shici and the others brought out the bandit captives from the Taihang Mountains without too many casualties, while Lu Bu and Zhang Yan faced each other, but they fought in real battle.

The sacrificed soldiers had to be restrained, and there was no way for the dead soldiers to be buried one by one. After their identities were verified and registered, the remains had to be cremated as soon as possible. It was going to be summer soon, and it was very easy to breed plague if the battlefield was not cleaned out.

There are also various tasks such as sorting out the relics of soldiers and pensions for family members, which are more labor-intensive than during the war.

The aftermath work after the war was detailed and complicated. Most of the military generals were impatient to do these things, and Yuan Huan was not at ease to let those impatient generals do these things. The things could only be done by the civil servants in the government office.

Not every general is Gao Shun. If Lu Bu, Qu Yi and others were as stable as Gao Fuyi, the people in the official office would not be too busy to touch the ground. However, those guys avoided the post-war incident. After arriving, he ran faster than a rabbit, and he couldn't catch coolies even if he tried to catch them.

After working so hard for half a month, I finally had time to hold a small celebration banquet.

The government affairs hall was full early on, and even Guo Jia didn't find an excuse to be late. The Black Mountain bandits have occupied Taihang Mountain for several years. This battle has been fought since the beginning of spring. It can be said that they have fought for the longest time since they came to Jizhou. war.

Zhang Yan Fuzhu, won the battle, no matter what you say, you have to reward the soldiers to celebrate. The generals fought for several months. Sun Bofu and Tai Shi Ziyi even led people deep into the Taihang Mountains to sneak into the bandit camp. Now that they have won the battle, the generals also They all returned to Yecheng, it was a great time to reward meritorious deeds, and if you miss anything, you can't miss it.

He has been busy with the others for several days, and finally arranged all the post-war affairs. The celebration banquet after the war is indispensable. Up and down are forbidden to drink during the war, now that the war is over, it's okay to get drunk at the celebration banquet, right?

Even the lord can't stop the people from bringing wine and meat to the soldiers to celebrate their achievements.

All Guo Fengxiao thought about was having a small gathering with the military generals after meritorious deeds and rewards. He didn't need to sit with those big and three rough guys, but he couldn't miss his share of the good wine.

The civil servants and military generals in Yecheng were notified in advance, and they went to the political affairs hall early in the morning to find a place to sit down, talking and joking before their lord arrived.

Civil servants are better. Ju Shou Tian Feng and others are used to being serious. Even at the celebration banquet, they still have a serious face. No one could speak, so he simply moved to the generals to have fun.

In the corner, the little bully shrank pitifully in the corner, wanted to drink but didn't dare to touch the wine bottle, the wound on his face looked even more terrifying than the previous two days, the bruises were all connected, if it weren't for the facial features he could see clearly , I'm afraid I can't guess that it's a head.

Guo Jia came over with his arms crossed, and began to bully the child with a smile, "Why is Bo Fu's injury serious again? Have you seen the doctor? Have you taken the medicine? Don't be careless about the injury on your face, otherwise it will leave scars and you won't be able to see it in the future." Good to say dear."

Sun Ce glanced at him lazily, opened his mouth to speak, and sucked in a breath when the wound on the corner of his mouth was pulled, he knew how scary he was now without even looking, and he didn't even want to see anyone when he sniffed.

Of course he knew that the injury on his face should not be careless. If his family hadn't been because of his father's handsome and energetic spirit, the relationship between his father and mother would not have been so good that they would add a younger brother to him every few years.

His mother is both talented and beautiful. When he was not married, those who proposed to marry were lined up from the front of the house to the Qiantang River. His father's proposal was rejected at the very beginning. His relatives on the mother's side thought his father was frivolous and cunning, and he was not a good person. Don't worry. Marry the handsome and talented mother to the Sun family. If his mother didn't think that she might be retaliated against if she refused to propose marriage, this marriage would not be possible.

My mother was forced to marry into the Sun family. If my father was not good-looking, I would have found a way to part ways with my father within two years. Don't look at my father's ability to fight, but I still have to look at his mother and them when it comes to being smart. Another man in the family - Sun Bofu is also.

Thinking of his grandson, Bofu, who is smart, clever and handsome, whoever saw him would not praise him as a good boy, but Lu Fengxian didn't give him any face, and beat people only in the face. Is it plausible?

His face is the essence of his parents, and he is more handsome than most people in the world. He can say that he was accidentally injured on the battlefield a few days ago when he returned to Yecheng. This is evidence of his bravery in battle. When meritorious deeds are rewarded, it is more face-saving to have injuries on the body.

Now that I have been back for so many days, the injuries on my body have not improved but have worsened. Any fool can see that there is something tricky.

Next to him, Lu Bu noticed the tiger cub huddled in the corner, with the corners of his lips raised into a smile that he didn't deserve to be beaten. He came over and patted the young man on the shoulder, as if he was in a good mood, "Bo Fu is here too, I didn't pay attention to this side just now. , Why didn’t you talk to us when you came here, why are we being polite?”

Qu Yi followed closely behind, showing his white teeth with a smile, "That's right, don't be too polite, I will reward you for your merit later, and my brothers will definitely give you the first merit."

Lu Bu bent his elbow and bumped him, "What brothers, we are his uncles."

The tiger cub widened his eyes angrily, trying to kill with his eyes, "You are unreasonable! You are too bullying!"

He shouldn't have gone to Lu Fengxian with Qu Wentai in the first place. If he hadn't gone then, he wouldn't be full of head injuries now. There's no reason to come back the next day after a fight. Can't we give him a few days to recuperate?

It was also because he was careless. He always thought that he would win the next day. Now it seems that this guy deliberately left an opening to fool him and make him fall for it.


Lu Fengxian clenched his fists, put one hand on Qu Yi's shoulder and raised his eyebrows provocatively, "If you bully you, you will bully you. When you can beat me, you kid will tell you the truth."

Tai Shici: ...

The upright young general with bushy eyebrows and big eyes couldn't help but cover his face, turned his head and pretended that he didn't exist. He was stupid to think that Lu Buhui and Qu Yi said that the first credit should not be casually given up. These guys don't have credit at all in their eyes. No seniority matters.

Zhang He sat steadily on his seat, took a sip of warm water to moisten his throat, and sighed in the gesture of someone who has passed by, "General Qu has always been informal, and General Lu seems to be even more informal than him. The two of them get together and are used to Just fine."

Guo Jia folded his arms and watched the whole process with great interest. When Sun Ce got angry and hid in the corner without speaking, he sneaked along the wine bottle in front of him and walked outside, squinting his eyes and sniffing lightly. Wait a minute, why is there no smell of wine? ?

Guo Guicai frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple, he drank the liquid in the wine bottle, tasted what was in it, and almost threw the wine bottle away.

It's a good celebration banquet, what are you doing with water in the wine bottle?

Happy white!

Yuan Huan came to the political affairs hall slowly, saw Guo Jijiu with a "stern face" at the door, and then looked at the wine bottle in his hand, chuckled softly and said, "Feng Xiao knows I'm coming, this is an early date." Come out to greet me?"

Guo Jia's forehead was throbbing with blue veins, he threw the wine bottle and said angrily, "My lord is unpredictable, so why not guess if Jia came out to meet my lord?"

Yuan Huan frowned and shook his head, and put the words "pretending to be stupid" on the surface, "How can ordinary people know foretelling, Feng Xiao, please don't joke, it's windy outside, go in quickly."

"My lord is sympathetic to my subordinates, and Jia is very grateful." Guo Guicai replied through gritted teeth. He loved and hated their lord, and he spoke stingingly for a while, then turned around and went in cursing.

Xun Yu was talking to Ju Shou, seeing him come back with a dark face, his smile deepened, and before their lord came to the throne and sat down, he saluted and greeted with everyone.

Lu Bu finally let go of the tiger cub who had been severely trampled by him, walked quickly to the front, bowed in a dignified manner, and sat proudly at the front of the general after their lord called out.

He, Lu Fengxian, is the most powerful general under the lord's command. On this occasion, he is the only one who can be closest to the lord. Firstly, it is to protect the lord, and secondly, to show that he is unique. Er, there is Xun Wenruo on the opposite side. Forget it, and secondly, to show that he is unique. Two without three status.

Such wit is worthy of him.

The smile on General Lu Da's face was too bright, Yuan Huan smiled silently, scanned around and asked, "Why don't you see Bo Fu?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions became strange.

In the corner, a weak voice sounded, "My lord, I am here."

Sun Ce made great achievements in going deep into the enemy's camp this time. Zhang Yan, the leader of the Black Mountain bandits, died under his unexpected counterattack. Even Lu Bu could not take such credit for killing the leader of the bandits.

Such a big credit should not have been so far away, but the little bully was beaten to disfigurement. A young man of this age has the best face. He can be proud of being bravely wounded on the battlefield for half a year. Bar.

It's already embarrassing to lose, if Lu Fengxian doesn't give him face and let the lord know why the two of them fought this time, how can he be No.1 under the lord's command?

The wilting tiger cub didn't want to raise his head, but their lord had already asked, and it was inappropriate for him not to raise his head, so he could only bite the bullet and stand up.

Yuan Huan saw that the tiger cub who was more seriously injured frowned slightly, glared at Lu Fengxian who was scratching his head and laughing, and then said with a little worry, "I have improved a lot in the past two days, why does it look more serious today, Bo Fu?" Come back home with me later, let the disease doctor prescribe some more medicine for you, take it internally and externally, and you will recover faster."

Sun Ce subconsciously wanted to give their lord a smiling face back, but he grinned a little and quickly took it back in pain, "Thank you lord for your concern."

Yuan Huan sighed helplessly, telling him not to run so far, and just sit down in the empty seat behind Lu Bu, a great hero, what's the matter hiding in the corner.

Feng Xian is really, knowing that it was his own people who still made such a heavy hand, what a handsome face before, let's see what it looks like now.

Lu Bu glanced at the tiger cub who walked over dejectedly. When their lord looked over, he lowered his eyebrows and looked at him honestly. As soon as his lord looked away, he immediately shook his beard and whiskers, watching the show. Very happy.

He acted with discretion, the wound on the tiger cub's face just looked scary, but in fact there was nothing wrong with it. In order to let this brat have a long memory and know what can and can't be done on the battlefield, he doesn't mind continuing to give him Train alone.

Wu Chenghou knew that he must be very grateful to him for his painstaking efforts. Except for the child's father, who could teach his son so painstakingly? It is already very good that his uncle who has no blood relationship can do this.

The little bully stared fiercely at Xuxu dangling in front of his eyes, thinking about when he would grab this guy's purple gold crown on his head.

Yuan Huan ignored the turmoil between the two, and said a few words of politeness to the others, and then went straight to the topic without wasting any time, "You guys have contributed a lot to the extermination of the Black Bandit this time, and we should celebrate, but only Wine and meat are not enough, and the soldiers have to be rewarded for their merits when they are away in battle."

After finishing speaking, seeing all the generals looking over with bright eyes, he smiled and motioned Xun Yu to take out the credit list they had discussed in advance.

Lv Bu's official position has no chance of promotion, and he has the highest status among the military generals in Jizhou. If he wants to be promoted, he can only ask the emperor to order.

Today's focus is not on Lu Bu Quyi, but on Sun Ce, Zhang Yun and Tai Shici.

Xiaobawang can go back to Jiangdong's hometown to make a lot of troubles. With him behind him, even if he breaks the sky, he will be fine. However, if he wants to grow the team as quickly as in history, the possibility of success is not very high.

In history, Sun Ce was able to gather troops so quickly, thanks not only to Zhou Yu, but also to Yuan Shu and Yuan Gonglu, who forced the people in Huainan to live in dire straits.

Discussing meritorious deeds and rewards is not a joke. Tiger Cub’s contribution this time is enough to make him alone. Young people need to be cultivated well. There must be other whetstones without the hardship of bereavement, otherwise they will grow up in ten years. Can't get up.

Jiangdong is a challenge for the current Sun Bofu. Those old aristocratic families are not so easy to succumb, and the situation in Jiangdong and the Central Plains is different. The aristocratic families in the Central Plains tend to build momentum in the court. There is also an emperor, the sky is high in Jiangdong, the emperor is far away, and the aristocratic family is intertwined. That is the local emperor, and even the government can't do anything to them.

After the tiger cub returns to Jiangdong, he can only rely on himself for everything. The Yuan family in Runan is not easy to use, and the Sun family is even more muddy in the eyes of those aristocratic families. A pleasant surprise.

Sun Ce never imagined that he could be a riding captain. In his eyes, this official was already a high-ranking official. Lu Fengxian also started as a riding captain back then. My lord asked him to be a riding captain to recruit soldiers and horses in Jiangdong. His importance must be limited to A little lower than Lu Bu.

After two years, when he accomplishes a few big things, Lu Bu will be too old and frail to fight, and then he will be the new No. [-] in the world hahahahaha~

The tiger cub was very excited, regardless of the pain on his face, he simply knelt down and accepted the order, "The plan will live up to my lord's high expectations."

Tai Shici and Zhang He stood up and responded with a loud voice, and when they got their letters of appointment, they quickly went back and whispered to each other.

Sun Bofu went to Jiangdong, Zhang Junyi and Taishi Ziyi led troops to Qingzhou, but Sun Ce could leave immediately after the celebration banquet, and the two of them had to wait. Before the Qingzhou Mu, appointed by the court, set off, they could not go there first .

Yuan Huan's generals intervened in Qingzhou affairs, but his letter of appointment was not enough. They had to wait until the imperial edict was delivered, otherwise they might not be soldiers of the government but thieves who harassed counties and counties in the mouth of people with ulterior motives.

Reputation issues cannot be neglected, let alone details.

After all the stacks of papers in Xun Yu's hands were handed out, the atmosphere of the celebration banquet became lively. Yuan Huan raised his wine bottle and smiled slightly, "Not much else to say, today's banquet is for celebration, everyone, drink this cup to the full."

"My lord."

The civil servants and generals raised the wine bottles together and drank the wine in one gulp. They felt that their master was not as alienated as usual, and gradually began to relax.

It was okay when it was held, but when it was relaxed, the hall was instantly bustling like a market.

After working up and down for half a month, it was rare to have a chance to relax. Even Xun Yu couldn't resist drinking two more glasses.

Sun Ce had a bruise on his face, and was stung by the wine, so he didn't dare to drink too much. After the toast, he changed to sweet fruit juice and acted like a child. Anyway, he was the youngest present, so he could drink anything.

The tiger cub remembers to eat but not to fight. After he has an errand, he looks beautiful, and after sitting for a while, he starts to be mean again. He tugs at the beard of General Lu Da in front of him, leans over and asks mysteriously, "I heard that General Fengxian I have also been a master, what kind of official is the master, can you tell me about it, General Fengxian, I am young and have little experience, and the master asked me to go to Jiangdong to recruit soldiers and buy horses just after I made a contribution, I really don’t know what the master is for.”

Lu Bu snatched back his beard, turned his head and grinned fiercely, "Master, do you really want to know?"

The tiger cub nodded without fear of death, "I want to know, I want to know, the general will tell me."

General Lu looked up and down at the stinky brat who was so angry that he didn't pay for his life, wondering where to beat him this time would make him remember better.

Qu Yi feared that the world would not be chaotic to watch the excitement, so Tai Shici pulled Zhang He aside to avoid possible bloody scenes. It happened that the two of them were going to Qingzhou together in a few days. General Jun Yi was from Jizhou, so he didn't know the situation in Qingzhou , he is a native of Qingzhou, and he can tell General Junyi about the situation in Qingzhou in advance.

Do not see evil, do not hear evil.

Blood is unlucky on a good day.

On the other side, Guo Jia moved up to Xun Yu without a trace, trying to replace the fruit pulp in front of him with fine wine. He could smell it. There are so many fine wines brewed by himself to celebrate them, and everyone can drink them, why can't he drink them?

"Fengxiao, it's not for a gentleman to be sneaky." Xun Yu blushed a little, and took away the wine pot with a smile, to prevent Guo Jia from doing such a stealthy thing.

Guo Fengxiao smashed the pot and wanted to grab it, "Wen Ruo is a modest gentleman who convinces others with reason, but Jia is not a gentleman, but a bandit, so hard robbery is fine."

It's just that it takes strength to grab it hard, and Guo Guicai doesn't have it.

Yuan Huan took the wine bottle and slowly sipped it, admiring enough of Guo Jijiu and Xun Biejia's battle of wits and courage, and then asked the servant to send a jug of wine to Guo Jijiu who had nothing to drink. no.

Guo Jia's eyes lit up, he immediately abandoned Xun Yu and returned to his seat, he opened the jug and smelled the mellow wine, and excitedly competed with the tiger cub who had just got an errand, "My lord treats Jia with deep affection and righteousness, Jia I am very grateful, from now on, if the lord has something to order, Jia will go through fire and water, and will not hesitate to do so, even if he fights this life, he will fight for the lord..."

"Shut up." Ju Shou heard that his words became more and more outrageous, and quickly gave him the jug on his food table.

Xun Wenruo was sitting next to him. If this guy really said such stupid words as "destroy a piece of land", don't call it a celebration banquet today, but call Xun Yu and Guo Jia a breakup banquet.

Guo Jia saw that there was another pot of wine in front of him, and the light in his eyes became brighter, "The relationship between Gong and Jia is very profound, and Jia is very grateful. From now on, if you give orders to Gong and Jia, Jia will go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants. This is his life." , will also..."

Ju Shou: ...

Ju Zhi Zhong silently took back his flagon.

He was probably stupid just now, how could he think that this guy can't talk with his head, if Guo Fengxiao really spoke insultingly casually, given the number of years he and Xun Wenruo have known each other, they would have broken off the relationship long ago, how could they wait until now.

Guo Jiade hadn't seen a jug of wine in a year, let alone two jugs at once. When he saw that Ju Shou wanted to take away the wine that already belonged to him, he immediately withheld it. I have to go back after that, won't it make people laugh if it spreads, no no no no, for the sake of Ju Zhizhong's reputation, it's better to keep this wine.

Ju Shou looked at Guo Jia who was stuffing the jug into his arms without a smile on his face, and uttered a few words from the corner of his mouth, "Guo Jijiu, don't drink."

"No alcohol, no alcohol, Jia is actually more interested in Ju Zhizhong's post of governance. If Ju Zhizhong is willing, you will be the sacrificial wine in the future, and I will be the governance, how about it?" Guo Jia made a foolish comparison. A three-year-old is not as good as a three-year-old, even though there are so many people at the celebration banquet, if Ju Shou really dared to grab it hard, he would dare to roll all over the floor on the spot.

Anyway, he was so ashamed, he didn't know if Juzhi Zhongle didn't want to be laughed at.

Yuan Huan watched them quarreling with a smile, the so-called shameless life is more happy, Guo Fengxiao fits this situation very well, on trivial matters, this kid can often make the other party back down by virtue of his extraordinarily uninhibited debauchery.

After all, there are not many people in the world who are more open-minded than him, and his colleagues are all decent people who care about face-saving. At this time, it is impossible not to admit defeat.

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