There is a folk proverb: "The summer solstice falls on the third Geng, and the winter solstice meets nine."

1 don't shoot, [-] walk on the ice, [-] look at willows along the river, [-] rivers open, [-] swallows come, [-] plus [-], cattle walk everywhere. 【[-]】

The sun in May had already started to heat up. Guo Jia half-closed his eyes, walked into the sun and stretched, and said with an innocent face, "Jia is still young, can you say that you are innocent?"

He really didn't mean it.

With Kong Wenju's temperament, he really didn't expect that person to piss himself off. According to his usual practice, shouldn't it be over by pissing others off.

Kong Beihai relied on his talents and was arrogant and self-sufficient. Other people's lives are gone, so he didn't care about them. Jiao He died as soon as he died. He even thought that Kong Rong would think that Jiao He's death had more to do with it, so why did he piss himself off to death?

Don't tell me it was a mistake when spreading the news, accidentally passing Jiao He's death in Kong Rong's house as Kong Rong's death.

"Feng Xiao is three years old this year?" Yuan Huan is convinced of his crow's mouth skills. The news can reach his ears, and the possibility of making mistakes is almost zero. Even if Kong Rong's death is unbelievable, things will not be false , "Kong Rong and Jiaohe both suffered losses. Except for Liu Bei, Prime Minister of Pingyuan, other county officials in Qingzhou have no ambitions. With such a good opportunity, it is really unreasonable not to take action."

Kong Rong has always regarded himself very highly, and what he has done can even be called deviant in this era. It is really unexpected that he can drive himself to death.

It's fine if that guy dies at this time, at least his wife and children won't be implicated, it's not that he has a problem with this person, but with Kong Beihai's behavior, he has no doubt that even if he doesn't offend Cao Cao, he will offend others and eventually hurt him. full door.

When Kong Rong's father passed away, he was so sad that he had to be supported when he walked, so he gained a good reputation in the counties and counties. People all over the world valued filial piety. This is it.

During the second disaster of the party, the famous scholar Zhang Jian was wanted by the eunuchs. Zhang Jian and Kong Rong’s brother Kong Bao were good friends and fled all the way to Kong Bao’s home. Later, things leaked, and both Kong Bao and Kong Rong were arrested and imprisoned.

The two brothers and their mother competed to solicit blame. After the county asked the court for instructions, only Kong Bao was sentenced to death.

Yuan Huan can understand using filial piety to gain fame, but if this matter of using his brother's life to achieve a good name is placed on him, he probably won't be able to die calmly like the brother of the Kong family.

The imperial court sentenced Brother Kong’s family to death, but from the beginning to the end, Brother Kong’s family did nothing except being friends with Zhang Jian, and the matter had nothing to do with him. If you want to kill people, who doesn't have a few good friends?

It's a pity that the brother of the Kong family was killed by his younger brother's self-righteousness, and he has to become a stepping stone for his younger brother to become famous.

Yuan Huan paused at this thought, shook his head and put what he thought of just now behind him. Brother Kong’s elder brother was not the only one killed by his younger brother’s cleverness, and the death of the original owner was no better than that of Kong’s elder brother. , no one is better than anyone else.

Under the overturned nest, there are no eggs. The story of Kong Rong making pears is known to all women and children. Ironically, Cao Cao killed him for "unfilial piety" in history. Not only did he lose his life, but his wife and children were also with him. Go to Huangquan together, otherwise there would be no allusion of "there are no eggs under the nest".

And this accusation of "unfilial piety" is not entirely wronged to him. If he hadn't taken the initiative to hand over the handle to Boss Cao, given the importance that people in the world attach to filial piety, even Cao Cao would not dare to casually put "filial piety" on others. unfilial" charges.

——What kind of relationship should a father have with his son?In terms of its original intention, it is actually lust.What is the relationship between the son and the mother?For example, if you put things in a box, you will leave when you leave. 【2】

The translation is roughly: a father has no family affection for his children. The original intention of being a father is to vent his desire. It is just a coincidence that he has a child. After being born is like pouring things out of a crock pot, and after being born, it separates itself, and it has nothing to do with it.

The theory of parents being ungrateful in Jiwu Fou is completely fallacious and heresy in the Han Dynasty, which ruled the world with filial piety. This statement from the mouth of the Confucius family in Qufu makes Confucian loyalty and filial piety a joke, not to mention that Kong Rong often and Those in power can't make it through. Isn't this handing the knife to the other party?

Unable to do big things, unwilling to do small things, thinking about helping the Han family every day, but only knowing to be unconventional and offending people everywhere, Kong Beihai's death now is a good thing for himself and the entire Kong family.

At least the Kong family doesn't have to worry about being implicated by people who can't be scolded someday.

Yuan Huan rubbed his brows, pulled himself together and sorted out things clearly. He was really busy when he was free, and he was busy with various things one after another. He wanted to focus on the development of Jizhou after eliminating the black mountain bandits. You have to add Qingzhou to it.

They don't hold Qingzhou in their hands. When Qingzhou falls into the hands of Liu Bei or Tao Qian, it will be difficult to take over that place. It's better to be busy now than to let the soldiers die in exchange for it in the future.

Hearing this, Zhang Liao immediately pricked up his ears, his eyes sparkled and he wanted to invite Ying. He had been to Qingzhou before, and he knew a little about Qingzhou. It was a perfect time to send him there. He had so many new recruits under his command. Having fought a few battles before, Qingzhou doesn't have too many thorny problems, so it's just time for him to come to train.

Guo Jia nodded, and came up with a good idea in a flash, "My lord, it's not right for General Wen Yuan to go to Qingzhou alone. Jia please order to accompany the army."

Zhang Wenyuan was too young, so going to Qingzhou alone might be tricked by others. If he went to Qingzhou with him, at least no one would be able to fool anyone under his nose.

"I'll talk about the candidates later, go to the government office first." Yuan Huan patted Guo Guicai, who was eager to escape from Yecheng, and asked him to dispel those inappropriate little thoughts. Others can run around all over the world, but he, Guo Fengxiao, must be honest Really stay in the city.

As for who to send to Qingzhou, he almost had a plan in mind.

Only Wang Situ knows who the Qingzhou Shepherd will fall into, and there is no one around him who can go to Qingzhou to be the state shepherd, but no matter who the state shepherd is sent by the imperial court, the real power will not fall to that state shepherd.

Without him, there would still be Liu Bei and Tao Qian.

Uncle Liu Huang has been the Prime Minister of Pingyuan Kingdom for so long, and he can't fail to see how chaotic Qingzhou is. The small Pingyuan Kingdom is not enough for him to gain a foothold in the world. It takes a state to back it up.

Gongsun Zan in Youzhou has not yet been settled, so it is obviously not enough to let the Zhen family send people there. Zhang Liao will follow to Youzhou.

Qingzhou needs to send a general with a stable personality who can stand on his own. Gao Shun can't get away in Zhongshan, Lu Bu and Qu Yi are not suitable.

After counting and counting, the most suitable ones are Zhang He and Zhang Junyi who are good at using troops, arranging camps, assessing the situation, and using terrain.

Lu Bu, Qu Yi and the others stayed in Jizhou, and he personally held them down, and Sa Huaner also had a rope in his hands. Zhang Yun’s family members are all in Jizhou, so there is no need to worry about betrayal, and he himself is a battle-tested veteran. The weak, sick and disabled people in Qingzhou are nothing to worry about.

The afternoon sun was a bit scorching, but it was a comfortable temperature for Yuan Huan. The government office was not far from the mansion. What he was thinking was talking while walking. The time from the mansion to the government office was about the right time to finish his plan with Guo Fengxiao.

It's just that before people walked out of the courtyard, Guo Jia hurriedly asked the servants to arrange the carriages and horses. Zhang Liao was stunned for a moment and then realized that he didn't dare to intervene as soon as he came back, so he quickly made room for the maids to do their work.

The lord is still sick, what should I do if the wind makes the condition worse?

Yuan Huan sighed softly, raised his hand and pressed Guo Guicai, who was more troublesome than busy, "Feng Xiao must go out?"

Guo Jia froze, turned around and replied with a bitter face, "My lord, Chen Changwen is indeed capable, but the two of us really can't get along. If that guy also goes to the official office, the entire official office will not be considered."

There is more than one person in the political affairs hall. He is afraid that Chen Qun will be so angry that he will draw his sword on the spot. Ju Shou, Tian Feng and others are both civil and military talents. He is not worried about those people being accidentally injured. He is only afraid that Chen Qun will be beaten by the group throw it out.

He is not as good as Wen Ruo, but he still has a few friends to talk to and laugh with after he has been in Yecheng for so long. Chen Changwen is new here, no matter if he is talking lip service or using a knife, that guy will suffer in the end anyway.

Guo Fengxiao sighed while talking, if he hadn't acted too much, Yuan Huan would almost have been tricked by him, "Don't worry, if Wen Ruo is here, you won't be able to fight even if you want to."

Chen Qun was able to scare Guo Gui to such a degree. It seems that this guy has fallen into that person's hands before, so he can't be sent out of Yecheng. It is still possible to let Chen Qun go out. His father, Chen Ji, Chen Yuanfang's contacts are well-connected, and it is more than enough for him to be in any state.

What's more, Qingzhou has been in chaos for a long time, Chen Qun judges the situation and has a good understanding of people, and he stayed in Qingzhou with his father Chen Ji before, so it is not without a little foundation to go to Qingzhou to be an official.

It is understandable that people who can talk happily with Kong Rong are somewhat paranoid about rules and etiquette. After all, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black.

Guo Jia sighed helplessly, what could he do, he was also very desperate.

The carriages and horses were ready quickly, the mansion was too close to the official office, Zhang Liao was too lazy to ride a horse, so he simply grabbed the coachman's job, waited for their lord and Mr. Feng Xiao, who was weak in writing, to enter the carriage, and then he sat on the shaft and drove out.

In the nearby yard, Yuan Jing, who was playing with the Sanlang of the Sun family, Sun Yi, heard the movement, put down the wooden weapon in his hand and ran quietly to the door. Seeing the carriage going out, his eyes were full of worry, "Father's illness is not fully recovered yet. , why did you go out again?"

Last time he caught a cold with him, but this time he didn't tell him to go out quietly, which is really worrying.

Sun Yi skillfully twirled the spear, and performed a whole set of movements. He stopped to wipe his sweat after he was done, and was wondering why he didn't applaud this time, when he saw Yuan Jing lying on the gate, wondering what he was looking at. "What's wrong?"

"Brother Yi, let's go play with Brother Cao's." Yuan Jing frowned and watched the carriage go away. He was young and didn't know many things, but the brother of Cao's next door was much older than them, so he must know more than that. They are many.

The little guy gestured at his height, couldn't help but sighed again, since he came to Yecheng, he never lived with his father again, although the two yards are next to each other, but the yard is so big, what is he doing here Dad can't hear it, and he can't hear anything from Dad, so it's not good at all.

The older children have to live separately from their parents. The nanny said that when he was in Anguo, he had a separate courtyard at the beginning, but Dad was worried, so he specially packed out a wing room for him to live in. Later, when Brother Yi came to the house, it happened that the two of them We lived together, so we didn't go to other yards.

Now that he and Brother Yi have grown up, Uncle Guo Jia has his own house, Brother Yi doesn't need to live with him, he has to travel far and far if he wants to meet and play together, it's better to live in a village in the country time.

The little guy thought of the poor little friend who worshiped the Great Confucianism as his teacher, shaking his head and thinking non-stop, but fortunately, it was arranged that it was clearly Brother Yi and not him, otherwise he would not even have time to see his father, it was too scary It's scary, but he still prefers the way he is now, "Brother Yi, wipe off your sweat, let's go play with Brother Cao."

The little guy who was only three or four years old already had the appearance of a young adult. He ran to tell the steward in the house that they were going to the Cao Mansion next door, and then came back to wait for Sun Yi to wipe off his sweat and change his clothes.

Playing swords and dancing guns is all physical work. After rolling on the ground for so long, it is difficult to go out without changing into clean clothes.

If they were in a farm in the countryside, they didn't even need to pay so much attention, they could just run over wherever they wanted to play, unlike now, they not only had to say hello in advance, but also had to wash up before they could go there.

Sun Yi quickly changed his clothes and came out. There were not so many rules in his family, and there were not so many things to learn. His father had only one requirement for the children in the family. Sun Sanlang is two years older than Guo Yi, and he has no academic pressure at all.

It's not that Mrs. Wu doesn't care about it, but it's his second brother Sun Quan who is mainly in charge now. There is also Shiro and his younger sister who have just learned to run at home. Once there are more children, it is easy to be unable to take care of them. This is how he has been at ease until now.

Sun Sanlang, who danced with his elder brother with knives and guns since he was a child, is very gratifying. Every time before going out, his mother told him to take good care of the little son in the lord's family, so he carried the wooden gun every day and never let go. Regardless of his young age, he fights It's fierce.

Cao Cao was so busy in Yanzhou that he didn't touch the ground. After the whole family moved to Yecheng, they only had time to take a look. After staying for a few days, they went back to Yanzhou to fight wits and bravery with those aristocratic families. Fighting is a lot of fun, fighting with others, he digs holes, digs holes, and they must beg for mercy if they have to fight.

Yuan Jing and Sun Yi went to see Mrs. Ding first, and obediently greeted the hostess of the house, and asked where the Cao family brother was, and then followed the servants who led the way.

The delicate-looking little doll makes people subconsciously like it, and the appearance of imitating the adult's speech makes women can't help feeling why other people's little dolls behave well, while their own is a wild boy.

Cao Ang is practicing martial arts in the backyard. The young man of his age is the time when he most wants to go out and make a living. However, he is too young, and his family members are worried about letting him go out by himself, and even more worried about letting him go with the army to fight. If you have to be fifteen or sixteen years old to go out.

When Sun Jiadalang was fifteen or sixteen years old, he went out to practice. He didn't need to find other role models, just set Sun Jiadalang as his goal.

The young Cao Ang was very unconvinced. He felt that he was no worse than Sun Ce, and he dared to go all the way to Yanzhou to find his father. If he hadn’t been caught sneaking away before, he would have gone to Taihang Mountain to fight with Sun Ce now. The bandit has gone.

Pretending to be a bandit living in the Taihang Mountains and breaking into the bandit's interior, it's not interesting that he is not allowed to participate in such a thrilling event.

Why didn't he be born a few years earlier? If he had been born a few years earlier, he would be about the same age as the Sun family brother, wouldn't he be the one who went deep into the Taihang Mountains to suppress bandits now?

Cao Pi waved the spear again and again, for fear that his brother would accidentally hit him. If it wasn't for the fact that there was only this space in the house for his brothers to practice martial arts, he would definitely be hiding as far away as possible right now.

"Brother, big brother, Young Master Jing and Sun Sanlang are here, stop quickly." The young boy saw the two figures following behind the steward from a distance, dropped his things and ran to his brother and shouted, "Brother Big brother, stop, stop, stop."

Cao Ang looked at the corner of his stupid brother's mouth twitching, and played with guns and threw the spear back to the weapon rack with precision. He is not a child, and the weapons he uses are different from the wooden knives and guns that children play with, so don't put them far away. A little might hurt them.

Yuan Jing and Sun Yi came to find him, and when the servant who led the way had gone away, he immediately changed from a well-behaved young man to a little boy who loves to run and dance.

The two trotted over, first urged Cao Ang to wash his face, and then dragged him to sit down in the shade of a tree not far away, "Brother Ang, how is the battle outside now?"

Cao Ang put his hands on his hips, stepped on the stone bench next to him, let the three little guys sit in a row, and then began to tell stories mysteriously, "I know, of course I know, Brother Ang doesn't run to the military camp for nothing. I told you before that the Black Mountain bandits suddenly attacked Changshan County. Now the situation has changed. General Lu Bu and General Quyi attacked Changshan together and almost killed the prefect of Changshan. The Black Mountain bandits have dozens of teams, large and small. , it's a mess over there now."

Yuan Jing blinked, "Aren't the Heishan bandits who attacked Changshan County? Why did they become General Lu Bu and General Qu Yi?"

Cao Ang paused for a moment. He also listened casually from the barracks. He didn’t know exactly what was going on. It was only after being pointed out that he realized something was wrong. So he lowered his legs and squatted with the little guys, and fell into deep thought with his face on his hands. , "Yes, the Heishan bandits invaded Changshan County. Why did General Lu Bu and Qu Yi almost kill the prefect of Changshan? Could it be that the two generals and the Heishan bandits are colluding and want to rebel?"

Sun Yi widened his eyes in horror, "Where is my elder brother? My elder brother is also out to fight, so he will be fine, right?"

"No, no, don't worry, Ah Yi, Brother Ce is amazing." Cao Ang quickly comforted him. Not many people knew the news about Sun Ce's going to Taihang Mountain disguised as a bandit, that is to say, he only heard about it when he wanted to go with him. , The little guys don't know anything, thinking that everyone is going to Changshan County to fight against the black mountain bandits.

General Lu Bu will certainly not be in cahoots with the Black Bandit. Compared with him, the prefect of Changshan is more likely to be a Black Bandit.

Yes, the prefect of Changshan is a black mountain bandit, so General Lu Bu and General Quyi turned to attack Changshan to eliminate harm for the people, it must be like this.

The strategy of cooperating from the inside and the outside is not only used by them, but also by the black mountain thieves. That Zhang Yan was able to gather millions of people in Taihang Mountain, and his tactics must not be bad. Changshan County, Zhao County, and Wei County are close to Taihang Mountain. There must be many in the government office. It is careful work.

I heard before that the Black Mountain bandits wanted to join forces with the rebels from Wei County to attack Yecheng, but before they could plan the matter, they were exposed. Even the bandits led the secret work in the official office to be directly taken over by General Lu, and Fang Tian painted a halberd with a halberd A rebel can be awe-inspiring.

There are rebels in Wei County, and there are probably rebels in Changshan County. The two generals attacked the government office, it must be because the government office has become a den of thieves.

He is so smart.

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