Guo Jia's big baby and Guo Yi's little baby received equal treatment from their lords, and colleagues around him came forward to congratulate them one after another. Opponent, the room was filled with joy for a while.

The kitchen has already prepared a sumptuous banquet, and the little dolls have not been left behind, and they have been arranged on the other side. The food on the food table is also cute and cute. The little ones watching are amazed, and they are reluctant to eat it.

Cao Ang and Sun Quan, the two half-year-old children, were once again assigned to the ranks of the little ones. It was useless for them to think that they were already big children. Feed yourself while taking care of the little ones.

No way, who made them grow up but not big enough.

The generals have enough wine and water, and Xun Yu and Xun You are also very comfortable pushing cups and exchanging cups, only Guo Jia puts not wine bottles in front of them, but the same water cups as their masters, no matter how sweet the warm zhejiang is People are not as good as wine to make his heart hum.

And this wine, why didn't he drink such a mellow wine before? Could it be that the lord deliberately tormented him, just banned his wine, and immediately brought out a more mellow wine, is this reasonable?

Guo Jia sniffed the aroma of the wine, looked at a few bad friends drinking together, puffed up and moved to the side, "Wen Ruo can't get enough of alcohol, Zhejiang nourishes dryness, nourishes the stomach, and is suitable for an elegant gentleman like Wen Ruo .”

——My friend, look at this Zhejiang, can I exchange it for the fine wine in your hand?

Xun Yu smiled and evaded Guo Fengxiao's hands that wanted to do something wrong, "Fengxiao is weak, and Zhejiang clears heat and nourishes, and it is most suitable for Fengxiao."

——Do not change.

Guo Jia lost the first battle, and moved to find the "dumb" Xun Gongda. The general didn't have enough to drink, so he had to drink from these two friends if he wanted to drink.

If Xun Wen was cruel and ruthless, would Xun Gongda also abandon his poor friend like his uncle?

Yuan Huan sat in the main seat and watched a good show. He was in a good mood watching Guo Jia suffer. After his health finally improved, he started to act. It is even more difficult to control colors together.

For the sake of Guo Guicai's life expectancy, it is better for him to live a few days of uncomfortable life.

The winter is free, and the family has a lot of food reserves. Yuan Huan took out some of his own wine. The grain is the meat of the wine, and the koji is the bone of the wine. smoothly.

Grain wine is different from grain wine. He doesn't know how the wine is brewed here. Anyway, the grain wine brewed according to his method is not much different from what he expected.

Originally, he wanted to take out the wine he brewed before and give it to people around him to taste it during the Chinese New Year, but now Guo Fengxiao made a mistake, so he had to take it out of the list of early adopters, and we will talk about it after he lifts the ban.

Poor Guo Jia suffered successive setbacks from his friends, and miserably tried to intercede with their lord, but in the end, this charming and charming lord was even more cold-hearted than his friends. willing to give him a drink.

Before he smelled the wine today, he felt that it would be bearable to wait until Yecheng to drink again, at most two months. He, Guo Fengxiao, would definitely let him find a way to drink in these two months.

But now, this wine, which he did not know how to brew, was more mellow than any he had tasted before. Even someone like Xun Yu who didn't like to drink had drank several bottles, and the generals had already started hugging him. How can he tolerate drinking from a jar?

If he had known that the lord had such fine wine in his hands, he would never push himself into a pit, even if he was kicked out of the mansion, he would not lose his right to drink.

With Yi'er around, the lord wouldn't really drive him out because of Yi'er's sake. Didn't he wake up at the time? How could he be tricked?

Guo Jia looked sadly at the fine wine but couldn't drink it, turned his grief and anger into appetite, and wiped out all the dishes on the food table in a daze.

Pushing cups and exchanging cups and toasting, the hall was full of fire and bustling. The first banquet of the new year came to a successful conclusion with Guo Fengxiao's help.

Xun You Xun Yu was concerned about his image and didn't drink too much. He didn't expect that the new wine brewed by their lord would be soft when drinking, but it would have a lot of stamina after drinking. , if it wasn't for the blush on their faces, their eyes would have been a little dull, and they couldn't tell that they were drunk just by looking at their sitting postures.

Uncle Xun's nephew tasted good wine, and under Guo Fengxiao's envious eyes, he was helped down to rest by the maid, while the generals next to him were not so peaceful.

Lu Bu and Zhang Liao made a fuss, Gao Shun fell asleep on the ground, Sun Ce was lectured by Sun Jian, father and son got drunk, and no one would let the other go when they chattered. , Why does it swell to the point of pulling Lu Bubi's arrow after drinking too much?

Yuan Huan watched the generals making a fuss with interest, and ordered people to take the drunk ones to rest, and let them continue to make a fuss if they drank too much, and put more people in the training ground to watch, so as not to accidentally hurt them .

When you are sober, you know the severity of the attack. Now that you have drunk too much, it will not end well if you get angry.

"My lord is so careful, General Fengxian and the others must be very grateful to my lord after they wake up." Guo Jia floated over and whispered, "If my lord is willing to give Jia a bottle of fine wine, Jia will also be very grateful to my lord."

What is face?Can I drink it?

It doesn't matter if you can't drink it!

Yuan Huan glanced at him with a smile that was not a smile, wiped his hands slowly, stood up and was about to call someone, when the man said quickly, "Forget it, forget it, you will be punished if you do something wrong, just a bottle of wine. It doesn't matter if you don't drink."

Is it reasonable to call Yi'er over in public?

Guo Jia said seriously, in order to prevent their patriarch from speaking out, he hurriedly brought his son over to say goodbye in a dignified way. No matter how stable Yi'er was, he couldn't always be on his father's head.

Guo Yi:? ? ?

The little guy looked suspiciously at his father's reaction, and the tacit understanding between father and son told him that his father must have done strange things again.

Yuan Huan squatted down and patted the little adult on the shoulder, telling the little guy to take a good look at the big brat in their house. If he smells alcohol, come over and tell him that this is not a whistleblower, but for the big brat body of.

Guo Yi nodded solemnly, holding his head high and chest out, expressing that he has worked hard to learn from Master Wu, and his father will not be able to catch up with him in two years. Even now, he can stop his father from drinking.

The Guo family father and son turned and went out. Next to him, Cao Ang poked his brother who only knew how to eat, "Look at him, he can control dad at a young age."

With candy on the corner of Cao Pi's mouth, he was a little puzzled when he heard his elder brother's sigh, and asked with a puzzled look, "Brother, do you want to take care of father like this?"

Cao Ang swallowed his saliva, rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, thought about the scene where their father was at home, and quickly shook his head, "Don't dare, brother is just a child, how dare you meddle in father's affairs?"

Although Guo's elder brother's appearance of being entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the lord just now is very heart-warming, but people still have to be a little self-aware. Their father doesn't have such a good temper, so don't make things difficult for yourself.

Sun Quan tilted his head and listened to their brothers, seeing Cao Ang's terrified expression, he immediately said proudly, "My elder brother dared to control my father, the two of them were still arguing just now, you must have seen it, my elder brother is very swearing. "

Third brother Sun put down the bowl full of sweet soup, and waved his fist to help the second brother, "Second brother is right, our eldest brother is really amazing."

Cao Ang:  …

Cao Pi looked at the elder brother who couldn't do it with disgust, shook his head and let out a long sigh, then lowered his head and continued to eat his brown sugar glutinous rice cakes, as well as his favorite grape juice.

Sweet and sour, delicious!

Sun Quan and Sun Yi successfully overwhelmed the Cao brothers, raised their cups happily to touch each other, drank the sugarcane juice in the cups, and thanked the eldest brother who didn't know what they said from the beginning to the end.

It's none of their business if elder brother and father get beaten up after a quarrel, it's enough for them to have face now.

The little guys couldn't sit still when their stomachs were full, and the maids sent them home, and they couldn't stay idle when they got back, and they got together to play again after a while.

Yuan Huan didn't drink, and after making arrangements for everyone, he took Yuan Jing's hand and went back to the room to rest. In two days, he would sacrifice to heaven and earth.

The next thing to be busy is not only offering sacrifices, but also moving.

It is said that it is hot in the three volts and cold in the three nines, but the four nines and five nines after the three nines are not much warmer, and the weather will really get warmer around the beginning of spring.

Marquis Wu Cheng stayed in Zhongshan for seven or eight days before returning to Yanzhou. He had to take advantage of Cao Mengde's unresponsiveness to escape, but if he was caught by that guy, his plan to leave Yanzhou would be in vain.

After Sun Jian left, Xun You also left Zhongshan very quickly, and the official affairs of the prefectures and counties were sent to Yecheng.

Guo Fengxiao also went all out for drinking. He couldn't find any gaps in the farm and the barracks, so he looked for omissions in their lord's orders at the time, which really allowed him to find out where he could operate.

Their lord only said that he was not allowed to drink before going to Yecheng, but did not stipulate when they would go to Yecheng. If he and Xun Gongda went to Yecheng earlier, wouldn't the prohibition on alcohol be lifted in advance?

He's such a smart guy.

Guo Jia said that if you act, you will act. First, you will go to their master to argue for reasons. On the same day, you will pack your luggage and bring your son to urge Xun You to leave.

Xun *Tool Man* You: ...

Yuan Huan really convinced Guo Jia's head, did the ghosts and gods conspire to let him use it?

Others can go, but the child has to stay. Yecheng is busy with business, Xun You has no time to help him look after the child, and it is more likely to cause problems for him to take care of the child. Yier continues to follow him, and will go to Yecheng after the spring.

Yuan Huan originally thought that Guo Jia would be reluctant to part with his son, but he never thought that this guy was using Guo Yi as a cover, and immediately let go of the little guy when he heard him keep someone, but Guo Yi took his father who was about to go away and told him non-stop .

The little guy is not stupid, there is only his father's own luggage in the car, and he knows with his feet that only his father is going to leave.

Alas, I don't know how many dangers there are outside. Is it true that his father's stupid appearance is not guarded by anyone? It's so disturbing.

Yuan Huan looked at the father and son of the Guo family whose father and son identities were transferred over, Yuan Huan couldn't count on Guo Fengxiao's self-consciousness, he had to see who was with him when something happened, but Xun You's temperament was very reliable, so it was not a problem to take care of Guo Jia.

With Guo Jia going to Yecheng in advance, he can also start the affairs of Yecheng in advance. Guo Guicai has always been impatient to deal with those tedious official affairs, and with Xun You, those things can't reach him.

The imperial court is weak and the world is restless. Many famous Confucian scholars are avoiding wars and living in seclusion in the countryside. Looking at the world, Jizhou is the most suitable place to live.

Yecheng is the seat of Wei County and the most prosperous and prosperous city in Jizhou. Yuan Huan has all kinds of books and slips brought from Meiwu. The number of slips is too large, and many of them are lonely and secret books, which cannot be cleared out in a short while. , It's a pity that those things are piled up in the warehouse, it's better to go where they should go.

The Yuan Mansion is a small place, but Ye City is not small. It is easy to make room for building a Book Collection Pavilion. If you release the news about the construction of the Book Collection Pavilion in Ye City, and then invite famous scholars from all over the world in the name of sorting out books, there should not be a few people who are willing to come. .

Dong Zhuo forcibly moved the capital to Chang’an and burned down Luoyang City. The imperial court’s collection of books, Lantai, was not spared. It was said that most of the books in the National Library of Lantai were lost during the relocation. In fact, most of the lost books were taken to Meiwu by Dong Zhuo. .

Book slips are good things. Aristocratic families rely on these things to make a fortune. Grand Master Dong is not interested in classics, but he is very interested in the benefits brought by the book slips. Regardless of whether he can understand them or not, he should first pull the things to his own territory.

This kind of domineering method of grabbing first regardless of whether it is useful or not is not against Dong Zhuo at all. Fortunately, he got the books and bamboo slips to Meiwu. It is an irreparable loss for humans.

Guo Jia followed Xun You to Yecheng first, and he didn’t need to take care of other things, as long as he dealt with matters related to Zangshuge. The job, the possibility of great Confucian scholars staying is even greater.

Xun You is busy with official duties, Yuan Huan can't guarantee that he can watch Guo Jia, Guo Guicai can think of ways to play tricks under his nose, and going to a place like Yecheng will give him more opportunities to think of wrong ideas, Xun You And you can't keep an eye on it all the time, you have to make two-handed plans.

Guo Guicai has a lot of ideas, and the original boss is not much worse than him.

There is a saying: Once the sea was too difficult to be water, except Wushan is not a cloud.

After tasting the fragrant and fragrant wine, drinking other wine will always feel a little less tasteful. Before Guo Jia left, Yuan Huan specially let him taste the wine that almost made his mouth water on the New Year's Day. Pushing it back to the carriage to savor the aftertaste, he turned around and prepared two jars for Xun You to take away with him.

Guo Fengxiao was obedient and gave him a bottle a day, but Guo Fengxiao was disobedient and didn't even have a bottle a day.

With fine wine hanging in front, I don't believe that guy can think of ways to harm his body.

Xun You and Guo Jia left, and Yuan Huan himself was not idle. Zangshu Pavilion is very attractive to famous scholars and scholars, and there are many letters inviting them to Jizhou as guests. It is difficult to go to the sky if you take the initiative.

Yecheng built Zangshu Pavilion to attract famous Confucian scholars, built schools and set up academic officials to attract scholars from all over the world, the world was in chaos, and it was the best time to break the family monopoly on learning.

The Yuan family in Runan is the head of the Kwantung aristocratic family. No one would have thought that he would suppress the aristocratic family. Before the aristocratic family could react, he would lay down the foundation for the common people to study. Worry that there is no one who can use it.

Come quietly, come slowly, how to come without attracting attention.

Jizhou is rich and prosperous, but has changed owners several times in the past two years. He, the new Jizhou shepherd, has encountered great difficulties. He doesn't trust the original officials of Jizhou.

Dong Zhuo used to be an old official of the Yuan family, but in the end he swung the butcher's knife at the Yuan family. He was just worried that the people around him would betray him. What's wrong?

What's more, those who stay with him now are all sons of noble families. The school is open to the sons of noble families, and only a small number of places belong to the common people. The rich and powerful families have a deep heritage.

It's better to learn from him, their Runan Yuan family is very generous.

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