Gao Shun and Lu Bu have a good personal relationship, but the personal relationship is a personal relationship, and it is related to Yuan Huan's life, so he still persuades him if he can.

"Lu Fengxian's courage is unparalleled in the world. There are only you and me by my lord's side. It's time to employ people. Why do we need to think about it?" Zhang Liao muttered in a low voice. He and Lu Bu are both from Bingzhou, and they usually have a good relationship. How reliable, but people can fight.

Your Excellency has a feud with Dong Zhuo. Except for the soldiers in the capital, there are at least 7000 Liangzhou elites around Dong Zhuo. The combined number of soldiers under the two of them is only [-]. How can a mere [-] soldiers avenge your lord?

Gao Shun frowned, his focus was obviously different from his, "Wait a minute, when will it be you and me by my lord's side?"

Zhang Liao opened his eyes wide in shock, "You asked me to come to Meiwu to help, but you didn't treat me as your own?"

Yuan Huan: ...

He had wrongly blamed Zhang Liao, it turned out that Gao Shun's bushy eyebrows and big eyes were not on par with him.

Seeing that the two were about to fight in front of him, Yuan Huan had no choice but to stop him, "Fu Yi accidentally said the wrong thing, Wen Yuan is not to blame, Wen Yuan is a pillar of both civil and military skills, and it is too late for me to be happy , how could they drive you out."

"My lord, Liao is only a little bit more capable than Gao Fuyi, so I dare not be so praised by an adult." Zhang Liao quickly waved his hands, shy and shy like a humble boy, and when he finished his polite humility, he turned his head and raised his chin immediately , cast a disdainful glance at Gao Shun, the pride in his eyes was about to overflow.

Gao Shun: ...

Gao Shun pretended that he didn't say anything just now, and changed the subject in a blunt tone, "My lord, Marquis Du Ting has to stay by Dong Zhuo's side these days, and he doesn't have time or opportunity to go to Meiwu."

It is too conspicuous to come to Meiwu without incident, and Dong Zhuo gave up Luoyang and retreated to Chang'an. Because of his heinous crimes of burning Luoyang several times, more and more assassins and righteous men want to take his head. Whenever he travels, he must be accompanied by Lu Bu. Even if he is in his own house, he must have Lu Bu around to feel at ease.

Zhang Liao stood beside him with a stinky face. He originally wanted to ask this guy to explain to him what he said just now, but he couldn't help curling his lips when he heard this, and was successfully distracted. By his side, I don’t know what to think.”

He knows the truth of employing people without doubting others. It is impossible for Dong Zhuo to understand. The old thief thinks that the relationship between their adoptive father and adopted son is very reliable. He only needs to give Lu Fengxian some rewards from time to time to make that person do his best. Be his bodyguard?

The grass on the grave of that guy's former adoptive father hasn't grown yet.

Yuan Huan could probably guess the reason why Dong Zhuo was willing to let Lv Bu get close. It wasn't because he trusted Lv Bu, but because Lv Fengxian, who was unparalleled in martial arts, was by his side. Neither assassins nor bandits could hurt him. As a guard, I can't adapt to ordinary soldiers for a while.

In particular, he knew that he had offended too many people, and there was no guarantee that he would be able to infiltrate an assassin at any time. Except for his adopted son who was the most brave in the world, no one could protect him so thoroughly.

Lu Bu has the courage of a million men, how can he be willing to waste his life by his side as a guard, a man should make contributions in the world, Dong Zhuo values ​​his military strength but does not let him go into battle to kill the enemy, he only wants to keep him by his side, can you imagine And know how aggrieved I feel.

He knew that Lu Bu was not an easy master to control, but he was the number one general in the Three Kingdoms, and the temptation was too great. If he didn't believe it, he couldn't resist the temptation.

No matter how daring a person is and how productive the land is, he is not afraid of not being able to do it, but he is afraid of not being able to think about it.

Dong Zhuo is about to enter Beijing. If he doesn't intervene, Wang Yun will design a beauty trick to lure him to kill Dong Zhuo. way back.

The Peerless Tiger General, who was astonishing in the past and the present, finally died in Baimenlou in poverty.

Yuan Huan withdrew his scattered thoughts and pulled himself together to make arrangements to leave Meiwu, "Fu Yi, is there a sparsely populated village near Mei County?"

Without waiting for Gao Shun to answer, Zhang Liao spoke for him first, "Your Excellency should ask, which villages around Mei County are still inhabited."

Dong Zhuo recruited 25 peasants to build Meiwu, and most of those peasants were nearby people. When Meiwu was built, less than half of the farmers would be able to return home safely. Not to mention ten rooms and nine empty areas around Chang'an, it is also worse than ten rooms and nine empty areas. not going anywhere.

"Wen Yuan, don't talk nonsense." Gao Shun glared at him, and was glared back by Zhang Liao aggressively. Realizing that the matter that was wronged before has not been resolved, his eyes drifted and he felt guilty, "Someone will arrange this matter, my lord can rest at ease. , I’ll come back when I go.”

Zhang Liao gritted his teeth, watched this guy find an excuse to escape, and scolded him eight hundred times in his heart, and then turned back calmly after cursing, "My lord, I can testify that there was a reason for what Lu Fengxian did before, and he was not indiscriminate." Killer."

Dong Zhuo was able to lure Dong Zhuo with his treasures because the governor Ding Yuan Ding knew that he was a general but gave him a civil servant. One day, this was how the old thief Dong Zhuo took advantage of him.

That guy voted for Dong Zhuo with all his blood, he was promoted and added a title, thinking that he finally found a master, but he didn't expect that it would be better to follow Ding Yuan under Dong Zhuo.

Even though Ding Yuan was a civil servant, he was still a civil servant in charge of confidentiality. Following Dong Zhuo, he couldn't even touch military affairs. He stayed by the old thief's side all day long as an inconspicuous guard, let alone going to war.

Lu Fengxian is a show-off, once he was promoted to Zhonglang and joined Du Tinghou, he felt that the scenery was boundless, how could he bear such grievances, so he thought about leaving the old thief Dong Zhuo.

My lord, don't listen to Gao Fuyi's one-sided words. At least you can talk about it after you meet someone. Find an opportunity to call someone over first. What if you see the right person?

Zhang Liao and Lu Bu had a good relationship when they were in Bingzhou. Bingzhou athletes are good at fighting. Both of them are the best among them. They used to fight shirtless. It was hard to find such a good lord to follow. Now I will spare no effort to help my friends. say good things.

Lu Fengxian was unlucky, he felt that he himself was not much better, that guy was coaxed by the old thief Dong Zhuo, he was recruited by Dong Zhuo because he was confused, and he stayed in the capital for a long time. The feeling of being a general of Dong Zhuo.

Gao Fuyi knows more about the Central Plains than they do, and he has a cautious temperament. There must be a reason for the adults to let him follow.

Bingzhou is remote and has no deep connection with the aristocratic families in the Central Plains, but he also knows the names of the four generations and three princes of the Yuan family.

The most important thing is that the appearance of the adult is completely different from that of the old thief Dong Zhuo. I come to see the adult every day, and I can be full of energy during the training. There are beauties with both talents and looks. Why bother in the dog? Fatty Dong, who saw that he was inferior, was angry.

Zhang Liaosheng was afraid that the protagonist he had just found would not accept his little friend, so he gave a speech so impassioned that he almost burst into tears on the spot.

Then, he woke up the little guy Yuan Jing who was full of sleep.

He didn't know if the adults were touched by him, anyway, he didn't dare to move, as soon as the little ancestor opened his voice, the heavenly king and Lao Tzu would be cowardly.

Two days later, when the night was still dark and the morning fog was hazy, three carriages slowly drove out of Meiwu, two silver-armored generals walked in front to open the way, followed by dozens of fine and strong cavalry. There is a chill that cannot be underestimated.

Zhang Liao walked in front to keep an eye on his surroundings, and looked back at the carriage from time to time, "Gao Fuyi, why don't you change the carriage into a bullock cart, the bullock cart is more stable than the horse cart."

"I won't be able to find cattle for a while, and I will see if I can buy cattle to pull carts when I have more time." Gao Shun replied in a low voice. Although horses are more expensive than cattle, for them, finding horses is far more expensive than cattle Finding cattle is easy.

Zhang Liao frowned, clamped his horse's belly and came to the front carriage, "Sir, do you want to stop and rest for a while?"

There was a suppressed coughing sound in the carriage, and it took a while to speak intermittently, the voice was obviously out of breath, "It's okay, continue, continue on your way."

Zhang Liao was even more worried as he clenched his horsewhip tightly. There was no one around and it was not a place to rest, so he could only order the driver to drive more steadily and try to make the people inside not feel so uncomfortable.

The shape of the carriage is unremarkable, and it is a small carriage that rich businessmen and officials can sit on. If there are not so many imposing cavalry escorts around, it will soon blend into the place where people come and go.

Yuan Huan leaned on the soft slump of the carriage, his face pale and uncomfortable. He thought that his injuries were almost healed, and it would be no problem to go out, but he really underestimated the rudimentary level of transportation in this era. Feeling dizzy and nauseating as soon as he came out of Meiwu.

The dirt road was potholed and muddy, and it had just snowed a few days ago, so no matter how slow the horses pulled the cart, they couldn't avoid the bumps.

The team walked slowly for two full days, and finally arrived at the village where they settled in the evening. It only took half a day from here to Meiwu, but the person in the car was too weak, and Gao Shun and Zhang Liao didn't dare to speed up. Even so, they were always worried Will the frail young man who has been tortured for two days in the carriage suddenly faint?

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao quickly got off the horse, let the maid in the second carriage go in to clean up the room, and then knocked on the carriage to invite the people inside to come down.

The young man's face was as white as snow, and he lifted the curtain of the car with trembling hands. This little action seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and the corners of his lips were pale and weak. People can't help feeling flustered.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun looked at each other, gritted their teeth and took a step forward, "Your Excellency, please don't blame me for being rude."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and hugged the person out.

Gao Shun froze for a moment, and quickly took the cloak to block the wind.

The last carriage was loaded with the usual items in Meiwu. The maid and nanny quickly arranged the room to be the same as in Meiwu, and then hurried to the carriage to carry the little guy into the house.

The adults are weak, and the young master is young, so they can’t do without the waiters. The nurse Gao Shun can find from outside and can be taken away directly, but the maid is from Meiwu. Too many people are too conspicuous at once, so I just pick one. Two people with stable temperaments were brought out.

After several days of exhaustion, Yuan Huan went into the house and lay down on the bed. Before he could ask about the little guy's situation, he fell asleep, or it would be more appropriate to say that he passed out.

A few days ago, the temperature suddenly dropped and the snow fell, and he started to have a fever that night. When he left Meiwu, the fever had not subsided completely. When he arrived at the destination, his mind was slightly relaxed, and his body immediately couldn't hold on.

The disease doctor came over with the medicine box non-stop, checked the pulse carefully, prescribed the medicine again, and then sighed and went down to cook the soup. Gao Shun and Zhang Liao were frightened by the frowning look, as if the person on the bed would not be able to save him in the next moment. came back.

Yuan Huan fell asleep in a dark sleep. When he regained consciousness again, there was no sound in the room, "Tao Ji..."

The hoarse voice was barely audible, but it woke up the night watchman at the door instantly. Zhang Liao pushed open the door and strode in. Seeing Yuan Huan sober, he was so excited that he sent someone to call for a doctor in a panic, "My lord is awake. You have been sleeping for three days, and if you can’t wake up again, the disease doctor will try his frightening method of golden needles, but fortunately, your lord has woken up.”

"Lao Wenyuan is worried." Yuan Huan smiled apologetically. Seeing the obvious tiredness on his face, he stretched his arms and wanted to sit up. He slept for three days, and this kid probably foolishly kept watch for three days.

Zhang Liao finally waited until Yuan Huan woke up and was excited. Seeing that he was about to get up, he quickly pushed him back, "The doctor said that you need to rest, try not to get out of bed."

Yuan Huan didn't have the strength to break free from this man's strength, so he could only continue to lie on the bed, "I slept for three days, did Jing'er cry?"

"Young master is very well-behaved. I haven't cried in my arms for the past two days." Zhang Liao was happy when he said this. This place is more spacious than Heiwu, and he doesn't have to hide his eyes and ears from time to time. In case the little guy cries, he deliberately arranges it in another room. , I thought that the little ancestor was going to cry until the sky was dark, but he didn't expect to make a fuss.

Xu is a bond between father and son, and he knows that he can't disturb his father's recuperation, so he is so obedient.

The disease doctor came quickly, and Zhang Liao made room for him to take the pulse, staring nervously at the fingers on the thin wrist, for fear that he would give any bad news.

There was no good news for several days, and he was really afraid of this person.

After a full cup of tea, the disease doctor finally let go of his wrist, "It's good for you to wake up, the root was injured earlier, and then you have to pay attention to it, don't worry about it, you need to take care of it slowly .”

"There is a doctor for labor and illness." Yuan Huan thanked him warmly, and asked Zhang Liao to send him out, and then continued to ask when he came back, "How long has Fu Yi been gone?"

"We couldn't do without Meiwu, so he rushed back that night." Mentioning this, Zhang Liao couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive, "Fortunately, we left in time, the old thief Dong Zhuo seems to be staying in Meiwu, not only sent His confidant, Li Jue and Guo Si, went to Meiwu first, and sent another [-] elite soldiers to strengthen the defense, but if we were a day late, we would not be able to leave."

The maid Tao Ji moved the lamp far away so that the candlelight would not dazzle people's eyes. On the other side, Shao Ji came over with the prepared honey water and carefully fed it into Yuan Huan's mouth.

Meiwu is luxurious but precarious, adults take them out of hell, from the moment they leave Meiwu, their lives belong to adults.

During the past few days when the backbone was in a coma, everyone around him was worried that he would not wake up. Except for the little baby Yuan Jing who didn't understand anything, no one else could sleep well.

After a brief understanding of the situation, Yuan Huan urged the others to go down and rest. He was in good spirits after sleeping for a few days.

Zhang Liao happily complied, and when Yuan Huan woke up, all the gloom in his heart disappeared. The general's body is not made of iron, and he couldn't hold it even for three days.

It's just that God seemed to have trouble with him. Early the next morning, he was called out from the warm bed by the soldiers.

An uninvited guest came to the village, it was his little friend and Shangguan Lu Bu Lu Fengxian whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Lv Bu is having a particularly unhappy life these days, Dong Zhuo has a violent temper, and the two of them seem to be at odds with each other. As soon as the old thief arrived in Chang'an, he learned that the Chuanguo Yuxi had fallen into the hands of Wucheng Hou Sunjian, and he was so angry that he almost returned to Luoyang to snatch it. Imperial jade seal.

In the end, the persuasion was indeed persuaded, but the anger poured out on the people around him, and he was the first to bear the brunt. He, Lu Fengxian, had been unlucky for eight lifetimes to follow such an old guy.

Fortunately, not all the bad things happened around him. After several days of careful observation, he finally caught Gao Fuyi's handle by following the clues. Apart from training in the military camp, that guy recently escorted the luggage to Meiwu. The military camp must be fine, there is a problem It can only be Mei Wu.

What a bold Gao Fuyi, dare to hide people in Meiwu!

It's just that he found out a little late. Before he could go to confront him, Gao Fuyi came to the door himself. Although his face was a little strange, he told him who he had found.

The direct descendants of the Yuan family in Runan, oh, this is terrible. When the old thief Dong Zhuo came to Beijing, he worshiped this family on the top of the mountain. I didn't expect there to be a fish that slipped through the net alive.

The leak is good, the leak is wonderful, the old thief Dong Zhuo voted for the Yuan family, and he also voted for the Yuan family.

Lu Bu immediately claimed that he was sick and asked for leave, turned his head and sneaked out of Chang'an, single-handedly found the address Gao Shun gave him overnight, and was still in good spirits after a sleepless night.

Zhang Liao woke up immediately when he heard who was coming, went out to meet the person without washing his face, and decided on the name while the adult was awake and refreshed, otherwise he didn't know how long he would have to wait.

"Why are you here, kid?" Lu Bu's eyes were wide open, looking at Zhang Liao who was supposed to be in Meiwu and sulking, what happened when he didn't know, how could he not be as good as Zhang Wenyuan, a brat like Zhang Wenyuan?

Zhang Liao patted his head with erratic eyes, said a few words jokingly, and then pulled him to the door to persuade him earnestly, "Don't worry about it so much at this time. Don't be angry with him, now there are only you and me with Gao Fuyi, and the opportunity to lead troops to fight in the future will definitely not be in the hands of others, so you must seize it."

"I, Lu Fengxian, took the initiative to vote. He can only be happy." Lu Bu held his head high and his chest was high. During the time when Zhang Liao came in to report, his thoughts were full of thoughts. He and Zhang Wenyuan had a very close personal relationship. Better than the one he chose himself.

In terms of defectors, he, Lu Fengxian, has never been rejected.

The extremely tall and brave general clenched his fists, waited until Zhang Liao's voice came from inside, walked into the inner room with long legs, did not see what the person inside looked like, and knelt down on one knee, "A certain Wuyuan Lu Fengxian I have passed my lord, if my lord does not give up, I am willing to worship as my adoptive father, and I will go through fire and water for my lord without hesitation!"

Yuan Huan:! ! !

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough—"

The author has something to say:

Yuan Huan (horrified): Don't come here!

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