Jizhou is rich in land, rich in food and rich in people. In the eyes of other states and counties that are constantly in war, it is a big piece of fat. Those who have land want to snatch Jizhou as a granary, and those who do not want to snatch Jizhou as a base. Everyone is innocent and pregnant. It's a crime, without enough strength, it's almost impossible to keep such a treasure land in troubled times.

After Yuan Shao left Jizhou, Gongsun Zan withdrew most of his troops back to Youzhou. It was true that he coveted Jizhou, but he was really not sure about confronting the current Lord of Jizhou.

Youzhou has strong soldiers and strong horses, but the cost of raising soldiers is too high, so it can only rely on the assistance of all parties and even his "expropriation" of money from various merchants. If you can afford yourself, you don't have to worry about not having enough food and grass every day.

He has been at odds with Liu Yu for a long time, and the leader of Youzhou is the state shepherd. Even if he holds the military power, he is still a head short in front of Liu Yu. The piece of land was circled under his own hands.

If you can't win the whole of Jizhou, you can win half of it.

Gongsun Zan had a very good plan. He cooperated with Yuan Shao to drive away Han Fu. After taking Jizhou, the two of them were half of each other. With the food and grass of Jizhou as the backing, it is enough to make him no longer subject to Liu Yu.

The result was good, Yuan Benchu ​​drove Han Fu away, turned around and turned his back on him when he became a Jizhou shepherd. There is no such thing in this world that makes people work but doesn't give them any benefits. What can the fourth and third Yuan family do? It wasn't that he was slaughtered by Dong Zhuo. Others were afraid of his family background, but he was not.

Gongsun Bogui is aggressive and wants to take back the territory he deserves. He has been operating in Youzhou for many years, and Yuan Benchu ​​has just won Jizhou. He has been too busy fighting Yuan Gonglu in the south.

The initial development of the matter was indeed similar to what he had guessed. Yuan Shao didn't dare to confront him head-on, and in order to ease the situation, he declared his cousin, Gongsun Fan, to be the prefect of Bohai.

It happened to be the busy time of farming at this time, and there were barbarians in Youzhou staring at them. He wanted to lead his troops back to defend Youzhou, thinking that it would be good to take down the Bohai County first.

Unexpectedly, within a few days of his withdrawal, Jizhou Mu had a replacement.

Yuan Shao's good-for-nothing, state shepherd who got his hands was sent away to Bingzhou to beat the barbarians just like him before he could warm himself up.

Gongsun Zan was shocked when he learned that Jizhou had changed hands. He thought that Yuan Benchu ​​would not give up easily if he took Jizhou, otherwise he would not give him the territory that should have been given to him without promise.

He was so powerful when he was ignorant of his things, why did he turn his head and be cowardly?

Jizhou is in the hands of Yuan Shao. He has a ready-made reason to attack Jizhou. Now that Jizhou has changed hands, his reason for attacking Jizhou is a bit untenable. After all, the old grudge against him is that Yuan Shao is not Jizhou. If he wants to continue fighting, he should go to Bingzhou .

The chaos in Bingzhou is not as good as his Youzhou, what's the use of him fighting Bingzhou?

Gongsun Zan was furious with cursing, and became even angrier when he found out who the new Jizhou shepherd was. He could tear himself apart and continue beating Jizhou, but he had to be able to beat it!

Yuan Benchu ​​used the banner of the Yuan family in Runan to recruit people, and there was another Yuan Gonglu in the south who used the banner of the Yuan family in Runan like him. The two brothers were at odds with each other, and they were even more at odds with each other. He was not afraid that Yuan Benchu's name would be unfair Yuan's son, it doesn't mean that he can be tough with the serious Yuan's Patriarch.

What's more, there is Lu Fengxian in Jizhou now, and the most elite cavalry in Bingzhou are all under Lu Fengxian's command. Coupled with the original soldiers and horses in Jizhou, he may not be able to fight.

Yuan Huan was confident that Liu Yu would not dare to provoke him easily. With Liu Yu's governance philosophy, he would be more happy to see the people under his rule live and work in peace and contentment. Even the barbarians in the North were not willing to fight, and he would not be interested in fighting for territory.

However, it is not enough for Liu Yu to seek stability. These days, big fists are the last word. The military power in Youzhou is not in his hands, and Gongsun Zan is not honest.

If not, Lu Bu and Gao Shun would not have traveled all the way to the border between Youji and Youzhou to find their presence. To put it simply, Jizhou is not easy to handle. If you want to be presumptuous on their territory, first look at your own head Enough to cut.

Gao Shun stayed in the northern barracks to deploy defenses. The crossbowmen in Jizhou were extremely powerful, but they were not easy to subdue. They had to subdue the generals before returning to Anguo for the winter.

The two acted separately, Gao Fuyi called the generals of each battalion together to talk about his feelings and understanding, Lu Fengxian led his soldiers to walk around the defense line, making sure that the people on the opposite side and on his side could appreciate him. Wushuang's heroic figure was willing to give up.

General Lu's bravery is well known throughout the world, and other generals have always been weak-legged when they see him. Almost no one who meets on the battlefield is not afraid of this unparalleled warrior with astonishing force. When he appears there on a horse, the aura of Mount Tai is overwhelming. Can make the enemy retreat.

It would be fine if he only sits in the rear, but he still has the temperament to lead the way. Fang Tian draws a halberd to pick out a bloody path, even the king of heaven and Lao Tzu can't stop him when he comes.

The generals of Jizhou can be regarded as their own people. They are from Jizhou, and their soldiers are also soldiers of Jizhou. General Lu Da’s power will not be directed at them. I can follow along with some credit.

The officers and soldiers in Jizhou obeyed the arrangement, while Gao Shun’s side was much more relaxed. The soldiers and horses in Youzhou immediately reported the movement, thinking that something was going to happen. The scared Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu didn’t care about targeting each other, and it was rare to get together to think about it in good spirits. What is Jizhou doing?

In the end, it was Liu Yu who came forward and wrote a letter as Youzhou Mu and sent it to Yecheng to show his friendship. The letter was transferred from Yecheng to Yuan's Mansion, and it took a lot of trouble before it finally reached Yuan Huan.

Lu Bu and Gao Shun were not afraid of Youzhou's dishonesty, so they made a proper inspection of the defense lines adjacent to the two states before returning to Anguo Yuan's Mansion.

Zhongshan County is in the northernmost part of Jizhou, and Jizhou and Youzhou are adjacent to each other. Except for Changshan State in the west and Bohai County in the east, most of the rest are in Zhongshan County and Hejian State.

The soldiers and horses around the two of them were all elites, and it took less than a day to return to the territory of Anguo from the north.

Since coming to Jizhou, these military generals who were buried in the ashes under Dong Zhuo's hands can be called high-spirited, especially Lu Bu, who literally climbed out of the mud and flew directly to the clouds. The life that a powerful general like him will live.

The soldiers and horses are strong, the food and grass are sufficient, and if there are thieves who come and beat them directly, they cry and beg for mercy on their knees. There are very few people in this world who can live such a life without worries. He, Lu Fengxian, is indeed the proud son of heaven.

General Lu came back to the mansion in high spirits, and was about to report to their master about his great achievements of defeating others without fighting. Seeing the strange reactions of Zhang Liao and Sun Ce, he didn't pay much attention, so he raised his eyelids and glanced at them. He handed over the reins in his hand to the soldiers who followed him, and walked into the main house.

Chitu's speed was much faster than the other horses. After Lu Bu entered the range of the farm, he broke away from the main force. Chitu picked up his speed and easily left the others behind.

They talked outside for a while before Gao Shun and others caught up.

Zhang Liao pressed Sun Ce not to let him die, and greeted Gao Shun who hadn't seen him for a long time. Before Gao Shun could speak, he immediately dragged the young and vigorous bully back to the training ground.

Gao Shun watched them fight and ran away, shook his head and followed Lu Bu to meet their lord. We haven't seen each other for a while, why did Zhang Wenyuan become more noisy?

It seems that staying by the lord's side all the time is not necessarily a good thing. See how the kid is used to by the lord. If you have a chance, you have to mention it to the lord. You have to let the kid out to do something serious.

Little Overlord was dragged away by Zhang Liao's involuntary remarks. It was not until Lu Bu Gaoshun entered the main house and the cavalry returned to the camp that they finally had a chance to speak, "I haven't said a few words yet, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Zhang Liao rolled his eyes at him, "Can you beat Lu Fengxian?"

"It's true that I can't fight well now..." Xiaobawang's momentum weakened, and he was still a little unconvinced.

"It's a good thing for a young man to be ambitious, but you have to consider the reality." Zhang Liao patted him on the shoulder like someone who has experienced it. Thinking back then, he also felt that he was very good at fighting, but in the end, he was pushed to the ground by that guy and beat him.

Sun Ce groaned twice, folded his arms and whispered to make amends, "I just wanted to ask if I could ride a red rabbit for a ride, where did I provoke you?"

He wasn't embarrassed, he just wanted to see the horse.

Zhang Liao stared in shock at the silly boy who didn't realize what he was talking about, rubbed his face and took two steps back to show that they were not familiar, "No, that's because Lu Fengxian has a good heart, better than a daughter-in-law's heart. If you can’t ride around, you’re really not afraid of being beaten.”

A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger, so you can't force yourself into the tiger's mouth.

The silly boy was just showing off, Lu Fengxian might be too lazy to argue with the children and let him go, if he dared to say that he misses the red rabbit, then it's over, if he didn't get beaten into a pig's head, it was because he cried too loudly to attract their lord.

Wu Chenghou should really thank him for his timely action just now, otherwise his eldest son's handsome face would definitely be lost.

The two young men were making a fuss outside, but the main house was still as quiet as ever. Lu Bu hadn't returned for a long time, and he was happy to see everything. Gao Shun had no choice but to lag behind by two steps, lest he be hit on the head by the pheasant feathers flung around.

The concierge sent the news to the main courtyard early. Yuan Huan asked people to add two cushions in the outer room. Seeing that Lu Bu opened the curtain to come in, the beard on the top of his head was blocked from the outside. It was crooked, and Ninja couldn't help asking the maid to help him fix it.

Gao Shun bypassed General Lu, who was stupid when he first came in, and saluted upright, letting their lord know that not all the generals around him were like Lu Fengxian, and there were stable and reliable people like him.

Lu Bu came in first, but there was something wrong with his hair crown. Seeing Gao Shunchao coming in front of him, he wanted to go over to salute but couldn't. He was too tall and needed a maid to squat down.

Yuan Huan smiled and let them sit down, "Feng Xian and Fu Yi have worked hard these days, Youzhou Shepherd Liu Bo'an sent a letter to express their goodwill, there will be no war in the north this winter, have you seen Gongsun Bogui's soldiers in the north? "

Lu Bu sat upright, without concealing his arrogance, "The white horse is obedient, that's all."

The white horse is not as good-looking as his red rabbit horse. It is said that Gongsun Zan is handsome and brave in battle. Compared with Lu Fengxian, he is neither handsome nor capable of fighting. Baima Yicong is famous among the Hu people. The Bingzhou iron cavalry under his command.

Gongsun Zan has no family background, and he only bought [-] elites after half-robbing and half-scrambling. He is different. Their master has money and food, and there are [-] cavalry under his command. It's broken.

General Lu Da is overconfident and takes himself as the standard in everything. Compared with him, there are few people in the world who can understand him. Yuan Huan just smiled at him, and then turned to the steady and mature Gao Shun.

Just listen to what you just said, don't take it seriously.

Obviously, Gao Shun thought so too.

"My lord sent people to strengthen our defenses. Gongsun Bogui and Liu Bo'an seem to be united. Liu Bo'an is in charge, and Gongsun Bogui is in charge of the outside. If the two no longer confront each other, it will only be a matter of time before Youzhou becomes strong." Gao Shun replied in a deep voice. Said, "However, all the ministries of Xianbei are not stable. With them holding back Youzhou's troops, Gongsun Zan may not dare to be our enemy."

Yuan Huan took a sip of his saliva and spoke slowly, "The two have been at odds for a long time. The Xianbei ministries pose a great threat to Youzhou, and they have also failed to make them work together. Now it is just a helpless way to make peace."

He only wants to develop himself now, if people don't offend me, I won't offend others, and won't take the initiative to provoke disputes. Although people will unite when they have foreign enemies, this sentence is not absolute. Neither Gongsun Zan nor Liu Yu admit defeat. Unintentionally being an enemy of Youzhou, sooner or later it will return to its original state.

Youzhou is a good place, but now is not a good time to win Youzhou.

Even if they were surrounded by enemies in the Central Plains, no matter how capable their generals were, they would be outnumbered by two fists and four hands. If there were too many enemies, they would suffer.

Lv Bu Gaoshun just came back, Yuan Huan simply asked them about the situation and asked them to go back to rest, refresh their minds and then discuss carefully. There are not a few soldiers in Jizhou. Now Jizhou has changed hands several times. The position was also given to Gongsun Zan's cousin by Yuan Shao. Even if Xun Yu and Xun You are so talented in managing internal affairs, it is not easy to completely control Jizhou.

There were Jushou, Tian Feng and others in Yecheng. He did not move those people's official positions, but he had no intention of letting them come to Yuan's mansion for the time being.

Not long after Yuan Shao arrived in Jizhou, his suspicious side has not yet shown. In the eyes of Ju Shou and others, he is still a good master. If it is really as easy as before to change masters, it will appear that they are capricious.

Yuan Huan doesn't like to make things difficult for others. With Xun You here, Ju Shou and the others are natives of Jizhou, he doesn't worry about what they will do. If that's the case, why not give them enough buffer time, and see you next year when he goes to Yecheng.

The gold-lettered signboard of the Yuan family in Runan is easy to use in the hands of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, and it is even better in his hands. Now that the poor family is not easy to get ahead, and the aristocratic family occupies [-]% of the official positions, he recruits people in the name of state herdsmen to fill the county. County vacancies, so far, have not been rejected.

The list of conscripts was drawn up by Xun You. With Xun You's temperament, the people he could see in his eyes were at least somewhat talented. Even if they didn't leave their names in the history books, they were more than enough to be officials in counties and counties.

Harvest in autumn and store in winter, the beginning of winter has come, it is advisable to rest and recuperate, the front of Tibet is sharp.

It’s rare to have a stable winter to live through, but sometimes things backfire. He wants to be safe, but many people don’t let him be safe. Jizhou’s autumn harvest is abundant and the people are full, and there are still many places that lack clothing and food to survive the winter.

Not long after the beginning of winter, news came from all over the country that the Yellow Turban bandits in Qingzhou had resurfaced and captured the government office in just a few days, killing people and robbing food. In an emergency, Qingzhou and Jizhou are adjacent to each other, and the request letter from Beihai Prime Minister Kong Rong soon arrived in front of Yuan Huan.

"You mean, the name of the person who came to send a letter for help is Tai Shici?" Yuan Huan heard the name, put on his coat and ordered his servants to take him to the guest room.

Sun Ce, who came to pass the message, followed behind, "My lord, that man looks very good at fighting. When he came, he was carrying a bow and arrow and was seen by General Fengxian. At this moment, General Fengxian is waiting for him to see the lord and fight with him."

The author has something to say: Yuan Huan: Congratulations to Uncle Liu Huang for being intercepted.

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